Weston Times (1966), 17 Feb 1966, p. 4

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'qo0-.N.tMm8t0tTtM"--8htsra6r.Nheo." tht966 8 room, 2 family home. ahr con- ditioning. gas heat. home in ex- cellent condition. Owner trans- ferred. Must sell. Call Today. 6 room detached bungalow. at- tached garage. paved drive, 2 bathrooms, Knotty Pine rec. room, close to everything, re- markable value at only 325.500. Save '" on this Immaculate side sylit Ievei, 2 open fireplac- es, rec room and den. double garage. pany ESE. eetras/ close 2 Car Family Richview & Royal York WESTON BUNGAlOW gauge, - Lly( “6...... my..- to all schools, TTC, & plaza. A bargain at only $30,500. 7 room solid brick 4 bedroom , storey home in spotless con- dition thrdughout. all large rooms, close to all schools. TTC, and plaza. A steal at 320.900. Call today. Weston, Ntar Gary Drive: 11 rooms on 3 floors, bt ich modernized. 3 bathrooms 2 “when! with possibility of 3rd. Excellent renting am on unable corner lot on No. T .hinhvly. $271M. Attractive modern clapboard bung-low. with attached - and breezeway. Fire. plug in living room and iGrrittqa.tu.1ir'rti"e in rec. BASEMENT APARTMENT $21,900. large t bedr m home with ' room binning?“ apart- ment. attached garage. steps to.schools: many mam ex- tru. For appointment please call M. A. Donnelly Realtor CH Ttt201. ' TRADE A HOME 1 Catt today for Free Appraisal 3‘ Custom built large 8~room detached brick bungalow. at- tached garage. 2 stone fire- places, patio. paved drive, any reasonable down Day- ment. ,, If Selling Your Home Is A Must CALL In! SCOT! all-“q Herb Sills Ltd. “in. West End Special $13,900 - ft ‘Kitchens COPY: All advertising copy 1: subject to the apron] at tho management at that pap. Thu paper nun-I I. ugh! to dimly In Advertisements. WORD: This paper will be responsible hr NOT non than ONE Incorrect insertion " An advertisement 769.1153 Westway & Martin Grove 6%% $91. Monthly I no nu Ba-B-tr-L-Ta . . . . tue CussineiAds publlshed every Thursday Tuesday, 5 Fm. . . . (lo-dime. Honda; " Noon . . Manon. It. 0. Drinkwaher Geo. R. leitcll David t. Gray N Call J. I. O‘Connor Realtor. 244-5317 Westway Bargain Open Fireplace WOODBRIDGE TO BUY, SELL To PLACE AN AD CALL CH. 1-5211-2 REAL ESTATE CALL 1 - EASTERN a "h .CHARTEKLU 1;” 769-1153 769-1 1 53 769-1 1 53 Trust Real Estate PM3 Weston Road 247-8276 OUPLEX wanted in Weston area. Adults. would take "care of property. 247-1498. CASH BUYERS are waiting tor houses in Rexdale and Wes. ton . Cal} 7601153. N. A. bimricir, 169.9386 We have private lunds to loan as 2nd mortgage, no bonus, open from the start. " year terms. Free inspection. Ar- rangements made in your own home. Fast courteous service. Call us to-day. 4. MORTGAGE SAME DAY On Your Own Signature No Bankzble Security It You Can Make Monthly Payments You Can Get a Loan s. MONEY TO LOAN LARGE BEDROOM, all privileg. M Call after t pm. "ra" BEDROOM furnished. eleatt, warm‘very comfortable. park. lag. wit ("den-n. 707-1941. BASEMENT apartment. furnish- ed recreation room. fireplace. kitchenette. bathroom. until May Ist, gentleman preferred. 244-9643. COMFORTABLE mom in, at: 1 BEDROOM Apr. sun 1 or 2 business girls 2415487. DAY CARE available for t child $15.00 week. Weston. Marilyn, CH 4~0392. WESTON RD e" Sheppard, busi. ness couple or gentleman. bedslttmg. kitchen. bath, 825 after 5 pm, 247-1534 RELIABLE DAY CARE given ttt my home. Central. 247-5267. WESTON RD. . lawrencr - W/rm room. gentleman. CH 1-31 It 15. 22 Spvrklire 4 bedroom brick bungalow I block lo aChOOl. RO 6-2426 "gs. CH 9-0057 A. J. Carroll Realtor IsLLNGTON. large T bedroom. top floor. adults S125, vacant. 2499883 14. APARTMENTS TO LET - FURNISHED 2nd Mortgage loans I8. CH 7-5438 Don Finance Co. Ltd. 1125 lsuNGTON AVE. N. 3. APARTMENTS TO LET - UNFURNISHED irietive home for refined but“ girl. no sttitt work. kitchen privileges, CH mm, 25 Years Serving Toronto $50 - $5000 Arranged By Phone JANE - WILSON 821,500 TRADE DON FINANCE CALL w. G. PETERS. Mgr ROOMS TO LET FURNISHED REAL ESTATE PROPERTIES WANTED Rexdale Plaza CARE FOR CHILDREN APARTMENTS WANTED MONEY AT LOANS f as. smvncas OFFERED ACCORDION, GUITAR PAINTING Decorating, work- manshlp guaranteed. 35 years experience, H. W. MOFFATT Call evemngs 787-8l10. YOUR FURNITURE returned to your home within one week. guaranteed workman- ship done by skilled crafts- men. prices reduced, For tree estimate call. Alean's Up- bolstering RO 2-1843. A BARREL massage]: Reducmg bells. Sleadereyeles Lowest home rentals RO 7-3989. y YOUNG MAN requires room _ and board, preferrable Weston . Kipling area. 621-4191. PAINTING. Plaster and Mas onry repairs. odd jobs. Exper- ienced and reliable. RO 6-5879 PAINTING and decorating, m- side or outside work. Paper hangmg. free estimate; CH l. 1407. BOOKKEEPING Service for small businesses, also personal tax returns. CH 1-0323. 324 Rustic Rd MATURE responsible woman for night staff in children? residence. 741-9164. CONTENTS of elegant home, Chesterfield suite. walnut dim ing. bedroom, broadloom rugs, also 2 oriental colours, 21" TN, step tables and matching coffee, paintings. lamps, new recently. 767-7934. A GOOD recovering job on your Chesterfield and chair. $39.50 upwards. Joe. 76b6040. 26. ARTICLES FOR SALE LOST Special attention given to Paper Hanging 'and Commercial Work. H c BROOKBANKS 1972 Weslnn Rd, Weston CH 1-7681 1 LADIES evening dtass. drap- less. blue satin. size 12-1-4. good condition. $10.00. Call 239-6968 after 6. REFRIGERATOR. electric Move and washer, etc. Must sell _ 244-4020. WEDDING GOWN. any reason. able offer aeeepted, also blue roxalone baby crib $15.00 with mattress and extension bar. 766-9616 After S:00 nm. " ROOMS WANTED M. EMPLOYMENT DESPERATELY Needed. women who are interested in helping to arrange new Guide comp- any Mondays 7 - 8.30 uni 276th pack. Pelmo Park sehoul. 244-t856 MUNDINGER MUSIC FOR SALE - Plast'ering gym run. so bundles, 18 x 48. 247. 9379. "tf DOUBLE CLOSET wardrobe. two doors. shoe rack, unfmish. ed wood. 515.00. call after 5 - 249-5575. _ 30. PRIVATE 59 'FORD Galaxie hardtop. wen good condition, 8750 Call after 5 p.m 244-8802. . EVERYTHING FOR YOUR CAR NEW l RraurLr . COMPLETE MACHINE SHOP SERVICE 0 KEYS CCT BY CODE 34. CARS FOR SALE 38. AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE & REPAIRS DST. Chihuahua dog, brown. male 2 years. answers to the name Poopsie. loved pet. Lost Thursday evening in Weston, near John Street. Reward. CH 9-279]. Also To Sena You Our Brunch More 1054 Albion; Rd. Albion Plus Vlolin_ Clarmel. Trumpet, Saxophone. Drum. an: Lesson & Instrument $3 weekly Weston Auto Supply 90 [vary St. k Mou Dennis MW lOCATION 741 "4812 WE DELIVER 763-4318 PET STOCK 247-1453 ‘MANPOWER _iter Punch Operator RELIABLE COOK . would man- age small plant cafeteria, experienced at all cafeteria work. no “on COOK for childrens residence Kipling Are, . Albion Rd. 741-9164. . 45. EXPERIENCED stem twist wishes part time dice work. Weston It. Luvmce and Roial York Rd. urea. Phone 247-459. This is a responsible position with a growmg firm and of- fers a good opportunity for the rich! person. Other duties include pricing in salesmen's \commissions, but previous ex- perience in this area. not essential. . A You can choose the area and schedule that suns you best. We ungumly requu'e expel- id.hced office personnel who can work on short or long- term assignments. You will be paid promptly cam week at we rates. Required to be lully.respon- sible for a factory payroll of approximately 140, Prepared on NCR 3300 accounting machine. N0 Yong: Street 925-9383 1811 Weston Road 219-7236 1 near or!“ exponence on 024, 056 Alpha Numerical. Salary based on qualifica- ticns. For working with stock m- mun” Must bu accurate with hymns and able to type. Accounting Mdchine Operator Experienced operator re- quired for general accounting on NCR 3300. Challenging position for responsible wo- man. Rexdale axon. TYPISTS Needed Now! HOME OF THE GIRL IN THE WHITE GLOVES KEELE LAWRENCE AREA Call Mrs. Cahill Call Mr. Rayson Sena of Toronto 677-3930 CANADlAN CURTISS - WRIGHT llMlTED 1850 Wilson Ave. Immediately roqun‘cd by txpunding mmpanv. occupy- .m; new facility In Rex-isle. Salary to commensurate wllh rxpenence. Excellent company bvnelns. . Grad starting salary ind '.xcrllrrtt opportunity for advancement. , PAYROLL-CLERK Experienced in plawrrem agl‘m‘y‘provvdur? roquu'ed m, Rexdalc branch of expanding organization, Typing ability preferred. 5: c'av work. no ovum}. or week end work. reasonable quota and salarv rrvnsion mery , months. . Call Mr. Rayson H ELP W A NTED FEMALE STENOS CH 7-7824 CH 7-5371 CH 7-8241 WANTED ORDER BlLLiNG TYPISTS STATISTICAL CLERK TYPIST CLERK Placement Councellor and FOR APPOINTMENT Phone 677-1271 f PHONE MRS. rum ' Perma Time Placements 1 922-1165 922-1166 "ION! Illss mun Pom Time Placements CALL: Canadian Facts Co. Lin For general ornce rout'mC. Must be able to type 1LB.M. Electric) and have good working knowledge of figures. Salary $60 - STO per week depending on uualifications. Finch - Weston Rd. Area. M. HELP WANTED FEMALE Exprncncr‘d Mr varied nltice (Jump; 3 or 4 davs weekly. Vat-d dict-phone work so ttether with genus] ottiere duties, make up this posi- uon in and. - an. Connpepent operator required iyyea'iatelr.with 1-2 years LEM. experience. Calndonia Road firm require es young wcnan tor variec position. Good typing is nbc, cssan- together. with an an [Nude for figures, {or cleri val duties. For Invoice typing. I-g days or full days. Hours can be arranged to sun. Are you interested 922-1165 922-1166 762-8121 Loc. 267 u n: um and two new” exprrmmn will puv oxccl lrnt “ugf‘m 1n makmg spare time profitable time? In meutyng the public? No selling We gather iniurmatiop and opinions only Hourly work avaxlabla days crenivgs and Saturdays Pleasant work Work on a full-time or a part-ttme basis Cur an essential For Appointment Call Canvas Craft Co. 741-2121 PAYROLL CLERK Moore Business Forms Ltd. YOUNG LADY Canvas Goods Sewing Machine CLERK TYPIST 361-6371 (Local 52) Phone 851-0928 After 5 RM. KEY PUNCH PHONE 2410100 EVGS. RU 3-8158 Mrs. Sutherland MOUNT hams OPERATOR LADIES ! PART TIME PART TIME 741-4610 TYPIST Required 677-3930 not requir- varied is n'ec- an ap.- Phone 749-0110 Ext. 360 Versafood Service ltd. " HELP WANTED. cumulus - u. - WWW-1A".- Iubiunu. Hutu Work by the day. week or longcr III the Weston-Rex- dale area available for vending, companies requires men with good appearance to arc-rm interesting and chal- lengmg positions as yotgte- run APPOINTMENT APPLY IN PERSON on PHONE Home Juice Co. Ltd. 175 Fenmar Dr., Weston With Mechanical Aptitude One of Canada's Iargvs! food ,men. Good opportunity for future advancement. Mini. mum education 3 years high school. A training program is provided. Apply Mrs. P. Roberts (IO years) 52.50 - $2.80 per hour plus profit sharing New Toronto 251-1031 For industrial may ldegl iii 'Féiiiid" "e"" living in Jane .. final - hum Rd. IRI- Requlred itpmes.ru"ely for re- Rcport 6 a,tTT.' ready tor work 49. ~SKILLED HELP WANTED ccnung, shipping. repamng and setting up furniture, Apply in Person to Manager Rexdale Plaza Branch DRIVER SALESMAN $120.00 weekly guaranteed 5 das work. reasonable hauls. oxwllrnl Hinge benefits, This Is a well established route. win " pr0grPsswe expand- Ln,I company. We require an ouetptlc rcsp:msible man. u r y ckansng experience would be a definite asset. Computer operator 0 TEMPORARY O 3 mars experience with hard- ware knowledge. Pension, hrahh and bonus programs m operation. Ago 22 - M, excellent com- pany benefits. Salary $400. to For Information Phone 677-1271 For hollow metal plant. 2 to Senior operator with mini- mum 3 vrs. data prmxsing and commit" experience - EHH'RE‘VVIVW or cbmparlble machines. -.. Storkland ltd. KEELE LAWRENCE AREA Male Fleur, Norton No Experienced “and n Cenenl Fr- Ltd. (Located near Queemway & Hwy. '3O Isfington Ave., North ot Highway 401 Kleinburg Road, Woodbridge, Ont. [THEE] Stock Boys 496 Evans Ave., Toronto 14 wAREHOUsEMEN (‘AR UNLOADERS PACKERS 18M WESTON RD. South of Lawrence INTERMEDIATE DRAFTSMAN Phone 241-4481 Mr. Ogilvie MANPOWER Rnutemen EXPERIENCED MACHINIST Permanent 741-0710 851-1 255-7381 f Weston Mayor Wes Boddington arrived early 3 this week for Metro Works Committee where he pilot- ed through a $20,000,000 Metro works department (1.tdett, for the year. The budget includes funds for air pollution control, sewer services and water distri- 1 bution. At Humber Memorial Hospital, Weston. on Supdav. February 13. I966. Stanlev cr Porter. of 64 Georsy, St.. Weston. son of the Pate Mc. and Mrs. Charle; F'. Porter. brother of John and Charles.' in his 46th Tear. Ser- vice .was held in who chapel. Interment Riverside Crmelery. WARD FUNERAL HOME At the Runnymede Hospital on Saturday, February 12, 1966. Elizabeth Gulvin, wife of the late Walter Hunt, dear mother of Gladys (Mrs. H. Woolhouse). Fred. Henry and the late Bert. Sister of Mrs. Annie Howling. Mrs. Edith Mays and Lilly. Dearly loved bv her grand- children and great grandchild- ren. In her 94th year. Service was held at St. John's Angli- can Church. Weston. Interment Riverside Cemetery. (Member of 1.0.01”. No. 200)-- Ana a short illness at his home on Friday, February ll. 1966. Hugh A. Lamont, of Downsview. beloved husband of Mary Jane Brown, dear father of Doreen (Mrs. J. H. Rice). of Don Mills, dear grandfather of Linda. Randy, Nantrv and Craig. Service was held in the charset, Interment P: ospect Cemetery, At the Toronto Hospital. Wes- ton, on Februarv 12. I966. Daisy A. Seott, beloved wife nf Rich. ard Storrar of 26 Queens Dr.. Weston. dear mother of My Paret and Betty, Sister of J "" Me Wilson. In hor 77ty. year. Service was held in the chapel. Intvrment Park Lawn Ceme- tear. GOWER. CATHERINE MARIE Suddenly at the hospital for Sick Children on Wednesday. February 9. 1966. Catherine Marie Gower, dearly loved dau- ghter of Kenneth and Betty Gower of Mount Dennis, dear grand-daughter or Mr. and Mrs. A. Gower of Weston. niece of Mr. and Mn Frank Gown or Weston. Serum was held in the chapel. Interment Riverside Cemetery. PORTER, STANLEY GRAHAM sr. Weston bought over 4Wt.00u,000 gallons of water from Metro last ,w-ar and is expectnd to pass the a500,000,000' mark with case this vear. York Township Reeve Jack Mould said last week that municipal in- cinerators will not meet the requirements of the pro- posed new Metro air pollution control bylaw unless Weston Mayor Wes flodditwtort discussed a legal problem with Metro solicitors during last week's Metro Council session. Etobicoke Reeve John MacBeth does- n't consider $25 traffic fines as being too heavy. He objects to Metro spending millions on roads then al- lowing cars to park on them. York Township Reeve Mould thinks both no parking and no stopping traffic fines should be the same, a flat $5. a lot of money is spent on improvement of the equip- ment, _ North York Reeve James Service wanted to know how many private solicitors Metro hired in 1965 to do some legal work. Two were hired. Their combined earnings; $15,000. Mr. Service is olso a lawyer. Only one company bothered to bid on the supply of I new issue of uniforms for Metro police. The company got the contract for $239,000. Metro is going to night ban on trucks Township, desifite the and area residents. ml Drive-ll Warmth: .nut ',)."1,tv"g,1/ippd'tCtf sine-between"" HUNT, ELIZABETH SARAH York Reeve Jack Mothxnmde a special trip last week to. Metro Trausportation Committee to. ask for the truck ban on behalf of council. He) personally. he said. did not favor the ban. The reeve‘s argument WIS that if a truck ban was put on this street. the’samo consideration would have to be given streets in North York and Etobicoke. Metro has appointed consultants to plan the widening of Wilson Ave. from Dufferin St. to Keele St. The widening will be undertaken in coniunction with construction of a CNR grade separation on Wil- son Ave. Metro hopes to do 12 miles of road resurflc ing this year, the largest nnnual road resurfacing pro- gram since 1969. Metro Roads Commissioner Grant had complained that some Metro roads were going into disrepair faster than repairs were being made. The committee decided to get the opinion 'of North York since part of the street York wants the ban on is in North York. An interesting lidolight. I member of the “Importation committee is North York Reeve James Service. He wu'out of the room on the telephone when the matter was being diam-00d. an an trt., Dow-ie. Of The Past Week 2035 Weston Rd. (A: King Stn Weston STORRAR, DAISY A Death Notices LAMONT. HUGH ALEXANDER til 1-2233 METRO AFFAIRS DEATHS go slow about placing gm over- using Trethewey Dr. In York plea by York Township council Isl HUMBERVIEW Cub. Scout- Ind Rovers are holding a My show Saturday, Poi. III - 1:00 pm. to 5:00 lull. " liver- snde United Church. Wanna! Ave. 1nd Weston M. The“ will he a bake sale and re freshmettts. Free admission. Pay Hike . . . learns To live . . (Continued from Page ll annual inc-rem in productivity and a significant increase in prlces. The real itteome a! leach- ers has been declining sine. 1959." The committee 11w aid edu- cation is constantly growing more complex which mm; a teacher has to continually up- grade his education. To compete with government. industry and other about boards. “It is necessity (for the North York Board) to raise min. imum and maximum salary standards." the brief aye. A brief presented to the board by the elementary school teach. ers' committee said wage in. creases are justitied "to en- courage teachers to achieve even higher levels of professional " tainment, than has been possi. ble in the past." (Continued from Page l) veloped areas of the world, the student missionaries are put through the wringer during three months of rugged survival tests at a jungle training camp. Here both men and women must 'prove themselves able to handcraft their own jungle huts of cane and leaves tied together by vines: make balsa rafts and handle dugout canoe through iaging rapids: cope with wild animals and reptiles; administer first aid for everything from broken bones to epidemics: and tind their way on 2brnile hikes through unmarked forests, lie. ing off the jungle. 60. COMING EVENTS Ls." CARDS or mun The North York Public School Principals' Association ask for pay increases because of the ttend to intehate all levels of education. After. the board has had an opportunity to study the brief. salary negotiations will begin. Miss Lock is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. William Look of Scarlett Road in Weston. After graduating from Toronto Bibl. Coilege she studied linguistics at the University of Oklalioma with the Summer Institute of Linguistics prior to becoming a missionary candidate with Wy- cliffe Bible Translators. can Mr on In. m at sympathy and ham fttpwers, during their men! bereavement. in the lou n a beloved [autumn Cathr- in: Marie. Special - I. Rev, Oliver and Vlad Md Home. Malina.

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