Grey Review, 4 Jun 1896, p. 8

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s.....................---. JUNE 9, Bring it to us and we will pay you the SPOT CASH for every pound you bring Then when you are here we shall be pleas- ed to show you Goods at prices such as you find below: Pure N7pociraams, and Twisted, Remember that we use no Shed 3y in fly Woollen Factory, all pure woo . 400 lb. or 6 lbs. for $210. Single Yarns in Grease, Reg. 350. All you want at 380. 1b. Grey Sheeting, Reg. 400. yds. for 270. yd. Men's Heavy Wool Shirts and Draw ers, Worth 750, each for 500. Men's Heavy Sock, 3 pairs for 250. 1i_ri)iti'iiir1jii'ii Is the only live way to do business now- a-days; no matter whether you are buying or selling, We attribute our success in business to this method of dealing. Every thing you buy or sell here is marked down in Black and White. and if goods are not in Black and'White. and if goods are not satisfactory or if our Factory work is not up to the mark, we ask you to return the same and money will be chiusrh1lly refunded. You would'snot believe it possible that we could have handled the quantity of goods sold in this Store last Tuesday. COME WITH THE CROWD NEXT TUESDAY. (lllufllllii DEPARTMENTAL STORE. .' UPPER TOWN 5pieces Double Fold, Extra Fancy, Dress goods, should bring 500 yd., Tues. price 27c yd. See them. 3'piieces All Wool Black Crepon,s Regular 37h, Tuesday at AK y . 10 pieces Fancy Stripe Silks, Reg. 500 yd. Tues. at 300 yd. Extra Heavy Factory put up in 30 yd. ends, worth 6e yd. Web price Tuesday, 50 yd. , ' 5 pieces Heavy Crash Toweling, north 7c yd, Tues. tie yd. 6 pieces Fancy Dimity, Bouse, Effects, Reg. 200 yd. Tues. 150 yd. The right thing, this season. 250 Handkerchiefs (White) worth 50 each, Tues. 20 each, 8 pieces Navy Sateens with spot and stripe L'L, Tuesday at 130 yd. """"""'le'""'" _ J. A. H UN TER. DRESS GOODS. WOOL. Our Tuseday ", . TEEE Smart Girl wanted at Durham Wool- len Mills. Apply at J, A. Hunter’s. Mr. Witt. Young returned home from Chicago on Tuesday night. The largest stock of new and fashion- able milliuely in town just in this week at Woodland', --. " -. _M , " It VI Mun-u r. Collingwood will spend 81500 in deep- fninlg her harbor owmg to the low lake eye . gtt 6er gevim. Misses S. Carson and M. McCracken we"; visiting friends in Mt. Forest last wee . Miss Pr, Carson returned home on Saturday use from Manitoba. where she has been visiting her sister Mrs. Hopkins, tot some months. If you want a. nobby stylish suit see Woddland's new tweeds and worsted. They are the best goods in town. SPECKLED msuvrrEs.--Mr. Cliff- El- vidge succeeded the other day in catch- ing 4 fine trout whose combined weight was about 5 lbs. None of your chubs or small fry for him. - Special value in corsets this week at woudhtnd's. the very latest style. J immie Elliot, of Chatsworth, a. grand- son of Mrs. McRate's, and a. boy named Hopkins were injured on Queen"s Birth- day by the bursting of a hollow mass of iron usedas a. cannon. The latter is likt - ly to lose his sight. Don't, fail tosee the line of Boy's Sui ts just opened an Woodlaml's. Uatarrh andHay Fever Relieved in ten to Sixty Minutes. One short puff of the breath through the blower, supplied wtth each bottle of Dr. A gnew's tfitarrhal Powder, diffuses this powder over the surface of the nasal puma-ages. Painless and delight- ful to use, it relieves instantly and per- umnently rut-vs mum-h. hay fever, colds headache, sore throat. tonsilitis and deafness. 60 cents. Sold by McFarlane & Co. Remember Woodland does the lesd. ing millinex'y trade of the town. Dr. J. Leith, Well known at Dromore and Hopeville, has opened up a. practice in Iukater, N. Dak. The Milton Globe thus speaks of him: “Dr. Leith is an itlsltwhysicitin ‘ during his reisidenlce P"'t '15]; “In-I'll uv-av- "--.."' . 1n Milton made hosts of friends, who wish him unbounded success In his new field," The Council of Proton held a Court of Revision at ts'carlett's Hotel last week. Adam Scarlett has been list. Quite a number have le't here this morning for Owen Sound to attend the Couvt. They are W. McDonald, James McDonaldzl4th cum, and Jas. McDonald of here, John Russell, George Russell, John Betoitf, David Mills and the Fet- tes family. The trial will he O'Beien v.s. Fetles about the McDonald farm. On Tuesday night the Patton Can- didnte will hold a meeting in the Orange Hall. This is the first shot flved here. Rev. T. H. Farr is breathing u the old home just now. Hood's Pills are easy to buy, easy to operate. Cure all livey ills. 25c. Jno. wihianu, had a. cow struck by lightning durirttht last storm. Master Wm."Topham, of Proton, is rusticating in sunny Glenelg. Ninety Per Cent. Of all the people need to take a course of Hood's Sursaparillu. at this season to prevent that tniud own and debilitated condition which invites disease. The money invested is half it dozen bottles of Hood's Barsapt.u'i11.r1 will coine bask with Ciiii" "raiiiiis"TCii1dhea1th and vigor of body and strength of nerves. Quite a number of pienk parties visit- Hayward’s Falls on the 24th. It is an ideal spot. Ladies' new sailors, all colors just in at Woodland’s. Mr. Geo. Williams. of Niagara Falls, is spending holidays at Straunestown. Speaking about picnics reminds us that the great Edge Hill picnic and con- gress of all nations is at hand. The damage done to the crops in the neitthhprhoo of Edge Hill by the cut- worm is comparatively triflihg, but, in other sections we have Been fields cum pletely devasted. I’""‘ -. _-__ F-"'"' _ The Union S B. garden party at Edge Hill on the 25th was a success in every particular '. it Was even better than am tlicipated. .... About 800 1ltn'i'n/', Fir: regent. There were games of foot-hall t,'?.e,'..'llh and every ot er kind of ball. Games of croquet, games of tag and other games_thu.t1 have PP PP" at tll., I" "er m""""' -.__. -_- v V, - These diversions kept as the interest- till nightfall when all a journed to the orchard which was tastefully and bril- liantly lighted. and well seated. Here tea was served. and then came the pro: gramme. Those who took part included among others, the well known Johnston family, of Durham, the Muses Sim. Jardine and a. native choir. Last hut by no means least, was the " Orchard Com- edy Co." under the management of Mr. S Orchard, Ememont, Miss Mary Orchard, of Durham. being the accom- anist. Mr. Orehnrd's singing of " A guys Best Friend is his mother," brought. two encores. The entire 00. dld admimhly and should they again visit Edgehill PI will receive a. rousing welcome. Inc. . Graham makes on A. 1 chair-nu. LOCAL AND GENERAL "ham, Thur. June, 4 '96. EDGEHILL ECHOES. HOPEVILLE. “0--.. -.i------ on the sick _.. we; TOM. Liberal Committee Rooms have bet opened in the Calder Block, up-stairs. IRISH LAKE.--The Annual R, 0. Pic- nie will be held in Arrowsmith’s grove next Tuesday. The Politicians are to he there. and a. goldheaded cane is to be voted on between the two Doctors. Mr. John Snell. who resides near Amos Church conducted the Sunday evening aervlce. All were very much pleased with Mr. Snell and would like to have him come again in the near future, Mr. J. H. Brown, of Durham, will take selvice next Sabbath evening and the Rev. Mr. McVicar the Sabbath even- ing following. Mrs. Thos. Chapman was taken sud- denly and severelv ill on Saturday after- noon last. Dr. Clark, of Durham, was gait-lily called in attendance. Mrs. hapman is at present recovering. While Mr. Thos. Smith had his horses attached to the waggon one day last week in stooping down were]: up the lines one of the horses kick him III the face knocking him down and startin off ulled the Waggon which was inadeg at the time over one of his legs. Tom is able to he around again. Mr. Alex. Black bad a. few of his neighbors assisting him in with his cum last week. Quite a. number of the your): pen 1le from this part. took in the Edge dill garden party and reported having had a splendid time. Sir. Gideon Johnson, of the N. S. in, tends raising his burn on Thursday afternoon. Vet. Wolf. of Durham, was down nt- tending one of Mr. H, Queen's best hm see on Fridaf evening. lt is coming around again al right. Politics quiet around Murdoch. it is too one-sided, all are patrons banded to- gether working for Ctindidate Allan and wishing him ever y success. For three months a lively interest will be taken in public affairs. A session of the Dominion I’m-limnent comes shot-ti after the. elections. Everyone i'/?/S7 keep posted on National and Local matters, and to do this no hotter way can he found than by keeping cloce to the W. Globe and the Review. We furnish both 3 months fop30cts. to any address in Canada or the States, The Globe is one of the first and the fairest papers in Canada. and the. REVIEW, while believing in and advocating Lili- eral principles as neeessan for the wel- fare of the. great producing classes of this country, will still as; a newspaper do its opponents justice. If yon cannot call send stamps or send your name anyway. The cmnpuign is just opening. Secure, it all. GoTtDoN.--In Durham on Thurseda.v, May 20thto Mr. and Mrs. Gordon a mmsrts---PEAwr---At the residence of Mr. Geo. Peart, Glenelg, hv Rev. Mr. Pomeroy, B, A., John Hmlsun, of Bentmck. to Miss Minnie Peal-t, of Brnntford. _ O rwAN--Mcvy:aN-0n Ma ' 28th, at. the Methodist Parsonage. Igurhnln, Mr. Samuel Cowan, of Egremont, to Miss Lizzie Mchm, of Nnrumnhy. YottNa---Iu Durham on Monday lat, inst. Arthur, son of Mr. Henry Young, aged 13 years and 6 months. McKEcrrsiE.--In Glenelq on \lences- day 27th inst., at. the residence of her brother, Donald Mekechuie. Jane Mc- Kechnie aged 56 years. Her remains, were interred in the Rocky Salim-en On the 2nd Con. Nm'nmnby, contain- ing 174 acres. 140 cleared. Al soil in grand state of cultivation free fl om nox- lous weeds. wiring Creek. Stone Home & K itchen. ood Shed attached. Bank Barn 60x70, Stone Basement Stables. Drive & Implement House 30x60, Stone Stables underneath. Root House 10150. Hard and Soft Water. Churches and School convenient. " miles from Dur- FARM FOR SALE. hililiags cost over half the Money asked. one-third down. This is a Rare Bargain. Stock or Grain. Business meant. If not sold will lease for a term of years. Ap- ply to Mu. Wmsmw'a 8001mm SYRUP hes been wed by millions of mothers for their children while teething. It dUturbod " night end broken of your met by e eiok child euffelin end crying with pain of Cutting Teeth eon: " once end get e bottle of “Mn. Winslow’e Soothing Syrup"for Children Teething. It will relieve the poor little "ttemr immedie} tel]. Depend upon it, mothers, there ie no nieteke about it. It onree Dierrhoee. re- gnletee the Stomech and Bowele, cures Wind Colic, loftene the Game end redne- Indun. nation, end givee tone end energy to the ‘hole eyetem. “Mn. Winslow'e Soothing Syrup" for children teething it pleeeent to the mute and ie the prpatsriptton of one of the but femele phyeiciene and nnreee in the United Stet“: Prirfmrntrtiv, qtettt% e C LOB BIN G. mr VIszz GLOBE. 31.15. 371337“: HAIL 31-35. bottle. ttold by all dg'rrtlfi,t.aiiiiiii the world. Be our. “I! Ink tor "Mnr Wmsmw’n manta sum " Cmnctery. A SNAP!! THE GLOBE & REVIEW. ROBERT WATSON. Jr., Isherwood P. o., Out -i" .4-»- KURDOCH. MARRIED. BIRTHS. DEATHS. {ah-3.3% Peopla tlad just the help they so much need, in Bood's Sanguine. It tar- nishea the decked strength by puri- tying, vlmizing and enriching the blood, and thus builds up the news, tones the “munch and ragtime. the whole spam. Read this: " want to pub. Hood’s Sunni-uh. My health run down, and I had the grin. Alter that, my hurt and nervous out": won bully affected, so glutloonld not do my own wr‘k. Our physio!“ gun no tom. help, but did not can. I docidod to try Hood'n B-riiia. Boon I could do w my own housework. I have tam “lemons head'- pm- with new. snap-nun, and they have done me much good. I will not b. without them. I have um " bowel of Booth Baruparllln,snd through the blotting of God, it has cured me. I worked as hard u "" the put mm. Is the One True Blood Purttier. All drugghu. " Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mus. , WOMAN’S WORLD. not, mad I an thanklul to In: I III: well. Booth Pius when taken with Booth chplrllln help very much." Mn. M. M. Hummus, Freehold, Penn. This and many other cum pron tint Hood's Pills 'Ga"i'v"ily'.'1' SOME GOOD ADVICE TO MOTHERS UPON A VITAL SUBJECT. Hint. to Women Bathertr-mruBtleq For tho Summer Gtrt--women mad tho Supreme Court - May Bullock Foam - Changed Drenc- at the Knees. There are many parents who seem to have no realizing sense whatever of the proper diet for children. They give them whatever they happen to have " hand, or, what is much to the same pur- pose. anything they cry for. The infant mortality of the country is something awful, when one considers it. Hundreds of thousands of childrrn die every year. many of them from the effects of inju- dicious feeding alone. Filood's In hot weather children should be carefully watched and never permitted to touch articles ct food that are at all questionable. A little perfectly ripe fruit, either with a little gruel or other suitable diet, should be given. If a child is at all delicate or the digestion seems to be at fault, cooked fruit may be given. This is eminently safe and al. wayl relishablo. Use as little sugar as may be in order to render the sauce pal- atablo, and carefully select the kind to be given. Cooked strawberries and blackberries. with the seeds strained out, are excellent and may be eaten freely. Raspberries are usually safe to give without cooking, provided they are perfectly ripe and thoroughly washed. Very acid fruits are not to be given to young children. The reason for this is that, being largely on a milk diet, the acid in the fruit makes a thick, tough curd in the stomach, which, in many cases. it is impossible to digest. Oranges disagree with a great many persons. and although they are almost universal- ly recommended for children the utmost care should be observed as to whether they disagree, for there is probably no form of indigestion so distressing as that produced by oranges. Pineapple has upon some persons a somewhat simi- tar effect, only usually less severe. There are many persons who are op- posed to the use of meats, especially in hot weather. It is, however, sate to say that properly made soups and a small bitot well cooked meat out into tiny shreds and thoroughly mastieated can do no harm to delicate children and often produce the happiest results. There is in many vegetables an ele- ment that, in itself harmless when it exists in the digestive organs in any quantity yot furnishes, nutrimcnt for a deadly germ. This germ will not t1ourith unless this substance is present. Vegetables of various sorta are special- ly productive of this element; therefore the best authorities on cholera and kin- dred diseases have found it necessary to restrict the use of certain vegetables in extremely hot weather. Whatever is given, however, must be thoroughly cooked and should be kept as complete- ly excluded from outside air " possible. If children are feverish, cross and un. manageable), it is well to try a diet of gluten bread and carefully prepared broth or soup. The meat should be per- fectly fresh and cooked a long time Vegetables may be added, but should be strained out before the soup is served. Milk; if there is any doubt shout it whstever, should be sterilised berm using. All. utensils used for cooking children’s food ought to mceiye the most rigid inspection, and no question should be allowed as to theirperfect cleanliness. Few people realise that s dishof milk standing inntaitkisdioa. box my in s few hours collect discuss tremusiin1mtrhptrvo_ii'tt-snt1tfPtttire, and, while the robust constitutional sdults marttotr1esto-tstttrrt*tm, delicate children succumb 'olh, -. _ It in not new that n child‘s an: be extremely varied. It is much bend tox'utriot it during the hot mum to oeetain article- that are known who certain mom mu m mowu u... on -- irtV ssattrof tttel, nud tard"gt',tlt In?“ 2'iitli s5siefai'er'."pe,i',itiik1iii'i,iiiiit' 'pg,,','."": “m " ”f 'r,1h'lff'st,"r' 'at Harman: mummy... Cured it: Sarsaparilla act etysily, promptly and 3 can. We hare a full line of Tweeds, Flannelt, Y urns, Blankets, ete., (Tanner’s make) now on hand and are pre- pared to give in ea:- change CASH OR TRADE. WOOL STAND, OPPOSITE THE MOALLISTER House. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR Thanking You one and all for your patronage in past years and trusting you will favor me with a fair share of the same this year. Opposite the MeA (litter Honk. Flour per 1oott ............ Gunner] ......... ... Full Wheat per Mabel ... Hay nor ton ........... ...... Spring “but 66 ... Oattt, " ... Pens. " ... Barley, " ... Potatoes, per hug ... Riders, " ......... ........ Sueepskim. 'uuelt............ Butter per tb.................. Eggs, per doe .r............. Wool pen lb ..............0..1 131mm I. mm. mm M M The vndorsiguod hsvlng boon restated to hum: bi simple manna. that “marina tor uvanl yr." .. ch In 'oro lunhdoctlou. mad thntdrmddiwn-o Canes-futon. untou- w make luv-urn to MI lullov nu out: ch. menu ot cure. To those who duke“, he um charm“, mud (tree of chum) . at " or the MP”: and. wlnuh tttey will ttnd A can our. for StttTtrht't but-.. (3.- o-h. Incl-Icing“: tttwo" and In»: Ill. like. 8. tlrlt alt “M will trychhnmody. wttt “In"! lo. Thouduirlunhe pumpin- which will out than new“, and may - g blowing. will plane “are“. ‘NTHL‘VJORLG - m- - FROM THE TEA "CNT, To THE TE.'t eur a ill KI Tic: .‘ZH'JST Tra In 1“.“- L'JnnLn " Monsoon" Teak put up by the India-1 Tex “was M . mp1: of the best iaalices uf Ind.“ lea. Therefore they use the .resarcst care in me. selection of the Tea and ite blend. that in whv m. y put it up themulvec aod cell it only in the or‘gu‘ul Veer..'.': themby uncaring in purity and e.xeclheiwe at Built“ Its, I lb. and ' lb. packages. and Never bra' in' B.aid in bulk §§@%$@§% . -riMtEh If your grocer does not keep it, all him to er STEEL, MATTER a CC. - Would lut'muo that he will continue the Furniture and Under-baking BuMners N's"- liuhed by his tumor in Durham in 1853 a. d will ondunor " give nil old and new cu-Ioua- on: the same chum ”Mamba. i993 taken in mkange or Cash WHITE“ AND Lmlg'ri'il111 nauririi't' theirs! Make "The only Int-clu- Ium " In". """"iiaNrro F». ll, fl. smansou's , -- WORK TI “I AND WOW". We my " In not root for an!) [0113:2113 aoaoartgtrMPa?rVEt'. R-ttter, tho unnd~- tq Mum. During?“ ALWAYS ON BAND. PICTURE "All“ A SPECIAL" IN ITS many; PUIITY. Ill, E. STEVENSON. , and It From Btu-oat East. “form-M [Ill-P WANT . .-" "ALI. E J. SHEWELL AU. GOOD GROOERO KEEP tT. DURHAM MARKET. ch EZRFEUT , .................. o 16 to WOOL o.-. call him to write to 050m 00to Otito 010 018 10 (X) . ALL LI VOL. XVIIIr-N "Large We take 1 thanking past Patri convinced W111 men's thr: ve11ows1 NEXT " my Iona. loco-:50. andk at.rkitese. Soccer PRINTS h Tabla oil cloth. " White Cum. a tie. . box or 8 a 3Q91§0§m§ FV " "‘ " u " cameram- new "orho In. J" mad the fell, ers t: that , Syste its e Dal;

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