Waterloo County Chronicle (186303), 10 Feb 1898, p. 3

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"lol/hr?)),',)?,,),. z.- llihAlKjltlrti,it POWDER _ S s u by 1 ) -.- -.;.“r Rhg& 13‘. 411.55 Y sas 'it,tr" Klippm Undertaking (h, N. B.--Orders taken daily and meat de livered to any part of the town through a first class delivery service. Guaranteed to cure COUGHS. CO LDS, ROARSENE)3S Y, any, LUlfy .T.ROUBLE,. Thousands of bottles sold this year and everybody should give it a tn ial. Price, 25 cents end 50 cents a bottle at all the leading druggists. or send to The Leading Meat Market Is the only up»to-datd Butch: Shop in town where customers can rely upon getting only the choicest,ehcapest and In of meats Ibis, establishment, has the ce puta ion 0 keeping only the best and finest .anehes of Beef, Veal, Mutton Pork, Ham, Pickled Pork and Tongu and Dried Beef always kept , 1 kinds of Sausages as, Bologna, Head Cheese, Liver, Pork, Wiener and Sum Iver Sausages Dr, H:ofland‘s Consumption . . ' Cure . . ' of til kinds a specialty. All meats delivered promptly and Customers n cut: d wi h cnvurtesy. A call solicited, and satisfaction guaranteed, Undertakers and Embalmers Calls "answered day and night at the faclory. We are now busy grinding clippers from all parts of the eountryitrnd we guarantee to grind your old clippers to out equal to if not better than the best new clippers manufac- ured--simply because we understand ex- actly what is required and have the latest improved clipper grinder on the market. We charge 500 a. pair and guarantee our work satisfactory.' Special attention given to customers from a distance. Clippersground While You Wait. C. L. HENDERSON, BERLIN. Il\]’[ri I supp y " ttrist alas: mo :lhs. _And Horse power-Clippers, Ground and Repaired at the Berlin Bicycle Repair Co's qugn St. Soupb. . __ .. Beef, Pork, Veal, Lamb, Mut Hams, Bacon, Corned Beef, and Sausages MEATS AND Sp, USAGES A Drop In Meats ” No humbug. Hpnest Service. Specialty: Tough 'rruy.rs rejected in other hands and forum: 1?/,i,1tif/kif'gt, References: Honor- able T. eHhiaume, prop. ot "La Presse," Honorable D. A, Ross, the leading news. apers, Banks, Eeress Companies & clients fn any locality. Al Patents secured throu h our agency are brought before the public ll' a. B ccial notice in over 300 newspapers. MAgHON a MARION Patent Experts, Temple Building,185 St. 38.11188 St" Montreal. an li,t2dl'gl. ff arugula.” v'tQ'?'ttli'llt e omnon mama as linen “in.” Quantum Mentlwpapeh. Is caused by torpid liver, which prevents tiiges- tion and permits food to ferment and putrify in the stomach. Then follow dizziness, headache, insomina, nervousness, and, I 5 it not relieved, billous fever q , or blood poisoning. Hood's g s Pills stimulate the stomach, " p ro_use_the liver, cure headache, dizziness, con- stipation, epc.@ 25 cents. Sold s, all druggip..ts. The only Pills to take with Hoo 's sarsaliiriills 8aio-oers:woocma-:mxr::eooooao:osxosa-o-g8 promqu tell you IC proba 1y patenmble. -r.__.-rsrvas. “A“: For Coughs, RIrilN Colds, Brow. chitis, Sore il throat, etc. llill KERRY, WATSON a. G0oPmoPmsrons, MONTREAL. gammmommgg GET W.py. QUICKLY. Write to-day for our 1postltify.1 illustrated Dookon Patents and the teglgtlli'sfa, of a, poor Inventor who made $250,000. . Sepd us a rough sketch or model ot your mvéntion and we will pro,nRt,1g to}! gloE‘FREE if it is new and Biihiousnesis " MRS. J, LENHAED, PROMPTLY SECURE} Bnyder's Drug Store, tiEeim"giyTSTi:RIiyiD FOR TWENTY - SEVEN YEARS Ir. Tankard is making preparations for ying cu tonwrs with sr‘rict‘y fresh and class meats during the hot summer Ulilllulil'8 MEAT MARKET. LARGEST SA {Em CANADA. Opbgsite' Alexander House Watérloo The one price store in the County Waterloo. Ont. HORSE & TOILET John B. Fischer (ilitt't Sm ERS amb,Bacon. , Corn Beef and also all The many friends of Mrs. George Koppel, Elmira, will be pleased to learn that she has successfully undergone a second operation of a very delicate mv ture at the Guelph Hospital. The Misses Hall, after three weeks' successful evangelistic services at Han. nah street church, Hamilton, went last week to Barrie, The Berlin disinfecting machine ex- ploded a. week ago Monday night. while being operated by Sanitary Inspector Harry Brown, and Mr. Brown will carry some marks of his narrow escape from serious injury. At the poultry show held at Galt bhere were 700 entries and the exhi- bition is considered the best and lar- gest ever held there. The Clinton Town Council have de. c'ded to offer the Doherty Organ Com- pany the sum of $25,000 as a loan for 30 years without Interest. The firm have accepted the offer, and the by-law will be submitted to the people at an early date, Mr, Andrew Telfer died at his resi- dence, near Paris, Monday morning, from cancer of the bowels. About 50 years ago Mr, Telfer came from Beot. land and took up a farm on the River Road, two miles from Paris, He was a successful farmer, and has a wide reputation as the raiser of thorough- bred sheep. John Tuhord, an employee at the Victoria Wheel Works, Gait, while passing a machine in motion on Wed. nesday afternoon, was caughb by a. knife ",ettatehtnenr, lifted off his feet and whirled around several times. Hie shoulder sustained a compound fract- ure, one lung is exposed and there are several gashes in his beck and side. The evangelists, Crossley and Hum ter, who have been conducting evangel- istie meetings at Gait, held their clos- ing meeting Wednesday night. The total number of converts was 334. The number of converts who wished to join the various churches were as fol. lows: United Presbyterian 13, Central 12, Knox 48, Baptist 28, English 14, Wee Methodist 6, Methodist 167, out of town 26. During the month of January, 22,- 300,000 Imperial gallons of water were, consumed by the residents of GAIL, an average of 720,000 a. day. This is a very high average accounted by the fact that many persons leave their wa- ter taps running all night during the cold weather to prevent freezing. Mr. James Sharp, Glenmorrie, died whit; hom", .0...... .....aged 90 years. He had lived in South Dum- fries, and on the farm, where his death occurred, for 72 years, and was at one time one of the most prominent; men in the township. He sat in the town. ship council for twenty years, was long a school trustee, and was a staunch and life-long Reformer. Mr, Andrew "Sharp, a broiher in Brantford,survives, aged 93 years. Career of Dr. John Hall, the Noted New York Divine. The Rev. Dr. John Hall, who recent- ly resigned as pistor of the Fith Avenue Presbyterian church, New York, one of the most fashionable and wealthy churches in tbat city, had occupied that pulpit: for more than thirty years and has become widely knee n, not only throughout, this coun- try but in Great Britain. The feeling that many of his flock desired a. younger pastor, a feeling the existence of which has been vigorously denied, was un- doubtedly the cause which led Dr. Hall to retire. C- ntreogo will have a mot tloly fair. Fhe first will he held On Wednesday- February 16 b. Buy ers will be pres, 'rit to purchase all kinds of live stock. The Cr, T. R. are q sietly intzolucing coapressed Mr to do a great deal of tho work, formerly done by laborers in their round houses and repair shops. Dr. John Hall is nearly 70 years old, having been born in Armagh, Ireland, July 31st, 1829. He was educated in Belfast college entering at the age of 13, He was licensed to preach in 1849 and began work as a missionary in the west of Ireland. He nmained there for three years when be was cxlled as pastor to the First Pre sbyterian church of Armagh. In 1858 he was called to the Collegiate church of St. Mary’s Abbey, Dublin. In the summer of 1867 Dr. Hall came to America as a delegate to the old school Presbyterian Assembly of the United States, which was held in Cincinnati. While here he made for- cible and eloquent appeals for church unity. In New York he was invited to preach at the Fifth avenue Church, then without a pastor. The society decided then and there to call Dr. Llall, and he was spoken to about it, but not until aformal call was cabled to him after hie return to Ireland did be accept. In the fall of the same year Dr. Hall went to New York to become the par tor of the richest congregation in that city. It was a stroke of ecclesiastica! luck pure and simple, At first he received a. salary of $6,- 000 in gold, gold then being above par. Soon after his salary was raised to $10,000 in currency, and later it was increased to $155000. Besides this, Dr, Hall says he has received during h's 30 years pastorate more than $30,- 000 in wedding fees and gifts In 1805 Mrs. E izdrth Ford died, leaving him an annual income of $3,000. Dr. E1511 has led a most busy life, but has always refused the sersieeg of an assistant, or even a. secretary. Basides his many pastoral duties, he has written several books. In 1891 a crazy man attempted to shoot him, him, but he escaped unburt, although three shots were fired at: him at close range. j,ijF'ThlillRri,1fllljl? News ot the Waterloo County District Gleaned From Exchanges. A VETERAN PREACHER. Mr. James Innea, ex-WP, h- Per ident, took the chair at 1 p.m. Shar - hr/dt rs representing over 1,600 shares of the Company's capital stock were present, including Messrs.Jsmeis lanes of Guelph; Hon. S. Merner, New Ham burn; James McMuHen M. P., Mount Forest; Henry Cargill M.P.,Cargill; P. H, Simr, Toronto; W. Vanduscv, Tara; G. D Forbes, Hespelev; Dr. Patire, Woodetock;J. B. Husr.lsess,(ylayor of Watt r100); D. Bean, (Elitor of the CHRONICLE); Simon B Bricker, Thus. Hilliard, S. Snyder, Wm. Snider, John Shar, Chr. Kumpf, Wm. Young, J, Conrad, W. Wel's, L.D.S., PH. Runs The Mamging D rec'or was called upon to read the Director! Report and Financial f3oistementsa, which were placed in the hands of the shut holders in printed form, and were an! follows: Directors’ Report. To the Shareholders ofthe Dominion Life Assurance Company .' GENTLEMEN l Your Directors have the honor to sul mit to yox their Ninth Annual Report, and it affordsus much satisfaction to be able to congratulate upon an ther year of pros pe‘rity and euccefs. Satisfactory Progress Made During the Past Wear-prospects Bright for the Future. The ninth annual meeting of the shareholders of the Dominion L fe Assurance Company was held at; the Head Olfics of the Company, Waterloo, as one o'eloclr p. m , on the 21d day of February, 1808 The number of applications rece'ved dur ing the year was 514, for assurance amount- ing to $644,700. Ofthese nine for $8,500 were dcclined and 38 for $42,500 were not on our books at the close of the year, leav- ing 467 policies issued for 8593,700 includ- ing bonus additions. . TT Our losses by death were proportionally lighter than in 1896, being $11,000, or $500 less on a larger amount at risk. This is nearly 50 per cent. of the "expectation" according to the British Actuaries' Mortal, ity Table, and may therefore be considered a. favorable experienc '. The amo nt in force at the close of the year was $2,614,873, being an increase of $251,806, or 10.5 per cent. of the amount in force at the beginn- ing of the year. The number of policies is 2121, and of separate lives 2010. The amounts at risk in the several sec- tions of the Company were -Women'ss, 8300,867--General, 89ll,l50--- Abstaine r's, $1,341,856. Endowment policies subsist for $1,797,304, Limited pay life $409,406 and All Ide $443,103. The losses were $5,000 in the Women's sectiou,$2,000 in the General and 84000 in the Abstaincrs. THE DUMINION LIFE The Financial Statements submitted here- with in printed form, exhibit in deta l the income and expenditure of the year. It will be noted that every department of in, come exhibits a healthy increase, except that of Annuities, the demand for which appears to be limited and uncertain. The increase in gross income over 1896 is $7,483.- 97. The gross expenditure is $37,941.54 being less than the former year by $2,776.- 27. With increasing income and diminirh- ing expenditure, a handsome gain is appar- ent, in the surplus over all liabilities, which has now reached the comfortable sum of $17,277.80. The ratio of the sum laid by on investment account to total income is a little over 58 per cent., a figwe probably unex- eelled in the history of American Life In. surance. We lune 50 policies of 85000 each or over, reinsurance being held for those over that amount to cover the excess. There are 9 policies for,8l000 each, 45 for 83000, 275 for $2000 or over and 1661 forhmounts varying between 8250 and 81500, but chiefly for $1000 each. Nine re insurances subsist for $35,000. The distribution of Eurplus to policy holders will be continued as hereto ore. All the Directors retire at this time and all are eligible for re-election. All of which is respectfully submitted. J AS. INNES, President. J Since July, 1890, the Reserve is calculat- ed at 4 per cent. on the Hm, table ot mortal. ity, the lfghest standard in Canada. All bonus additions and paid-up polic- ies are valued the same way. The difference be ng of the nature of additional security over the Government standard, amounts to about 81600, which sum would otherwise appear in 1he surplus. . T Your Directors have declared the Fifth Dividend at the rate of 5 per cent. upon the paid up capital of the Company, payable on or before the first day of March next. The average rate of interest earned on all . ur cash assets is about 5 3-8 per cent., the interest actually received was more than sufficient to pay our death claims of the year. -. -eme. .. h . , .A Waterloo, Feb. 2nd, 1898. Auditor's Report. I beg to certifw that I have examined the hooks. vouchers and securities of the Dom, inion Life Assurance Company for the year ending Dee, 3lst, 1897 and found them cor- rect, and that the accompanying balance sheet is a full and fair statement of the Company's Mfarrs at that date. A. C. New, Chartered Accountant. Balance from last year. . . . . ' . $177285. 64 Less written off cancelled premiums .. . . . . . Clffiee furniture . . . . . Premiums, nompamticipating 882 68 Women's section. . . . . . . . ' . 12965.41 General section... . .. . . . . . 25142.92 Abstainers' Section. . . . ' ' . ' 34743.52 Ian. 29th, 1808, Annuities...................... 2 Interest................... 11263.15 Less written off debentures 188.52 Exchange of policies Loss and gain. . . . .. Total..'... Payments to Policyholders Death claims under 8 policies $11060. 00 Surrendered policies . . . . . . . 249.65 Reduction of Premiums. . . . . . 557.79 Annuities.................. 828,00 Payments to Shareholders Dividend No.4 .............. 3220.1 Head Offiee Expenses Salaries in head office. . ' . . . . . 2734.99 President an I Direetors' Fees 849.75 Auditor's Fees... . . . . . . . . _ . 40.00 Commissions and sgents' salaries 13449.19 Medical Feiss,.,.,.....,..., 1702.50 Less re-insurance ANN U AL MEETING, Financial Statements. EXPENDITURES RECEIPTS 6024. 96 55. 00 6079. 96 $17 1205. 68 76734. 53 615. 65 $11,074.63 2.50 266.81 261,104.50 876118.88 2436.00 $12695. 44 $5151.69 $3624. 74 3220. 00 Municipal Debentures. ' , . . . . . .5 1hr'tgagei(0b') ............"' Policy Loans.......... _....... Molsons Bank, Deposit Receipts Bank of Commerce, tl N Cash in Banks and Head Ofhce. . Fire Insur nee Premiums. . . . . . Agents' Balances....., ........ Oifiee Furniture. . . . .. . . . . .. Premium notes on polieies P, force............... ..._ Premiums in course of trang. mission................ Deferred half-yearly and quarterly prem ums. . ' . ' F Interest duo .. . . Interest Accrued $209139. 36 Capital stock, paid up. . . . . . . . ..64,400.00 Premiums paid in advance. . . . . . . . 592.65 Claim reported, proof incomplete. . 1,000.00 Outstanding Accounts, estimated.. 200.00 Surplus over all liabilities, includ- ing ealrtal stock, paid up. . . . ' . .17277.80 Reserve, _ccmputed by Gov't Total . . . Number of policies in force 1937 Am't.of insurance in force 82397977 Amount issued in the year 575505 Gross Assets, including subscribed capital, . . . . . 438790 485809 Increase in assets during the year ... .... . . . . . . 139,ll6 46,918 Audited and approved. A. C. NEFF, Chartered Accountant. Waterloo, Jan. 29th, 1898. THE PRESIDENT, in moving the adop tion of the Report, expressed his pleas- ure in being ableto submit once more a report of such a. gratifying character in all essential features. There has been a moderate increase in new business, in total business in force, in cash in came and a marked increasain the sur- plus,which considering the more se- vere scale of reserve liability now adopted,is certainly most; encouraging and satisfactory. It is also highly sitisfactory to note that this has been accomplished not only without any in. crease in the ratio or proportion of ex- pense to income, but with actual de- crease of the expense account. Great care has been exercised during the year, as heretofore, by the Executive Com- mittee and the Board as to investment of our money which is a constantly in creasing responsibility and demands the utmost care on the part of the Di. rectors. It is very satisfactory to be able to report these investments to be in a. sound and healthy condition and producinga rate of interest averaging Less for collection standard ”7. . .... ... Less re-assurance reserve General Expense '. Travelling, $751.55; Advertising,$306.75; Printing, $401; Post- age, S314 95; Books and Statonery, $241.- 60; Telegraph and Telephone, $34.19; Ex. press and incidentals, $l04 31 ; ‘Bank Charges, $30.81; Light and Cleaning, $9.- 25; Legal Expenses, $72.09: _(x'overrsment License, $383.05 ; Commissions on Loam, $296183; Rent, $339. . . . . . . . . . .. 328.133 Balance......................223127.25 Total Assets Total 5i'; per ceeb. over all cash assets includ- ing debentures, mortgages and all cash on hand. Few, if any, of the life in- surance companies of Canada can show as favorable a statement) on this point while American and English companies have a far lower interest earning pow- er. MR. KUMPF, VicePresidenb, briefly seconded the motion, observing that tbe attention of the Executive is being concentrated more and more upon the everincreasing volume of investments. No care is spared to secure the very soundest securitirg whether by way oi debenture or mortgage. MR. MCMULLEN, M. P,was gratified with the report. When we last met it seemed unlikely that the new business of1897 could be brought up to the amount written in the previous year. The Board had given the Manager some latitude in the matter and he had unoertsken, after the services of the late Superintendent of Agencies were dispensed with, to go to the field him- self and pull up the defieieney. He was glad to congratulate the Manager on his success and the agents and stuff on their excellent; work. He pre dicted a successful year for the Com- pany. The public had every possible securi'y and reason for placing their trust in the Company, and this year would doubtless witness a large in. crease in our business. Mn. OARGILL M. P. said the Com. pany had from the beginning made steady and substantial progress year by year and 1897 was no exception. We are now beginning to see the fruit of our steady economy and sound judgment. He had every eonfidenee In the Manager and the Executive. [he report isa most satisfactory one and augura well for the future. DR PARKE thought the stltement submitted most satisfactory. It would be a great help to our agents in the field and the conservative policy of the Directors in alloting only a five per cent. dividend, when the circumstances amply warranted six should be equally sstiefaetory to shareholders and policy- holders. Mn, D, BEAN. Editor of the CHRON- ICLE, said that as a shareholder,he was greatly pleased with the report. Last year,owing perhaps to some defelcations in municipal affairs, it was thought a wise precaution to have a chartered accountant of Provincial reputation to examine our books and accounts thor- oughly. This was not done because of any suspicion of crookedness, for none existed, bat as a matter of extra pre- caution and put matters beyond any question. especially by people at distant points of our Dominion, where perhaps none of us are personally known. He was mach gratified to find that the Gancial statement prepared in advance of the audit, and by reason of haste in getting ready for the Annual Meeting, printed and circulated to shareholders without miie, bad since been re LIABILITIES ASSETS 1896 $6747 33 9798.37 l 679. 32 8 209482. 61 . 343.25 . . $202609. 8 I $74534.“ 172630.75 . 561210 , 9000.00 s5()().00 1201.67 818225. 02 3565 58 $292,609. 81 826887794 450.00 826l104.50 814659. 44 2447. 41 6175. 02 1373.30 88622. 43 1897 2121 2649873 593700 25. 71 MR. P. H SIMS was greatly pleased with the Company’s history and pres- ent position. A successful future is now comparatively easy, the tstmhitienets of the public is won and nothing re- mains but to push on, which he was sure our Manager would do, and se- cure a larger growth this year than ever before. The shareholders' meeting having ad- journed, the newly elected Directors met and reelected Mr. Jamrs Innes. President; Mr. Chr. Kumpf, Vice~Presi- dent, and the following as members of the Executive Committee: the Prcsl- dent, Vice-President, Managing Direc- tor, with Mrssrs. Shuh, S, Snyder, W. Snider, W, Wells, J, Conrad. A sub- committee on investments was also e'ected,composed of the Vice-President, Managing Director and Messrs. Shub and S. Snyder. Me J B. HUGHES said the Company had a most enviable record, never hav. ing had, prartieallyt any impairment of capital. Steady, economical, conser. vative, yet progressive had been the policy marked out from the beginning, and strictly adherred to. The resultis a fine position commanding the unqual- Med respect cf insurance men through- out the country. The report was then adopted unan imoualy,when Messrs. D, Bean and S. B, Brisker were appointed Scrutineers fyr the election of Directors. The bal. lot resulted as follows .,--Jatmys Innes, Chr. Kumpf, Thus. Hilliard, S Snyder, John Shub, Wm, Snider, Jacob Conrad, James McMullen M.P., Henry Cargill M.P., Hon, S. Memer, W. T. Parke M.D., W. Vandusen, P. ll, Sims, J. B. Hughes, Thos. Gowdy, Geo. D E‘urbee. Votes of thanks were cordially Mn. dered to the President, the Executive Committee, the Managing Director, the agents andthe office stuff, and suitably replied to by the President, Vlce-Presi- dent, Managing Director, Dr. Bauman, Medical Referee, and P. H, Roos, accountant, on behalf of the office staff. Mr. A.C N, ff, ehahered accountant, was re appoiptedr Auditor, -- .. MRS. WINSLow‘s SOOTHING SYRUP has been used by millions of mothers for their children while teething. If disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and aging with pain of Cutting Teeth send at once an get nbot tle of "Mes. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup"for Children Teething. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it mothers there is no mistake about it. It cures Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums,reduces In- tiammation, and gives tone and energy to the wholesystem. "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup tor children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the preseriptior1 of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Price twenty-tive cents a bottle. Sold by all druggists throughout the world. Be sure and ask for “M RB. W INSLO w's SOOTHING SYRUP vised by one of the first experts in Canals, arid pronounced a. fall and corrrcb statement, not a flgure of the balance sheet; being altered. Public eotdider,ce on this line is therefore assured and he would advise all share- holders to assist by taking insurance tlwmselxes rs far as they may be able. The McIntyre Block Destroyed With Loss Over $400,000. Winnipeg, Feb. 2,--One of the most disastrous fires in the history of Win.. nipeg, in which hundreds of thousands of dollars are involved, occurred early this morning, The McIntyre block, conceded by all to have been the best business block in the city, has gone up in smoke and nothing but bare stand- ing walls and ashes remain to mark the spot where, only twelve hours ago, a fine structure stood. The total loss is over $400,000, with insuurance of about 8200,000. Nothing was saved from the burning buildings so rapid was the spread of the Ere, The brigade saved the adjoining buildings after a hard fight. An old physician, retired from practiee,havjng had placed in his hands by an East India mission- ary theformula otasimple vegetable remedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis. Oat-arm, Asthma, and all throat and Lung Afreotions, also a posltive and radical cure forts' ervous Debiliryanu all NervousCornplaatts after having tested its wonderful curative pow- ers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty co make itknown to his suffering follows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human nut tering, I will send free of chargo,to all m hodesxire in! his recipe, in German,Frenuh or English.w1th full dlrccbi0ns for preparing and ueing. Sun by mail by addressing with stamp, naming this paper. W. A. Novas, 820 Powera’ Block, Koch- ester, N, Y. Galt Reformer: The meeting of members of the Board of Trade and Town Council in the Council Chamber Wednesday night advanced matters in relation to the carpet fac‘ory several stages. As a result, a d‘putation comprising members of both these bodies will on Monday go to Elem to inspect the establishment now there and report to the Town Council. If their report is favourable-as is tsonfid.. ently expected --the matter should be closed as expeditiously as possible. Every ratepayer and resident of the town would be benefited by the estab- lishment of such an industry here and all who have the town's welfare at heart will do what they can to bring it here. After coughs and colds the germs of consumption often gain a foothold: Scott's Emulsion of Cod... liver Oil with Hypophos- phites will not cure every case; but, if taken in time, it will cure many. Even when the disease is farther advanced, some re- markable cures are effected. In the most advanced stages it prolongs life, and makes the days far more comfort- able. Everyone suffering from consumption needs this food tonic. BIG FIRE IN WINNIPEG. scon & BOWNB. Cinemas. Toma. CONSUMPTION CURE”. For Ovu- Fll'ty Years sec. and $1.00. all druggistt. It? "--Page 3 3, A decrease in lapsed and surren- dered policies over last year DURING THE JUBILEE YEAR 1897 The hlttit Mutual Life I. The largest amount of new bust. ever wr than in any year of the Cornparw'ss history... ... $8,070.900 2. Lapsed Policies reinstned in excess of 1893, amounting to SUBSCRIBED CAPITAL . DEPOSIT WITH DOMINION GOV'T $2L500,000 New in Force. All Policies Guaranteed by sThe LONDON &ILANCASHIRE_FIRE.'INB. CO with Assets of $15,000,000. Notes discounted at lowest current rates Drafts bought and sold. Farmers' Sale Notes collected. Advances made to responsible Farmers on their own names at lowest current rate of discount. Collections promptly attended to. Highest current rate of interest paid on Savings Bank Deposits and Deposit Re. ceipts, and compounded half-yearly. Blank note forms supplied free of charge. A General Banking, business transacted. 4. With alarger sum at risk the Comp'y experience] asmaller b93111 Loss than in 1897 by.. The Traders Bank ELMIRA BRANCH THE MERCANTILE FIRE Agencies in every Town and City in Canada, opens the door to distinction. A man r fleeUsd in his [neckwear and linen. Just the refleetion that any man might be proud 'o have associated with himself may be seen in our brilliant display of novelties in fur- nishings. We draw the line tbt new. Al. ways come to us to see what ean't be seen elsewhere. Come to-day and you’ll see Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Ties, ke. It’s the only way to see the latest in everything. What's more off color than back numbei furnishings? Move up and get of us the latest. Have you tried our whole wheat flour? It's the besttlling you can use for gems and biscuits. Full line of choice candies and nuts for the holidays. The City Meat Market Whole Wheat Flour King St. Summer Sausages Pork Sausages Wiener Sausage Head Cheeseetc. We deliver [all meats promptly. Our courses are practical and are offered to the public with ts0tttidrsnce that the instruct ion is Ihorough and the best to bus obtained in the country. lndwidual instuction ', Students cm enter at any time. Circulars free. “IE undersigned offer to sell their livery I A few good men for canvassing on yearly 1 stock consisting of horses, carriage: ' ENGINE (highs. em, at a reasonable figurc. Terms can THE LINSUOTT COMPANY be had try applying to {H 1 l t 's t, KUMPF & aIMMEBMAN‘ A year of substantial prom ess seeured at a moderate ex- pense, and without the aid of high pressure methods. Livery for Sale. JOHN RITZER, Waterloo, Ont. - A POLICY IN IT PAYS. - Notwithstand'ng the operations of big fires and professional safe cracked in our mi ‘st, we are doing a. bigger and better business than ever. Buying only the youngest and heartiest animals, our customers can always rely on getting the best and choicest meats at my shop. We always carry a complete line of Norman T. Hillary Manager. The Key to Success -rfEN, -rrBs, -tlr-i,'-'-Teiti. HEAD OFFICE, ‘. President, Jormrtymm, Vice-President. JAMES LO0KIE,’ Managing Director, T. A GAEE0nspeetor. smmoan, our. SHOWS W. J. Elliott. Principal ll, B. DUERING. Opposite Wooien Mill INSURANCE COMPANY. INCORPORATED 1875. $4141.54 $445695 $46,108 Total Assets Mst December '96 $334,083. JAMES INNES, M. P., GER. KUMPF Etrtt., PRESIDENT. VICE-PRESIDE R The Policy of the Dominion Life is a straight promise to pay-Hike a bank draft, almost unconditional. No ra- gtrietioes on travel or oarupatiow When two or three tmah in force 't is ,um-forfeitdUe wen for failure to Pall ryeuraltreitee,, "Ninjas? it' Equality between poliey-holdéra ig secured by insuring in three talaaro--. abstainers, general and "romeev--givistg each in proftts the true hemsht of its own longevity. A Authorized Capital 31.000300. The RATES compare favorably with any in the world. Y our choice of all sound plans assurance oferee, no other. _ THE Dominion Life Assurance Go’y It provides a legacy certain instead of l lauiwit gossible. - - - - - AGENTS WANTED. Apply new for choice of territory to Economical Mutual Fire Ins. h, Total Net Assets Amount at Risk 'uereage.tn 1895 'uz'z force TILL THE VALUE, 18 EXHAUSTED. OHN FENNELL GEORGE LANG F- HUGO KRANZ JohnFennelI o..,.-.........,,..,.)" GeorgeLang o...................,........" WHBowlby.QC.........................Borlln Fr. Snyder“...............................Berlin H.Knell v....,.,........,....,..............' LA. Mackie..............................Ber1in H.L.Jtu1zen_......,...,..................Berlin L..T.Breithaupt............................Berlin P.S.Laut;enschlager......................Berlin P. Jacobi ................................Toronto Hon.S.Merner..................NewHambur C.Pabss ................................Hespelet A.B.POWe11..............................London Frank Turner, C.E................\.....Toront.o Geo.Pattinsonl..........................Preston tlNtital,8t/r00,trn, Rest, $l.500,000. h GENERAL BANKING MI3llit88 TRANSAOTEDJ Interest allowed on gum at Porn Dollars and upwardsln The Molsons Bank HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. Drafts Issued on all Principal Points. 1rardGGtarrteuituiifi%T Gr/f iGi7Cri figures tor any style of work either in Gum“: or marble. Firs class'work guaranteed. WATEBLIJO Granite and Marble Works. Erb Street, opposite Market, WATERLOO IF you have lqsb a10ved one and desire to erect a mung tribute ot aireetion to the memory of the eparted one. Kindly favor us with a. can and we shall lt pleased to.sttst Yo,u, specimens an‘d designs! THOS. EILLIARD MANAGING Brannon. THE SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT WATERLOO, ONTARIO, 18’ Highest current rates on trpeeia1dBpoisitts JACOB 'IESPEERgt Manager Waterloo Branch. Gr o. Randall, Esq., Waterlo John Shuh. Esq., " P E. Bowman, Esq., M. P..Waterloo S. Snyder an.. Waterloo William Snider, Est., " Geo. Diebel,Esq., n J. L. Wideman Esq., Sb. Jacobs. John Allohln, Esq" New Hamburg Allan Bowman, Esq.. Pmston. P. E. Shantz, Preston, Thomas Gowcly, Esq., Guelph. James Livingstone, an., M. P., Baden Thomas Comm, Esq., Gait. OFFICERS: George Randall, President. John Shuh, YietrPresii1tstytu 0. M. Taylor, Secretary. John Killer Inspector. W. A. Raymo, Inspector. Messrs. I (Bowlby & Clement). Sollolb Berlin BUCKBERROUt1B& CO’Y. Agents v" 1*?” “RV" “an Moe, Mutual and Cash Systems. SHAEFER BROS. INCORPORATED IN 1863. Gov’l Deposit at Ottawa $50.00 Subscrbed Capital $257. Paid up Capital $64,400 BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF.BERLIN. nomngor numerous. THOS. HILLIARD Managing Director ii'.y.y.'.y.y.C'.y.U.y.iy.y. was” .r.'.ry.',y.'..".r.r.y. WANTED Watarloo, Ont. - $200,000 Ot 50,079 76 $310, 854 $13,329. 612 p . $3,000,000 Presiden Vice-Pro - Manage . . . Berlin . . .Berll . . . Berlin . . .Berlln . . . Berlin . . .Berlin . . . Berlin . . . Berlin . . . Berlin .Toronto Tst)

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