Watch the project costs, warns Waterloo regional councillor Continued from page I .unl one of the biggest pmh Ictus h "rfordaluiily .1 hung lo mm dlIthllg less that 5mm " month Ix [Humming mun- minimum. and people living un mm - ginal lm‘uIm-x are [Hiding the vacancy rale lor [unper- ties thes can athrrd are low. Nun's despite mun- than 3.000 rental unlls Coming on m the market in the pasl four or five yearh. The. demand fur subsidized housing has remained Cort- “um, "The region has also grown by 10.000 people per year, and we have had a whole lot of productiun," said Home. "So I think we've simply been able to at best keep the list where it's been. "As people come off the list, that many more are comingon." _ The" 500 more units the region has proposed until The Green Party of Canada is holding its local nomination meeting for candidates this Thursday at 7:30 pm. in, the Owl's NttrirAilult Reereation Centre. This {meeting is for the ridings of Kitchener-Waterloo, Kitchener-Centre and Kitchener- Conestoga. All members in good standing as of March 21 may vote for a candidate in their riding. Tia, meeting is open to the public. For more information. contact Pauline at 888-691? or e-mail . .‘UllH ml! llclp mmnhun tht. mum mm, “Mend m Imuug " tall tiuther lwhmd Hume said 1tw mu umh an- d rml turge' And z-vrn “tough the rcgmu umld Itossiluy do more. that p, " number (law (an delivct "hi-Yr .u an unfortunate break-even poun where " jun nun npem [u go: ahead," mud 110nm "We are "raking sunny pmgress. but the challenges are still wry daunting." (he problem comes in getting some real funding support from the upper tiers of government that got out of the affordable housing business in the 19905. llespne coming to terms on an agreement. there is no program the region can apply to yet to get more Fmancial support. There is also concern the province will shift the administration of affordable housing mortgages In an external authtoruy, m the prnule sector. which would add more Costs to managing those properties. The region currently has what it calls a "productive and efficient" relationship with the province after hav- ing this responsibility down- loaded to them by the Mike Harris government. Waterloo regional Court. Mike Connolly said he's worried that will affect the mortgages the region is cur- rently holding in the area of managed housing, and would increase the cost to I, 1 (mm to know what thefinal bill is." - Mike (unuully H'unvlnn n-glmml t oumutlor the [mum lpalny. 'Tre Hunt sub. v the hull» mg pmhlcm . hr sand "Bu! I wurtt In hum what tiw tinul hill is "ICs nu good huylug the huuslng and ,uy"rg. 1,ka how cheaply we'vc dune u.’ it wow rackiug up a greut My, umngugv rate." ( omurlly suggested the wgiun's liuhllily Is as much as St) million, but Horne said it's not that high. The region is. however. concerned about possibility of changes. " rhat was a proactive measure to say to the province. 'If you're going to change your administration. please don't add costs to the business cycle.'" said Home. "The region pays the cost for mortgages, and there is a large number of mortgages that will become due." Come home ht us every Wednesday WAmtWrdiiii1mciE We understand your unique STRESS Challenges! You are invited to a Lam how In ftad and treal the prcxsurc pumh tor your key prob/rm arms neck. shoulders, headaches. lower hack. carpal lunrml Leam how gentle. llghl much can asstst your body In promote Improved health! Address the cause. ttot the symplums When: May 25/05 6:30 - 8pm Where: 30 Dupont St. E., Suite 204, Waterloo Please bring a "on-pens-habit: food Item (m um heal Foodhank with Dr. Bryan Lawrenca. D.C.