'if?e. go Quid“ 1/ Ihteits Cured B, Mano. Chas. any. One Pint of Dutch Set onions-P. Berry, s. Patterson Jr. as. Pint Small Top Set Onions-ar. Willis, In. Wm. Norton. Six Onions from Dutch Sets or Tops- 8. Patterson' Jr., P. Fyfe. Two Winter Table 8quatshes--Gea. Plum Wm. Willis. Two nashes Bruti--11 Willis The; Omega. In" Bu Table Tttmir-asa Pang P. on hr- Sweet Corn-a. Pattern). In. P. Berry. Two Yellow or Green Flesh Melons- & httemii Jr., J. Woodland. MWator Melon.--w . Held, 8. hue-on, Jr. m Twelve English Potato clump. of 2 or mom-P. F: cum. Jr. Six intermediate Carrots-Henry Willi. Jno. Acheson. Six Short Table Carrots-N. Har. vey, P. Pyle. Six Rutmt for table ttse--S. Pats mono. Jr, FPS Berry. Three Heads Red Celery-y. Berry, C. Firth. Three Heads of Yellow Golden Cel- 'y---Geo. Purvis, S. Arrowsmith. 1 Six Radishes, winter-J. W. Bouldcn, A. Fortency. , Six -Radishc.s, Summer-s. Patterson J Jr., Wm. Herd. Collection of Peppers-S. _,,-,'-,:,',-',):'::',:,",;:... atrtittt, J. W. Boulden. Twelve Red Tomatoes-- Wm. Herd, a Potter-eon Jr. Tware Yellow Tomatoes-gas. Hulls, Geo. Ptarvis. Collection of Tomatoes. 3 of each "eietr---Jae. Hillis, B. Patterson Jr. “a: Long Blood Beets -R. Bull, P. _ ,7-__ ......, ""'vu"""Nuarle, Aug, S. Patterson Jr. One Pint Silver Skin Onions for piek Iqt--m'm. Herd. P. Fyfe. Twelve Common Potato Onions Ot 't0ottr--Jas Mathews, W. L F'nlktr,o " Sugar Beets-S. Patterson, Jr., A. Muir. Two Pttmpkins--R. Edge, Thos. Or- chard. "tales, Longest and Best Ensilnge thtm-thun. Hillis, Wm. Smith.' A. Class B- Garden Vegetables. Boot Collection Garden Vegetables- 8. Philemon, Jr., Jas. Hillis. Mt Roots Salsify-Goo. Purvis, F. Rainer. Two Heads of Cap.ifiowertr--George [ Pal-via, S. Arrumanith. Theo heads of Cabbage, early-R. Bull, Wm. Herd. Two Heads of Cabbage, winter-Geo. Pnrvia. 8. Patterson Jr. Two Heads of Cabbage, Red--S. huemn Jr, Fl Reincr. Six Long Table Corrots-t Berry, " Billie. r. myth?" "W†“eigenmiom Irom teix White or Yellow Field Carrota- 8. I'htterson, Jr. 32 lbs. C. Blyth, 31 IN. Peter vae, 27 lbs. Inigo. wnl.%atiir' m" "m ... Bin Lon; Red Mangold Wurtzel--F. Berry. " lbs. B. Patterson, Jr. 116 tu Peter Fyfe, 107 lbs. . Six Swede Turnipr-R. Edge, Peter We, W J Adams. Collection, not less than 6 varieties, mgned-b'. Patterson, Jr., W L Falk- llghun, J00. Acheson. Class A-Field Roots. Bush. of Potatoes, any kind, named-- 8 Patterson, J r., S. Patterson Sr, J no. Two bushels any other kind named. 0. Gray, S. Patterson Jr. Two bushels 1hwley--Jas. Hillis B. Brigham, H. Willis. Two bushels Small White Petts--. ttrr Willis. John Archibald, Wm. 0rd. Two bushels Peas any other kind, gtgtgned---John Archibald, Sydney Wims, T. Gndd. ( Ono bushel Flax Beed--Wm. Scarf, l 1n Acheson. Two bushels’Lnng White" oid nam- Il--:!" Hillis. Jno. Allan, S. Patter. Class tr-other Grains, Two bushels Short White Oats nam- Od:ChM. G'ray, Andrew Scott. diam tnt, tiii?s, What'i‘lgm- - ex. as Hiilia, as. (hind. 83' The bushels Red Fall Wheat named. = Emil, Sun Ritchie, And. Scott. Class 2-- Spring Wheat. Fro bushels Bearded Spring Wheat Etg2. mmed smuplc heads-Jno. boson, Wm. Smith. Two bushels Bald Spring Wheat may named sample heads-A. , " Hillis. The Winners inisouth Grey and all ot them. Twelve Ear: Indian Corn.-9obert I30, r. Berry. Ittrnip Beets-Wm The PRIZE tasf 3. ND' other kind-R. --Ii'alt Wheat. :at.o Onions in '. Fyte, S Patt. Seed-Curie, " Scarf, Onions or a. Falking . Class Io-rims Arts. d Pencil Drawing-C. Firth. Wm. Cal- er. - Crayon-at. Torry. Painting Fruit or Flowers. lat by J. 1rel1r-trGi. Smith. Thou. Brown. Lundscnpe or Marine Views, oil--/rhos l Brown, Rat. Bull. _ Braiding in Cotton-Miss K. Cochrane Thus, Brown. Pate Pillow Bhamtr-3trs. A. McKen- Bie, Fanny Berry. Ornamental Leather work-gum Darin Mm "r... u-.._‘_:_ Braiding in Silk, lst 8 vial by J. A. Blaek--F%n, Berry. we]: Mountain, Braiding in wool-Jas. Hillis, Miss K. Cochrane.' Faucv Knitting in Cotton-Mrs. w, Norton, Mr m. Mountain. , All Crochet in trotton--Kate Cochran! Mrs. Mcltae. . CYoehet in Cotton with novelty braid .-Mts. A. McKenzie. Mus. Molina. Mignavuise work-Mrs. A. McKenzie, Miss K. (Yociirnne. Embroidery in silk-Mrs. J. w. Bi own Jul). Davis. E!ulrryidery in cotton, 1st, special by C. L. Grant~Miss K. Cochrme, Mrs. Wm. Norton. Appltwse Ey,throidetv---Mrs. A. Me. Konzie, Thom Brown. Roman Embroidery. 1st syn-rial by N. w. 'shunphelr--Wtn.' Mountain. Mrs. A. McKenzie. Darned Net. lst, special hyiA. H. Jack- tron-Wm. Mountain, F. Berry. Arnsene Work-Wm. Mountain Mrs. w. Norton. Mexican or Drawn Threads-Mrs. w. McKenzie, Miss K. Cochmun. Kensingtou outline in Bilk--Mrm J w. Brown, Wm. Mountain. Remington outline in Cotton-Mrs. w. Nortoit. Wm Mount-tin. Sofa Cushion-Mrs. Thos. Allan, W. J. Adams. Fancy Knitting in T,.ool-.-hrrs Wm. Norton", Mrs. wrii. McKenzie. Ira. Wm Mountain. , Hair work-Funny Berry. Thus. Allan. Wax Fruit 1i'towers--gno. Davis.? Bead work-r. H. O'Neill, Fanny Ber- r. . Motto-am, Archibald, Jno. Davis. Ity" Wreath-Bets Williams, Jno. E11 Rag Mat -W. J. Adams. Jar. Hillis. Yarn Mat--Wm. Mountain, Thomas Brown. Straw Hat-Wm. Herd, Wm, Lawsrn All Crochet in wool-F. Berry, M rs. McRae Men's Fine Shirt. unwashed. machine tri"--"". Wm. McKenzie. Jas. Hil.. Is. Crochet, Counterpane---J. Cook, T. H. O'Neill. Plain Hand Sewing-Mrs. Wtu. Me Kenzie, And. Scott. ' Quilt any other kind-Thoa. Bruwr, Mrs. Wm. Nurum. Ornamental Quilt-Mrs. Wm. Norton, J. C. Adams. Knitted Cottnteipane--Thos. Orchard, Wut. Mountain. Log Cabin Quilt, 1st special by J. A, Huniev-gno. Stevenson, Wm. Scarf. Patched Quilt all Wool-Mrs. Wm. Norton, w. J. Adams. Patched Cotton Quilt, lst '1iegii.al by Jno. Wright-W. J. Admins. t'ts. Wm. Norton: Pair Cotton s'?'tockIngs---Mts. “In. McKenzie. Mrs. Wut. Norton. Pair 1voollen Gloves-S. Arrowsmith, Mrs. Win. McKenzie. Pair Woollen Alia-Jas, Hills, Mrs Wm. Norton. 1 lb, Home Made 1voollcn S'arn--Geo Purvis, Moses Ellis. Pair of Woollen rstotkiur3--Mvs Wm McKenzie. Mrs. Wm. Norton. Pair of Woollen Socks-Mrs. Wm. McKenzie, Jae. Hillis. Factory Made Cheese-J. W. Blyth, Home Made _rlltttetse.,-- Mrs w N orwn. JtcsHillis. C, Willis. Class o-Home Manufactures. 4 lbs Butter for table use, moderately salted-S. Wilhs, Wm. Mountain, W. J. Eccles, [s!li':i'iii'?i'al, 'i'i'oil?,!,ii,iil, Best25 ll, Crock Dairy Butter,-- R.Edgo, has. Hilhs, A. Muir, Best Tinnet Dairy Butternut less than Mt Bs.. (at special by D. Jaekscur--M. Ellis. Wm. J. Eon-lea, Goo. Binnie. Six Beedlings--iras. Allan. H. Willis. Twelve Crab Appierr--T. H. O'Neill, Miss K. Cochrane. Collectisn of Plumbs -8. Arrowsmith. Six Full Pears-G. Purvis. Jas Watson Six Winter Pears-And. Scott, Wm. Lawson. Grape Collection-A. McKenzie, P. Arrowsmith. Six Rihston Pippims--Jas. Allan, Fred Reiner. Six B. n Davis-Thos. Gadd, B. Patter- son, Jr " Husseta--R. Edge, Jno. Alian. Six Snow Apples-ti. Arrowsnnth, Jas. Allan. Six Northern Spys~C. Gray, F. Rein- er. Six Rhode Island Greenhrgs--John Allan, R. Edge. Six Bpiuenhurg--H. Willis, George Puvyis. Collection of Winter apples, 4 of each-Geo. Purvis, Jae. Edge, A. Scott. Six King of Tompkin-8. Arrowsmith Thus. Gadd. Six Duchess of Oldenburg-John Acheson, Dan Edge. Six Colverta-Wm. L. Falkingham, F. Renier. Six Alexander; Patterson Jr., AMuir. Six St. Iyawrenee--(hirs J. Hillis,) Wm. J. Adams. I. - Paintin an other suh'ect, Oil or f “as 6 Fruit" wSll'l.%f,d Divis, Thus. 511mm. f,hr,lletin, Ft.all Applea4of each. lat Paintin on t.4atiu--irno. Stevenson. I!†R 'lgrry k. dozen I'hotos--George Wm. Calfer. Plums, F. Remer, C. Blyth. I Painting on Velvet-S. Atrowsmith, Six Alearanders-R. Patterson In. Thos. Smith. Six Wealthy-Dan Edge, Jno. Class 7-Dairy Produce. #9. 21m '.'t'skiftl "arsl Parusn, Sept. 16th. f Including Cows, Heifers and .Young Bulls. Terms of Sale tr-Twelve months credit on approved Joint notes, or dia. count at this rate of 6per cent. for cash. Catalogues will be ready tor about the lst of October. _ H. PARKER. Durham Rant mu. at DURHAM on TUESDAY, OCTOBER m, 1898 CREDIT AUCTION SALE Antirhinnim, Cpolleetion--Wttt. Gora- line, R. Bull. Largest and best display Cut Flowers open-A. McKenzie, S. Arrowsmith. emit h, Phlox, Perenuitu-s. Arrowamith, A. Scott. Pansies, Cullection. 12 varieties. A.Mc- Kouzie, R. Bull. Zinsins, Double, Collection-tg. Ar row- Qn\u'. Bull. B It.""' (10 weeks) fr--AMekenzie, It. u . CDahlias, ---S. Arrowstnitti. Diunthus. Collection-J. Woodrmd. Gladiolus, Collection-H. w. Mm'kler. Juarutolds, Collection-Wm. Gmsiine. Petunias, Bi ngle Collection-tg. Arrow- smith, Mrs.N. McKechnIe. Petunias. Double Collection-g. Ar- rowsuuth. Astana, Collection, Molina Rogue-t. Large Vase, an? flower... Miss Mockler, S. Arrowsmit 1. Bnquet. Hand, any flowers-A. w. Hunter. Mrs. N. McKechnie. Bnquot, Hand, house t1owerton1r-- Miss Mockler SHORTHOFNS Hanging Basket-A. McKenzie, Mrs, Melina. . , ' Pplargonium Czerauiuru--J. ll ood lanl. _ Cocksworos, Two-Those. Gadd, S. Arrowsmilh. Collection of Cacti-Wm. Gm stine. " Ivy Gera‘llinnl, Plain Leu-Mrs. Me. _ei'ittir---Mrts. AIL-The. J: Woodland: Collection Be,ronias, 4 varieties, Foli- age-A. McKenzie, A. w. Hunter. Collection Coleus. 6 varieties-A. W. Hunter, A. McKenzie. Pgulox, Drurnmondi--A. McKenzie R. ul _ C'ooecuon of Double G'eraniutmr-0, Woodland. Collection of Single Geraniums 6 var- ioties.., J. Woodland. Collection Tricolor Geruniums 6 yaw ieries--J. Woodland. Double Gerunlums, white-A. W. Hunter, S. An'owsmith. Double Geranium. any other color--: A.'W. Hum, r, S. Arrowalnith. l Single Geranium. any other color.-l l Mrs. McRae, J. Woodland. Collection of Foliage Plants, 6 varie- ttes-Mrs Middnugh. Rose in F'lower--S. Arrowsmith. Almtiliou (Flower Maple)-Mrs, Mid- daugh. niloiscusr--wm. Gorsline. Ivy-ft. Bull, Mrs. Middaugh. 1."a.lceoliwia--ta'eo. Binnie, M. Arrow- south. _ 7V“, - -..... -B.r-Ara& ae. Geo. Binnie. Ivv Geranium, Variegated-It . McKenzie. Collection of House Plants in Pots, 6 ytu"ietietr--Mrs. A, Mckenzie, A. W. Hunter. Oleander-Mus. Middnugh. .Collettion lie-gaming» 1yaeipties hlow.. Collection of House Plant. in Pots 12 varieties-Mrs. W. McKenzie, B. Arrow- smith. Collection of House Plants in Pots. 20 varieties -Wm. GOPSHIIO, J. Wotutland. Sinith. Five lbs. Honey, strained, lst 'ttiff' by G. s'paHing--Jno. Young, ‘hos. Ten lbs. Honey m Comb-Those. Smith has. Edge, Half Gallon maple b'yrup--8rdney Wiilis, Geo. Binnie, Five lbs. Maple Bugar--W, J. Adams, F. Merry. Three bottles tnixed pickles-S. Ar- rowsanitlt, J. C. Adams. Class lf-Cut Flowers. Six bottles canned Fruit. assortment. -ueo. Puvvis, S. Arrowsmith. 2."leht Pie-Mrs. Wm. Mountain, Wm. erd Rnspln try wine-Geo. Purvis. Currant wine-Geo. Purvis. Grape wine-Geo. Pulvis. S. Arrow- smith. Apple pie-Miss K Cochrane. Mrs. w. Mountain. One Dozen tarts any kind-A. W. Hunter, Jas, Hillis. One Dozen Home Made Buns, lat H. Willis, Chas Gear Two Loaves Baker's Bread-Wm. Ren- ton. Two Loaves Home Made Bread, lst special by Mr. Bean, 2nd hv L. Elvidge. ---Thos. Gndd, Mrs. Wm. Norton, W. L. Falkmghnm. Two Loaves Brown Bread-Peter Fyfe, Jas. Hillis. THIRTY-FIVE BEAD Collection of Photographs-t L. Browne, It. Torry. Class 12-Nbsee1laneoug. Painting on Glass-Geo, Purvis, Thus. Brown. Painting on Plaque -T. Brown, Thus. Allan. Continued on Page ti, at 1 o'clock, Class 13-- Pia It is. OF /--st. McKenzie, Mrs. rm Bull, - - - ‘izio'r'féi'if‘fmm. '-86va90toloanatitmmi races of BARmaTEM,troLittiroRtr, - q9HyrvANeErttt, " omm '-ortrroat.tteoAiLii"kii.' _ [Flour per loom .... I ous, " Pan. " Barley, " Pontoon. per In; Applet ." Butter pot mum..." Eggs. pot dos ........ " DURHAM PHARMACY. Friotta-iitTiiirii," Music at Zhe Lowest Rates" is? sd' g1)? DURHAM MARKET. AT THE $0595 xu9' od" 3qu g trar', 3. Diff; .mflmxï¬ï¬ï¬u‘e Etc ci, I of all the latest novelties in trimmed I and untn'mmed HATS,' 1113mm, - FLOWERS, SPRAYS. BIRDS, OSPREYS. dur, " RAMSAY & Moriiit.lsUtytyyi'ir., Ib, Ol£0t002m u so toss 'el . TEAS from 15cts a lb 3;: b',' 33: lbs. for one dollar. No. 1 o " to . 80 7 lbs. Tapioca for Mo. (YIf l,',' (lt,' P'ure Ground Spicqs. , o 10 to " than Malt and White Win, o 10 to o n A I - - The Ladies of Durham . and the surrounding coun- mcooooF try to FALL #llltlflifjlllf "gm . " Millin- OPENING {Oils SALT Alabggtipf. Paris White l GAS tram l5cts a lb. tMM3AR---Light, Brown, 96 lbs. for one dolly. N o. 1 Granulated Sugar, 20 lbs for tl. 7 lbs. Tapioca tor Me. Mixed whole Spices 17c. ll, Ppre Ground Spices. Vinegars: English Malt, C 011" than Malt and White Wine. Vinegars. from 300. gallon. A Iprge supply of School Books. See our Practice Boot' 400 pages 50. Pens, Pencils, Rubbers, Compasses, eta Note Paper and Envelopes by the quire, btox or ream. . -- - -_dthrr-. PJ'KJ E'VLL‘U Timothy Seed, Orchard Grass and Luoerne Clover. FULL LINES tly tmiiii.?i,L-di,rc, BROTHERS (u1LE"/t?/istt,yin:yii) MAKE OF 1-Lfi?.rato MADE JUST ARRIVE r For Men.‘Womcn and Boys for F Come and see. Tnem Before Buying. , FALL S-EEBS. UPPER TOWN, DUREAB: 13013 FALL a: Boots tend ,5':yihosys In Bartels and Bags. ROCK SALT y Paris White, Whiting, Whiting, Alums. G 53:99:22,. 1'iupu, mixed and dry. Paint . V.â€"__â€"â€" suA-5vu "at“ UL) . Blushes, Artists Colors and Brushes. Machine Oils, Coal Oil, Best Canadian and f merican. Superior SEWING OIL, 4mx. Bottle 10cts t'i"i'i'i'cra:?o2iiuu,, WE llltWEtitt Fall Rye. m. PARKER Dwain & Seedsman, Durham 3:3 . , __",.')'.'-')' snug. SWING Will place on Exhibi- When we ery 0p- -r'-e.ePrtterr-- .- ‘all Wear. Glue. --"TT_ nun "as a f: It,",', M h pleased with the "have conditi‘ r, .",ttte, sketches of M: . dd'llecial Inn-um 'll'le if“ mr the Vanuu - M. ttet ttte Indim' Work t'eter M tetsorn in wot “I! Might get sun .1 I “all! And Park 1ttgritiai; .h-L.__‘P° breeds (f ht Wtht and more s1 W for the poultry, 'd My lncrenscd atu'miun "I. d admirers. la tf local fanciers “a “chum-ll Bros. ofth UNI 00th: fmut fin [Paul . 'ws- other lines". kg. “antic is most 1 - Piand evervmw cl Emacs renders lt TN he: tfthe ring exu- Mtaitttl mtret, the track In “I to “or upon owiut “album own he ttt "’ tleur/i,' Mr. Mekene 'o " the excess of entries W "m line Wu! wel le, 5000111 eseellene, R. My showed 2 tram mph having tome one In rural tussle. with 1m Mil. the eye. the tinid I!“ being very good. The Killian and William ' thy plum with tine el lode tune h tttatitied hy but “(was the south on lr. Browne took first pr'a e exhibited in 1895. lie lb you win, and wiil at tnywhere. The lovers are I contin ad ttotwithatattditur late l he ordination has been my had mam admin-Is. mien dfthe collccnon [lane's collection of l It doth lurpaswd an en in Durham. The an 0 exhibit showed artistil In 0|»de always hey at IQ all. whether Sr, seemed beyond . llnd old are are alil all the vividnees of life runny. and: I Cheese, will live liked eompel '1'.th to the vet “$310 dwqibed in It " I up] weighed t m'ntquug ht from that. Fanny Berry t but for the 6 hcnricet I " lbs. being cloely f 1 W. Jr, at 1it;llrs. "ciikTr1pltei,ta y a il Pam-non Jr. takes! whine! vegetables I tttrises.. mm of thrt triiesotrtlte collection. nttiiisatthettore on t than“! hmmom, c PM†five outof I Home two Patterson'e ll Jun. Ache-m. all n Indus no. It must “Emu Grey "mom 1mm: tor 1 RAIN AND “M a). H _1_5-~Eonsu: P With var'i Y bought dill has I P. Hair, 'etsts hke Thur. Main tte LIST} Home awn}