. can min a mm; m M III Mile and Wes t h. Catt Dunn M In! West sum Six room brick detached bungalow with patio and greenbelt in re'ar. 2 bath: rooms. I en suite, aluminums. Built-irur. Easy NHA mortgage only 899 month. A real bargain It 521.500. Call Charlie Barclay 769-1153. $70 monthly on one easy "work gage. 2-bedroom cosy bungalow Oil heat. Clbse to everything at Eglinton Ave, & Weston Rd Don’t be too late. Cali George Ilckmr. 769-1153. . 4 bedroom easy NHA bungalow. Hollywood kitchen, 2 baths, broadloom. Many expensive ex- try. Clasp to everything. See this amumg value today. Only 523.500. Call Len Wright 769- Four-bedroom Laure; home attached garage. On beautiful- lv landscaped humane. Addi- tional family room with marble apex fireplace and walkout to patio. Built - in appliances. Compare this value at $129,500. Call Sy Gardner 769-1153. Three bedroom buck detached bungalow Professionally tmish- ed rec room. Steps to schools. plaza & TIC. A bargain for the Bmart buyer Only S20,900. Call Deck Donn 769-1153. li53, Attractive modern clapboard bungalow. with attached - Ind [renew-y. Fire- phee in living room and roughed-In fireplace in ree. Rexdnle Open Fireplace Westwood Easy NHA , saNE DAY l '; On Your om, Signature Only $93 monthly Includes tuh- N . . _ es, 3-betVoom brick detacncdl . " Bantam: tieeurtty home. Finished rec. mum & bas ' ' on landscaped home an. A' " “In P" Make Monthly steal at only 517.900. Call Bas. Paymcrus You Can Get I Loan ney Nurgnz 7694153. b m MI ti rooms on 3 noors. brick modernized. ' bathrooms, ' kitchen! with "rot,',lti',ili/v, of 3rd. Excellent r 'ttttt am on vain-bk corner lot on No. , higt""r., - 10-1151 Open Fireplace & Park Dowmview Split Level If Selling tour Home Is A Must _ Hart, Sill- Ltd. Rim. it. 0. Drinkwnher Goo. It. leitcll Branden Executive can: All “vermin; copy Ll abject to the unreal of tttq management at tha pan. Tha paper rues-vet tho fight to am all “madman. . 1' I“ "to-uit . . . $9,700 Bungalow mu. m: srorr 151-1143 WOODBRIDGE CALL EASTERN g LCHARTEKLU TRADE A 30.“! CALL TO-DAY TO BUY. SELL REAL ESTATE ,4. MORTGAGE LOANS to PLACE AN AD CALL CH. 1-5211-2 WANTED land-y " loan . . Manon. mm: Thu paper will be responsible for Nor In" an ONE Incorrect Daemon of an unethical... "I. ct-sin" Aa â€binned every Thursda Trust Ital Estate 1943 Western Road 247-8276 I. Guy i; 7. OFFICE SPACE TO' l LET & WANTED WESTON. FLTNISHED mom for tandem-n. parking, Phone 2.4774. - __ - "--9 _-___ _ m--. ‘ SUMP PUMP. recently recondi, " ROOM AND BOARD honed 2413492. JANE Ind Weston mLvat,piiiv,ssr, GROWN beer. hang " room. full board tor 2 gentle-, days. cut, “ripped. delivered, men, RO $9927, I sides 54c Itt.. Ilsa pork. 421- 22. ROOMS TO LET FURNISHED BETWEEN JANE and Weston Rd. nice room for gentleman. five day board. parking. 767- "o. I COMFORTABLE single rooin and board (or gentleman. park. ing, has at door. 741.486t after BUNGALOW in Kleinburg area for information call 7410670 evening's. SMALL office for rent. m This. !lelown Plaza. For mlurma- lion call 249-8509. IS. WANTED - house to rent in l 2. HOUSES WANTED N. H. Dinnick, 769-9886) 'j', RELIABLE COUPLE with children requires 2 fan house to rent. RUSH. G. l. BOlAND REAL ESTATE iT. APARfMEN'rs wTo LET - FURNISHED We have private (and: to loan as 2nd mortgage, no bonus, open from the start. " year term. he inspection. Ar- augments made in Tour own home. Fast courteous service. can us to-tlay. 13. APARTMENTS TO LET - UNFURNISHED ll. HOUSES TO LET s. MONEY TO LOAN Don Finance Co. Ltd. 1123 ISLINGTON AVE. N. ROOM basement apartment. furuished, business lady. non smoker, abstainer, Lawrence. Weston Rd. area. 249-3939. BEDROOM Apartment or self eonuined "at in private home. Equipped. Required by May mm. Business couple. 24& A577 after ' 2nd Madguée loans Open for your inspection Evenings. also Sat. & Sun. alternoons. can CL 3-236t Weston. for July Isl. Adults. 249-1417, $50 - $5000 Arranged By Phone I - 2 - 3 Bedrooms Links serving Toronto SHEbDON TOWERS w. G. PETERS Mgr DON FINANCE $130 and up including hydro. still available. CH 7-5438 Rexdale Plaza APARTMENTS WANTED MONEY CALL AT farmly f sc" CARS FOR SALE CONTENTS or FIVE room mo CH b43tt? del suite, furniture never used. _ 3: on original price. 241-4739 “' between " pm. 3 3’. GAR: " FORD. 0. standard, ndio. I ‘ T ' 43.000 miles, looks and drives iGhltAGE tor rent, 113 King St A BARREL massager Reducing belts. Slendercycles. Lowest home rentals. RO F3989. I'IBREGLAS KITS to} Heal PIANO. ROCKFORD Mi" up '83 BOY'S BiCYCLE-%2.00; Lawn-l, mower (Pennsylvania Great) Arneriearttiotr; Tires. two: -5:20x13. tubeless 4-ply--83.00) each: Two 7:00t50x14--$ts50i each, 4-ply. Phone 241-7773. 1' PAINTING, Plaster and Mas. vary repairs, odd jobs. Exper. ienccd and reliable. RO E5879 26. ARTICLES FOR SALE TWO 39" SERTAr Continental Beds. box springs. mattresses and legs, 241-5411. Anthmm & Halo. rem clean MUNDiNGER MUSIC l 13901, Full pure only in Rum: Rd, N 247-1463 M199. A GOOD rprnrpring inh nn Untir' ( " PONTIAC LAUREN'NAN A BOOKKEEPING. llax- sernce for small business, fast, at for small businesses fast. et. Iiciem. 1114 Wilson Are 1be. hind Gino’s) 635-8817. A GOOD recovering job on your Chesterfield and chair. 589,50 upwards. Joe. 769-6040. ACCORDION. GUITAR FIDOR SANDERS. Edgers, por tteeunditi6ned Appliances Wutr >cleclion of electrir rangtx and vetcigerutors. all Cull, guaranty-d al low. [rm purc- Special attention given to Paper Hanging and Commercial Work. in c, BROOKBANKS 1972 Weston Rd., Weston CH 1-7681 Loam. manure, seed; fertiliz- er, bedding plants. Kentucky and Merion Blue Sod. GALA CONTRACTING NICE ROOM [or waned Mai. Bess lady in (In! home. kit chem and laundry privileges. CH H1013. FURNISHED. ttOOM, business BOOKKEEPING Service for small businesses. also personal tax returns. CH 1-0323. PAmmNG and decorating. m- side or outside work. Piper hanging, free estimates. CH r 25. SERVICES OFFERED a RAMBLER 600. " radio. overdrive. 4 door, At eoetditiott, very reuomble. other must " m-ssn " ROOMS TO LET FURNISHED right. walnut finish. good con: dition. 247-8506. . BILLIARD ' SNOUKEB TABLE 5 x 10' All Aceessories, Good Condition, Reasonable PHONE 581-267! coverings. Reasonable 2210665. gentleman. Weno- " lon- uon. M1-3616. A-l ishers for rent day or even.) ing. Alp'lia Engineering Coâ€; 1852 Jane Street north ' Lawrence Avenue. cu 1-5271, HOME IMPROVEMENTS REC. ROOMS PHONE 762-7864 Free Estimates Violin. Clarinet. Trumpet, Saxophone. Drum. etc. Lesson & Instrument " weekly Pay only $2.00 “eddy T.V. all makes Shirl as low as Mil. Open 9 - 9 Daily siturday until 6 pm Spring Clearance Sale DAVIS GARDEN CENTRE 230 ALBION RD. '. 8350. private. 2737!!†GROWN beef. hung " MA. MOTORCYCLES llll Weston Rd, PHONE 741-5593 MACEY'S 766-6137 of â€Alumna, 9n Super Sport GARAGE WANTED "tes rent. John And Elm M. Item Mi). I213 _ 39. GARAGES TO LET " 1& WANTED 851-2297 Prompt Servité$y 3 licensed Mechanits Honda Sales a Service $699. 159 FORD 4 dam, automatic & who. 1463736, Full price onlv $199. FOLKS COME A LONG WAY TO DEAL AT 1965 Falcnn 6 u_\l1nder. 2 door, automatic transmis sion. 1965 Falcon, 6 cylinder, 2 door. standard transmis. sion. 1965 Mustang Convertible Fullv equipped. '65 GALAXIE 500 HARD'I'OP I965 Econoline Van 1965 Ford Galaxie 500 4 door sedan SD CONSUL .rur tale. an 4 d: var 461547 Fully equipped, Burgundy, matching Antennr E99692 Full price only $2299. '64 CHEVELLE CONVERTIBLE Automatic & radio. power top Aqua with white interim. 182421. Full price only M. CARS FOR SALE It. D. lmllI 'tis VOLKSWAGEN, standard, j a“ - Ji,Tirid wider um miles. top My J. ts. IOWLAND CAM Min: priee 51315. 14529214 Camp Rollin' Acres Weston . For a lot less lo pay 3950 ISIJNGTON AVE. N, WO0DBR'DGE NOW MADE IN CANADA . Drive in tu-dar BRUCE McEACHERN SPORTS CARS FORD IN WoODBRi0GE llTTlE FORD 1 LOCATION ONLY RICHMOND HILL No. 7 Highway Woodbridge Between Islington & 27 INTO A BETTER USED thit FORK RICHMQND HILL Weekly Specials Where Our Cartnomers Send Their Friends NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED: FORD SALES [211911131] WEGNER COME IN AND TEST DRIVE I294 miles. like ttr'W. MM. V8. automatic & rad“: Full price only TRIUMPH 889-1 105 PEUGEOT 851 -2231 SI?†'61 FORD FROM A N " Mir _ BELL CANADA ', Employment Centre 'i, 50 Eglinton Ave. East {Expert typlst dosu’es home i anlgnmems. f PHONE MRS. ROBINSON 533-6458 ' 45. HELP WANTED ; FEMALE Hm APPOINTMENT 3 Phone 247-5341 Local 52, We have an ops-mm: m:- a ladv with sevctal years unlcr' experience. This is a permanent position In lower Rexdalc with good salary and benefits. In take chicge of amounts receivable on Burroughs Scrr. sunatiu. Keele and Hwy. No 7 area. Salary Open Rei. 35 Interviews Arranged At ' Rexdale Plaza Salary 8280. Ref. 35 Interviews Arranged At Rexdale Plaza BOOKKEEPING MACHINE OPERATOR Finch-Weston Rd. area Opportunities For For advertising and sales promotion department, var- ted duties. Dufferin V Wilson area. " EMPLOYMENT WANTED Capable of handling full set of books lo trial balance. Keele - Finch area. PHONE OFFICE MANAGER Air Shields (Canada) Ltd. 22 Lepage Court, Downsview m ROBERT SIMPSON COMPANY mr. Personnel DépartnTent DUFPhiRm STREET AT THE FREEWAY Girls 12 to 16 yrs. Full pro- gram water skiing, canoeing, ete Experienced supervision, Pandash Lake, Haliburton. Boys and um: , to It yrs. Complete activities include ruins. Qualified supervision. Kawnrtha District. " Hwy.. " mugs north ot Tomb. Trial will}; coves-0d - rip-I. lay rides, camp- out “min. uchery an! rifle range. Bunk house and cabin accommodation. Central dining area. Well supervised. Write direct tor brochure or phone Ormev’ule 941-3841. IL I, canon. on. - Summer camp tor lion-u (in; I.- 15. ot. me 249-9141 Dorothy Tyers Staff Services 249-9141 Dorothy Tvers Staff Services CIRCLE B. RANCH SUPPLIES DEPOT NORELCO DRIVE For “we “ho Wish In mun regular additional income. we haw racanmes for 2 m 3 evenings per week. and all day Saturday Some lull lime Sales Opomngs are also avuilable. Pre- {menu given to those with Sales experience. Camp Thunderbird ORDER CLERK ClERK TYPIST For lniormllion Cain BOOKKEEPER TYPIST TO WORK IN tllltlG 636-3902 HI 7-7513 TYPIST APPLY Apply in person to: SMESWOMEN SIMPSON'S YORKDAlE Ref. 3569 Ref. 3552 Requires Knowledge of Burroughs Sen snnalic helpful. . Personnel Office Service Building 2233 Sheppard Ave. W. To asseit accountant in med- tum stae office/m Jane - Trev Hewey area. Duties will include general ledger posting. trial balance. hank reconciliation and gen- eral office work. Flexowriter or Computyper operator for temporary work. in the Jane _ Trethewey area. Must Be Entering-ed BABY SlT'lER for 1 child. Live in week-ends free. 2Nr1507. Young lady for sales office, at Dundas near Kipling. Applicants must have 4 ygars high school and some clerical experience. ‘Snndrin Precast ltd. HOME TYPitrr. experienced, please reply by typewritten letter, stating experience, rates, and if pick up and deli- very. Mr. Carson. 1850 'Jane St., Weston, Ont. to take charge of (Slime. in smail manufacturing plant an Weston. For Further Information Call We require women with cleri- cal experience combined with speed and accumcy. Minimum grade)!“ or equivalent work experience, Telephone and mail orders, variety .of typing. will train on T.W.X. Dufferin ~d..aw~ rence area. 'e mm. “I my mill. m lands]. an. ti.att per hour to Mart advamfmg to nice: rate. With Aptitude For Figures Please Contact Mr. Geiger 7490740 Ham of Canada Ltd. 762-8121 Loc. 267 ORDER DESK am 249-9141 Dorothy Tyen Staff Services Girls 18-30 Pricing Clerk [nigh/19w: Arnniéd At Roxane Plan Bookkeeper Phone 241-5216 Interviewing Hours 9:30 AM. to 3 P.M. Phone 241-5216 Phone 621-2108 Moore Business Forms Limited 8 Tidcmorc Ave. 241 4449 Girl Friday Inventory tatrd Clerk Part Iime Monday to" Friday Receptionist Secretary EXPERIEN CED EATONS APPLY TO WAN TED Ret. M36 "m APPOINTMENT Phone 247-5341 Local " For our 1ht catermg routes area. Rexdale manufacturing firm requires men over 20, with some experiece in warehou- sing or factory work. Martine rate 32.00 per hour with excellent fringe benefits paid by the commny. 47. HELP WANTED MALE We require several men in our factory, applicants should be between 20-35 years with 2 years High School. Some factory experience an asset. Shin work. _ For Further Information Call For Appointment Telephone Mr. Watson National manufacturer mov- ing to new offices. North Keele area. has several ex- cellent opportunities Mr " tiee personnel. _ Full or Part Time Banquet - Part Time Snack Bar - Bank expericnce. wnn some knowledge of italian prefer- For a new branch shortly in be opened at Jane St. and Sheppard Ave., Downwiuw. 366-6941 Ext. 214 Between 10 mm. and 3 p.m. Woodbridge Golf and Country Club WAITRESSES OPPORTUNITY Moore Business Forms Limited 762-8121 Loc. 267 These positions are for immediate employ- ment and are on a permanent basis. Bank of Montreal F Glltt FRIDAY Factory Help Snap-On Tools of Canada Ltd., n 5-3343 FACTORY WORKERS CLERK - TYPIST TELLER Excellent salary and opportunity Phone 248-2601 W E REG um E IMMEDIATELY In You: nu! KMARI DEPARTMENT STORE DRIVER SAlESMEN V Age 18 - 35 Supervisors Merchandise Department Advertising Manager Cateterin and Kitchen Help Fllll AND PART TIME HOURS POSITIONS AVAILABLE KMART DEPARTMENT STORE Requires (Divide: of 5.5. Km" Co. Ltd.) “ell ostabhshed es m north-west Albion Shopping Centre, 1530 Albion Rd. (at Kipling) Apply Personnel Department Room checking and marking WANTED PART-TIME me IENCED SPRAYER ON WAD NUT Hrrt CABINETS AND BUFFERS. T. J, DESIGNS. 12 LEPAGE COURTADOWNS- VIEW. ONTARIO, TELEPHONE mum. Rexdnle Plan Branch Immediate opening, for young man to take care of shipping, 'reeeivimt. repairing and let up tumiture. 47. HELP WANTED MALE Apply In Pusan to Excellent working mudzunns with a wsde range of com- pany benefits. For Interview or phone Required by large manufac- turing company in the Rex- dale area. To train on harnc.~51m: cab. ling and chassis work on miniature electronic. compon- ents. Applicants with pl'ouous UN- pgrience m tis field nf work will be given preievance. 3rd. CLASS SHIFT WORK Hines of Canada Ltd. 8 Tidemore Ave. Rexdale Dictaphone and shorthand, variety oi duties in small office. Finch and 400 lluy. area. Salary Open Interviews General Freez'er Ltd. PERSONNEL MANAGER Male Factory Workers No Experienced Required 249-9141 Dorothy Tyers Staff Services llTTON SYSTEMS STOCK BOY PRODUCTION IRAINEES 'Kleinburg Road, Woodbridge, Ont. (Canada) Limited 15 Tidemore Ave., Rexdale . 249-1231 Storklandq ltd., STATIONARY ENGINEER P 241-4449 MIME Open Ref, 35}. views Arranged At Rexdale Plaza 851-: anply in person Manuel