Grey Review, 6 Aug 1896, p. 3

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'iorf Durham and VW lil OUR HARNISS ': UPPER TOWI. 'e l -nalir when It a w“, nominal]. ti. l The trrnth.e roach t) old stand. All M nrvle shoes. Also M Shoeing Shop, n was, "uni-[l]. tbe .0. The "nuke roach“ II. at is”! June he WI. ed, In m.- condiuul l 3M1 Scum American a; myth]: And e" t ought he had 00'0". prvemry undid-0.. h w. a! this [rut Juneau". a .tle of the tthte wan 2'ff, ork was don". mp1 V Ire: "Two bottles q ' Norvme inn-Quill!!! " - opened out a firat-eshm trcyrin, 4 ,.u3 Waggon. ”1136 E HARNESS on. ERVE LAN MCFARLANE, PM HARNESS “I”. I if I As N McFARLANl " LDIN a. 00’ um [E 'r-"9'i'a1,'td .",)'.qi'ti.' " I OODWORK of ill kinds pram], BELLi _f" 011.13 " “I! action. 1.89 lot of b leap. a 'iii; 1m (Ill IS ll. ITEMS or INTEREST ABOUT THE BUSY YANKEE “hum”, ml ot “one“ Li W""" uy " Twelve people N. H.. dinner ta ned ages were A Burlington, baby an alrrng carriage behind A New York a bicycle tor w rider will turn A poor man c tallen heir $0 , vent aenous t It has been a. lighthouse Hatteras, but in a lightshi be the strum A bear boil Cal., “Sap?!" brat over or “will; animals the ability or Mariam“ 1.. pmm "yr iron rheapcr than England,) Luv. {Links {Wight charges will pre- wut serious competition. It has been found impossible to build a lighthouse on Diamond Shoal, off Hutu-r15. but. the Government will put in a lightnlllp at once, end she will bc the strongest ever made. A bear being raisedon North Island, i' ll, disuppvared. The whole island we: um over tor him, when the tired party found him asleep in a bedchember a e lance, where be bad gone to sleep on a pillow beneath the bed. In a lot of old paper stock received larcly at a mill in Andover, Conn.. was e Bible, the inscription of whichmds: "This Bible was used in the pulgit by Kw. Steven Wart, pastor in took- luillltt. Mans" trom 17551818." R-ed. .-\n Oklahoma editor expresses his thanks for a basket of oranges thus “We have received a basket o orange- from our friend, Gus Bradley, for which he wilt phase erupt our compliment}, some of which no nearly in “when In diameter: Sirwe trees have been .extensvgly flamed in Southern Californm the ram- all of the region has become much more uniform and favourable to agriculture. But there are other parts o .tposuta an which the sawmills are wlpma out .ht- forests. Mrs. Ebenezer Humphrey In: pro- smle-l to the town of Oxford, N.H., tho u l; nal warrant issued by King James ,f England for the collection of the t “n tax. It WI: issued to B. C. Gray, lung}; cellsytor, and is dated Decom- 0 iG""si. um Joseph B. Porter, of Canton Trt., he. lately come into piesessi.or.t a 3 band- made wooden plough which in mint than 176 yours old and is still tn gang! state of grewrvation. lt was built In 17.") by unathan Belch”, one tot the "vurisesttlers of Randolph, tor Inn awn ridge p1 ivate use. Richard Coker, who became lemons grunt. thirty years 350 as a boy spprano m the choir of Trinity church, III New: York, adopted the name of Della Rm sshen he grew up and became well known as a baritone. Some time :30 Le inherited a tortund, and 'tgg now lie- in; in London. A Boise, Idaho. man having advertised he would not he msrousible for debts contracted by his wi e, she retorts that "He never paid any of my bills tor_my out...“ nr anvthinz else in the grue- 1n 0 lot twa or teen year! "He never paid any ot my onus nu .'"* canines or anything else in the nine- teen years I have been married to him. ib. is now walking around town with n suit of clothes on that I paid " for." An enterprising bicycle dealer in Brooklyn " Mining B novel inducement to would-be purchasers. He gives a handing lot in a small town out he Jersey mast to each phrchaser of e wheel. The lot, of course, in neither large nor valuable; but an an taver- tisement the scheme is said tobeworb ing admirably. - - . -F-- " In; unun-;.-.._,. The gov. Henry H. Bogert. rector of the Episcopal Church o the Advent, tsepqonhqr'-,'t: Long Island. declares that, in hm opinion. all broad churchmen are dishonest.; and in order to give a per- trorsal point to his remark he declares further that Bishop Potter and Dr. Huntington, of Grace Church. in New York, are broad churchmen. At the public library " Macon, G... . __-d--. unnul‘ lilnan of . mil b""-' than thirty-oerert. thousand girl: cuul in the telephone service in Us! States. u-w Cuunecticqt fore-t mp mt aver one-third of the SM‘ a up to woods. it people sat down at an Etna, Mum-r table recently when Im- on were 950 gears. rrlington, Vt., man given .hil u itr.i' n; by: tmymg the child's F' Luv nd his bicycle. V York genius, in cqnstructing ‘ln, be which the weight otthe vill furnish the motive power. trt" man of St. Joseph, Mo., has tn‘i!‘ to a fortune of $150,000 left un'lu killed in the St. Louis L 'A .ger. u. my years of sheen“ almo- _l in the Delaware River. (,o'iia%uenyseyLtyttu by 3 Dover, N. H., tom. Colony has ordered (young or. “ from California or experi- “PM " tttteros' In ttU Don‘t-ms m and mm (mm Iron Ill. hi n but that White Sulphur Spring l a splendid antidote for t 1 min is attracting the atten- -.-:-3 of the weed. as stone Weighing eight tons, ha|t feet at base and twenty- mg. was taken from a quarry , Vt., the other day. .w boasts of three canary ins-‘1 our, of one egg. The lit- t "ere about, the size of hum- ut are alive and growing. ' Mu, ('I'lilns one of the larg- st he brunt in the state. This {rm- measured 14 feet , 1-2 .H-mmtor. measured one foot .r en discovered in rvhool boy ate 16 mince mblio library at Macon, Ga., barometer 1131510 33ml“? .of , L wise English an- ability of Alabama xpitr than England. charges will pre- ' at...” .-- thin syn!) o.t " the subject of religion. end ahnok angled wrecks became of their refusal tahe any food. Ever since they be came 1115811. {by hove refused to work or accept aid, shying that the lord would provide tutti tin end of the world come. Luge refused to my: the was due him from the hdre ‘Street Car Company, for whieh worked, and the demented couple have starved themselves until they are scarcely ehle to etand. [lube-Idea loudest PoulMIImI - " as: anybody. we wonder. thoroughly mined the change that will come our the manna of our cities wpen on”: body-nae. . bicycle. and almost all traction in mechanical! There will be u dellcionn silence to begin with. No lumbering vans. no banging omnibueee, no ciattering of iron hoofs upon asphalt. Every wheel will be of India rubber and the home will only be used for pleasure. Then up dust sweeper and the scaven- ger boy will be abolished. N.o. longer _ivill tons of manure be deposntea upon London streets every day. And locomo- tion will be enormously cheapened. When neither horse our harness, neitller corn nor wigs bill, its.requi.r,ta1 triff in a cab will Post perhaps threaspenoe, and a ton can be carried from farm-to market for a shilling or two. The qty merchant apd his clerkpan 311110 lie. ”CIDUDHI» - any .wr.W'-- -_-- miles out of town, steering themselves home at night in their motor can The suburbs of London will extend a dozen miles all round. The changes that will ensue are so many and so great. as tp be unimaginable yet. A revolution u comimp--may it be soon! THE BICYCLE IN THE FUTURE. t wtu 06 on we gluuuun ..v._ _-_.,7 -- so that the first week of the Fair will be equally as good as the second. All entries have to be made before the 8th of August. The Toronto Exhibition has now iiecoUs.mtt.o! the lieat et - no" mun. v-.. -- 7,, most popular education“ and outer- tainment enterprises on this continent, and those who have never visited it would be surprised It its magnitude ind attractivenm, being almost like I small World's Fair. Prize Lists and Finn-5 w".,",.'.,',',',"?,",,',',', It paucurqd by any- one can-m; m to plug a. post can: to Mr. H. J. gill, s'still'u1're"r, To. ma o. . The earliest ago at yrhioh a boy cu: enter the royal navy Is 15. Be must ho five teat in twig: and measure thir- bar and 1; half inc around tte.cheah. ty and a. half inches uouna um ”Wm. The standard is altered from time to time, according to the requirements of the navy. A boy mt be of good, char- acter, able to read and write and have um mam“. consent of his parents or Tiurivritten cops guardian to hill Magical in potency and power, pene- trating at once to the diseased nerve. Nerviiioe--ner" pain otue---eurIN tooth- ache in a moment. Nerviline. the met marvelous an remedy known to 'ttsb. enoe. may _used for all nerve pains. Test at once m efficacy. Lieut. Thanpaon the Quinn's PM ranges ONE MINUTE CURE FOR ACRE. [I what given Hood's “will: In great pop- ularity, increasing sales and wonderful cures. The communion. proportion 3nd process in preparing Roof: Busspnrma are unknown to other medicines. and make it peculiar to Itself. It acts directly and positively upon the blood, and no the blood reaches every nook end corner of the human "sum, all the nerves, muscles. bones and tissues con un- l der the beneneent whence of BOYS IN Ifirdod's rue One True Blood maur. All tgruggista. Hood's Pills i'iG,GirtoUdratots. '35; dgrt I , P. a q , " , CAN ADAS PRIDE. Sarsaparilla I've 18b"f Ulll‘f _.'.-"-- -- pent. Nerviline. the most a: mngedy PG',' to .tsor- [ used or a nerve paws. its atticacy. ROYAL NAVY. of Edinhul'zh won st the Bisley rifle our. Lie" Ills; any to ACUTE DYSPEPSIA. A TROUBLE THAT MAKES TEE LIVES 0P THOUSANDS 'EISERABLE. 013.0qu l" u. stunning MM ._..,,0 _ use of Dr. 1Villiam's Pink Pills ind de- j i 91ded to give than a trial., After us- l 1118 three or tour boxes there was a. ' great improvement in her condition); and after the use of eight boxes Mrs.' ,' " orrell says, "l can 3,5:qu you I am _ t now dwell woman, as strong as ever I wag .15 my life, and I owe my present condition entirely to the use of Dr. JV.iiliams' Pink Pills, which have prow- led to me a. wonderful medicine." Mrs. l‘Vorroll further says that Pink _Pills {were also of the greal‘st benefitto Aer husband, who tsubered greatly with rheumatism in his hands and arms.; At. times these would swell up and the L pains were so great that be could not a.'.e.ep and would sit the whole night " ', side a fire in order to get a little re- lief from the pain be was enduring.' Seeing how much benefit his wife had, derived from the use ot Pink Pills he began their use, and soon drove the, rheumatism from his system and he has since been free from the terrible pain: which had formerly made his life mia-l emble. Both Mr. and Mrs. Worrell’ any they will always stroneg recoup-'1 pond pr. Williams' Pink Pills to iifi-l, 'N blonds. . l base pills are a blood builder and nerve restoror. and there isno trouble whose origin is due to either of these , causes that they will not cure, it given _ n fair trisl. The genuine Pink Pills , are sold only in boxes, the wrapper . around which beam the full trade mark, 1 "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale L People." There are imitations of this ' great medicine, also colored pink,which , are offered by the dozen, hundred or ; ounce, or in boxes, without the direc- ' tions and trade mark; Always refuse ' these imitations, no matter what the l interested dealer who tries to sell them Cold in t . instant reli ' Kansas t Mr. Thoma donated to lie park o'. Diseases! ce. kidney, P, "r M milled. I', J Cold in the Head.pasal Balm gives} . instant relief. speedily cures. Never fails. , Kansas City bas a generous citizen. Mr. Thomas H. Swope. who has just donated to that commonwealth a pub- lie park of 1,800 acres. Dissent} blood, constipation. and 01- kidney, liver and bowel troubles are 7ir, cured by Karl’l Clover Root Tea. no. A huge frog, weighing eleven and 9rtttt"Y pounds was shot by Toney - C. He 31, at Delaware Lake, lad. Its lea: were almost as long as e man's squeezed through me standing in the midst. of t began sucking the lemon might. ---. _ee-b _ innfm The effect was instantaneous. u... sounds issuing from tho brass instru- ments, became feeble, and at last they ceased altogether. and the tour Ger- mans, whose mouths were dripping moisture and all puckered up, made a. break for the little fellow, threaten- ing him with terrible punishment. The boy made hits way 21,tah, the crowd, however, and soon show a clean pair ‘of heels. JAMIE WAS one day a half-Wit standing on the bank with: "Hi, Jamie! to cross? . to cross» Jamie., who had a spite against the gentleman, sent him to the deepest par . The gentleman in crossing was nearly drowned. and. when he came up to where Jamie was standing, began scold- mg him for telling him wrongly. "Weill well I" returned Jamie. "I have. seen the ducks an/l the‘geese Tel', ttr “Well! we have seen the there often, I than them!" therod mourn thr c. ttth' WAS VICIOUS. att-witted youth wtur a bank of a. river when d from the other bank What is the best place gnua'lzager legs Boot Tea purines the a elm and bunt/11“! It'g No Hopeless Wail, but Testimony l With a True Ring to It for the 1 Great South Amealcan Cures. WONDERFUL TESTIMONIALS. 1urpvuA,7,T8)1.zl1..y Grant South American Rheumatic Cure in 3:0.i harmless, and acts quickly. Given in-. slant relief and an absolute euro. in one to three days; works wonders in the most acute forme of rheumatism and neuralgia. "I was crippled so that I had to us e. etick to rt about," writes JamenA. Anderson o Calgary“ N.W.T. ', " At tunes I suffered untold misery. I 1 tried every medicine under the Bun- srvnt six weeks in the hospital under Spi'ial treatment, without any relief. I was induced to try South American‘ Rheumatic Cure. After using twobot- ties I threw away my stick and went to work, and have worked every day since, and that was two and a. bait years ago.') ' EiLS5dys.--"I saved my _ life," is the positive testimony of Mr.l James McBrine. of Jamestown. Huronl Co., Ont., in speaking of the miraculous [ cure of a. complication of kidney trou- lblea by the Great South American Kidney Cure. This gentleman way."' severely affected, that but physician had to attend him daily to take the urine from hirn. The feet dosed game . BM, l‘_&b A aura mt unne lrom nun. Jun-v -..--- - him relief, and halta bottle curedjbim completely, dissolving all obatg-ucuona. and healing and .,i?,pEtdht',f1t', the parts. South American quey Cure . a. kidney tspeeifits, 'l? and it. does all that is clalnled for i overly tune. ngMAml AND NE {Viki-Two STOMACII AND N 513V ISM.- 1 Wu thuds of all chronic diseases are due to disordered nerve centres. Cure the nerves and you will control the disease. South Am- erican Nervine has proved this thousands of times. It is a. powerful ng-rve builder and, in cases of acute in- _ digestion and dyspepsia, has effected mLweltoua cures. Geo. Webster of Forest writes: "For a. number of years I suffered greatly from nervous- nem, stwiching of muscle; and sleep- lemmas. I tned almost every knawn remedy without relief. I was induced as a last resort to try South American Nervine. The first bottle benefitted me, and five bottles cured me. It. is a grand medicine, and I owe my life to ( It!" ' ___--.----- HIS FORTUNE. My dear Jimmu. what in the cal of your joyful oxpreaslon of counu mm? Have you received a fortune! I have my dear fellow. l hare. Congratulations. And the titpuxs8 It's a. boy! .Easy? Yea, if g'," so about u up right way. Get t best always. Put- nam's Painless Corn Extractor never fails to cure. Act; in twenty-ft?yr hours and causes neither pain nor dis. comfort. Putnam's Corn Extractor ex- tracts coma; it in the beat. _Cyclometers pro in. u._se on public cu- rlages in Berlin, Lelpslc, and Dresden. They record the exact amount of miles travelgd, and the legal are of the oc- " SAVED MY LIFE." apants. WEST SHORE THROUGH SLEEPING l CAR TO NEW YORK. One at the tsandsomeat sleeping cars that bed ever been turned out bt the factory " now running trom Toronto to New Sork without change via the pop- ular West shore route. It is n bnffet car. and refreshment: can be obtained en route. if desired. This car leaves Union Station, Toronto. every day except Sunday, at 4.55 p. m., reaching New York next morning at 10.10 a. m. l _On Sundays the sleeper runs from Ham- 1ltqn only, connecting with the through train from Toronto. Cell nt any Grand Trunk office in Toronto for information or spice in sleeping car. Reservation can made In advance if desired. LESSONS OF EXPERIENCE. Newssm--Exttl Extra! GGiidipair--gow much is it? tt'Gwaboy--jo cents. Have one! iiiiiiGun--No. ' iiiiead--Two cents is the regular Brice of that paper, Why didn't you art Giaiiefnin--1f there had been any- thing in it worth reading the boy I would have charged two cents._ Adams Ex tract Fletchmann's Yea“ Butt" _ . Cream of Tau-Lu Lukewarm Water . Cream or Tam:- - v..- ___-e'" - Lukevvarm Water . . Two sworn. Diasolve the auger. mun of tartar and - In the vent. add the extract, and bottle; place in a war In place tor twentyfour hours until it bsrrmrats, men place on ice when it will open ”milling, cool and delicious. The ginger beer can be chained hull drug and grocery atom In 10 cent home- to nuke two unions. HOW TO CURE CORNS. lometers are in up on public cu- in Berlin, Leipslc, and Dresden. record the exact amount of miles ed. and the legal fare of the oc- Adams’ Ginger Beer. RECIPE. [tract - - one bank. sun's Yeaat - One half to one can. - . - Two pounds. 'rnrrgu. . 0ne__)mlt up“. TORONTO about it _thtr ot counten- W.P.C 826 Thousands of use. of Consumption. Anthma, S","eip,' Colds and Group an cured ovary y by Shiloh! Cure. Little Prince Edward of York you taut!» mbriquet of "King Duvid" st [borough noun. _ t HER CHOICE. Mr. 91411.01: (aged fiftry--Wi11 you b -riiiot _ - milk Oldmaid (aged fortrh-tta, my love. I'd rather be an old arm'- dam Iim than a young man's “.10." How Thu! l We of!» One Hundred Doom would for my on. of Fat-rm that mum be cured by [-1.115 Catarrh Cure. r. .11}chka & Co.. Prop... Tobago. I't the undersigned. have known F. J. CM any or the In t 15 years. and believe In. peifootit honorable in all bun-sine" "In” Mon: and humanly am; to carry out any ob Wtion mule by their in m. a? & Truman. \‘thesale D uggieta. Tolodo. o. WA_LD1N2._K_INNAN a Manx. Wholesale Iii-ugh“. Tends. o. E " 0mm. Car. la taken intend”. at in; directly upon the blood and mucou- OIS- taco- ot tho any-Mun. Price TM. per homo. Sold by All Draggisu. Tonimomall Fm. mrTiliiin l - cu. tin ettoruay-Ye11ow. Intent. obhhol I gbB cumm- " , T0 INVENTORS , n i b Iutesrnatupal Puma: Bun-nu. 12 “climb“. Toto-m. but“ experience. Iaswent mu. htormtlon (no. G. o. FnIIIAN. In“ R. A. Kuwnn. Expert ad Examiner. The may": will begin on “at .00. It... Equipmen very complete in all awn-uncut; New Pipe Org“ in building. For now out lone oo- mining terms. our... address an Principal. AZBEBNS. D.D., LLB. British American Business Cones. Anna“. was Ins-rum or Cult-null AOOOUNTAN'I'B. Owated ond controlled by India; Toronto bud- nou men. Beat shorthand can.“ In eon-db Handsome prospectus tree. A DANGEROUS EXPERIMENT. Mina Aptique oehooi-tiher)-WI yes w-h-l-t-o quell? Clan (No. Answer.) . Mists, /nuhao-What " the color low Term “In lent. I. It“. EDW. TRthUT, _ DAVID 303.53.15.54 Conboy's "im)ip1filtllliilil ms Recelvod the Mullen award at the World's‘ Fair. Chicago, 1893. They no munufuelured in every 2ter and grade trom etteapeat to “nest. It, is not. an“? that the public, pretest than). " ther lave Bl Invent improvements known to the Undo, the tttost impu'mt m patentard and not. found ln any other make. no [our Top. with Alton-no luck om patented, 1895. in Mat super-Minx tho old style), over which it hai many tsdvagt'is The can cost. one dollar, ls but a I r;tttscouipmtd to than lacrea wed durability. conversions, and comfort 1nvmetitrMo and learn tho red mer'ta of the Roller Top, 1nd you will use no other. 0rd. one from your est-rinse builder. 00.. aaAr.0onredrrntt" “I. Building Ton-lo. “CANADA'S PBIDE” INDUSTRIAL FAIR Ind AGRICULTURAL _y_ty1m"' "TORONTO. Aug.3!:<;86ept.l2 New Departments Superior Attractions Latest Invention. EVERYTHING UP To DATE Tn: "orc-iii-ir, uoumv out. me or THE YEAR. fW-utt for it Cheap Excursions from Evomhoro. MILTON LAMBS COLLEGI . and Conservaury g Music I'd ', “I Jiiiiill;iiiiliiliilifi"iiil'ii' A55 A I , m" Our suiiWiiGiGiia ilGihg operation. s-ravi-ttr-tttttue.,'.','.'.?, saunas 6155: we. Sth omsa%"a"io' - T. iriiGrHir0y.r.ervr Wan-g gum.- and We mm In GIVE mu 1're own - - THE GREAT - . Pioétdcnt. WI‘ ENGINES " LUG, is]. “align?” ii?;%r'iiiiici'iiAoutr. ammo”. canon "I. cum TIA..." ml. and“ Doom ”0.. sumo-".1 and not. noun. metallic com-(I. 'th tum; - maul wakonmmw. on“. "SAMOA” Iili"t.v,,'.'"hWlYt,rd'ffJ&, M'fd'ht a'hm‘ "aaa 113de Cai. "W - I. 0.1mm. 'LA.--A. nun-J... in. u... tt ttt h m. m3:- mm gag-"5:: MW un ova Dog-h x: Busting Mm. u. W, run-u n n. .8. "a” AMI W- Tara-ho.» ADI“! The McDowell (3th Dremrq M "ttttnt-ma - Form! [than on" lumen! Emu - mu " Incl No roaming! .N.o not: morn. flu In and human. uh huh. Mel. and out“: In... was“ Wha, f'atig'trttt, 8. CQRRIGA . us You. as. To”! 'ri-s-no-ret A hm. 1t',tgq9rtfs, -a.tahlittrod - txttiori.-+ I II II CANADA- [Id Bil-inu- unethic- a In”: P004“. o." Ordnance A1197] pLoet.eth. I‘M”: iirauatess "tr. main. 'ntalogtr. . J. ILUOH. it Ae,raftt"g far but» may... a; a: rpm-u] nub-Am at” [no Mus-Bavumuhlnuy. - - - - ,7 *AA - I“ IMP-DIV“ nun-unl- Wham. 00.1”". “I" Cu. Gerrard ml You“ Btn, -. 0.. - - - ,,J_I a...“ Add w. luau.“- -. - --'-%l." _.,‘ - Large“ and MM I'M Conn ereld School in the Dominion. Ila-Credoof studen- plmed dined] into good my“. Wino-l Everything i",ri"'fil Pirst Pl... Cat-ion. has. W. . SHAW, Pruuil, WHY DESTROY HEALTH. happier, 'sleep otd dometn by_.dr;19m mm water. __-_ Mam-m“ -.. ”I --"'-n.. - Sir Henry Thompaon an use only pf. water to drink in mineral. and St. LEON . . bu been ahown by "1:1an and ttorp"" knee to he the. beat water yot 11ie.t ered. Don't endanger life a drinking filthy water. Get I ju' St. boon iottoe. . . -BI --‘-‘--| Grimm- -yaFaie by :11 princlpu u: Druggists and Hotels. or ST, LEON. b19923. WATT“ or other mums . " ca Optic Nervo, or a dim cont-mount the on. PROF. ClAIIIBLAI‘ .-BYN throrii-0t 5tr It I. " mm. “on. laps to Mt. . “Dun '_A"."-'-"-, .V. (Limited) Bead om... Toronto. DUNN’S BAKING POWDER. Tiisti?itil.t.ihijiLry,ii!l0 ”AV! V“ - 'iaaFsai.iir' CANADA. luv-[c - __.---" - i'l'Gt'i'raaiaii combi. me '89. reduced the as! of yet to one-chm what it VIB- " in ttrtprices. EU! 1"de TWENTY-SIX YEARS- _ "_--. .. -' - ' i'etrtE I " Induced " scrotum“ orUin M, " can». ot Vision or of the or a aitoaated ml. at thet than. the on. Sold by all uranium. " III“. a “It. - - Milan. on. nu In" 2" 117-3, =0" be “in: an. . 'rY3Mtiiis'ijfi, ”It. A!” Irli. rrioe'tel Graven. otd “at” (Glut, $12: For "u" Ind m. tutood 3’..- t‘monh ennui- nor. of tho _ “Lu or Wonk-O. of SIM trom W ute " 0.5m? !p. Sovereign Remedy the on" Kathi l‘ ip, CT my,“ tllf,iii, (”'5

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