*~q \r~- - 9.3... -... â€:~.ulw 'M "“52“.“ Jr. i--em Entries wanted for KPL Shoemaker literary contest Originally a Centennial project of the latchener Public Library, and named in honor of it's former chief librarian. the contest will be judged by London poet Shella Martindale, who will judge the poetry entries and local university professor, John English, who will select the grow winners. Thetzmttrstissuopottedttytoarticimtingescat libraries Within the Southern Ontario Library Ser. woe Itvsopentoresidentsin Bruce. Duthrin,tHry, Huron, Perth, and Wellington counties and the region ot WW. . Martindale cummtty resides in London. Ontario. where she us kept busy writing poetry and conduct- mg workshops In creative writing and poetry at um and schools. including the the University ot 000W yoursena poet? Welt, the 1991 Dorothy Shoemaker Wary Award Contest will soon be underway Another factoronthttttxttmtott-m'setttcta onchudren nstheatmuntottimspentviem‘ng. Van VanEtmrsttrsthttt'stvttyit'shiportantttr pt-ttatt-tch-ttttii-tttttttMr-mm. Pat_mtalinputcanNgpachMtokttsrpmtmucttt" ttgtrvisitmsttow'srmsaning. 'Bymttcttinqlittttho'rkittt,p-tBetttttxr anothttrsourorofinftormation-ttttrrtatnpmveie anottterpo'rttotttittwbysaying,'tthm't-oittt mat',or'That'sntotttt-tttingst+rMt'.Tttat kindtginputMltmtNrcttitd.tttotttomtMtictg Tttict/ttttwhiter-sort-ttvary *ittttNrrtatumotttttsahtmandttt-ttttectt- watcttioqit,6rtE-.oiihtmrtmaytteitart unrealistic picture of preAtm m, armed ttAreaitmditttmtttt-stFttttirtartttmtrorttatt S'tAoitue,aootttmrrtisatttotomlrttt-tsbtrttin6 athtmati"rm.it'srt-omtaistar, E-.A-tto-tttiaontromortmr:, nthtmtytmmintmizstt,tsutiraprmtttiatttstmtt- hottrBadirreirt-afhtmtttttartitttitto crmrtltittcit0rtdemtotioml-mertttarttt. 'taH"tttrtttMttttttraattnr. when. Ttttt-t-ttsrtttttottitittm'ot' 1lattbm'ssttstisticaatttmtttettertttAttwean t-eittistmamt9atmttssttttmtymtithorttt. chietmnmettatmmxitttattsty,o'teto,1anes main-ein-ttttniet-ttttmat" 1,300 hours 0! television M. mom: td 1n$ttmtatttmhtmottteraouruts,sudtatrpttmrttBor 'rtticttia-tt-tcttingathrtrti-ttB.Itacttiet out-tsin-matt-fates-ttttttmot mttchtmtourtothehourstotttrFiontsttny.hetsr -rttiitttttttnt.Tttt-ttohtteitgttttratt+ mmummmmomamy tginAmttqittttutttttiigitmtohttrtt"ttttoutitttt -4S,000-r. with AacttittMtntmxmtetgthtr,art-mmnirto, '.L1?tCt..ttt.ut.troer,"yttnEvrpaats"Kittett? 12ymrstAt,ttqlmitu..d+tanat-rttf,t.C,1 ' Mxttotttttrphtmsmtyoe mammtflmmmï¬mmg st8ItetttttiorottPtet!to_tttc" Ptr_rt.lttt1t,etatyri11umedt.q1ehff, u PY .Thotett!!rrthtttitttrr Televisionm V _ ' Tt' "‘H-r‘IAT-Iqma "AaEE2rEr'rmrat-rm'tE.verm-.aq'tua'iiv'"a,s, JANUARY SUPER SPECIAL 100 oz. Peaches t 250 g Tortilla Chips Reg. 6.19 100 oz. Fruit Cocktail Limited Quantity 100 oz. Heinz Ketchup Regina Shot at Columbia Street Waterloo (Next to McDonaid's) 8864001 Compare our hulk prices ' . Reg. 1.49 . nouns: Mon. Tues., Wodquit, 723010 6 p m Thu: NHL 7:3)b9wn "In th Baking Supply mam. .:»m Reg. 6.79 Reg. 4.99 Kttmtmmtt to». £21), is " 5.00 5.00 4.00 John EngiishhesbeenwiththeHietoryDepert- ment at the UniversityotWetertoo since 1971, and is currentty Acting Chairperson ot the Department. HehaswritttmotttmaietgyortCanasrtan History, his subjects over the the years ranging from Arthur Meighen to Robert Gordon. His most recent publi- cation isthehighty-ecciairned "Shadowot Heaven: The Biography of Lester Pearson. Volume 1." ThedewuneforentrieeisMarchai, 1991,and the awards ceremony win he hath Friday, May 31, 1991, at the Kitchener Public Library. Western Ontario. She has whitened six volumesof poetry, hermostmamtbeing "NoGmaterumt." Sheisatsotheeditorotâ€CanadianAuthorand Bookman." - You can pick up your entry iorm at any participat- ing public Iibmy in the germinating counties. "TNtttotA-m'tinttm6MtotttraT.V.tmhing 'roomiatt,"vartEmoaya."Tttemiaakototgtmd 'ttatMalottt+itm.Tttemamaocialpmgntnttr, such as Mr. Rogers. which mow sharing and carintrAttdfortAterkitttrtttemaretttingslikopaar orsciencrot-ttlcttofttmtriggtrrirmmstat.o pemstrtttosetttlnttsoutaittttottFaiun.Watt6t,d rnottemttgy,ittntttuiNrgotodittat'stMmln TNoanttoottteitttumatdhtttettegtttWs." VanEvttottottastttut8ttat8t.Jemrtttr'st_ttts airtcs1975,isafomtercttairperatmofthetxo%gtr's psucttologyd-tttttmt,aodiscummtiyassociate dimcttroftNra%os'alnatituhforStud.sin "ttttttht-ont-gem." vtmEvrtottystttttmarrootttithaiontttttttrt' that produce positive died: on amnion. For example. studies show that watching Seam Streetlaadstoodnsinlanguageandvombulary E-At-tto-tthi-tyor/rs hour-iii-ist-tttttttarte-tttt 'met"turtttWetttturaattttr. Tttts-tSilt-tttttsr-tttFest"). "m.tgtistmamcttietmtssttomtyottithoritt. ntegttat-tntonttattttn.Ctt0ttmntgtttttrttytbt 1n$ttmtatitmhmtottttsraoututs,sudtattpttmrttBor ttut-int-th-ttatt-vision-ttttttmot erttttmintttttnt.qtt-ttoltaviotttttratt+ tgbnRmtttaitttt-ttegtritttiontoetttrtt"attoutttttt "j-"-', 5 &J;‘;avlery ' HARBINGER: GALLERY 22Dupont St. E., Watedrxt 747-4644 sculpture _ c"" ttttrr.) . clay o"!_.‘."-O. ' “q: sou-u Ivy-7m -t Giriuiia - 51' ir, Griiiia7G"GG'G'lGG"A% I For Further Information Call: Its mm than mu Ihlnk wuh the new PERSONAL CHILE HIM“ km, Mud! W'aeNtr it'stl. em puma! wwewrdhal‘ and II WA than“! In lap pare mth lm New mmtmIM}m ywrdm of thee easv-ttrk+w [and Tkarts that range bun mud kt 6etiNe - whim-(s right kr pm r, calmed In adapt m my Mamie Its a [new New "rid Bentine mu plan a dirt whim alums m to M m (by way l mp A hinhdm l hnhdm f.luntrs m “In wk Mk mhndnm humid: MIMI hung war mum mutton-n madam-aw. Waist“ tnt%tThtgAtrturtt ADM-Irv " EBB STREET WEST - ON WATERUNrtttWARE was um. minim (my. mm btW 1:... mA'. ..1.. n..- 1.) an __-n A___... © . 886-8280 Mon. 6:45 p.m. Tues. 12:00 noqn Wed. 6:45 p.m. Thurs. 9:15 am. a. 5:45 pm. Fri. 9:.15 am. Sat. 9:15 m. Weight Watchers Centre 22 King Street South l riiiiiiriii"iiii'i'i'i'i"ii2. mr'eoNeuistt.etiut"et- . . "rv-. -‘- . a; swam “PMA& PASTASM’CES so.eytxiesiii-tssrmmm hat fitsymtlasttk. Mum-mm mum 0mm WI Imam Nan Haida". mtrnmr-shneall he" M on humus mun (Imam: so w!!! M; M due cur um mm Mun Mp pm and! mu! gm! kasimiiracseuurts--riim "tleletterkrm.mts trreaitrkrdsyurtmmtahtnyu_ at" in a mm so mu can he and: “Mm! hum ywr frank 'eirNersis*etakrms*lrw9t tfiao '