} 2" e ie ooï¬ _ â€"The members of theHarmonie singâ€" " ing society and their friends will spend:â€" . mA social evening at their hall on Mon â€" da;, May 23rd. â€"The County Co nverticrof theSab bath Schoolâ€" and lay workers of the Church of England war hsld in Presten on Tuesday. â€"Ths Grand Trunk has made a de cided innovation in the way of record breaking train time on the Galt and Elmira branch. The last time table E. M. Devitt CITY DRUG STORE, Waterloo, Ont. Storo @pposite Zimmerman House CODE & HILLIARD‘S â€"Make old things lo:k like new by giving them a coat of paint. There‘s greab value and lifs in a coat of Sherâ€" ‘winâ€"Willizws‘ paint. Sold by M. Woichel & Son. ; â€"A man is startled sometimes when he thinks of his former ignorance ; but he generally feels that his present knowledga is ample.â€"Puck. â€"A meeting of the Galt distiict of the Hamilton Conference, Methodist Ohurch, will be hbeld in Trinity church, Berlin, on Thursday. â€"As a fertilizer, Thomas‘ phosphate bas no‘ cqual. Can be used on farms, gardens, lawns and fower plants with equally gojd results. â€"Sold by M. Weichel & Son . z â€"The funeral of the late Mrs Koehler took place on Friday afternoon last and was largely attended. A serâ€" vice conducted by Pastor Arendt, was held in St. John‘s Lutheran church, after which the remains were interred in Mount Hope Cemetery. â€"The W. M.S. band bas been putting in some faithful practice during the last couple of weeks, getting in trim for their engagement at Clinton on May 24th. ‘ <â€"The Berlin Town Council has irâ€" troduced a byâ€"law to provide for the purchasing of the Berlin Water Works System. The byâ€"law will be submitted to the electors on Friday May 27th. â€"A special mseting, of the Town Council w«s held on Siturday evening to discuss the proposed foundry extonâ€" sions. â€"Interesting â€" budgets from our Mannheim, Freeport and Blair corresâ€" pondents had to be held over tiil next week. â€" â€"Thestock of C. Lederman, Baden who recently made an assignment for the benefit of his creditors,has been purâ€" chased by J. U. Ciemens &G€o. â€"â€"Edward Armstrong, & youthful looking Hercules, hailing from Gusiph, gave a free exhibition of h‘s strength on King Street, Berlin, on Taesday night, and successfully stood the strain of a team of horses, one hitched to either arm. > _ â€"Men are at present at woek putting down sidewalks in the cattlgyards to be utilized by farmers in futgre on fair days. The fence has been remeved from the front of the yards on Albert street and wiil henceforth constitufg a dividâ€" ing line in.the middle of the yards. _ â€"The dates for the commencement of the high school and university maâ€" triculation examinations for 1898 have been set as follows : Form I, July 4; form II, and commercial specialist, July 6th ; form III and IV, July 8th. â€"The semiâ€"annual meeting of the Waterloo County Teachers‘ Association will be held at. Berlin on Friday and Saturday of this? week, on which days the Central school will be closed in order that local teachers may attend. â€"If you want your lawa mowers sharpened bring them to J. Ball. Shop on Albert street. Headquarters for bicy cle repairs. â€"‘Tis said that the stone crusher will soon be put to work on the stone pile in the cattle yards, â€"It is rumored that Mr. Jacob Conâ€" rad has bought back the Commercial Hotel from Mr. Jno. Davey. Of Course You Don‘t Want Your Winter Clothes â€"All loyal citizons will celebrato the Queen‘s birthday next Tuesday. â€"â€"Ascension Day. to prevent it when you are ready to put them away for the season is to make sure that the early moth has not already made a nest in them, and then fix them so that the later one can‘t. Perfect sealinz would do, but to insure against pin holes and cracks, put into the packâ€" age some of our Moth Balls, The moths do not like them and are particular to stayf[away. You canget a heap of them, the balls, for a little money. s engine drivers twentyâ€"five minâ€" LOCAL NEWS. WATERLOO ‘ONT. Eaten Up; _ the Right Way > _ â€"â€"We beg to acknowledge with thanks the recsipt cf a handsome wa‘l ‘calendar from the E. B. Eddy Co, of Hull, Canada. â€" The calendar covers from April 1898 to January 190¢_ and exhibics d fferent views of various cities in C inada aad Newfoundland. It‘s s â€"â€"Mr. EA. Stein, of St. Louis, Mo., ah:s1 parents reside in Waerloo is 1 member of oce of tre American regâ€" iments etationed in bhat place. His ‘regiment received orders to move south ~ faw days ago and is now on the way to Cuba to teke part in the Spinish American War. â€"If you need sboes don‘t fail tolook at our special bargains before you buy. We do not besitate to say that we have actually the biggost bargsains in good desirable shoes that were ever shown Berlin shoe buyers. Oar wirdows are nearly filled to overflowing with these bargains. Fora few sample prices see our adv. in this issue. A. Weseloh & ‘Co, next to Post ()ffize. _ Rapoy Dayâ€"Sunday last was Rally Day in the Evangelical churches throughout the country. _ Special services were held in the Evangelical charch here. In the morning the pasâ€" tor, Rev, Damm, preached an approâ€" priate sermon, In the evening a spacial programme was given consisting of an address to the children by Mr.J ohn W. Schneider and appropriate music by the choir. A number of well rendered solos and recitations contributed to the suc ces« of the entertainment. LrG BroKEx â€"While Master E‘den Erost, the nine year old son of Mrs. Ernst, was running home from school onTuesiay noon,heaccidentaliy stubbed his foob against a stone and fell in such a way as to break his right leg between the knee and the thigh. Saveral lady teachers who were coming along at the tims conveyed the unfortunate lad to his homs. Trrx Go By Specian Tramm.â€"The W.M S. band which bas been engaged to play at Clinton next Tuesday, May 24th, will leave Waterloo by special train next Tussday morning at 80‘clock. A special excursion rate of $185 from Waterloo has been arrang«d for so that all who ars desirous of accompanying the boys can do o ab a small expeuse. The Clinton peopl» have provided a vory atbractive programme for the day. : â€"The Berlin people are having quite a time with their new steam road roiller. While taking on water on a eide street the other evening, it was discovered ‘hat the big machine was gradually sinking out of sight. All hands immeâ€" diately hove to, aud after working desâ€" perately for nearly fise hours they managed to get the machine to solid groucd. â€"Messrs. Seip Bros. of Miami, Man:â€" itobs, writing under date of May 12, say : "Seeding is aished except barley. Wheat is all up and looking well. A very large acreage has been sown owing to the probable high price the people expect to gâ€"t for their wheat in the fall. The present price is $1.18 for No. 1 hard. We have had an exceedingly fine wint r.and with the exception of a little cold a nice spring." Seip Bros. moved to Manitoba from Wellesley a few years ago. | . _ â€"Since putting in their new system |showed that the efforts of the band of electric lighting, Merscs. Wm. Saider | were being appreciated. Tha band and Co. have been the recipients of | gives evidence of having spent a winter praise on every band. The new lights | of carefal and diligent practice under are evoking expressions of admiration | the baton of their leader, Prof, Zller. from both citizens and visitors alike ts > and it is not ab's..ll undesgrved. The| gxipurnt on Horsus â€"Mr.J. Scott, lamps emit a brilliant, white and °xâ€" | the local horee buyer, made a shipment ceedingly well diffused light, throwing | of seventeen heavy draught horses from out their rays hundreds of feet. The|the station bere for Liverpool last new positions of the lamps also make a n‘ght, Mr. A. Hoar looking afser the vast improvement in the lighting and | horses on their journey. _ Mr. Chas. we think our citiz ns can now justly | Scott who has charge of the stables boast of having one of the best lighted | pereshoweda Onroxicnrrepresentative towns in the province. through the stable the other day. â€"â€"Arrangements are being made to Eighteen fine heavy draughts were charter a special train to Guelph on | *"°D quartered there and tipged the Wednesiay evening, June lst, when scales all the way from 1500 to 1800 the celebrated Godfrey‘s band will| Pounds, one of the latter being a parâ€" sppear in the Opera House ab that ticularly fine beast and one for which place. The excursion will not be run | C‘ Scott refused an offer of $200 nob unless 60 subscribers can be obtained | 008 2g0. A breedy driving mare which in Berlin and Waterlo». Any Waterloo Mr. Scott purchased up near Wlora is citizens who are desirous of hearing |?°° of the fin:ss specitmens of horseflesh this world famei musical organization %'12 83‘3 county. She has been sold for shan‘d â€" anmmnninataâ€"withâ€" Meâ€"â€"I O a AnNOUNCEMENT.â€"Rev. Prof Barâ€" goss will preach in theAnglican church, Waterloo, on Sunday next in the morning at 11 o‘clock, and ths Rev. Prof. Steen in the evening at 7 o‘clock. The latter gentleman will be rememâ€" bered as the former popular rector of the church here, who some two years ago received a professorship in one of the Eoglish church colleges at Montâ€" real. We are sure his many friends here will justly appreciate this opporâ€" tunity of hearing Rev. Steen. G. T. R. Tmrx Tasor Cgaxrars,.â€"| Latterly he has been engaged in business at The new G. T. R. time table woent | Preston. into effect on Sunda.y, May 15th. No| Mr. Winter had a most kindly and generâ€" very material changes have been made | ous nature and was always ready to enter affecting the train service ab this point. | heartily into everything that had for its The train formerly going north at 12.25 | object the betterment of his fellows. He now leaves Waterloo at 12 o‘clock noon | took a great interest in musical matters and and the evening â€"brain goes north at | a ‘few years ago organized the huge choir 8 36 o‘clock. Other trains leave Watâ€"| gatherings which were held at Goderich, erloo going south abt 9 05, 9. 15 and |Sarnia and London. He was one of God‘s 10 20 a. m., and 2 55, 4.45 and 8.05 p.|noblemen and his untimely death in the m. _ The brain from Galt which arrived | prime of life will be deeply felt and sincerely . at Waterloo at (.20 p. m., now comes|mourned by his many friends throughout â€"Atrangements are being made to charter a special train to Guelph on Wednesiay evening, June 1st, when the celebrated Godfrey‘s band will appear in the Opera Hoeuse at that place. The excursion will not be run unless 60 subscribers can be obtained in Berlin and Waterlo». Any Weterloo citizens who are desirous of hearing this world famei musical organizition shou‘d communicate with Mr. J. H. Roos. If 60 eubscribers are obtained the return fare will be fixed at the low rate of 60 cents, the return train leayâ€" ing Guelph at 11. p. m. Toâ€"NxicHt.â€"Mr. P. Dierlamm, of Stratford,. will lecture toâ€"night, 19th inst., at 8 p.m. in the Town Hall kere, on Mental Healing, and will show how it can be done without believing in the goâ€"called Christian Science doctrine. For Saucr.â€" TIwo good â€" second hand ladies‘ bicycles ; also one tandem almost new. Must be sold. Apply to George B. Miller, Wellesley. 19 36 Tarx First or ts SEason â€"The first open air concert of the season was given by the W. M. S. band on the square on Friday evening. A mu:ical programme of rare excellence bad been prepared and was rendered in a capable manner, The second numbers on the proâ€" gramme, with solo and full band accompaniment was very effective in the piano passages. There was a large attendance, the rquare being thronged with people, many of whom came from Berlin, and their continued applause showed that the efforts of the band were being sppreciated. Ths band gives evidence of having spent a winter of carefal and diligent practice under the baton of their leader, Prof. Z:ller. It becomes our sad duty this week to chronicle the death of Chas. A. Winter of Preston, who passed away after a brief illâ€" ness on Tuesday night in his 45th year. Two weeks ago on Monday he was in Waterloo and little did his friends think that it would be his last visit. But in the midst of life we are in death. Two weeks ago toâ€"day he was taken with severe neuralgic pains in the region of the heart and medical skill and trained nursing were unable to stay the hand of Death. Mr. Winter was for years one of our most successful public school teachers and afterwards acted as Superinâ€" tendent of Agencies for the Dominion Life. Latterly he has been engaged in business at Preston. Satpnuanxnt or Horses â€"Mr.J. Scott, the local horee buyer, made a shipment of seventeen heavy draught horses from the station hbere for Liverpool last night, Mr. A. Hoar looking afser the We are sure the afflicted and deeply bereaved family will have the sympathy of the entire community in this hour of trial . After the service at the house the remains were _ consigned to their last resting place in Mount Hope comotery. _A memorial serâ€" vice will be held next Sunday *evenâ€" in the Presbyterian church at 7 o‘cleck . Miss Young had a most amiable disposition and her death, just as life and a career of usefalness were openâ€" ing up before her, is one of those inscrutable‘mysteries that eternity only will discloso. She was talented in a high degree and a number of artizsles written under a nom de plume a fow years ago and published in the Chronâ€" jcle gave evidence of considerable literary taste and skill, The funeral took place on Wednesâ€" day afternoon and was largely attendâ€" ed. There ‘were numsrous beautiful florsl tributes from friends which testâ€" ified to the warm place she held in their hearts. The services were conducted by the pastor, Rev. John McNair, B. A. Ib becomes our painful duty this week to record the death of Annie B. Young, second daughter of our townsâ€" man, Mr. William Young, aftor a lingerâ€" ing and painful illness, Miss Young had been suffering from the attack of an insidious disease for some years, the exact nature of which was not underâ€" stood until she underwent an operation at the Hospital in Toronto last Februâ€" ary, when it was seen that recovery was out of the question. She was brought home and everything that could be done by medical skill and kind friends to alleviate her suffering was done until Monday morning, when she quietly passed over to the silent majority. Spring Novelties Death of Miss Annie B. Young. Silk and Wool Dress Goodsg in Latest Effe:t â€" . Novelty Silks in beautiful patterns for costumes and waists These at remarkably low prices. § Wool Fabrics in widths and qualities that bespcak your attention when price is named. The variety of our Spring and Summer offerings was never before equalled in this town. & Economical Opportunities Black Silks, Plain Colored Silks, Fancy Checked and Bro caded Silks are trustworthy and serviceable,insures perfect satis actâ€" ion and easy selection. GJo is Blick and Colored, all Wool Novelties in Brocades, Serges Covet Cloths, Lustres, Poplins, Shot effect &cC., P.S. Also a complete assortment of Priestly Black Dress Death of Mr. Winter. ie J. Uffelmann. DRESS GOODS : Dr. J. H. Wobb went to Datroit yesterday. Mr. Thos. Hall of Toronto, is visitâ€" ing friends in town . Mr. A. H. Erb, of Elmira, was in town yesterday. Miss Lilian Byers, of Detroit, is the guest of Miss Emma Diebel. The funeral will take place on Friday afternoon at half past two o‘ clock at the residence, Preston, Mrs. V. M. Berlet is on an extended visit to her parents in Linwood. Mr. W. E. Wray and Miss Good, of Bloomingd le, spent Sunday in Watâ€" erloo. Mrs. David Goldie, Dr. William E, Goldie and Miss Ettie Goldie, of Ayr, left last Thursday for Germany, sailing on Saturday from New York. The former will â€"return in autumn, but Dr. and Miss Goldie will remain in Gerâ€" many for at least a year. _ _ Mrs. Mickus of Elmira, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Alvah Devitt. the wife and three small children who w ill have the profound sympathy of the entire community in their sore bereavement. Mr. Alex. Leitch, of the firm of Liphardb & Loitch,who was confined to the house for the past six weeks with inflammatory rheumatism, is, we are pleased to see sround again. Mr. and Mrs. Georga Leslie, Miss Stafford and Miss Leslie and Mr. Jas. Lealie of Erin township were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.J. K. Strickland for a few days during the past week. Mr. Scartb, of the Imperial Bank, and Mr. Oarl Ruby of the C. B. of C., Woodstock, wheeled over from that place on Saturday afternoon and spont Sunday with friends in the Twinâ€" Ciby. Mrs. Hood, of Hamilton, is visiting Mrs. Alva Dovitt and other friends in town. She was formerly Miss Weylie, and successfully taught one of the divisions of the Central School for a number of years. Dr. John H. Ratz, of New Dundee visited friends in Waterloo on Sunday. We have since learned that he took sick on Monday, showing symptoms of typhoid fever, and was immediately taken to the Galb hospital. Mr. E. A. Brubacher, Baden, gave the OgronICLE a friendly call on Tuesâ€" day. Mrs. James Bladon, of Minnespolis is visiting her brother, Dr. C.W. Wells and other friends. She will likely spend the summer here. _ Mr. and Mrs. M. Braendie spent Sunday with his parents near Heid: elberg. Mr. W. H. Seyler, of Toronto, spent Sunday at the bome of his parents in Waterloo. Miss Alice Scott left on an extended visit to friends in Liverpool, England, on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell, Toronto, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs, Dawâ€" aon during the past week. Messrs. Peter Moyer and John Martz, of Galt, were visiting friends in town and vicinity one day this week. Miss Dawson, of Toronto, spent a few days ab the residence of Mr. T. Dawson of this place during the past week. Dr. Walter Wells, (Dentis‘ ) and wife lefb on Saturday, for Otbtawa and Montreal, where they go on an extendâ€" ed visit. Mr.and Mrs.J.Conrad and Mrs. A. E. Sanderson lefb yesterday on an extendâ€" ed visib to Mount Olemens, Mich., for the benefit of their health. . Miss Jean Moore, of GCalt,is the guest of her cousin, Miss Bella Moore of this place. Miss Emma Davidson has returned home after & visit to friends in the Queen City, Mr, Dawson of Memphis, Tenn., is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Dawson, town. Mr. E. W. B. Snider, St. Jacobs, paid a business visib to town on Tuesâ€" day. Mr. J. Hespeler, manager of the Mo‘!son‘s Bank, was in Loudon yesterâ€" day . Miss Minnie Soyder leaves toâ€"day to spend a few weeks with friends in ‘Toronto . PERSONAL AND SOCIAL. Seasonable Suggestions Fashionable Designs AGENTS : "FÂ¥oman" is the title of our new book, Discusses all phasesof the subject. Con: tains "The Life and Work of Miss Willard.‘ the most wonderfut woman of the century. Over a hundred beantiful portraits of the greates womnan known, with biographical sketches Snap for canx. agers. LINSCOTT COMPAXN Y,â€" â€" Great Reduction Sale price. 50 other patterns will go at a disâ€" count of 20 to 40 per cent. This is really War Declared against high prices. We have also some lines of which we will give you enough Wall PaperZwith bordor, for any good sized room for 50c for the lot. Being overcrowded and in need of room in our Clothing and Boot and Shoe Departâ€" ments, sweeping reductions are made, goods being sold at ridiculocsly low prices. These departments are literally jammed, making it awkward and very inconvenient ind imâ€" possible to show goods to advantage, hence the absolute necessity for the immediate reduction of the stock, Waterloo BERILIN _â€"_â€"_ONT 50 _ " CGirls‘ Bals., sizes 8 to 10, for 50 _*© Misses‘ Bals., sizes 11 to 2, for 75 * Children‘s Oxfords at ....... 25 * Ladies‘ Oxfords at 50¢c, 75¢ & Children‘s Shoes at . .............. Ladies‘ Button and Bal. Dongola Kid sizes 4, 4} and 7, worth $1.50 §2 for . ri.lisieercevennere e Boys‘ 2 piece Suits worth $2.00 for 6€ 6€ â€"â€"â€"2.50 for Thursday, Friday andâ€"Saturday, May 12th, 13th and 14th. The mostmagnificent display of Hats, Bonnets, &c., ever seen in this town. All invited and everyone welcome. Special Values in Dress Goods at 25¢ at sizes O to 9 for .........;.... 100 pairs Men‘s Shoes, worth from §$2.25 to $3.50 for........:.... 100 pairs Men‘s Tan Bals., worth from §2to $2 50 for.............«.. 100 pairs Boys‘ Shoes, sizes 1 to 5, for 100 *‘ . t 5t _ â€"toâ€"18; for 50 _ " Girls‘ Bals., sizes 8 to 10, for W. H. BECKER & C0., Boys‘ 3 piece Suits worth Men‘s Pants, regular 1.00 line, for. .. 80 3 1.35 4E 1 10 4 2.00â€" 56 1 50 & 3.00 6e 2 95 Separate Vests, Smocks, Overalls. See our Summer Coats and Vests at our Extra Special Reduced Prices. WALI: PAPER. Boys‘ Knick. Pants..........c.....s Boys‘ Suits, Long Pants............ Men‘s Suits worth $4.00 for......... 5& 5 00 for......... #€ 6 00 for..... ... & â€"8.00 to $10.00 for The sweeping reduction in prices in these lines should soon remove the overstock, if low prices are of any avail. _ We can hardly move about, for the clothing and shoes are everywhere, in the shelves, on the counters on the ledges and tables and floors. Come and see for yourself and bring your friends with your a 150 pairs Men‘s Boston Calf Bals., _ ____ N. B. â€"MILLINERY OPENING on Doering‘s Save Your â€"And Money ) Come c â€"And To oy Us TERMS CASH. Theâ€"immense display of these lines that we ar> making in our Mantle Room on the second floor, is attracting a great deal of attenâ€" tion from the Ladies of the Twin City. They are arranged so that withâ€" out inconvenience on the part of either customer or saleswoman, you can get in a glance some idea of the large variety we carry, ranging in price from these extra quality Print Waists (fast color) at 5oc to the finest patterns in French Organdie Muslins at $2.50. Then there are the ready made skirts in White Duck, Grass Linen, Black figured Lustre, Black Serge at from $1.00‘to $3.75. These are special values and worthy your attention. The Spring Capes and Jackets haye been repeated in many lines, and the assortment is complete. Visit our second floor if only to see the display. BERLIN, GUELPH, OWEN SOUND. Cash and One Price = King St., Berlin Blouses and Shirt Waists Never before did we offer such decided bargains in wall paâ€" per. We are selling about 35 of our patâ€" terns at oneâ€"half the marked and regular 2.00 for 2.50 for 3.00 for 3.25 for 3.75 for 4.50 for 5.00 for G.B. RYAN & CO. Ont. $0 95 1 65 1 50 2 00 2 40 2 50 3 00 2 70 4 75 3 25 89 65 60 75 50 25 50 We are having a big run just now on our Cotton Fabrics. It is probably the largest assortment ever gâ€"tten together in town. Cotton Dress stuffs are very good things to} test a store with, they are cheapâ€"big assortments don‘t cost much, so the question of leaderâ€" ship comes down to the three points of e The Dominion House WANTED :â€"Seven order writers, Salary orâ€"commission to suitable persons. ADVERTISER Medical Building, Toronta, We‘d like you to test our leadership on exactly these points.. It‘s impossible to give a full description of the large variety we carry, but here are a few hints of kinds and prices. Features for 98. _ Fitted with Dunâ€" lop or Single Tube Tires. Is really a combination of beauty, strength and durability. Is guarâ€" anteed for one year and all acciâ€" dents to wheel can be repaired in aday or tw > without any extra exâ€" rpess charges to pay. Sold by WOOLLARD & CO. You can‘t make a m‘stake by buying a Berlin wheel. It has all the latest and . UP â€" FTO â€" DATE mss U â€" mow t ure, SU MME R ammmmameâ€"_ MILLINERY OPENING STRAW HATS Berlin Bicycles GROFF & HYMMEN C. H. MILLS, Manager CC Watchmaker and Jeweler. WATERLOO, ONT. Elegant Shape, elegant fits, for Canadian Heads.â€" _ New line of Fine Shirts. _ New lot of Green Sweaters. Summer Coats and Vests. New lines of Cashmere Sox. New lines of fine Underwear, King Street You should see our new line of FELT HATS, the PE C D â€"H] Styles, Qualities and Prices C. STEUERNAGEL‘S$ _ We will hold our annual Summer Opening on FRIDAY and SATURDAY, May 13th and 14th, 1898. A cordial invitation is extendâ€" ed to the ladies of the T‘win City. We have opened this week a lot of Special EnglishfPrints, light and dark shades _ fast colors 8ec. Printed Batiste, 12% and 15c. Navy and White Ducks. 12%c. Printed Organdies, 20 and 25¢. Printed Sateens, 12%c. Metal Printed Sateens, 25¢. Black Figured Sateens, 25¢. Printed Ditnities, 25¢. Scotch Ginghams, 12%c. Scoteh Chambreys, 15 and 20c. _ White Swiss Spots, 10 to 25¢. Bicycle Denims, 12%c. Linen Crash for Skirts (shrunk) 20c. White Piques, 20 to 35¢. _ Striped Galateas, 10c. BOYS AND MEN. _ OF‘ C AN A D. aA_." .. FOR ... WANTEDâ€"Young men and. women, ofr ~lder ones if still young in spirit,of undonbted character, good talkers, ambitious and indusâ€" trious, can find emploxment in a good ca@use, wg{:ltixtuo per month and upwards according tq ability. a U REYV, T. S LINSCQTT, Teronto, TERMS CASH AND PRICES RIGHT, WALLPAPER O0Yes! 0O Yes! Martin Bros, Walper Block, Berlin. You never saw the like before of such a fine stock, all of the latest and newâ€" est designs of which we have just received for the spring seasonâ€" As we sell for Cash we are in a position to sell at a very reasonable price, so much so that it Ea.ys you to examine our stock before uying. Give us a call.. (SUCCESSORS TO A.LKUMPF ) Waterloo, Ont. Waterloo, Ont Berlin. 492 492