Grey Review, 17 Dec 1896, p. 1

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E7.) BOXES- Pri-. Co.. tVatnon et _ ' _ r-w. and Con: Cam” MN tual Test" . 130St Proo, Ff") f?, ii::'",'?,,"')"'?". macr Oils " rest 3UBLIC. " Jri0B1.i,'8- lliercUt, Saucers Blork. Agents, Id. [ALLY can.» mats ave the largest ’urham. 3nd " was. an] " r choice of nil pr needy. fiat Lid “1le and and.“ oy., and Wat": I. by MIMI...” Li thet "rain ttd N strum of hard 0... Be ZOO up “bed bargains, it nuke roo- it to It wtqsgel, b mil 3m" and gel at 2fe. up" Dolls,' it', sure and tall, as stood the tert 1othey, in In. OCH. n'h' 5. A ten " ortiliug. lk e and sold . ”min. “a I uur uh 1 dc at m '01". ”than: It?! ---I1EALEIl, Him AH kinds of Farm Machinery, Vehicles, Organs & Pianos, Sewing Machines, Etc. Call and inspect and be Convincid: in"ri?/il,TTmaiii(1 BOUGHT FOR CASH lil Arrived One Car 'i'frii,fi1r:)C01J'Sil, Upper Town, Durham. the (‘ar Chatham Famous Wagons, 11905an Ball Wagons. bit Jacksm, Jr,, Clerk Mr. Conn ttlar fl. Jitlrwl, Notary Public. d Valuators, _ Insurance Agents, One ( Trich 'mst l IN don (Barring cw SM Carts--; ‘1'; "rs cr" up”! I , A; “a .‘9 t,'1fsl J'iirCirx,s ii,fisi'j,.1ai.C 1i! . ”.45 gg.~lo o.~:we~:nia ‘ha 9mrmraficsims. itt hes Commissioners. 2 to lend. Money invested for PM Farms borght and sold. J AGKSON S. “Mn-min] 'nusinesatranancted Nxt., loor to Standard Bank, "ar 1faxwrlls's Light Steel leis--ehearer than ever. 'ii VIII. 'o. 51. “k of the famous Ramsay m fa I rul, >113 prices. Wood'., Singe Apron Bin- iuckey Mowers and Tiger We be; its equivalent, and that our that; T'7 of ~4- Ujrbuem) And Sold at Lowest Possible Prices. . iiib, J. McKecl-mie., The CASH kvillo Buggies, also aniO'anrpbell, Lon- ' beg to inform our Custom- C', 21113. the, Public generally t we have adopted the Cash tom. which means Cash or l " tl CHAS. McKINNON. rage, and we are ho a the new system f?,, continuance of the same. ADOPTED BY 12168. " “a. Oth, "OO. LN . , Motto win be l a": J. MCKECHNIE. kg New on Hand Good Farm Lands Lottr2ltand 33. Con 12, Bennnck. New Concrete Dwelling, new Frame Stables, sima'ted within one mile of Post Offtee, f3tore and Saw Mill. Terms, Patt... For particulars apply to, . _ H. H. MILLER. Hanover. Maxwvll's Steel Rakes. ete. Cortltrawl & Scott's Seed Drifts, and iiii11t (tii/ttit 11211 rows. Wilkinson Ploughs and Scumcrs. Organs & Pianos of the boat makes. A few Stores at job Iricee New Williams Sewing Ma- chines.. Full Stock of Repairs always on hand. 550 Acres 2.1a ID 11.5. rofits 'l FOR SALE. OF J. A. Human. Durham. l, --We have received tt pamphlet con 'tnining the Acts passed at the fipst, sea 'sion of the eighth parliament, " Hum (inside explaining that the statutes are ,toofcw to make 'P volume by them solvos. and will be bound alum: with the laws (rt'llu- next Sl-ssinn hf parlia- 5nwnt, whieh pmmiscs cto be bulky o Hrmgh. ~Jnn. A. McGillivray, M. P. for North Ontario, will resign the seat sshich properly never belonged to him. --The perils ofthe (ct-an were again illustrated last week when a German steamship eunmining over 200 emi- grants and 00 (if a crow went down and all lost. She wagon her way from Bremen to Bncnos Arms. --The Globe is an enterprising paper everybody knows. But as we lifted last Sattwdav's daily with its 52pastrv;, fine, illustrations on fine, inner, we were forced to conclude it had outdone, itself. Consuwvatives as well as Libel" alslook f 1' it, because it is fair and full of news. Do yum gut it ? -Hon. (l. W. Fustm' seems to have heat what [oliticul acmm-n he was sup posed to plasma. Ill: 5001115 actually dctormhuxl to hang on to the Iluiitiilsa school qustiun as a rallying my fop hispart.v'. Tlu, lvsmn ofthe 23ml of June last bus lwvn lust on Mr. Puma; and we may find Sir Chas lllnh‘vlfsumc firm morning pricing himsdl losidw Mr Fustm‘. notwithstanding the state, ments in the N. Urey eatupaistn. Mean while the Clon.srwvntive press of Ontario are "letting the old can div," while the Inn-$5 of the same P" my in Qm-lx c are "letting the old cut. div," v. the m‘rss of the same party in Qm are “whooping it up" against recently made svttlemont. A I want of harmuny yet f, 1' a null party,--lmt the country twig no a cty (nu-r it since the party in power harmonious as they are cnpall', - Protection is tryingP to raise its head in England. Haring: sneer-HIM in placing: an embargo on our 0-1!th "lm sihly to prev-1:: "r.irsasv, but really HY' fear to prom-ct the English st rel: grow 01's. its :ulvm-a'rs are new “wing to secure a 5'Y, duty on whom, which would yield a revenue of i'yU50,03), while only incroadng the price of bread for a full grown man about $1 ll year'. Ifthisdutv was put on there can be no doubt there would he less imported, and the total of the duty would he very much less. There. can be no doubt either bat that bread would go up, and the eunsnnnncr, much the large-st class in Britain, would have tol par dour, withuut we fear any wry" grunt compensating advantages to the l nation. Fur not only will there be less) imported than at present. there will likely he " new class if op.icitls to pro- vide " at the public oxponsus. Thus it ever has been With Iioutrio'o, the consumer pnys the duty and a good deal more that it is not duty. The TarilTeotumission here has shown this clearly, when the n:anufreturers, who are the, mnsunmrs of raw material are asking foy low duties on that raw mat erial or nnne. However Britain hos not yet placed thisdnty, and it is re- ported the meeting was thinly attend. ed, though the speeches were vigorous ienuugh. if equalled, and have " lll‘lgltlll inllunm-n in keeping us in much with the spirit, land with the geniu: of our fat herlvul in: wvhut, variety they are. and how true to nature, full of sinnlilit-ity. ofcxquisite ten derness. rich In ttlittot' and pal rintie, playing on the heart like in the hand m. the strings of nu insli'ulnent. How enn- tivuting are such mugs. tr: thew: "Ye Banks and “HUN o' Bonnie Dunn," "The Flowers o' the Fot est," mm “The Bunnie Bonnie Banks of Loch Lumnnd." And "lrove them all and at, all times. hut, especially (m a night like this, is heard the quiekening elevating. onnuhlingsen- tinu-nt of Robert Burns. ringing on the ear with " voivis that will not he silenced --"A man’s a man for a” that." _ But it sveretmmlle,ss to partieulurize. it is sufticient for our purpose to any that, in every department of literature, in every profession. in every walk of life, Scotland is distinguished and has had rerwertntive men wnrthy of being classed with nnv nationality. or with the penpleul' any land. But the grrnt- ness of Séodnntl‘uests not exclusively on her representative men. hut rather on her people in general. of whom these are but. the flowing. and, in our opiinon not the. least on the humbler classes of soc- iety. On her toiling artisans. on the or. cupiers or her straw-thatched rural ham- lets. and out on her lonely mourn. whale. _ . , _ ----wi o n EDITORIAL NOTE AND COMMENT. We give some further extracts from the mimosa of Pros. Lsuuivr at the Guelph St, Andrew's gathering mud ro- und, Ive have not spiu'e im' it all. But, in no dcpnrhnvnt of litvramrv' is Scn'hmd riclwrthun in that of song: with the oxquisito music Ir. which Lin-V are weddcd tiny ttt'e siirnuy.unpytyitsvwd IBIS. """ Inn "In In . ...,..‘._, .._ P "the peat-reek plays swirl uhune the herd's unld Held.” where an open Bible Ian-end and pondered and its precepts IN HONOR 0F AULD SCOTIA Continual from last week. DURHAM, THURSDAY, DECEMBER, 17 1898, .00 Lt tlu, litl‘h': _ _ _'. J. c + ------_. Ilium! A I.‘.".'(T:[ CiiG'AATU'.,hTri1 {IBIXI- The Hanna-:11 'Witnvsi, tl 'el' tll'tt jtlhih'u \vnr, has [we-ll pr iron 1.s i'ec when; u" ekly n-xniuzsvmzu-s of its muly PI still survn‘v. many (If whieh s, hmtd of fuwinuiing inte mi. will a led in have In cu full of page” and h ' 0510!! will fur tho [nun-r which has n" “q. I weito s a |:f(‘ 1mm: couustOst. (rrrnctised, it, is in such homes as are (seep the-re when. "S'votia's grandeur l springs. that makes het loved at humc. ‘ levmed abroad." I nut by wgrogatinu ourselves an" in mu- ltual :ulmiratmn saying, "Wha's like us?" (Nu, but by rvcugmzing the good and the I ttate fllltl the nulnlo in othtws, irrespective inf natiunnlity m- of other diversities. igxasping {internally the hand of every it)llk' whose life is regulated by int9grity [and human And while we do cherish, land that fondly, the memories of deal zilltl land. yet would we ever remember ithat, Wu are 1-'iary.uli.attts.-r:cirizea.ty./.rr. a. l|t")llilll'y that is gifted with possilrilitiea, and We with ot hers are responsible for [the trust that has been committed to war vhrsvie. Yes, surely mu- heatts de. Edam amt 'r1r'".Vt't' is that Canada [my rtlt‘lu‘iiit and M- eminent in ways that are _ :mul ', that tho jrrys and sorruwa of her ,lmnw lll'tu wt: lt ltt‘t' lorcs aol asiiic.t:iv:.'s l may tind a true enhutlinwnt in a litwta I lttrt' (at hm- mvn ', that lll‘l' rivers, ”may iol' which are Fat-fetched, with 0111- mm) 'lt'.il:- riu'rmthv Ritual» that is \viml‘ng: |;!<\\‘ay in tlu., may yvt lu- en- !1‘ll.“ill(‘tl Ill sv,rtsletil Hung; and law. the i . Tl.” Hanna-.11 'Witiusy', this being its IJulnlm- \mr. has lru-n m inling (-u-r 13'. cris l'ec Inhcz-n w ekly; g " h '.vt,v.i.t.iis.c-tiot' Us rally ream“: Wlto stiil hul'YH't‘, many (if which have lm-n o'i.r'itjiiiatiu,v:irlvs',,atr'lallof which lmu- In cu fun of mm“ and ht-nrty good 'iwilli1u'ilo'pitprwwhit"" has hem: to the iwrilv s“ In?jrtryivotmscllitatrtlt1ostnil.v (iud. Ihuv is olil' ot' the brides! and Imus! [Huu‘licul of the Ctttltt Ihuliuus: l A “mum's HINT. (io thu Erlitov of the 'Witness,') Sir. lwnqt.'v.sit indm-od to take this unhh- paper by ttlll' minister frmu the pulpit, in dmmuncing bud Iilemluw and (rm-0mm: and :4an Ile I‘m-uumendml the I'Wr' nvss' unmngllw lwst family reading [fur (:2 l and young. Yihovtly after I svnl (fy, tlu. piI:ev,atul although of""'." $13010 of yours :zgu, l have lwvn mixing ll sun-t- 1w'uh xrlunqn-c and pvofir. The price L WW zuwim'rm- huh-ml. Tl:e'Wiinocosis Intr'no Daniel. taking a trm stand fo, Nor do we feel that we greatly err in attributing much of that spirit, ofindep- ondexwe. of that indomitable perserver- "'nt't', of that pat rlutism and love of 0mm- tt y by which Soul land's sonsund daugh- lm's have ever been distiuquised, to phy- sical cansvs~tn het. witchery of glen and burn. lust. moorland solitndes, her hills e-mpurplml with blooming heather, her lofty hens "round whose hoary crests the angles gutlwr. het. atreams that are “foaming frnothu fells." and where the war of the lint) on the night breeze ts evet'.swolh.g, Fling over these the witcht-ry of song and stat-y. with the man-vellum history of the peoplv, and we “w ttwn in a measure enabled to under- stand and enter into the spirit Man ex- clamation that was uttered manv cen- tm ir, ago . "If I forgot thee, 0 Jerusa- Ium, lot my right, hand forget her running." Suits ot Si And ‘ow, ours is a rich in- ht-ritmwt‘. It is ifnr Its to hve wortltiy Hf the hunt-y that, has been left to us “Nifnvss‘un fur oh and) fur tlu. pure: oryu'iavs Hg” with plenum wry :xx'uivrn a true Davie l'iglllvnusnw.~ thipg thar." Hwy r.svrd.rwrate huh-m1. The "WU. Jews is a true Daniel, taking a fl; m sto.tnrl {m tiyihtiotsm'sss, tmntwrum-v. and t'Tt'IN thing that make-s fur the gnut‘t of iit:IU, and the gth ot' the (To :tor. NOW. I havea rvquewt In make of MW) of the highest, pmfvssmnq in the suttr_l -tln prose and the vim-Ky: Vin, that tln- pres; shall kindly give this itcm mum in theh jun-nah tho um- tn trnpy frutn the othet Mn; and that mini-elem of the gasped shall speak of and recommend the 'W tL- ness' to their people, as it is such a pow- or for good win-rover known. JOHN w MCKENZIE. Well Mr. Editor, we are enjoying bountiful weather after the sharp snap we have had. \u-rv Visiting at we P"""""' um..- "w. Sabbath. Me. G. Pvide was St in to Owen Sound goal as being insane. He appear mi to be all hotter and the authorities thinking him not dangerous enough to bond to the Asylum sent him to Dundnlk Saturday evening and when arrived home seemed to he prthy well, but we bear. this last, day or so be is as bad as ever. Mr. M. Lee, who has been visiting his hrothet. in Strzttford. arrived home last work. Mrs. M. Ognn arrived home Saturday after a long visit with her sisterin Haut- i ton. Miss Annie Jackson. Luther, nus new: visiting at het' sistm's, Mrs. A. Rodgers. Mr. and Mes, McMurdo, of llapenlle, Wt't't' Visiting at the parental home last Missos Annie, Mary and lih were the guests of their sister, Quite. it numher of the children are sum-ring with the whooping cough in this sect ion. Two or three of our neighbors in com- pany went out. to hunt. skunks and after holing one they dug down after it and when they reaclsed it they found they t'tllliti not, 'attack it, at that quarter. so thev dug the hole big enough so they with get. to its head and in pulling him out he seized one. of the men's fitytirr.atin his teeth and they couldu't make him lose hishold tillmmtherune of the party had to t-huko it, for about five minutes. Skunks are hard things to tight HS it is not safe to attack them at any quarter. Not withstanding they have secured about twenty. The mm: is going around with a very sure fhager. He save he thinks it, has cleaved the bone and now it, is heginning to tester. . , ~L ILA G..- nf A stranger arrived I John C. Bu-helor. IV tends s'nying. ' AC4"). Glen Oak, Ont, ttl Mum PROTON CENTRE. I hnve Imp” inking} , and pvofir. The i LP huh-m1. The 'wr, , taking a frm st! s, (Hulwmnce, and nktss for the gund u: v of the Creator. 1 Jackson. Luther, has been lest mm; it the Lu 'tibttriittt), 'i,: ..-. , at the house of We think she in- '25:) PA PER this lacing printing v " Eva Dezall 't', Mrs. Mc- tu Mums. " sky, l All tinged with glory from his fading ray. I And darkness slowly lowers o'er the land 3 Proclaiming it is now the and of dav, Far o'er the distanthills llieevenin P star 3 Begins to twinkle through the shades of night. And as theue deepen with the even's close. The star but brighten twinkles forth its light. So when life'ssnn has set, behind the hills And eveuing's rays are fading fast, away, l Oh! may the soul through death's dark l shades (-lnorge, And shine in heaven at lifc's depart- l ing day. lLondon, Oct, Wh, 1896. [The author of the fun-going ttedits- Isle effusion is a sun of M 1', John Watson, of Prutnn Station. We cougtntula'e our {mm}: friend on his effort. and think he s ouk write "iore.--1ho.l The sun has sunk beneath the western Cheapest and Best Reading Bun re-organized. It ls strictly independent, and " A Bystander" is a regular contributor to Its columns. Its market reports are aeknowtedty M to he the fullest and most accurate Its market reports are acknownec ed to be the fullest and most accuri published in Canada. It gives the best farmers' page the Dominion. It contains a short story from Lt don Truth. weeklv. It gives an average of 40 columns bright reading In each Issue. This paper will be sent to any address in Canada (outside of Torotato) to the end of '97 for GO cents. JiG2riipies will be sent to any three addresses (outside this city), tor the same period for a dollar. The flue weather of last weck was so tempting that home of our men started to plough and the saying 't Never leave off till tomorrow what vou can do tn-duy " is bemst followed by the citizens of Craw- ford, who are noted for bemg industrious. Mrs. N. Mchugall and Mrs. pd. Me. kiunon are visutiug friends in Nommuby at present. A fine his: son arrived " the house of Mr. Jas, Watson last. week. Mr. Sunday Hohhirk has brought a timber limit. from D. McKmnon Jr, and in going to do a rushing business with log this winter. 'l ho tun nn.l Weekly Globe combined will be sent to the end of 1897 for One Dollar. Adlrass all orders to THE SUN PRINTING COMPANY Miss Mary Mel.' our town Inst. week burg. The spun and couplo come to Gunman quite regular uowtpvdayu. Miss Janet Cumernn. trout new Town to, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Neil Mo K1nnon,9f thin place, Agtnm Fr.."."'.". ....._ -- - hear how to secure a gold watch or parlor clock. without the cost ot I. dollar. Specimen copies tree on application. The Bible Class and fi Friday evening's are showing that Mr. Ander being appreciated by our Mr, A, MeC week from Dak some time past, Miss Sarah Lcvellau, who has keen m Toreuto for some time returned to be: home in Louise. Last Sabbath we had "other opportun ity of hateuing to Rev. J. Little, who de- livered an excellent address on " Foreign missions." A in“ church was present to listen to him thus showing their respect to him. Mrs. Archie Mch-nn.of Aberdeen, lpent, last week visiting friends on the 8th con. - - .. n,|._-| " Like Immune“, dyspeplb. headsche, consu- patlon, Ion: summon. indigestion are promptly cured by Hood‘s run. They do their work Mr. D. McKimwn. Sr, is at Owen Sound at present sitting on the Grand Jury. Mr. L. McLean and Mr. McKechuie, of Durham, attended Crawford Church on Sunday. , , sully and thoroughly. I Best um dinner pills. ll I I s ascents. All druggisu. Prepared by C. I. Hood 5 Co., LowelLMnu. The only Pill to tan with Hood’s Bump-Hug. Fllood's Liver Ills THE SUN is 'he REVIFAV AND SUN, $1.23 scribe NOW. Agcn -.--in Canada ts THE CLOSE or DAY. Wanted. Write to}: terms, and MeCaslin returned home last Dakota where he has been for past, Giad to see you Abe. aULcvellau, who has keen in r some time returned to he: CRAWFORD. Inns and Singing School of ng's are largely attended. Mr. Anderson’s teaching is ted by our young people. McDonald passed through reek on her way to Moores. TY “I eiro, - anada Farmers' C. G. WATSON. come to Crawford ‘, no. Suh- 2n CALL d; SEE OUR We Handle everything in the IIarneg line, at right prices. Fine Choice in Vallses. Grips, Ham Blankets, tre., Ike. We do the trade in Raw Furs. Highest Price Paid. Tea {3% Teas KURMA TEA Heavy & Light Harness TO SUIT YOU. Workmanship t'nsatrrsarmed A delicious Hum] {“13 up in “in. and l “N. 1mm Packages Sold for 20tr ltr Seld for doe. lh. Sold for soo. lb Crockr-ry a; Glassware. Dinner, Tea dr, Toilet Sets At Popular Prices. J. CAMERON Men to Engage with us " Salesman. New season just opening; new stvle of plate hunk l more unrat- iveand yt't lighter than ever. We are the only Canadian Nursery paying salary and expenses from the start. Liberal commission to part time men. Largo list of specialties. all having been tested at our trial orch- ards. If you want a sure thing tor the Winter, write us. 11'AiNTriD Nurserymen and Fruit Grow- ers. Toronto Cnn. Over 700 Acres under Cultivation 10 1-3 Ill May be yon think it is not, hut H. R. MILLER, the Hanover (unveyancer, is lendinglottiofit a! trh ter' cent and an extra good loans, at fess-41mm low-- Terms as any rcusmmlle person may desire. All Supplies Furnished Free. Money is Plenty. Collects Notes and Accounts-nr. 9tat if no ammo". Cheap Farms for So a De‘eds. Mortgages. Leases And that writings neatly and quickly ptepared " reasonable cost. bT* v... -. _'" Child can do my No "niae.-u-to. .. dllng Thu " Donn tide. Send stalup tor - And Euniculm at once. THE SEYMOUR trv, PLY JifesonieTmatpio, Ccmden NJ The undersigned offers for “I. on rent that desirable park lot, in the Village of Pricovillo, furmerly owned by tllelale James Cameron. Lot. con- tains 13 acres all under cultivation. On the lot is a. good house, and barn, also a good hearing Orchard For terms of sale or rent apply to JOHN MclNNlS. Lock Box 2S. Harness !! Try it, and Sou willboporfectly satisfied. Also a full Hanover P. o, .. Telephone." WHOLE N0. 959. C. LEAVENS, Jr. OR', in.» WANT PARK LOT For Sale or to Rent. All Business confidential--- lox 28. H. H. M lLLER. over P. O. The Hanover Telenhone." Lkmveynnca' STONE & JlliLI.Wnlf THE . It MILLER-4&- FURS. " sort mont of Bites, Whips, de,, " Collars, Pads, 'e have correcteci the label sheet to date. Will our mends kind- ly examine the label above? o ”- FEMALE. ottets " tale on Priceville. 98 air, a!

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