Oakville Beaver, 7 Apr 1999, A7

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Wednesday April 7, 1999 111L WAV IN. V ILdLd̂ DCAV t,K M / COMMENT Forced w eek o ff work no t his idea o f holiday I don't know who suffers more after an operation, the person who had the operation or the person taking care of I'll tell you this: I know who is suffering more in this household and it is not, defi­ nitely not, the man flipping through the Zellers flyers on the couch in the back sun room with sunlight fil­ tering through the skylight, music sifting through the speakers as I frantically fly back and forth filling the coffee machine. What thi» man needs is a project. Any project. One that doesn't involve moving or spending any money. If I sound desperate, I am. I have had my spouse at home for the past five days and I don't know who is worse - him or me. After an operation on a man, a friend told me sagely, it all goes to the throat. "Oh and can I have another cup of coffee? Can you just hand me that magazine?" But you know, that I can deal with. It's having to hide the car keys, cata­ logues from Canadian Tire, flyers from Home Depot for heaven's sake from my spouse. If not, he escapes, albeit sheepishly, just to get out of the house. Driving, I tell you. Or else he's irritably reading through running brochures, registering for races that are coming up in less than six weeks. As if he'll be running in six weeks. As if anyone would be, in their right mind. So I try to reason with the man. Look, I say. It's fabulous sunny weather, you're told to take a week off work, all the books at your side within reach, people cooking meals....what else do you want. All you need to do is try to keep the dog from jumping up on the couch. Me, I 'd love it. I tell my bone weary female friends, run ragged with the demands on their time and they agree: Who wouldn't love it? Instead, he's propping up the lap­ top, checking the voice mail, e-mail­ ing this person or that.... as if the world is suddenly going to come to a complete stop the moment he is checked into the O.R. Now, if it were me, I say martyr-like, I would be the very picture of patience. You bet. I'd crawl obediently onto that couch in the back room with a few books, a few trashy magazines just to get caught up on the latest trashy Hollywood news and sit pretty for a couple of weeks. Bliss. And you know, Clan Lamont meeting in Nova Scotia The Clan Lamont Society of Canada will host a gathering of their Clanspeople in Halifax, Nova Scotia, the weekend of July lst-4th. This is the year of the International Gathering of the Clans in Nova Scotia. Clans will be host­ ing Clan Chiefs' vis­ its and expanding upon their usual activities. Clans have vari­ ous 'Sept' names, meaning families under protection of the Clan Chief. These names under the Lamont Clan, ie. Black, Brown, Lamb, Lammie, MacKerchar, MacKaracher, M acKerracher, Turner and White, to name but a few. Events will encompass the Nova Scotia International Tattoo, the Halifax Metro Scottish Games and scheduled Clan activities at Saunders Park. Persons wishing to contact the Clan may telephone 905-864-8335 or write c/o Clan C hief's Canadian Commissioner at 485 Cobequid Rd. Lower Sackville, N.S. B4C 3Y7. The Chief of Clan Lamont, Rev. Father Peter Noel Lamont resides in New South Wales Australia and is active in the Clan Society there. He also attended the last Gathering in Canada and visited the games in the U.S. (M rs.) Jean W atson Clan C hief's Canadian Commissioner I have to admit it all looks pretty appealing during my attempts to cook the dinner, sew a badge on Drew's Cub uniform, take out the garbage, tune up the kids' bikes for the summer and strip the wallpaper off the bathroom wall. I actually fantasize about going into hospital for an operation. But it would have to be a man's operation: one of those major four- days-in-the-hospital jobs. Not a woman's out-patient operation or something minor like having a baby where they toss you out in 24 hours. Nope. I'd want one of those I'm-in- such-excruciating-pain-I-have-to-stay- in-a-private-room-for 10 days kind of men's operations. That's for me. So I tell him: Think of it as a holi- day-a forced idleness. And if that doesn't work, I turn into my mother. Seriously. Like this : "You know, Bob, it could be worse, a lot worse." Or this famous mother phrase: "Just don't think about it." If all else fails, I threaten to sit all day and tell him what I think about the war in Yugoslavia. There appears a desperate look to the man's eyes as they widen in fear. Oh, please, he pleads. Not that. And he crawls back onto the couch, forever subdued. You know, I might just get a handle on this nurse business after all. K 3 T H G C O R P O R A T I O N O F T H G T O W N O F O A K V I L L E 8 4 5 - 6 6 0 1 _________________ THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF OAKVILLE PRE-QUALIFICATION O F : GENERAL CONTRACTORS CONCRETE FINISHING SUBCONTRACTORS for the construction o f a skateboard park PRE-QUALIFICATION-4-99 CONSTRUCTION OF A SKATEBOARD PARK The Corporation o f the Town o f Oakville invites prequalification proposals from interested General Contractors and Concrete Finishing Subcontractors. Prequalification submissions w ill be received in the sealed Town o f Oakville prequalification envelope addressed to the attention of the Town C lerk, M unicipal Building, 1225 Trafalgar Road, O akville, O ntario L6J 5A6, Reference: Prequalification-4-99 - The construction of a skateboard park. < DEADLINE FOR RECEIPT OF SUBMISSIONS w ill be no later than 12:00 noon, local tim e on Ibesday, April 20,1999 LATE SUBMISSIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED The Town o f Oakville proposes to construct a new skateboard park facility o f poured reinforced concrete structure including various curved and geometric shapes, ramps and platforms. Submitted proposals shall be based upon Standard CCA Document No. 11 as well as mandatory supplementary documentation (pickup from Purchasing Department o f the Town o f Oakville) to demonstrate technical, managerial, financial and bonding capabilities. The General Contractors' proposals should include a preliminary construction schedule and identify the personnel and methods to be utilised in order to construct and monitor the project utilising a CPM or similar scheduling system. G eneral Contractors as well as the Concrete Finishing Subcontractors interested in being prequalified to bid the work o f this project must submit the following: • Completed CCA Document No. 11 (*) • Resumes o f management personnel who would be assigned to this project, with full account o f their involvement in similar projects (No substitutions w ill be permitted!). • General Contractors (only) shall submit letter from a nationally recognized Surety Company confirming the availability of the required Bonding for this project (100% Performance Bond, and 50% Labour and Material Payment Bond). • Letter authorizing the Town o f Oakville or Stafford Haensli Architects Inc. to obtain information from applicable financial institutions (used as references), regarding the applicant's financial position (Line o f Credit, Length o f Experience and general financial position). • A detailed description of the Contractor's Heath and Safety Policy and written confirmation that all health and safety policies w ill be followed for the duration o f this project. • Submission o f form "CAD7 - Experience Rating Assessment" as calculated and issued by the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board. Tenders w ill be invited from a list of preaualified General Contractors only. General Contractors shall include the concrete finishing subtrade prices from the list o f prequalified subtrades only. The prequalification process w ill include an assessment o f the Contractor's previous performance in a number o f areas, including but not limited to: similar previous work, Health and Safety management, workmanship, scheduling, construction management, correction of construction deficiencies and final completion. Stipulated sum tenders w ill be received on or about May 11,1999. Commencement o f building construction w ill follow shortly thereafter. The estimated completion date is July, 1999. Draft construction documents are now available for viewing at the offices of Stafford Haensli Architects Inc., 25 Watline Ave., Mississauga, telephone: (905) 568-1010. ♦Please pickup "Prequalification Information Package", from the Town of Oakville, Purchasing Department, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, Ontario L6J 5A6. The Corporation o f the Town of Oakville reserves the right to accept or reject any or all prequalification proposals. R.J. Coumoyer, C.I.M., P. Mgr. Director, Purchasing & Office Services TOWN OF OAKVILLE Tender advertising may be viewed on the O.P.BA. website, http:// vaxxine. com/opba R O A D C L O S U R E B Y - L A W By-law 1999-050 Closure of Part of North Service Road West for all Purposes I TAKE NOTICE THATi 1. The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Oakville proposes to pass a by-law pursuant to Section 297 of the Municipal Act RS.O . 1990, Chapter M.45 in order to close and stop up for all purposes, part of North Service Road West, legally described as: Part of Lot 25, Concession 2, South of Dundas Street, Town of Oakville, Regional Municipality of Halton, being all of Part 2 on Plan EX-112, save and except therefrom Parts 1 and 2 on Plan 20R-12100. 2. Pursuant to Section 300 of the Municipal Act, R .S .0 .1990, Chapter M.45, before passing this by-law, Council or a Committee thereof, will hear in person or by his counsel, solicitor or agent any person who claims that his lands will be prejudicially affected by this by-law, provided that such person makes application in writing to the undersigned on or before May 7 ,1999, at 4:30 p.m. This matter will be heard at the Council Meeting of May 17,1999, commencing at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Town Hall, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville. 3. Copies of Plan EX-112 and Reference Plan 20R-12100 showing the subject lands are available for inspection at the Office of the Town Clerk, at the address shown below, during normal business hours NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING Environmental Study - North o f Regional Road 5 File No. 42.121.3 Please be advised that the Planning Services Department for Town o f Oakville will be hosting a Public Information Meeting on Ap ril 21,1999 (Oakville Room) at 7:00 PM regarding the on-going Environmental Study for the lands north of Regional Road 5. This represents the second public meeting in a series o f three on this matter. The third meeting w ill be a public meeting hosted by Town Council, at which time a staff report and recommendation will be considered. This public meeting will take place on W ednesday, May 26,1999 commencing at 7:30 p.m. in the Town H all, 1225 Trafalgar Road, O akville. In prepartion for future urban development on the subject lands, the Town of Oakville together with LGL Ltd. and The Planning Partnership have conduct a detailed environmental review for the lands located north of Regional Road No. 5 [Dundas Street]. This environmental study w ill address issues associated with integrating future urban development into this area while maintaining and enhancing wherever possible, the existing natural environment without imposing undue impacts onto these features. The purpose afthis second Public Information Meeting is to provide an overview o f the resilt of the review and the preliminary implementation strategies. Any individual wishing to attend this meeting and provide input on this matter is invited to do so. Should you have any questions regarding the study, please contact the undersigned at the Town's Planning Services Department, Town o f Oakville, P.O. Box 310,1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, ON L6J 5A6, ext. 3029. Written submissions and/or questions may also be directed to the undersigned Dated at the Town of Oakville this 6th day o f April, 1999. Robert H. Thun, Planner Long Range Planning Section Planning Services Department C o u n c i l & S t a n d i n g C o m m i t t e e M e e t i n g s Monday, April 12,1999 Plcm ing & Developm ent Council Council C ham bers 7:30 p.m . Monday, April 19,1999 Council M eeting Council C ham bers 7:30 p.m . Tuesday, April 13,1999 Com m unity Services C om m ittee 7:30 p .m . - Oakville Room Administrative Services Com m . 7:30 p.m . - Bronte Room Monday, April 26,1999 Planning & Developm ent Council Council Cham bers 7:30 p.m . C ouncil & C ommittee Touchtone Phone Line 8 1 5 -5 9 5 9 1225 TRAFALGAR ROAD • OAKVILLE, ONTARIO • L6H 2L1 the patient. DIANE HART Letters to the Editor

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