I BERLIN .. ONT. given away during our great sellin: out sale-and that’s not all we are even sell ng many shoes for a great deal less than we could buy them tor our- selves to day. The daily increase of our sales is the best proof of our low prices. And this ll eek shall prove the most attractive of the entire sa'e. And we are not letting money losses stand in the way to accomulish our purpose ; as the stock imust be reduced so that we can put the balance all back in one store this fall. Men's shoes at from 80e to $4.00 ; Ladies' shoes st from 65c to $3.00. Boys', Girls’ and Children's shoes at very special grices. Come and see, Terms Cash. Repairing one. Terms Gash. . . . Store closes 6. 30 pm. except Tuesdays and Saturd ays. CLEARING OUT In Bedrym Suits, Sideboards and Extensio Tables we have the lar - 1h; ' . g est variety 1n the city. If you favor us with a call we will be pleased to show you through our large warerooms. T . The Qumnann “n The l, B. lllllinillllfl (Nhild ware, Etc. ' 5,000 worth of Furniture and Upholstered Goods,Trunks and Valises Harness, Whips, Etc. 3,000 worth of Millinery, Mantles, Ribbons, Laces, Wrappers, Blouses Etc. 2,000 worth of Stationery, Books, Etc. 12,000 worth of Patent Medicines and Drug Sundries. We fill letter orders promptly. Marvellous Values Throughout the Entire Store. In order to rc- duce our immense stock we are making a big sacrifice. We make it a rule not to carry our goods from one season to another. Space will not permit us to go into details; if we did it would take hours to read it. $30'ooo worth of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Notions, Dress Stuffs, Linings, Etc. 12,000 worth of Carpets, Curtains, Oil Cloths, Wall Papers, Window iii'iii'ii'si"ii"9i2i',"i' ngE The L A. 0. BOEHMER co. - Limited Great Reductian Sale " The Chronicle VOL. XLIV--- NO. ‘24 I 2,000 8,000 4,000 6,000 agh=uStt-s2=a9c '2cu9cu9xs9s.a9cuiat 'h--ziea-et-xsh-ssh-ush-sshpdizss We Have the Power to Make the Price and we Make E the Price a Power. ' Hardware From the Maker to thaiknsumgr l Fennell t $011,? in all departments is what we're doing all the time, clipping a little off here and a. little off there, trying to make it more and more THE hardware store for the people. A notable example of our price hammering is felt in the price we're hand- ing out "PARIS GREEN" at. Our Paris Green is pure, unadulterated and fully up " . ~77~v~â€"-~â€"-~--« w“ "UV -c to Government Standard in strength, and it means certain and sudden death to potato bugs that chew the plant sprinkled with it. Half a pound of ours will do twice the work of similar quantities of cheaper greens. Don't miss our low water prices on Binder Tn ine and Harvest Tools. 42, 44 and 46 King St. BERLIN '.. ( THE LAST ()llhli(jlil miTl,RIGERhTORS Shoe Profits Simpson Co., A. WESELOH, & CO,, For Bargains in British and German Plate Mirrors '. : I Shades, sewing Machines, Baby Carriages, Etc. worth of Ready Made Clothing, Wopllens and Tweeds. worth of Boots and Shoes. worth of Men's Furnishings, Hats, Caps, Etc. worth of Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, Graniteware, Tin- IS Down Prices '/f WAY AT WHOLESALE PRICE We Sell For Cash and we Have One Price Waterloo Counly’s Greatest Store TELEPHONE 37 Two Big Shoe Stores Next to Post gffiee Previous to Stock Taking June 4th to 30th LIMITED. J. " " r _ " trt _ I PPR " " . .7353 w; r ' " ‘11,. - {a " a: '" ' - " we; _ ', . .7 - ‘ za- . 8 f " " " " " tID' " . " a ’ © L“- . Ti " , Ti BN" am " " " - ‘ " I a; - tt an: Br. :3: i“; a) 5. a? " a R it? = " a ' . Ecl al, = _ r I. c. . a , -- Mr. " g " ' . 3.7 . "th as} - Rn' _ - mt 5 - " M 1r “4-,: NY u 1: w JFS King St. West, Berlin. ONT Phone I39 WATERLOO, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING JUNE IO, 1898 . . ' . Mr. and Mrs. James Dowd of Buffalo are visiting friends in Morn- ington and Elma . . . . After a barn raising on the farm of Thomas Peif'erss, 10ah line, on Thursday last, a number of young men engaged in a. game of football when John Tillie had his leg broken. . . . .A violent hail storm passed over this township last Saturday. In the vicinity of the North Church the hail was an inch in diameter and broke windows and did a good deal ot damage to the Itrops, Mrs, Lake of Seattle is visiting her mother, Mrs. A. Davidson of Burns HAWKSVILLE PERSoNAr.-Mr. and Mrs. McKay, of Palmerston, were visiting ab her parenba, Mr. and Mrs. J. Tanner, last week-Miss McKee, of Gorrie, and Miss Crookshank, of Millbank, spent a few days last week with Mr. G. Tan- ner's.-Mr. F. S. Spies, merchant, spent a. day last) week in Preston on business. --hiessrs, G. Wettlsufer and D. Donald were to Guelph last: Saturday. -8evertsl of our young folks attended the camp meeting in Berlin on Sunday last. We are very to sorry chronicle the death of Mr. Fred Miller who passed away recently. Mr, Miller left many sorrowing friends, . . . . Many people of our district took advantage of the cheap excursion to the Guelph Farm, on Saturday. . . . A long continuous string of rigs passed through our village on Sunday to the camp meeting. . . . Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Latch jr. It is a girl... .Mr. Henry George attended the camp meeting on Sunday. . . . Mrs Wm. Carey and Mrs. Dippel spent last Wednesday at the home of Mr. Thaler. . . .Mrs. Jacob Miehm called on Mrs. Wm. Carey on Sunday evening. . . . Mrs F. C). Meyer and 1Miss Marie Meyer of Hamilton spent Sunday and Monday at the home of Mrs. Meyer's father. . . . Master Oscar Hartman is the guest of Mr. F. C, Meyer. . . . Mr. John Kanmscher cf Blair, formerly of Centreville, passed through here on Sunday. We are always glad to see his pleasant; face in our midst. . . . Miss Minnie Bartel who has been spending the past two months with her uncle in Blair, has returned home, . . . Misses A. L. and L. Bowman of Blair, spent Sunday as the guests of Miss A. L. Moreland. . . .Mr. Geo. Latch reports the potato bugs an excel- lent crop. . . . Miss Elma Carey was the _ the guest of Miss Elna Melvin on Sun- day last. War is on in earnest for July Ist-- The Waterloo Musical Society is knock.. vng spots out of comptyritcre--In an up no date programme. BRIEFS -Mr. Alex. Bean, the genial representative of the CHRONICLE, gave J8 a. friendly but short call lust week. -Misis Schaaf, one of our lady teachers, attended the wedding of one of her sisters last Wednesday-it, infant ion of Mr, Henry Roeder, who had hie leg broken at the knee joint some time go is doing we'l, but will likely have x stiff leg.---Mr. Louis Schaub is rush- ing his Page Wire Fencing. He put up 100 rode alone in one day. Who IhED,--Armie Arnitz died last Bat. urday at: her home in her 54m year. Ne deceased lady bad only been ill a very short time with dropey. All that medical aid could do was done, but without avail, and on Saturday morn- ing she passed away. The deceased will be greatly missed amongst her nany friends, as she was generally oopular and well known in this vicinity. The funeral took place No-day (Monday) md proceeded to St, Agatha, where the nterment took place in the presence of ' large concourse of friends. COUNTY can do bettert--The old man Chris- urpher Schelter was visiting his son at New Hamburg to-day, Monday. The tirist time he travelled the road for about fifty years-The heavy rain on Siturday refreshed everything and prospects are for an exora good crop of har-Mother Berdux is visiting at Favistock for a short time,--Aa ate bempthas been made to start; up our band again. 7 lhuEFs.-A car of American bard corn arrived for Mr. Jacob Beizaer,--- Mr. A s. Geiger sold one of his stylish rigs to Shu‘kston, Welland County, which was shipped per G.T.R.-Crope never looked better at this time of the year. Hay crop outlook up to last year. --on and after July lst Mr. Hoch will carry Her Mnjesty’a mail from Weiessenburg via New Germany to Breslau. When the Waterloo Musical Society {eta its boots on it means business Don't miss their celebration at Water. 00 on July Ish, Dominion Day. SHIPMENT OI? LIVE STOCK -hleiisrs Hallmau and Tilt on the 7th inet. shipped two cars of beeves and Mr. Greelock one, all for export. On the Th inst. Messrs. Hallman and Tilt shipped two cars of beeves for export. On the 11th inst, Mr. White of Guelph shipped two cars of beeves for export, On the 12th inst. Messrs. Hallman and L'tlt shspirt,i one car of fat cattle for export. Mr, L Stauffer shipped one car of bogs. MORNINGTON GEN TREVILL E. DISTRICT. WELLESLEY BRESLAU and... I wig?†t . BM 'M 1.73 ~11 c; ' M , , t ' " " Mil ' I 1:: a " A " v, h ~ - M " M! 132%? M ' " _ - t r "N; we,†It . 'Nil a, 2 _ & . 1: ' u " a li il5 f. z?“ al IE til is B, " :5 "1mm ' " ' ‘u: 7-“. an. {a . " T " - " . " r ST. JACOBS Always new--"Forward" is our Watohword---0nly sports that please the public are worked out for the Mus. ical Society’s celebration at. Waterloo on J uly lat. ELMIRA _ 5,000 Canadians want cool, summer comfort on the list of July. Here it is, Waterloo Musical Society’s celebration ab Waterloo on July lat. W.F,M,A,--At a meeting of the Women's Foreign Missionary Auxil- iary an inspiring address was given by the President of the Society, Mrs. McLean of Guelph. TEA-gminatiG,--The school room at the rear of the Methodist church is almost completed. It is a. stone struc tare about 30 feet square and will prove a great convenience. It is to be opened with a tea and concert on the evening of Dominion Day, which will doubtless prove very enjoyable. WINTERBOUBNE PERsoNAL.-Mrs. Hamilton and her son, Robert, of Cayuga, mother and brother, respectively, of Rev. A, M. Hamilton, are visiting at the home of the latter.--Mr. Chas. Mann is still nursing a badly sprained ankle, the result of an accident some six weeks ago.---Mius Mabel Smith has been in poor health for some time, but is now recovering. FORESTER’S SEmrroN.-r1'he Rev. R. Keefer will preach to the Canadian Order of Foresters in the Methodist church on Sunday afterrsoon,Jnne 26th, service commencing at) 2.30 o'cloek, Hallol-Well---Well. V. R. Berlee is selling for the next 30 days at cost. Good Tweed Suits made to order from $7.50 up ; fine black Worsted Suits from $11.00 up. Come and see for yourself and don't miss this chance. BRIEFS ---Mr,J,Spahr,of Mildmsy,and Mr. El. Spahr, of Berlin, spent Sunday under the parental roof.---Mr,and Mrs, T. B. McCutcheon, of Berlin, were in town Sunday, the guests of Mrs. Jno Bisch ---Mr. T. E. Williams, of Berlin High School, spent a recent Saturday and Sunday at his home here,-Mrs.A, Boomer went to Toronto this week to visit; friends.--Aecording to the last draft of the Hamilton Methodist Con- ference held at Guelph, we notice that a change has been made, and instead of the Rev. J. E. Corcoran, the Rev. Hy, 11onsiroger has been appointed as pastor of this charge for the ensuing year.- The foot ball fever is still raging. A particularly interesting game was played here Saturday evening between the Newton and Linwood juniors re- sulting in 3 to 0 in favour of our boys. Congrautlstons---Misa Maggie Will. iamson, of Harriston, is the guest of her sister, Miss Jennie Williamson, at Dr, McEv3hern's.-.Mrg, Frazer who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. R Keefer, at the parsonage returned to her home in Whitby Tuesday. MONTHLY I?hm.-Lvst Thursday was Linwood Monthly Fair. In passing the grounds we noticed only one old cow. The demand for butchers’ cattle has been so brisk this season that the farmers could dispose of any such cattle at home and did not need to) drive them to a fair to find purchasers. There was however a goodly attendance of farmers and their wives and daugh- ters who had come in to do their trading, and judging by the crowded condition of the stores, we should say the usual fair day business was done in these places. This has been a good season so far for the stores and a very large busi- ness has been done. Immense quantities of butter and eggs have been received, and their equivalent in goods gone out, We have excellent stores for a country village, and if they could control the trade of the village and country around, the business now admittedly large would be larger still, but there are people here,who think if they have a few dollars in cash they must go to some town or city establishment to spend it. Towns in the country are not built up in this way." l PLATTSVILLE Union services in the Methodist and ‘Presbyterian churches are being held on Sunday evenings in the absence of the Rev. Mr. Johnson of CheMerfield. . . . .The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist church have announced a strawberry social to be held on the grounds of Dr. Willson on June the 23rd. . ' .Rev. A. E. Smith has been appointed to the Clifford circuit for the next three years and the Rev. Mr. Tonge to the Platts- ville circuit. . . . Fall wheat and other crops in this vicinity are looking fair. . . . .Mrs. Dunn of Washington, is ser- iously ill... .Mrs. William Cook of Washington, is recovering from an attack of typhoid fever. . . . Mr. James Wells is very low. . . .Mrs. R. Gofton has recovered tsufficiently from her recent severe illness to be out again. . Two children of Mr. Isaac Green have bad typhoid fever. . . . Mrs. John Cann, who underwent an operation at Wood- stock hospital is recovering nicely. . . . Miss Watt, who has been a guest at the Methodist parsonage has returned to her home near Woodstock, . . .A number of our sports took in the Strat- ford races last week. . . .Mrs. J. Lee of Woodstock is the guest of Mrs. (Dr.) Willson. . . .Miss Jean Hall is home from the Woman’s Medical College, Toronto... . Me. Thomas Hall, who has been lecturing in Cornell Univety sity, Ithica, is spending a few days at home. He has accepted a lucrative position in Mansfield, Ohio, and leaves for therein a few days. ' . .Mr. Isaac Narhgang expects shortly to raise a large barn on the site of one recently destroyed by lightning. LINWOOD‘ BRIEFS-The Evangelical church will hold their Children', Day next Sunday afternoon and tsvening.-The third annual picnic of the I. O. F. will beheld soon, so it is rumored. What band they will engage this year is not known yen. No doubt it will be 9. great success again this year.-/lhe Lutheran Sunday school picnic will be held the 23rd of June. Every body is invited. PERSONAL --Mr. and Mrs.Amos Ed, were visiting friends at Coasatogo last Suttday.-Miss Emma Steffler spent last Sunday at Yatton under the pur- ental roof.--Mr, and Mrs. Fred Filaing- er and daughter of Mildmay are visit. ing friends and relatives in this neigh. borhood,--Mris. Jacob Stumpf arrived home_again from the BsrlinA0terloo Hospital, greatly improved. BRnws,---Mr. Noah Bowman and wife of Plum Coulee, Manitoba, visited at; Mr, M. Bowman's last week.--ie quarterly meeting was held in Hawks- ville and some from here sttended.-- Mr. M. Bowman is in Berlin conduct- ing the camp meeting services in Schneider’s bush.-Mr. Geo.Mc Allister purchased a litre team of grays for the carriage last week. They are really a spank carriage tetun.--The rain of the the last few days has refreshed the grass and paoragts.---The Blooming- dale Literary and Debating Society had a picnic to Elora Rocks on Saturday. The weather interfered somewhat with the pleasure of the occasion, but; other. wise all report having spent a pleasant time.--0ar village was almost deserted on Sunday. Many took in the camp meeting at Berlin, OmTUArtv.--On the let inst. another death took place in town, that of Mr. Christian Daub, who died from a short and severe attack of pneumonia. The funeral took place on Friday afternoon 3rd inst., and was attended by a large number of friends and relatives of the departed. The remains were taken to the Lutheran cemetery, of which church Mr Daub was a member, for interment. Rev. Laeb conducted the funeral servi- ces. The sympathy of the community is with the sorrowing widow and two children who are left behind to mourn the loss of husband and father. Mr, Christian Daub was in the boot and shoe business here with his brother Fred, who has now acquired the whole business, and will run it as heretofore, LIVE STOCK SHIPMENTS -Live"stock shipping is getting to be quite an item at the station here. During May at least twenty four cars of fat cattle and hogs were shipped from Baden. Last week about a dozen cars of export cattle were loaded, and on Monday and Tuesday several more cars of cattle and porkers. This amount of business stamps Baden as one cf the chief shipping points around here. At! every- thing is arranged conveniently for weighing and loading, the business is likely to keep on growing. Novelties in Parades, Sports, Music, Baseball Match, etc, are to be seen in the Waterloo Musical Society':, Celebration at Waterloo on July Ist BRIEFS -Psoplts were busy working for the Queen the past few weeks-A baseball match, played here a week ago Siturday between a junior club from Hamburg and one from this town, resulted in a victory for our boys--- Some of our people attended the camp meeting at Berlin on Sunday. Owing to the rainy weather the crowd was not as large as usual.-Irom present appearances hay will be an immense crop around here this year.--U2aito a lot of wool is being bought at H. M. Brubacher’s Woollen Mills at present. Mr. James Livingston, M.P., is through with his parliamentary duties at Otta- qra.---A large number of people from Baden and vicinity took in the excur- sion to the Model Farm on Saturday 1ast.--Several heavy thunder storms passed over this section of the country during Friday night and Saturday. BRIEFS --It is reported that diphth- eria has again made its appearance in Kossuth, this time at the home of Mr. A. Baer. It is to be hoped it is of a l mild eharscter.--h1% Lena Heelscher who has been on the sick list tor some time is somewhat better. Hope to ‘soon see her around.-Oar strawberry grower, Mr. Jahncke reports a good crop. He has been on the lookout for pickers when ther time comes which is not very diatant,-A lot of our young and old people attended Camp Meeting in Berlin last Sunday, consequently congregations were not hxrge.--The annual pic nie of the South Waterloo Farmers' Institute was well attended notwithstanding the cloudy weather and rain in the afternoon. Everything looks well at the experimental farm and shows good taste and management. -Mr. Abe. Clemens met with an acci- dent which might have proved fatal. As he was driving on the road from the model farm a trolly in full speed ran into his buggy, throwing the occupants out, breaking one wheel and injuring one horse. Mr. Clemens was only slightly hurt while Mrs. Clemens and children were none the worse. Mr. Clemens was unable to fetch the in.. jured horse home. m went after him on Monday but do not know if he was able to be taken homa--We are having some rain in these parts and cereals are leuking up. ' BLOOMINGDALE. FLOR ADALE. KOSSUTH BADEN 36 inch Fancy Dress Goods, small cheeks, green and brown, blue and white, green and fawn effects, regular selling price Me, Sale 15c. . 40 inch German Fancy Dress Goods, new and stylish effects, sell new this season, regu- lar selling price 50c, .aale price 25e per yd. 40 inch Fancy Broche effects, shades navy blue, green and brown, good value " 350, sale price Me. 42 inch all W hip Cords, in grey shades, 500 per yd. Sale price 250. 42 inch Fine English Tweed Effect, special this week 25c. 40mm Fancy Plaid, special purchase, newest; design in green and brown, green and fawn, bluet, etc., all good shades, a. good assortment, special price Mc. We are now offering the Balance of our Spring Importation' of Fancy Dress Goods at Sacrifice Prices in order to move them out and make room for our Inge autumn pur- chase. This is in accordance with our usual custom. But it is your gain, if you want a new bright stylish Dress at Wholesale Price come to SMYTH BROS., Cheqp Cosh Store. We shall save you money. We ask you to read carefully through our price list and description. A look at our show window will give you some idea of the burgun- which we offer. Sale commences to morrow Friday morning. 40 inch Black Brocadad Lustres, I. good assortment of patterns to choose from, cheap at Me, Sale Price 250. 42 inch Black Brocaded Lustres, nice bright fir1iish, all good patterns 300 per yd. better l'nes 35 and 400 per yd. 40 inch plain Black Lustres, nice bright finish 25c. 42 inch plain Brillianbines, bright silky fiaish Me, 40e and 45c per yd. Better lines 500, Me and 75c per yd. A Come early and secure !i.rse,choice. You will Gd every line now in stock which we advertise at ch; iGieTiGrrii'ik' i Cheap Cash Store, Nos. 23--25, S. King St., Berlin, Ont WOOLLARD & CO. Store closes every evening at 6.30 except Saturday. DRESS GOODS SALE PUPI us Who are about to leave Public or High School, should nut overlook the great advantage of a Practical Course (f instruction at the Studen’s may enter any time: Summer Session will commence July Ith, J2,1,t.e or call if you are interested. Circulars ree. "We have them in Black, Tan and Chocolate , Coin Pointed and Common Sense Toes I Self Ihr or Pot. Tip, McKay and 311%qu Fores, _ T New Lot of Bicycle Suits Opened To-day --.assm=xs-- We always make a. specialty of IAdies' Oxford Ties, and this Season we have a. Inger rangttysty1 eve1_'. _ _A A _ __ __.- - SPECIAL SALE . . The Potato Bug Must Go. Rid yourself of the Potato Bug nuisance by buying our strictly PURE PARIS GR EEN. Guar- anteed to give perfect satisfaction. It's sure death to the bug. We also stock BUG FINISH. WATERLOO Guelph Business Mg M. Weichel & Son SMYTH BROS. And shorthand Institute WHOLE NUMBER New lot of Bow Ties. New lot of FlowinÂ¥ End Scarfs. Our Outing shirts are going Fast. f you are going camping, sailing, travelling on wheel. rail 9i',ptiikmboat; be Sure and Give usa. Call. New colors, new styles, low Ii'iiit'; See the new Elastic Sides and Belt; Attac ent. New Lot of Bicycle Hats and Caps. New lot of Bicycle Hose. New things in Bicycle Underwear. Bicycle Pants, special at $290. J..i'.antptripts.antViai4 Socks. J. Sharp, Fancy Dress Goods Black Dress Goods Principal. 5‘1! $10.00... , I 'Craotint' Portrait 0F OXFORD TIES AND Do you want an enlarged portrait of your- self, or any member of your family, relatives or friend t YOU CAN GET ONE of these beautiful "Craotint" Portraits, size 16x20 inches at we have made the necessary arrangement. with the only house mmking them. Buy $10 worth of goods from us for cash. With each purchase of ge ind upwards we give you Mooupon representing the amount of the purchase. Save them until you get $10 worth, and then we wilt get you " en- largement of any photo _you let Inhale. We Give You "the Portrait Free. You Simply Buy 9. Frame from us at Lowest Wholesale Rates. We have a. sample Por- trait, also samples of the diferent “tern Frames for you to select from, on oxgibition HOW C? at our store: This school does first class work in every department and enjoys a large patronage. A Commercial School of the highest grade, none better in Omadu. Students can tuber at any time. Catalogue tree. W. J. Elliott. Principal, The Leading Shoeman Odd Fellows Block . Waterloo, Ont, V. K. SCHMITT, Walper Block, Berlin. MERIT WINS SUCCESS w 2275 '2r.i5217t STRANDED, ONT. . . . FOR NOTHING