Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 11 May 2005, p. 33

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FRIDGE. UAR/BEER vtttlr' ').ily ' ty'cyCrHrei, Wane \"szudg'," II no a"~ner w, " rFr g. almond. . '3xceik?re, (annular. $400: can Cap 894 349: mm pat .que no; 355 88'iorr' LAW“. PUSMM“ n, m and? T may. an. mjvuv _ _" l _ 38V I 'f ' PILLOWS. TWO Anww Co 1mm» plhuwg " P, than “.3240 1'33?) Mt CONDITIONER. mad 'mr ,edSoo ZI‘LILIL,‘ 3m wdna'un‘l SSS‘WVJ "d" ll frost tree l?¥Cu tt Wham. MIA warranty $450 Cait8944?254 was-Hem; MP, 33:5: n 550 Iiiaerge, I m Appliances I keriirGe? Mute 'Iarge " 0233 Lxcettent candluon S in“ Catr894-349t M;fLE9Af88ETER. iiifrfi6hid t - 3* 'aio, n l _ snows I369. I 4 mule, bran mg duslarwe Lime. hone yi, 5i’95a515'30 Allyeelteildinss btaen many 25x65. 30s40 32-55-3351 wmany omen. Darkagg pg.- p ?ptrr'als nnr1< ', 8305434 .2549 WW I: 'sreetroiiNtg x ' Haw mom” M'“-M|'~J'u1 , I"; I _ vr __ - cr Mm. \m~'mu~AM w: WALL mm 'i,Gtrr wm- aw mq wnz'w in mi >a|ln~ l 4m MACHINES k"rrrr .mme 'apr'" Mann-mu n m u; " m4 .mmw v, mil. w! ' w,' 4“ ,tFsvrw H m "-3-? I 350.»: w, Mm t WWW» Our 25 Year - MERE??? lid, RRS. 'wdttHrrtl, d Jul-“n run" u "ir yrw.ster . Jti Im Jul CR)lllErSSljiiirljli,jid At CARPET Call New” Mums-r in] 885 1 1000-1 195 far pat-o olccr I 3198 GE BeckAppliance We bu. grrd um my»: ai u‘vanrpl We any specxahze I: USL utryteyloriiy, few“) n si; "Ge, 7424031 BED. ULTRAIATIC "w, Get a tulri Imam Whi for» gulf" an“ .4: mm 38 CPU startogtrorr Brena tiaror 5799'“ Furludes eveiythmg you need FREE Pr "leriScan nerfCoquI. 1.7m Perfecth' Ftat may Wmiows Kg " manage m wee»; remote ' green an: Ex; pr err . and-nor" Askog S: JOO Cull M? J9dy. i510 ta/ _x Li Rt manualen mm 35 Rhte buss {sum .EPm $633 291 3511“ DIVING WARD nan-3 Wr- q 4 up 1 V 'eeWr ‘(an arc n . "r3der Mm Bug" SA" wraww .,-- sit tc' 325:: 053329" CHANDEUER, CRYSTAL macs. DI. and tank [15.000 Bk's Excelem shape og, 6 an old Priced to set, £1200 im hair-tan 7450557 Best once. best ouairry " shapes and colours auaulable Call 1866652683 l HOT “I. 203‘: Premmm b! Jacob s Mdmet outdoors Fan's /Sitt 1000 r. af ter-s' :‘Barih Account Rammed". “plus 3m and Tax! :800-792 1174 taut, Duncan 2530 ft p, c, Inn shelwl- Ott:.. raw, and w m'wma N /rt udzhagw Call 'i9'o , 'CC/ n' Fuitr toadtel nmnamr. massagevs‘ never am Cost 53700 sell N)! 53800 F2243}? ”Lnngvi’aqsm mm!“ hame purrprr ““8le fr: about mu I HM} m: lags“ fmr' www romp.- mun. l 866 Iq? 5.1136 Need a Phone? EVERYONE'S APPROVED! -iVtiGiskGf DVD/Video liquidation WATERLOO CHRONICLE 'or :usr te5 ,v' ' Rr. tr Am 1353‘ WWI .44 25 31395 WATERLOO CHRONICLE Check out the POOLMOVE yawn oval 38:33 9' Goose (women mu uurnu My PV 3999 .: f- u ”16.708394 POOL new 100% Mad W390 X.“ slaw $8CC, aorttt 01 anchor-u Never cred. in! iorch) syn 5:530 L3" [.muerMale 2002' and uumtyet'te 24 Norwood In rush-9:. also otatru4actutes ubhri " Andaman; Lug Sumac-m Portable Board Eugen and Forestry Eaup mam POOL. " I 33. m we» pump tuner. >war (aver mm rolier m'Il'e' icon. solar ham" cone", and controller . my o'3-. Ten w"t Sepl 200.' A-ssts19me Imam-.5 to trs, marttte 3143'? w an LumberMatei?000 ' bumbertee?4 Momma IndustI-es also manufactures may AW Attachments Log Shivers Pmable Board Edger; and Forestry Equipment m momma mm FREE 'ntorriatuxt 'r8Xr5664i8996s! Parc Series. Vourf200 watts each (band new shll In box Sli?00 kw all CallGSGISSS Mn apr;Uss HE mrGormator, 18005656899 ext 2906 was. fAttAGOKPT Saw mun NJ%o" regular to m pmws Huge 'g't'5', an thousa'sz m rods REE shaping ar ross Canada Vial! www nctwctooisiipply rom WALKER, LARGE Mteel. mam in"? 2, hmm nut yeir than has my: whmak POUIDDPd wiih bade: unit has»! My good randnnnn SIS-‘1 CM WHEELCHAII MAL, dGrrrdacv: 35“: all 5}] 3%}.wade rally plcgan' uemNNessr ste ieitte an? if), 4 ft lam F‘s-:1 Ell-"Al msmg SEE-i Novm wn'rl If?" In 1|:de R218la 1200-1250 ju nurwtyoondustrres com on the internet ... www.waterloochronicle.ca S51: SAWMILLS 5:395:90 uwmus 53.39%“) . aamoae salmon"- ts bkrhart (u! Nr. d 533')! se1, Sll00 Hi my , u 'n MG DRESS ' kr F,) Mpgau‘ uefutey, ENGAGEMENT 3063 We l 1017 ilu 50; b;, stir Wars 'ziree 'ot", and [1.3005 rams Please 1' M $53655"! WANTED MARS , M: m Salmda'u May M‘n, Barn? Hwy 400, and 85 40C max Kel {mm d00 mabes models Boats, ws. mobile Mme, ANS, WC; Con mum“ welcome Aim M AUCTKJNS SALES Jacotied. 310mm am: He; rm 'mp and up C,rstt pan: an tre won! £33519 M3 (5?? iios, iysiir, l u AN 1020 cszssswml "prop mm CD, modem sound Good bat ter, 8150 3428703 mmmpmrs I '-iiehordiiakie Gags; bed Call 8955230 Fax 62TI26l, “ambit Call $35506 Boat/ ttit Audion 1Nit-1lt11Aadt9yiMAsW-3t8: 1trteahetir_rsMrWiM"MtRreW51 mmnmmtypemmm MIM [11997 FIRST Lomsvsmmmm SyE.1trteAtxnriftorypehmsMltr@Ptttmf, cmmaumcuuwu Ward "and SrtiyhtssaxeurfyhtrslkuRr.TaiWmttahr. 'taSgArmlM.WrtkagBirtd&reeiRy%lrrruSs.Ar f?rmresTsa1ttl?rrfrf?tm.t.m*.ryRrPrt Emmett Laue am a RrirMe mi km TaW'trlXttrterqmreaxVimtutr.tt_te, jr'9tC'C' m PRECISION mum; an. t5rHeethBea0hraexrrd.ontarttt Wednesday, May tttth O 10:30 " irtspestirm:Tuesdar,May1P,9:00AH-4dt0M S?rvintytmUomneytt1y_s/lcr, 185g Spring Fever WANTED Employment Real Est-lama“: F id - 7 _ 1350-1399 16tt0.16eUITtMhtTS0 n ay,8am 5pm Saturday 9am 12 "on" arrerm "he your ABSOLUTE BMW. Au " pleze ihe’n slergh bed set an done tag C arrstwtnqmpgw otmwtov" mattress honor ngmandnewm otasttc.Cost Sicsc 52M srt F22 40? T able 7 Wm massage. rerilote Control. twp we Lzlm new! 31.539l519!?465479 BEDROOM suns, grr 3 won; mm gold mm. ? Vreces, nu mattress [1134an can amen $3136 Calt386 3353 m. A quggln Ctyrrry l I mace set. double pedestal table Methukh New I" box Cost $8000. Sen St700 an 322407? BED, WWW Minn! Sass-Q tNMHtt noon set Dark Dina Mei. hutch table mm 3 leaves and 8 than $1300 Call “68979, Author‘s Arnques Cu \ecab es Said-(Er (31750-3 lunut Imus om Y”. men, wood. beautdui. new mm " char, SEC-D cnc ran 55131 558 SOFA ANO am. Baey, 2i"t,',,'r",isTdrt,','o') w; km. oral, Great Int in Room SP00 EEOC": ”84.5. PEDESTAL mum: W451? leataruthtnaux, mt; brtchen or Cmmg mum frl?5 'cau,2i9435 JOHN DEERE 31x: " hp mm and garden midst hydmsla’x drrve, newer muknmg 4? m, mower Milk 300. hours on f. M895 one Cigt6e3814? PATIO S£T.Hauser d Veil-s char, nawemnewe [able ”2:63 ml. and umbrella stand Annoue Pebble an» Pad $2,530 set 5153-3 tttrn, Call 7412568 Lawn a Garden I FENDER PROFESSIONAL two amount reverb and few tlet Stratocaster gurtar mth case S150C mm Please pttomreH9't8468275 Mum mam). Wellmatrt tamed. sew-re records avail a0te, 5600 0110 :519I 821 7098. Guelph EUFmCArTRAtHErt. Sears 3015.new 2004techmAW. programs. magnetic, quiet Cost SI ISO. sacrifice S650 Call8889144 Spcmng Equrpment Wampum NEW PRICE! K~Ws largest selection of OFF LEASE Computers, Come and see our showroom at 112 Bonnie ths., Elmira or call 659-5551 1l,tis.litsJbti.y. Inc. Nam: Itack. mgdm display magnem "PSHLNICQ Inter act-we wo rams, mot A9ps "o999. slang-l " 3428935 ME ME. Mud". had dug-[m display mag neln, anagrams Diagrams new 6'as S899 um S450 Wm dew-1 “288:5 “museum: 6 weaht I Ari, In stations. gym will“ _chrorrw name I $366 WW Inner machines Call 51%3 2lh NASCAR TICKEIS MUS Champions Club seam); incl trukmrs'oimtotar seat fwd; drok muchw Pit. Pass. has Mam s,"f,br,.f; In: Sraces In 2 5 39C, US$311 an o Senous mamas 7433828 Sandmme Public School. 265 Serum-me Dr Waterloa on Satu!far. May 14 805 IM Yard Sales l Am. tirn Ga, ERDO'S sm ANNUAL GMNT YARD AND BAKE SALE Sat May 14 8 L Par-w Churzh parking Ky!. 89 Speeduale Ave E _ Guelph Coffee, poo and hot dogs ngélot; ’c'h'vorine Class; fled Call 5955230 Fax tdiliitu WCompulerS I COMMUNITY GARAGE SALE! Fax: 623- 1 26 1 ctassified@watertoochrorticte.ca Buy it, Sell it, Rent it! 895-5230 Call for details: Monday - Thursday, 8am - 7pm 27? Ta - b-e an anged a Ila-lame $50 or less SELL If FREE! $2,000 or Ms SELL IT FOR $6.30! _ YARD SALES - $13.65 editorial owatonoocttrrmjcfe, ca sports $twattrtetochrorirtN ca salesdt watertoochrtxticle _ca classifiedo waterloochromcle .ca composung 6 watqdoocttrontcitrca Sat Ma, 14 52, 190 Murdock he Garden toms. \awnmawer. Danc- 're" " urrtbreda coHee ens tages tamps, etc Waierloo Yard Sales Glasgow Herghrs ll tmeer ct? Fssherl4atsruar and Glasgow w hater Haltrran and Unorer stty Sat Map 14.9 mm Hmssehoht Items. rays. turn: lure. Christmas Jecorator1 (Palmer clothing and more CKCTeg d. born March 14. 2005. male and ‘emale tn colmmM, Stl) ammonium Call 5199 44191 T, (INF reg d home rmseo. parents on srte, warm 5 colour 5 Was call mama Afghans 11F9fr3888Vyf.eyt' yland max LAB Cross W5. S100, vet checked and dewwmed Call 519 [which 514942326: 8878026 tuner pumes Twa mms dewormed vet checked, small 5196562 F9] m "ebdogRe cat“ hrsRhnrs ge'. Cher hm ‘am ulna-sen 34% Erad'y‘n gn Call 33341 Us! 51411518 Blark and tar, "is” uhi-‘l-WI hm! :hnla manna hImer gamut" m urt- “Mom's-bl» Wtsmh; mama-201m NiésiGiilaad - - MOVING SALE MIMI. Seam] Annual Rewreclm' Negrbourturud Association Ciarage Sale. Sat May M, " Kitchener Yard Sales 3 man.“ uale May 1'") Farycoatme streets Res.,. retina Mummy Beechmanor Wttl Gosgaw 'igihe first and second shots ewwmed. good tern perament. Menu on me 519414tr2657 Furs? shot; as! checheo ttealtr guarantee $19CI'J Maleriemaes Cat ‘51?" 291%?” Egg? weeks Md. Barents reg 15400 519449 1749 cke" raga guaranteed. parents on site Phone I 5193511085 FusTsmts venheckm mm parents mg ' ready Iry gt: $525 at) n Coma! tea" Bvunarher 926 King S- N Pr'at {bear-1F St Lamb a farmer a math?" Nu Kuwdm arm BUY t SELL t RENT” rumba Ctwromcie CONVENIENT that's Classified! Gas sfed Phone 8935233 Fax 6231 26) Gddeoeetriever n For” Piniélieri’ups Sale Jack Russell

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