t,,ti,r,,ei .. ,zumio 'W...] F.- ctllgnartmailmanit . '/' flag _:' 'i £34“; _ onenhope _', “W ',irii,iiiiEiuii"c' "tttrt-qty-trat'-" Youn - DEALER M8 " EXCEPTION". LEASE RATE Oil THE 1985 BMW 320i. F "should come as no surprise that BMW pat " much thinking into their innovative lease price as they put into their mm technology. Because, until December Mst, the classic 6-syiinaer, 150m) pedormance of the 1995 - 320i is your: toe $396 a month. Which means. tot I limited time. the car iueIed by unpamiieied In accordance with MOMS unanimous council decision, city staff will, within a week, and stop signs on Lincoln Road at Marshall Street, Margaret Avenue and Mqrfield Auntie M weeks ago, a petition with over 200 name: was presented to council calling for theimtalitttioetdfburaiMmy some!†the mad: at Bluevale', Margaret, Mayfield and Marshall Streets. 1itttxlllittttttttlttttattlltrtttttttmsigrttt Waterloo city council has put a stop - actually three stops - to drivers morning down the 'Unwh Mack“. AlhettetNidagain inJuneoflM'atthe F 5 . Kiwheneolce. He receiquh's with hmporhod it duty in matfordNkltrhadtohNt"sut.rA'atthahanygrmtitieas ahoutwhatIwantedtobeitietearmr.rkneirthatotttsrjoimsd,it didnt Mr what I wanmdto do. I didwhatm planned for me tysomelxxbelse." __ Beeauatstfhiskmwledgeoffimtaid,thearmyamirni-ioned hirnatrtttmth'tddBteriedy.8lberttrrokhis*txsirtaregi. meealai6poaMRAPtmit)andtaunNmsleeveasm'edtheCtr ptmsl'totttieMttemeatiftht-ddpatsumkrhissers. Tahingdmtfthestmndedwasatashatsamtplieatedasriighs hert&hrnidtits80raraoldnow.Hevoluntersforthe ptmpydn'veanditsstillanagtiverntsmbertftheWate+o . -theUgionhehelpedfimnd. Hitspaatirmsref1txt hisdtqammitmenttoatirnewhenCanaawasatwarThitswar dtangtsdhisstife. AaRemesnbrameDayappmaeNs,Albert iindsafresh sensed duttinhitrmemortu.Aodatuteaxnmemoratesthuwaragain,his trtirtdtmvelsbapkto I 'ehenttallhegan. I a l Alherttrainedwith _ri' v 1 Chrmide Special Waterloo veteran remembers a necessary war 'We did the right thiog' GG STOPS III I DIME All! GOES run 8398 A [Cori/ii]] A'V'NHEF'FA!!! Council votea against erecting a fourth Mop Sign at the intersection of Lincoln and Bluevale Street The intersection is in the centre of a slight. *S" curve, the south part ofwhiehitsonahill,makingitadangemus spot for a stop sign, some councillors While they turned down the stop sign, pound] agreed to plate curve warning signs on in the vicinity of Bluevale and to com sider narrowing Lincoln Road at Bluevale when [iann is mom (sometime in the next two years). live in the middle of a battlefield," Protection wasn't always guaranteed either. Albert saw more than one close call. 'One time, the battle shifted so the army wasn't in fmnt of us. One ofour men stepped up Into the mam hallway of the house and a sniper took a shot at him through the from door. The bullet grazed his neck and left a huge welt. He went into shock but other than that, he was fine. We had a couple of close calls like that. A group of soldiers dragged in one of our stretcher bearers one day. He had a bullet welt across his behind. Even though the (Continued on page 22) ingthtwartaelf"Thee-edterbearerswithettehasen- pany. Stretcher beaten'lnohd‘h wounded Maldiemandearried them outofthebattlenh-dthewoundedtotheMedieal Core Personnel. MedHCuePenormel broughtthewmmded to uswiththeirjeep,WeihthemupandthentheMedkalCtxe 1Nqldtahe,thetn tothe hospital.‘ t Alheet-mtaifbrallofth-unad . 1tisttNthelpu"rtteyhadak)trouhl.ii, th"ratqmr,uepingtmckofmttmdedtri. dhrimhdmldieraasuldntgtiem. ,ttiithqtrit-ithndrttbeenrxxxkdsd Albert Schmidt today (loft) and (above) with Ms unit. engineering will be propelled by unprecedented leasing. -8mgttMt-qt"-"a"-tt-o"EMorq'ttnt-tt.9ti.t- '9wa- m - tro-r-i-ot-to-tood-tttgit-o-o Darn-yumâ€: Tt_9rt_rq-w Com Bill Butler applauded the decision, saying "We should do what the taxpayers want us to do," Recent studies showed that only 27.8 per cent of drivers on the centne stretch of En- goln Road adhere to the 50 km/h speed The three new all-way stops will be installed on a one-year trial basis, Over the course of the year, staff will study their effectiveness in controlling traffie on the TutemMNrrtvettterseresvoumkd.it putalotdyeteramfrrnnthefirstwarina ‘1 badposition.lhadtokeep ,_"f: y: mylxxAsinbettershapel 'A.'. 'rftis, madereportaeveryday I atnutwUwatomundedand how.Thatvay,they'd hue aixAerfutureaturthe &hnudt's RAP unit trailed their txgitnent's moves through Europe "We followed behind the army so we were supposed to be safe We'd look for abandoned houses near the battlefield There were quite a few around. No one wanted to (Ctmtinued on page tit) TteMttirS2tlttt0W8Sti0NTt4. as lung St. Norm Wm. Ont. ass-5090 VOLVO B-K MOTORS tion of regional councillors?", but council turned down those two questions. Fox-well strongly backs reducing the munberofwarxis to five, although she said itis"ttotabigissue". She said while council was busy down. sizing at city hall over the past two tel-nix "We showed complete lack of leadership by going from eight to 10 councillors m just wasnt necessary. We can have effective decisionmaking with less peo- ple." For-well said some wards have too small a voting population to warrant mpmem tation. She pointed out that Mississauga hamrlyhnlfa million people, butonb eigh mmncillors, while Waterloo has 8M00 people and 10 councillors. tConnnuec on page '2 wanted to ask voters "Are ybu in favor of continuing with the ward system?" and "Do yqu pTretthe system of direct elem» his election. voters will have more T than just a sea at names to deal with on their ballots - than is I WARM infavorofreducing the number of wards from seven to tive? Whether anyone cans enough to ttmmsrtsnainstobeseen, butthecit.v's three mnyoral candidates are pleased to see it asked. "I think it's good we did put it on the ballot to let the people have their say There's two sides out then. and the best way to resolve it is to have a vote," said incumbent mayor Brian Turnbull. "l am never opposed to asking the poo ple their opinion, which is why I voted m favor of the referendum. I like asking people all I can.“ said candidate John The issue was first brought up by can. didate Susan Forwell in May. She also Tbm Brockelbank Chronicle Staff ‘yes' vote on " mm :Qi‘ THE ULTIMTE DRIVING RY