we! "r""e""'"" To celebrate the 80th birthday of Mrs. Charles R. Love, Ialing~ ton Ave. s., her dwzhter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Juk- Ion. Barbara and Bob. entertained at I flmily party at their home on Edgar-oft Road. Mrs, Love‘s son Ind daughter-in-law. Mr. end Him; Ma E. Love. of Rexdale were presentt,altso her son and his family. Mr. Ind Mrs. Floyd Love. Linda. Gwendolyn. and Patricia. of Fort Erie. Several nephews and nieces were " the party too. Since its formation four years ago. the Commission. which administers the Ontario Human Rights Code, has de-lt with 500 complaints from 50 communities involving 20 different ethnic, racial, and religious groups, Trophy winners at the Five-Year Filly Bonspiel at the Dixie Club on loudly Ttere a St. George's foursome, skipped by Mrs. K. R. Jones, with In. D. T. Kindree, vice; Mrs. E. Hideout. 2nd; and Mrs. A. L Glover, lend. At St. George's own Valentine Mixed Bonspiel. Dave Lindsay Ikippod his host club rink to win the trophy. Curling with him, View In. Dave Tribe 3nd Mr. and Mrs. Dive Watkinson. In Melanin in director of the Women's Bureau, Dept. of labor and will continue as head of the bureau. She has been work- ine with the Hum Rights Commission on matters concerning dis- eriatirmtiort and and employment opportunities for women. 25 yam teen-age girl: from St. Benedict, School in Rex- dale In doing a fine volunteer job. Each school day six or eight of them go to Kiplinqucres Home for the Axed from 4:l5 to 4:45 n'clock. They insist the names in serving the supper, Mr. Drew, the superintendent, guys that this is I great help to them. At W do. " “I! wanna. M "vers graciously expressed hmdh'mmt their m,un (Jam unwind Mrs. Cecil Edwards, Cudworth Place. are back from Norm. They spent a month " Fort Lauderdale. Bud Quinn was elected president of the ct", formed Bad- minim Club " lslington United Church. C lick Noble is vice- pnnident, and Mrs. Hlney Smith. secretary. Bruce Adamant: is treasurer, and the games committee. Jack Ruddell, Kemp Scott, Marion Nobk, and Dianne Scott. On the social committee are Erma Rnddell. Dolly Medhurst. Bea Gordon, and Ivy Parker. This club which has just been iit existence a few months will be happy to have you come um! join them if you like to phy badminton. They play Wednesur, evenings 7:30-11; Friday evenings, 7-11: mid Saturday afternoons, 2:30-6. The church is " 25 BuruUmthorpe "Prom my seat " head table I could see 49 indies wearing either I md dress or a red hat," said Rev. M. R. Sanderson of Em- muunl United Church in his words of welcome " the 4th annual "an: of West Presbyterial United Church Women, htst Monday mint. This was aymbolic af the tone of the meeting, presided mt by the president. Mrs. C. H. Cavern. Smiles and laughter cmhined with the serious I: the meeting moved from devotions through ennui reports. and the installation of officers, to the guest Ipeaheri Dr. Jean Hutchinson. Sh. and the member, to study the role of woman tri the world May. '11:»! many needs are waiting for a company of women to diacmr them . . . not only the nerd for food, but for dignity. for freedom, and for education . . . it lies in your hands." 'Dr. Ihgtehirrmm quoted the prayer of Dr. Reinhold Niobuhr, “Ind, (it: me the courage to change hat can be changed; the asthma to endure what cannot be chgged; and the wisdom to - the an from the other." . H" h â€Mb. - redacted Mt. Vino-presidents In In. Mu R. In". In. lain! To". In. C. . Chimney. Mrs. 00.. PM. In. lunar A. Junk“. and In. Nelson in ' W a. In. . B. Imam. and In. George I». an n. Mr I: In. W. J. Wm'laeal women my I "raiser! d tbs M'- min positions: In. John Hog-n. Mm. w. . In“, In. tr. J. can. In. (Th-r!†Tumor. Mrs. T. I. m, In. Ad. .-. In. C. W. m. In. R. P. Show. on! In. - MaAtmrgrtE _ Mr. and Mrs. Ken Pucker. with their daughters, Bette Ann, and Marilyn. have recently movad to their' new home on Abinger Cres. Active when of the Weston Curling Club, they have many friends in the Islington area. who wielcome them to Etobicoke. One of our Etobicoke career women, Ethel Mt-Lellan (Mrs. E. PO, bu recently had I new honor and responsibility handed to her. Minister of hbor H. L. Rowntree has announced her appoint- ment to the Ontario Human Rights Commission. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Remington and their daughter. Sharon, have returned to their. home g9 Kipling Ave. N, after I pleasant bolidny in Florida, Théy flew to Tnmpa, ttnd drove to Fort Lauder- dale, when they spent two weeks. A Weston rink won the trophy It the Sun-hora Ladies" Talert- tine ‘Bonsniel, last Thursday and Friday. Mrs. Lloyd Sharpe was skip; Mm. W. R. Davey. vice; Mrs. R. W. Dempsey, 2nd and Mrs. Ted Slatéhér, lead. Mrs. Demsey is a very new member It the Weston. Club. She curled Inst year in 1ulitaxcand before that in Hal-nit, IQ. Calida-My man than lowefohicoke members of the Unit“ Church Women were among the C000 represented u the Welt Phantom] mating. 14w! the 54 churches represented are "Micah. The can! small: wind by m munch of West Pro-Marin! In 19“ um $247,127.43. The or1ttrniaatiotts an in all. "on " when in the smallest church to “8 members in Khulna-lamina. which hug the largest membership. in. C. R. Cum for may â€an m Elam-oh resident. now :‘Children Will Wonder AboUt Our Stupidity' Canadians, and Americans must. realise the seriousness ti the Great _ Lakes polutiun problem immediate- ‘.ly. or we stand to lose our most ‘valuable natural resource, warned Dr. George Langford, Director of Jireat Lakes Institute during his address to the Kingsway Womén’s 'Association last Friday. The Great Lakes contain the biz. Rest reserve of fresh water in the world and serve the surrounding industrial cities with hydro, lump portation, and fresh water that is second to none, but if the present lack of action on the pointion prob- lem continues, we will destroy this immense resource as surely Is our forebenrers eliminated the buff-lo, he pointed out. The Great Lakes, Dr. Langford} indicated. have more triffic during i, the shipping season than the Pun-i ama and Suez Canals combined. In addition, the like: ure surrounded with mineral wealth of untold vul- ue. including iron ore, copper. nickle, and uraniam.depotdts that are the largust in the world. When you cansider that Montreal has no sewn e disposal plant and is dumping lf, of its waste mate- rials into the St. Lawrence River, and Detroit is pouring an average Of 400 barrels of oil a day into the Detroit River. not to mention the unites that industrial cities such as Toronto. Chicago. Hamilton, Mil. waukee. Buffalo, Ottawa and Que- bec, dump into the Great Lakes, it is small wonder that the problem has yeached the critical point, he added. Liberal Ladies Hold Social To Get Acquainted Mrs. Dennis Wright. mm! Educ-lion, [aw a series of mm» Hum rm politics with I View to finding out the typo of polilirnl urination the may would be in- terested in forming. . Other was“ included Ptst Pru- ident. Mrs. Mary Jan Madma- n0y. Mm. 5. W. Henna-Icy, Pr..- idrnt of the Nov Toronto Waln- m'u Libel-ll Asml “on. The nteethttt made plum T,' . Mid:- and (who why to be kid at tpril Mt. Mrs. Florence Ruben†was -ttor. nd I “him do- an hdseh Wintmd to I" that , Treating Carelessly "We nre treating this resource " carelessly as our lorebearers treated the buffalo and wild doves, and in the future our children will wonder'as we do now, how people could be so stupid," said Dr. Lang- ford. "The houseavifCs Messing. deter- genm have We the Great Lakn Manges! evil. Even sewage disposal plants cannot destroy the phos- phates and nitrates in the deter, xonls which cause excossivo alga: mouths in the lakes. in Lake Erie un area has been found to contain 800 squire miles of nurse two no three feet thick, "the immute di rector nqted." The Etobicoke Women', Liberal Association held I "Get Aequaint- ed" Social emf Genernl Meeting at Islington Towers recrention room recently. Mrs. Anne Braithivlite was true" weaker. and her talk on the puma for' the new Elohi- roke General Hospital In! very intetestirte and enlightening to those present. _ "While it is alive the llgle can sum†mat Imounts of oxygen from.the water. thus making it in- habitable for other forms of life. coke Red Cross Corps who greeted ten people from be. THE TEARS CAME LATER - Two of the ten "Etobi.. Biggest Fn il lake's Institute Director Speaks To Ladies Mt deter, " algae ake Erie , contain a two Ro Multitudes of fish Ire killed each year because the algae destroys their food and habitat. When the algae dies, the stench becomes un- bearable," he said. He slid that in addition to the Algae. there is a serious polution problem caused try insecticides, weed killers, and road salts used on the land surrounding the lakes. On the shores of Lake Eric aloha, more than 100,000 tons of salt were used to clear the roads, and all of this drained into the likes. Mink ranchers have.fotutd that fish from Lake Erie stun insedi- aides in their {ntty tissue and if the fish are fed to mink, they be- come sterile. This sterility is also evident in the fish themselves, slid Dr. Langford.- _ Finally Awakening "What is being done to control the polutiqu nmblem? Until te- cently, nothing. But various 0.- tranizations have finaliy awakened to the gravity of the problem, and are tackling the mamoth task of arresting and eventually elimim.- in: polution." the spe Ike; said. Both Canada and the United '; States have submitted a request _ to the International Joint Commits, 1 'ion, for that organization to look into the problem. The NC recently 1 issued an unprcsidented interim I statement Idvocating immeuiate l action on behalf of bad: countries to curb the problem. Over the next 10 years. the Uni- ted States will spend abuut $30 bit. lion, in In effort to save the lakes Spend Billion " The Ontario Wan-r Resource. N, I l " l w A huntiflll Easter begin. with III'IQW hat, to rise I life to your upirin Ind I fresh touch of {Inlay In your cumulus. Drop in“ Vincent} (day, and :2: these ml char-en! All Spring hum Ind (In (In! were on aisrsur at St. Gregory's Pnrish. "ANNUAL F'ABm0NMrMtW", are for 'sale " Vincent'- Boutiqm. . Athnttiw, Ladicr! iticent the Paris Commission has already spent over $1,000.0ro0,000 to correct the prob- lem. The Commission started by forcing inland towns and cities to build aewaged disposal plants, and the results of this action are- " ready evident. Fish are reported to have been seen in rivers and lakes where they were killed off by sewage for many years. The University of Toronto and the University of Michigan have directed their departments of oceanography to look into the prob- lem and cormt the situation in every wny possible. Another problem plaguing the Great Lakes, according to Dr. Langford, is the fluctuation of water levels. Although the fluctua- tion is natural, man can help the situation; however this project would cost at least 81,000,000. "The politicians must realize th, necessity of immediate action" if the problems are to be solved, said Dr. Lnngford. hind the Iron Curtain were Mrs. Gordon Wells and Mrs. W. E. C. Wright. Photo by Jack Mitchell 8:00 EM. This Week's Jackpot $500. Nativity llf llur Load Church Hall BINGO TONIGHT (One Block West of Highwiy 27) Take Aturre1ttt1vtrt ELI“) â€West Mall Bu Axum: FREE minim Central . . . Road And Traffic Report (Continued on page 6) bell, Mr. Peter Campbell, Mrs. o. S. Carberry. Mr. T. B. Dooley, Mr. J. o. Drinkwnter. Mr. A. G. Hawthorne, Mr. S. F. Hughes, Mr D. M. Kennedy, Mr. J. R. M. Eil- patrick, Mr. A. J. Male, Mr. W. H. Martin, Mr. C. C. Muir, Mr. Gordon Mcllwraith, Mr. W. C. McKay, Mr. J. o. Novinger, Mrs. J. L. Oppen- heimer, Mr. B. L. Pur.chard, Mr. D. C. Radford, Mr. H. B. Smith, Mr. D. R. Vanderburtrh (Continued from page I) The Kinzswny and Humber Boare. vard for the construction of the east-west subway extension for I period of 3 months. Detours are arranged and mark- ed for local traffic. We , i _ havent , i ’. closed . 3 i stnee. 1 Perhaps the most touching story was that of Mrs. levu Starla-nil, a native of Latvia, who " the age of ninety "tgut to begin I new tite with her daughter, Irina, in M. Otherine's, Otturio, arm I separation of twenty-two years. Because any at them might not mania their Irma one. when ther finally not them, Embicoh ,volunuen won on hand to offset the reunion. In. W. E. C. Wright, Chair- In trf EM. Rod Cron- Corp: “Pl-ind that so than tnvcblan tout-0d down on their long ttight luau the world. they won than on the look-out fer s and Cm- Mona which M that they mid naiv- assistance on to the I“: In at their journey. M you. nu tn- but new.» and the 03.5.; and hid bun etmtaeted through th. Indtvidttai Enlarge-q Aid Sonia at tho Candi:- Ru Glen. and It!" month. " on- you: at eon- thuoua men. ttstall, Mind pu- liuiou to con. to live with their mmilie. in Mamba Ontario. Hun-M saw t'du"tnt"atAtu'gt ad Cum hat - an“. Mmmmmam wvmmuc-uA-nu ml-mumnhnl- map-opium Wm lmCumhMmdquim Bedc-t-tudatittt. wt "dad“ has muting htmdtbuMm-iu Interior Super Utes, choice of 738 colon Ceiling White Latex '_..."."'............'.....'-......... Ceiling White Latex m'.'."'........-.........-..-..., Semi-Glen Flannel, choice of 738 colon . Pre-Pasled Wallpapers, clearance _Ft__.F_. __... _ The Largeat "WANT AD SECI'ION" or Atty Weekly Piper 1890. Every minute of every day and every nlghl elnce 1890, Bell subscribers have been able to reach In Operator. On the early days, some of our very small exchange: did cloee. Tod-y. there'e eome- one on duty everywhere all the time.) Our people have saved livee. helped to put out tttee end avert dieletere . . . and, mostly, they've lust been there- reassuringly present to serve. And they ere there today. Operetore. repelrmen. engineers . . . III the people who they be needed. whenever you new new. ' It - one ot the mean- vghy Bell Communi- Sit,'; serve you no well. PHONE 249-1“! SIX POINTS PLAZA DUNDAS sr. WEST AT mum an. LIVING COLOR PAINT STORE "FACTORY-TOYOU PRICE" Ball Canada Mrs. J. Langlmd, so Dania-h thorpe Pk. Blvd, hum; Huh- en, Mrs. W. C. Inn, " Gather-n. Rexdlle; Sunday canton, In. W. C. Innel, " Genthorn. 1.th“ phoning. Mrs. G. Bardâ€. " Km dim-y Dr., mud-lo: visiting. In. Viola G. rouise. 801 Dlxn It. Apt. 1404. Wanda. Woman's Aux. For This Year a, g Applohy Court, Imam; hir- dnuinz. In. G. M. Blah... I Edenbridgn Dr., mum; library. Mrs. N. Kuhn, " I‘M-uh De., Toronto 18; flu-m for and, Hamil», In. M. R. Ruth, " Bur-cow w., W; um. day min. In. W. Am, 280 Elmhamt Dr.c?teab. m. 1 oitttr"rGi-ik,iiutiii irrcia' y"! 'i.nyhte, Pt. ' 3 “I". E. a. Winn. a0iiu uni-33;, Ph?sytlm;, le , , Gui-n. C l-l-c I" kiin" -- M in B. tr. Hg: swwwglnm Will “a, In. . I. Wilt“, “I ". “Itâ€. In- linmn; m, In. R. B, Uhmats, " Kipling An M., u. Ham Acn- Wo-ol’n lull-5'6 boo-7M M m at“: mull“). '22trt.'i'a.Nh'ydttgtt W t. n. . .Gnh-l vau,lllll|‘-zm~. WW-WLlr!-lc. a. c. mcwiu. co. up. more cam: 86 Humberto" Cum BE 1-4311 PM") [WISHING wit nun-r yum-tug, In. tr, Gui; newâ€. .........'r_ "." ml. .-...........u.oa Gal. F.............' "" at. o.,.......)." an. ..., ‘... tug Qt. _.. 69e sink loll