Weston Times (1966), 17 Feb 1966, p. 5

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would to 'arineths" ad “nah- ing “an“ it an all m application is Mud be“ the turnip it” not have the power. “Since Metro "and, I think we would all for the leash- tion, I feel we I! up” of deciding on will u In tho - interest 0! m was”): hand deeUred. Commune Frank Wuhan waned that granting all line franchisee Md be clone on u: experimental huh until pipe line policy is decided. “Council my eventually have to cent franchises. but we’re coll; to have to restrict the number of lines." he said. Despite Metro': rein»! to ask for oil pipe legislation. Council- lor lan Rogers thinks North York should apply. “I don't see why we should wait for Metro." Rog- ers said. "rt we want them to make all the decisions, we should go all out for out-right “mum mation." If your street is ripped up next year. ash tlie contractor what's going on. If you do, chances are he will say that an oil transmission line is being laid. points for the Huskies this year. Last year he scored 24 points on 12 goals and 12 assists. He has been instrumental in leading Tech to its present 16-4-0 record and first place standing in the WCHA with a 9-3-0 mark. Bob Wilson . . . Coach John Maclnnes rates Wilson a good passer and stick handler and one of the best skat. rrs on the club. His total con- tribution to the team effort can. not be measured. Wilson is a junior majoring in Civil Engineering. He is single and the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. H, Wilson. Slrathburn Blvd., Weston. May Die Soon . . . study on municipal - provincial relationships - a step "long overdue." - _ He said the Metro Licencing. Police and Toronto Transit Com- missions and examples of bu. roaucracy controlling municipal seiviees that should be control- led try elected council members. Great Success . . . ' (Continued from page 3) “hat skills we were lacking and where our strong. points were. With our new defense sy- stem we found we were much better able to control their rather large forwards and in the coming games we will improve - and win. On Monday following. Febru. ary T, we again went down to defeat by an even closer score; 26-25. It was' a fairly played game on both sides, and .their victory was hard gained to be sure. (CW has Page I) (Conlinued from Page (Continued from Page ll 1831 WESTON RD. WESTON TRAVEL SERVICE Weekdays'. Saturday". 1:40 ' 3:50 - 5:25 . 7:35 - 9:45 Sunday: 2:40 - 4:50 . 6:30 - 8:40 - 10:18 BOOK NOW AND AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT ODEON WESTON Added Attraction Opening Nite Thursday, Feb. 17 On Stage . Live Western Show Presented av M t I Nude Centre GOING OVERSEAS? 2063 Lawrence Ave. W. " Weston lid. STARTING THURSDAY Beth Davis Phone 244-5324 Show limes l) Imam“ ”an.“ Ot emu-I. the winter'- In out yet. but last week in I day lull at the promise a! spring that. Who should come unu- bling up the - shovel handle to peek in our backdoor? - Lady Jane, a an: grey squirrel, with Inch Mt. l in tow (from he: litter d 3, there lppell’l to In only one left). A . o. Oembcr M, we turnstiles- ther pemthet and warned od I wintry winter in the otrmg. " fast as we could mellow, Lady Jane wu stuffing and storing peanuts. thou! $5.00‘worth we figured, and promptly took our snowsuit and mukluks out of storage. After all. who were we to maze at the signs of a squir- rel! _ So here we are again back on the peanut-beat, which leaves us wondering if she really has found all those nun she buried. If not. and this column is missing come springtime. you‘ll know that it's lost in a forest of peanut trees! Luau-pin. George Tanaka, expert land- scape architect, will give an illustrated talk to the Westway Horticultural Society on Monday, February 21. Martin Grove pub- lic school, Celestine Drive Etchi- coke, at 8 p.m.gn the dot'. Along with _t1isepretriy pro- gram (who hasn't.' at some thne, planted a "baby" blue spruce} under the livingroom window, only to find, like Topsy, it grow- edl), there will be I monthly flower show by Society mem- bers. Tt top it all off, refresh, ments will be served. l Mamma A GoGo If you‘d really like to be "nn the go" but have little ones that need daily care and attention, Mrs. Hunter of Richard Clark Drive would gladly fill the bill. All you have to do is call 247- Podd'nhud says: T "Whether a man ends up with a nest egg or a goose egg. de- pends on the chick he married". Toning Chatter Just in case you plan to join the Mothers' Auxiliary of the 255th Guides and Brownies and 566th Rangers for a Valentine Tea lonight, put your boots and bonnet back in the closet-it was last week. No, we didn't misim form you, the ladies changed their minds and made a quick re-seheduling, which is the wo- man's perrogative. isn't it? At president Mildred Maech, io's home on Exbury Road, there Kay 241-1821 Around Downsview (was a steady stream of tea-tim. ;ei's to the spacious recreation lroorn; a trim troop of Ranger girls served refreshments, sold homemade gaudy and. we bear, washed dishes too! One mother was overheard to say. , . . she doesn‘t enjoy dishwastiing It tlhome"-it was ever ay. washed dishes (ho! One mother, In the evening-the male eho.ir., was overheard to say. 'S . . she under y direction of '.'re"i.s.t. doestft enjoy dishwasbing "'ytd.e.hoir.m.asttr Les Taylor, will home"-it was ever (m. ‘be 'Ile! by the male chairs of Ranger leaders, Mrs. Kay lit. Pikes Dim. aad St. Hi, Wilkes and Mrs. Horace Lappiliarys Cooksville. tor a Festal told us that the newly formed Evensong at 'af p.m.. 566th, an extension from the Ttmight. Special service Mitt. 255th Guide Company, is enjoy- troduction of Rector James A. mg an enthusiastic response Kiddell 'I Incumbent of St. Ste- trom the girls to the program; tthe. s. '(uucst preacher, Ree. the good turn and helpful hand Keith Kiddell. in civic and community projects. You». Punk‘s Mounting Right now, on Saturday mm The North York Public Lib. ings they visit the Senior Citiunry published a magazine, re- mnS' Apartment. running er-icenuy, entitled Young Voices, It rands and shopping for every- contains contributions by high thing from eattaries '10 TV school and junior high school tables. But it's not all work and students; the cover was design. no play, there are fun-times too; ed by Bruce Fairley, IT, grade just a few weeks "o at DOWHS- 12. Newtonbrook Second a ry view RCAF station ior a Swim and Dance Night. inviting their if s'wEcuraszs Boy Scout counterparts along for! m In all swinging good company. h VOLKSWAGEN The girls range in age from 14 to 16 years and they are off to a successful start-to be sure, O Parlor, To Customer . Drive-in Sonia - _------ riiihiriiiiiii ST. WEST RO 7-616! Whoever sald that the cost of Ty/eh keeps going up and up was deiiniteiy not aware of win 's been happening with Long Distance rates over the years! Less than two years no (in June. 1964, to he exact) Long Distance rates for "daytime" station.toatation calls were reduced, and now, effective March 6, rates for "Night and Sunday" station-to-station calls come down " well. From March 6th on, Long Distance users in Weston area subscribers will find that calls over Mo miles to com- munities in Ontario and Quebec will cost from five to forty cents less while calls over 600 miles to other provinces will drop lrom tive to fifty-five cents. Long Distance Rates Being Reduced Again! Night and Sunday "station" rates are In effect from 6:00 pm. on weekday and Saturday evenings. and, of course. all day on Sundays. Since they are already lower than "daytime" rates (and very much lower than “Person- to-Person" rates) It's doubly pleasing that they will be still lower starting Sunday. March 6th. Incidentally, I'm saving some more good new: about Long Distance for a later column, so be prepared to be pleasantly surprised once again'. What's the opposite of a "vicious" circle? - I "happy" circle? Well, whatever you call it, it's the op- posite of a vicious circle that has lead to soAnarsr Long Distance rate reductions over the years. In constantly striving to improve senire and reduce costs. telephone engineers have come up Tith a remarkable number of discoveries that long ago brought the costs of Long Dil- tanre calls way down to within everyone's budget. The result was that more and more people began making Long Distance calls. The more people who make Long Distance calls. the lower the root-per-clll of providing the service. and the lower the rates ca be. Amt " course. the lower the rates, the more ti people who take full advantage of the service. , But all these things jnst dldn't sort " happen: ll took good management by our Long Distance people tn lie everything together and push that happy circle to Mart with - and it still takes good management to make sure that the rlrrle keeps turning In the dlrrctlon " better and better savlee tor lower and lower rates Just to prove how "new!” I Wm, number an wmelhnn be, here'l In law" one area: tiller ro- ulna: "You‘ve to! the wrong Idiot you number"! Careful Management lt Had To Happen gr. Earl L Jarvis, your telephone manager we'irbe but; non about mi an: l- their activities around Dov-"kw. Through tho tu leaves, we saw that tho Home 1 Hall on Epsom Dun Drive will be lestooncd with - blouonl Ind silver joll- this summu . . . after It. Id In. l‘redlall we their dilate! "felr dawn the aisle, thy plan to do I little eeiebrat, " turnselves--a 25th wedding univtnry! And the Hodgsons o! Heathrow Drive an back in town. revived and tuned from a Florida vacation . . . too bad they missed the new sensation in 21 years-the “antic snow. Church Panda On Sunday, February 20, at St. Stephen's Anglican Church (Jane St.), the 1th Downsview Cubs and Scouts will turn out in full dress for a Church Parade at 11 mm. service. Tonight. Special service of in. troduction of Rector James A. Kiddell as Incumbent of St. Ste- phen's. Guest preacher, Rev. Keith Kiddell. You». Punk‘s Mogul». The North York Public Lib. nry published a magazine, re. cently, entitled Young Voices, It contains contributions by high school and junior high school students; the cover was design. ed by Bruce Fairley, IT, grade 12. Newtonbrook Second a ry VOLKSWKGEN Repairs and Automatic Transmissions. . European Cars and Domestic Cars "htt VWoI-k Guaranteed Wheel Alignment $8.50 Are Welding BELL LINES GARAGE 29 South St. N. Street In Downtown Weston Call CH 1-5151 CAMDEN 241-2447 5n: Library, ms You-u atria. ‘wmmvdale. Issue: will be pub [lubed at irregular imam. -.. , MOM-mu» eeiveduetuttmtiaatg.,i" In. lubr- Gudhu by: an“ on enmity. I. am only: no generally no! u idea-c In other works. Canuibuton my and to” to: Dubai Gunther. Editor, Adult Services. North York Pub Attached to cull Within the {allowing information: Name, Me, address. school. grade, home room or form. King ”the: By sally. just last Inch Ire were mulling Mral suggestion for I birthday Canada U. Now we've been told you can high. light your home on the inside as wen! Ernest Fisher, (the nuns syn- onymous with African Violets) has been brewing up I speeial delight by way at “Canadian: ‘67"-a large fluted star at deep spectrum violet - " the Violet House on Downsview Avenue. And that's not all. Other crea- tions hear the names: Winston Churchill, John Bradshaw, Para, sol and King Fisher. When are you going to come up with " Ace, Mr. Fisher? In Sympathy Condolences from the district to Mrs. H. A. Lamont. Tumpane Street, In the death of her hus- band Hugh, last week. Ink. Sal. The mothers' auxiliary of the 299 Guide and 'rownie Company is holding the 'annual rum/mGi, and bake sale on Sat, Feb 19. Yvonne Ave. school, 2-4 pm. CRUICKSHANK MOTORS TO THE SHOWROOM AT . . " ht: room {or you and me and our family. The prim is right 'FrF it has striking good looks and ynu will ride in comfort mile after mile. Thars how spacious Anglia is. To add to all this, you rip through city trartie with a nimble 54 My. 1200 m. engine and warranty II tor 24.00. miles or " months. What have you got tn lose? Test drive it It crulck- shank's this weekend with nbsolutely no ohligation. WEEKLY DOWN s PAYMENTS s 00 PAYMENT . ONLY . 2062 WESTON Ito. TO VIEW THE WINNING ANGLIA IN TH E CANADIAN ‘WINTER RALLY THAT WAS HELD LAST WEEK-END. IT’S A REVELATION AND AN EDUCA- TION TO SEE ALL THAT GOES INTO AND ONTO AN AUTOMOBILE IN PREPARATION FOR THIS GRUELLING TEST OF STABILITY, PERFORM- ANCE, RUGGEDNESS AND DEPENDABILITY. 2062 WESTON M. tll0ltlli$lil0ili Motors ltd. fj/atie (ltuitut ii-- NOW HERE’S A llTTlE JEWEll m 1166 ANGllA “THE BEST “THE CAR T GOING” ',all the popcorn that had made In; way lo the floor. It dida't ltake him long to do a thorough cleaning up job. I, must say that the children were very well behaved. and 'when not eating, were quite in- tent on the movie. l Due to the generosity of a IT, people, it would appear that Amesbury Sports Club will be Saturday afternoon 'rsovi-tuue-amdbelt-. certainly rslitugar durinsttt.l-t_taoutiset. long winter “as. and i, At a recent seem the toll-'- might tho and that the tum- I in; - to devout their the mes of 211 children attending to the him: President . W "Polynnna" last Saturday. were Bernhardt; Vice-President . P. indeed very full. The rehab. Riley; tnd VieePtesidem - In: ment bu had to he rettlied Salon“; secretary In. E. many lines. it was quite coal-15mm: We: Geo. Kitchen» cal toward the end of the movie, cabinets: of Hardball - lob when one little boy (about , or il Futons; Director of 'ttttttall . l years old) began crawling un- Aurrar Mecandless; Direct“ 0,1 der the chain and consuming l Hockey - Bruce Calhoun all the popcorn that had made‘ Hockey Standing u of _itrwty_u,r_tlt_tler, 3:31:15: February 12 The comments I have had from parents can be summed up with the song entitled, "Why don't we do this more often". (Parents and students were able to enjoy lhemwlvel at the evening showing, m a more re- laxed atmosphere). The next movie scheduled at Elverston Park Church will be on Saturday March 5. I will bring you more news of this in a future column. RATEPAYERS EXECUTIVE The Maple Leaf Ratepayers held their election meeting last week and have come up with a full executive. headed by presi- dent Gerald Hodge, 6 Mock Avenue (2448346), His commit.- tee will include Viee-President Wilson Fallon; Secretary - Gwen Anderson; treasurer - Greg Grant and executive members --- George Mason. John Sellars. Doris Heartland, A. Roost, and Norm Acheson. If bou have any problems, these are the people to contact. able to keep m operation. and AMESBURY SPORTS l F"'-"-'-----,,,.----"-.-.".,'."; - THIS WEEK-END - 1haiti2tflkhtrslrrtlityrt "The Minus The Bug" Built" lTD. “I. ttt"800t---6-d-, Trim General Gear Knowles Esso Dykemln'l Supertest _ 4 h 1 Atoms Sanders Hwe. D 3 3 Rack & Cue . 9 4 2 Delray Pharm. 5 I ' Larry's B.P. lac-nuns Nichol's Mr 11 2 l {53331011 BECK SHOES SALE 13.x” Open Thursday and Friday 'Til 9 p.m. i915 Weston " " Lawrence 0NlY.... 218 115 21 12 a 4-6461 mm. any luau fut In FULL PRICE with“ . 8 8 I Hunt! Count. , ' O I. Tunnel: and Stephen . ll 8 ' “um! GYPSY GAY“ The pupils at but but an be presenting an opereU "tlb tie Gypsy Gay", in the when! auditorium of Friday, PM 18 " 8 pm. There will he I nominal charge It the door at Me to help defray the coal. and parents and ex students ot the school will be most web tome. IUMMAGI AND IAKI “LI Remember. Saturday. Fehetr. ery 19, from 10:00 am. to 2:00 pm. the 632nd Guide, Brownie and Ranger Auxiliary will in holding their annual hummus Sale at Elverston Park United Church, 280 Culford Road. Como out and support the girls. Light retreshments will be served. 241-5973 24H "

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