THE WOODWOBKING SHOP at Variety Vilh‘e teaches yam his who are crippled. the trade which will enable them to be sell- umrtlu adults. Variety Village ls owned and ttr-ed by the VI ty Club of Greater Toronto and it operated by The Ontario Sodety for Crlppled Children. Nurses Registry Elects Officers Mrs. Hazel Hill was elected president of the Community Nurs- mg Registry Executive for 1954 at the annual meeting at the Y.M.C.A. - _ . Other ofBeers include Mrs. Ba- silla Schwark, vice-president; Mrs. Margaret McGowan,‘secre- tary; Mrs. Gertrude Missy, regis- . _ _ Ttl-, â€â€™6."- a "I" “u." “VI ICC-.'" 'e---"""' - During Inc awn-u. u ........_, _._.. _ trar and treasurer, Mrs. Gertrude I prize donated by Mrs. Williams}! Tyundte.rf-w Hospital representa- ‘was won b . Mrs Ella McDonald tive; Sister M. Paula, St. 1",rts) tk W H y ii 1 "stair" _ Hospital representative; Dr. iid-io - aspna s . borah Glaister, Dr. Willard Sehl.1 ----------- medical representatives. l Other representatives include WCIU IOPIC IS Mrs. Hazel Wuest, Miss dll?l'/lr'i) Grant, Registered Nurses Associ- I I _ Ition of Ontario; Miss Kate Hun-l SIEWARDSHIP I ter, Miss Estelle Hardy, Miss Cla- 1 _ ra Jutzi, Mrs. Jean Carney, K-W; "Stewardship is the problem of Hospital graduates; Mrs. William ‘living and giving,“ Rev. J. G.’ Arsenault, Mrs. Theresa Mederak, Murdock told the Waterloo Mrs. _ McGowan, Mrs. Frances lw,C.T.U. at a meeting this week.‘ Schmidt, St. Mary's Hospital gra- "We should live a good life and dilutes; Miss Laura Forwell, Mrs. lshare it," he said. l Nellie Letson, Mrs. Frames Mrs. G. F. Barthel led the wor, Young, Mrs. Helen. Parr, outside iship service at the meeting which? trradyates; Mm Violet, Mundell,‘was held in the Sunday School' nursmg assistants; Miss Hazeliidrw, of the First United Church. Crgderman. V.O.N. M Waterloo ommittee members are iss . . c.. . 2,tae,oei'2a/i'oenr,' 1sfft. gorng um! 1titpsgTitivti')shh,'yil; on os uca Ion: ISS ar an _ . . ' . , ‘Saunders. accompanied by Miss name!»- Mass Fly,rryyee,,Eee.t5liiiiGG Duval. Committee members are Miss V 1 Ruby Moldenhauer, Mrs. Dorothy> A doâ€, l Roulstos, education; Miss Barbara l S“ r3) Hartleib. Miss Florence Kuntgylvfun _"rri' publicity; Mrs. Alma Erdman, erna . Mrs. Dorothy Bluhm, nominating; _ APP?" Mrs. Schwark. Miss Kuntz, cre- dermal; Mrs. Wuest, Miss riUhT,rh.,s1i,t Zinkann. Mance; Miss iirniirGytPeari' Miss Moldenhauer, Miss Kunu.I There EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT LISTING WANTED . . . . WE NEED YOUR PROPERTY for our waiting clients _ . some have "CASH", others wuth considerable down payments JBerhelexg Equare SUPPER DANCE A. MICHELS ti. W. LEHMAN BITZER - DUBRICK lTD. ll you want your property SOLD contact: RONNIE KING'S ORCHESIRA a King St. s. WATER The Twm Cmes Largest Real Estate FOR RESERVATIONS PHONE 2-9485 East End Trolley Terminal Kitchener Dancing to Phone 3-0208 Miss Anne Polfus. Mrs. Helen Williams, Mrs. Edna Reynolds, Mrs. Lila Ford, Mrs. McGowan, ways and means. The slate was prepared tor reading by nominating committee Miss Moldenhauer and Miss Kuntz. During the social, a lucky draw prize donated by Mrs. Williams was won by Mrs. Ella McDonald of K-W Hospital staff. or go In to Appointed to the nominating committee were Mrs, Madeline Erb, Miss Martha Snider and Miss Pearl Schweitzer. wered28 at the meeting, WATIRLOO 2.l.'._Iwo Graduate te, ht New Dundee -- High School Campaign Chairman Ior the Ontario Division at the Candl- u Cute: Society. ulna-neon the opening of the Society'- Annual Cmpuxn tor Fund: on Aetil IA Mr. Helntulnn states that the amount required from Ontario this you Is again $500,000 Ind ts needed to provide rue-rel: and research equipment all to carry on the important program of education and welfare. '"'"* -.-.....,_. R. J. Bean of New Hamburg, chairman of the Wilmot District High School Board, presided for the fUst night when certificates 1were presented to the students. \Those receiviyg gratiy?tio.n, diplo: MR. BRAD C. HEIN'I‘ZMAN th Chronicle Correspondent) NEW DUNDEE.--Large crowds attended the annual commence- ment exercises ot the New Dun- dee High School held at KaveV man's Hall last Thursday and Fri- dat egenings. mas were Larry Schmidt and Ronald Gruelich. Harold Schmidt of Baden was chairman on Friday nig_lyt. mt .. . ' The highlight of the program was a three act play entitled "The Bandit and Roberta", which was presented under the direction of the assistant teacher, Miss Aud. rey Kline. _ . ' " Fine acting was displayed by', the cast comprising Vaughn sir-l rams, Lester Kehl, Alvin Sararas, 4 Irvin Heist, Howard Otterbein, Sylvia Sararas, Andy Sararas, Donald Shantz, Marian Sherk,‘ _Elaine Fiederlein, Clarene Haas,i (Jean Seibert and Joanne Reist. t Musical numbers were present- ed by the Glee Club and the Girls' and Boys' Choruses under the di- rection of the music teacher, Ed- win Ferguson. Mary Joyce Buck also played an accordion instru- GCidi.' _ -iiirvordictory address was given by Audrey Fiederlein, a member of the 1954 graduating class Village Forms Home-School Group was elected president of a new Home and School Association formed by Bridgeport Public School parents. Tuesday night. Fifty-seven joined the association ‘at its inaugural meeting _ Other officers are Howard Sny- der, first vice-president; Allison Weber, second vice-president; Mrs. N. Gastmeier, secretary; Mrs. William Wilkie, recording secre- gtary; Mrs. N. R. Goof, treasurer. Membership committee, conve-\ nor, Mrs. T. Berberich; program committee, Mrs Ralph Miller and Mrs. D. Hauck: social. Mrs. A. Bast: publication, M. I. Dougher- ty. Omcers were Installed by Mrs. Le, G. Schafcr. K-W Home and [School Council president. WCTU Entertain: 65 Children Miss Blanche Van Every. presi- Syl was in charge of the meet- ing which featured musical num- |bers by _the children. BRIDGEPORT. -- Fred Easton Sixty-five children who wrote temperance examinations were entertained by the Waterloo branch of the Women's Christian Temperance Union Tuesday after- nonn at First Ur1ited_Church, l Included were piano duets by Donald and Douglas Hellman of ‘Emmanuel Evangelical Sunday School; puppet play by Linda iCox. Jacqueline Smith, Beverly Main and Leslie Feiuta, First [United; piano solo, Janet Feather- Istorte, Bridgeport: vocal duet by (Laurie Kirk and Judy Snider, ac- The Board of Directors of J. B Hawson. WA., ACI.S,. Is Y. M. FERGUSON. 83‘... J. I. HAWSON. BA.. A.CtB, A.C.l.8. Directors of The Mutual Life of Cnnldn has announced the t'r,ip1',T,','l't of . AC IS., as Associate TYe-rw, mm! M, J. Nab. BA. Ind . H Pnnnbnlu 'Nttt 'ATIILOO ttheftt. OHIOIIOLI 'corn shied by Mrs, Carl Roedding, Bridgeport; reading, Paul Ger- ster, Emmanuel Evangelical. I Mrs. A. H. Schweitzer read a 'story, "Only a Bouquet of Flow- ers". Miss Audrey Wright, youth (field secretary, told a ttanneigraph ', story on friendship. I REV. A. R. ragg led the worship .gergod on "The Lord is My Shep- _ er ". A report on temperance work in Sunday schools was given by Mrs. William Sippel. Mrs. G. F. Bar- thel closed the meeting with prayer OPEN " ICE IHIS FRIDAY AYR.-Residents of this centre and those from adjoining town- ships will celebrate the installa- tion of artificial ice in the Ayr Community Centre with an om- jriat opening program on Friday TELEVISION NETWORK - Citizens ot southwestern I orbit ot a last growing television network originating trom C.P.R. communications engineels. this Petr,',.'. "e, is gel - --- .. -.___-A, I _ I _I. m .h il- TELEVISION NETWORK - Citizen: ot southwestern Ontario are rapidly coming within the orbit ot a last growing television network originating trom CELT. Toronto. Built by C.N.R. and C.P.R. communications engineers. this microwave link is scheduled to reach Windsor: CKYW-TV later this year. The Ito-mile Toronto-London link. with its three intermediate repeater towers at Milton. Gait and Woodstock, was completed in a record " days by both railways. enabling CFPL- TV, London, to put the Rose Bowl glue. at Pasadena. Cal, before it viewers New Year’s Day. Linked with the Galt tower, CKCO- ' Kitchener. is now in operation. Another branch from Milton is to be completed shortly to Hamilton. MUTUAL LIFE OF CANADA APPO'NTMENTS - Forty-five years of service td the people of this district. 1909 - 1954 aw ",;,',i)il 5M. jiii Form Art tld "; 5100. form Arr Lu") 1 Members of the club are a class which took or! at night school at The Waterloo County Art Club If-lf, acouullatfit tii',se's't.tit'tue. wast ed .-' cigarette9tltery? r. . Norm . o'1ruet1i1y, ry'sh,C.t.t,d iwas made hy Dongld 2axton on meeting nigrht of this week. he village of only 940 persons. last fall set out to raise $23,000 by ublic supscription, So far about tlt'la has been obtained. Another $7,000 is needed to complete the financing and a fur- ther 'canvass of the community will take place after the omcial opening. The program for the opening may be the entertainment event of the year with three Chicago Black Hawks players in attend- ance. There will also be curling. figure skating, ladies hockey and la moccasin dance. All proceds obtained on this ttigltt will go into the artificial ice tuiid iir" triiriiiGfe Grbortald M. I. NEED. IA 'riip"a','h' of T M Ferguson. BComm, Acrs . H Pnnnbnker. BA, " Auistant Treuurtn. d (behalf of the "students". _ Officers elected were: Mrs. Jack iMilloy. president; Miss Audrey , Rand. secretary-treasurer; Mrs. 'Y. tMeryl Haack. telephone; Mrs. l' I William C. Cole. publicity. l i The next meeting__will_ be_held Shaw, 323 King St. North, loo. The next meeting wm be new at the home of Mrs. Knack. May 4. REPORT ON CONTOUR STRIP CROPI'ING PROGRAM , "We had heard about contour strip cropping a number of years 18:0, but we had never seen it in operation until a few years ago." So writes Gleason Snyder, R.R. l, Waterloo. At that time we had the privilege of going on a bus ‘tour with a group of Waterloo RCounty farmers. We saw how it was put into operation and I be- GGV very much. interested.“ A We 11;; siirCiGii%irdt; had MEN'S SHOP You'll enjoy a springtime TAKE A TRIP TO KITCHENER TO GOUDIES £53; cr-'-...'-,'--,:.)"-'-',-----:-"-]".---.-.-,--'--',, Easy to get the right things where there me so m-a-n-y nice things to choose from! Broad selections. Broad price ranges. One-stop store for all the family . F like finding many stores all in one big shopping centre! tP YOUTH CENTRE CHILDREI JUST JUNIORS’ WOMEN'S FASHIONS ON THREE FLOORS DINING ROOM AND LUNCH COUNTER SERVICE Water- tendency to wash and gully along furrows and watercourse! ‘Our good neighbor, Fred Snyder.‘ suggested that we plow the fields) the other way Bcross. We could not see where it would make much difference because theslope is not square with the field. The t1eids were hardly big enough for contour. but when we had the chance to buy about fifty acres alongside our form. we bought it. We felt with this land, strip crop- ping might be practical. llelus vac-c “an“; on; mun...- .v. , ...... ..._ -____"i_e contour. but when we had the} On some farms it may not, be chance to buy about fifty acres/practical to have contour strips. alongside our form. we bought it. but I feel that can We felt with this land, strip crop- lhelp .most people with their crop ping might be practical. Aotqtioys, to make better use of _ Ip,? land and perhagls:a stay out Next, we had II talk with Sandy of a lot of difficulty t t we run PT.syth, Agricuiturtpl Pt,r,t'gi'i iinto by improper, or no rotation. Iattye. He contacted the "tarto (this service is free and I believe Agricultural College. who sent us we should avail ourselves ot it. Altogether tlve floors to visit, Ftet%ttt Turn East, Turn West"r Sayonara _....------"'" Doctor at the Crossroads _......... No Man's Srrret ...t.-r.-r.r.--"'". Non-1 - and you'll find choosing a happy venture The Naked Risk ... No Other Gods ..t.. Dangerous Angel . Last Clear Chance Whistling Shadow The Oliviers iii itdsuu Family .rt..rrm..rm. ghe White Rabbit .tt..e.._.m..'. ihopping Guide tq_Eumpe tour around - 2e,'tlW/eul'r't to Europe ... Second ice trpm. the qungr iiiiirtUiGGeGdood Dancer ..P.wem..r.PF. Better Homes & Gardens, Garden Book FirTiiiieHGGis" in; Soyttt America . ll P10 m EIRIST . VORMIRLY "guts m mo BE. wm pon APPOINTED?! mm PHONE 2-1â€. It-ii/ES EXAMINED teises chrfrm' mic“ As Supplied iF7iiaieiiiaa Public Library 858K!" I. You’ll want i in time for Easter See our complete selectvon of modern Wallpapers Grand River Paint Stores Telephone 3-3831 KITCHENS! CHILDRENS FLOOR Tom Lane from the Farm Plum ning Department, who has experi- ence and a practical approach to questions. Mr. Lane suggested taking out some fences an farm- ling the land in contour strips. We ard cropped the strips for two hears now, and are quite pleased , with the results. _ Brighten Your Home Sunworthy Waterfast new. All“). I!“ In“ And - Street: With a â€Icahn trf NEW PATTERNS and WALLPAKIS by KITCHEN“ for Spring Lucile Creighton James Michener Elizabeth Seifert . Beverley Nichols Phyllis Demarest .Wilder Pentieid .Clarence B. Kelland .Burke Wilkinson .Mabel Seeley Felix Barker Pierre Berton .Bruce Marshall .David Greenberg E. B. White James Fitzpatrick Arthur Mun-fay