Oakville Beaver, 3 Mar 1999, Editorials, A6

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A6 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday March 3, 1999 The Oakville Beaver i Ian Oliver Publisher Neil Oliver Associate Publisher Norman Alexander Editor Kelly Montague, Advertising Director Martin Doherty Circulation Director Teri Casas Office Manager Mark Dills Production Manager Riziero Vertolli Director of Photography Metroland Printing. Pubishing & Distributing LM.. includes: Ajax/PSckaing News Advertiser. A lston HerakJ'Couier. Barrie Advance, Barry's Bay Trite Week. Bolton Enterprise. Brampton Guardan, Buingtan Post. Burlington Shopping Ne/vs, O ty Parent, CoingwoocMasaga Connection. East Msrk Mirror. Erin Advocata^Country Routes. Etobicoke Guartlan. Ramboroug^ Post. Georgetown Independent/Acton Free Press. Huronia Business Times, Kingston Trite Week. Lindsay Trite Week. Markham Ecnomist & Sun. Mklarxi/Penetanguishine M ro r. Mtton Canadan Champion, Miton Shopping News. Mississauga Business Times. Mississauga News. Napanee Guide. Newmarket/Aurora Era-Banner, Northumberland News, North York Mirror. Oakvile Beaver. Oakvile Shopping News. Oidtimers Hockey News. Orilia Today. Oshawa/Whitby/Clarington Port Perry Trite Week. Owen Sound Tribune. Peterborough This Week. Picton County Guide, Richmond HiO/Thornhill/Vaughan Liberal. Scarborough Mirror. StouffvieAJxbridge Tribune. Forever Ytxng, City of Mark Guardan 467 Speers Rd., Oakville Ont L6K 3S4 (905) 845-3824 Fax: 337-5567 Classified Advertising: 845-2809 Circulation: 845-9742 Editorials Early battle When provincial riding redistribution determined that the Oakville rid­ ings of Halton Centre and Oakville South could be served by one MPP, it set up one of the most interesting political scenarios seen around here for some time. It would be different if each riding was held by a different party. But in the case of Oakville, it's Progressive Conservative blue all the way. And therein rests the problem. The Liberals, NDP and even some lesser- known parties will have their candidates but the first and possibly more important fight, will be the Battle of the Blue to see who will carry the tory banner into a spring election. Both ridings have their own particular fea­ tures that make them unique on a small scale, call it micro-politics.' Halton Centre takes up basically all of Oakville north of the QEW. That area has some older areas but the voting numbers there pale when compared to the constituents in the newer areas such as River Oaks. Terence Young is the MPP and he's very much a government man. Oakville South is 'old Oakville' and incorporates the more established areas of town and perhaps a different mind-set as to how a community should devel­ op. This is MPP Gary Carr's territory of the more established, traditional con­ servative. If Oakville South is small 'c' conservative, then the north is a continually- evolving political unknown. With thousands of people having moved into the emerging north, they have brought with them unknown political pasts, making the entire area a politician's nightmare. The Conservatives haven't announced their nomination meeting But as soon as the date for nominations is given, look for a full-blown battle of unequivocal backers for Premier Mike Harris, in Young, versus those with a I f O akville South is sm a ll 'c ' con servative, th en th e north is a con tin u ally- evolvin g p o litica l unknow n. W ith thousands o f people having m oved in to th e em erging north, th ey have brought w ith them unknow n p o litica lp a sts, m aking th e en tire area a i t Letters to the Editor The Oakville Beaver welcomes your comments. All letters must be typed, signed and include the writer's address and phone number. Send to: Letters to the Editor, The Oakville Beaver 467 Speers Rd., Oakville, Ont. L6K 3S4 E m ergency D ep't. needs em ergency action I remember in 1969 when I brought my son into Emergency at 8:00 p.m. with a broken arm. The nurse in charge was a large formidable lady. She asked my doctor's name. He could not be reached. I asked for x-rays, and a doctor to set the arm. To my amazement, she said, "there were no doctors for the Emergency department that night, (it was a Wednesday). I lost it and told her to get someone, - (the boy was in extrem e pain). No response. Just then a doctor came in to see one of his United Alternative not really The Reform Party's United Alternative plan seems little more than an ill conceived scheme to Reform the Reform Party, watering down the very Reform principles and Policies that distinguished Reform from the PC party in the first instance. In this regard it is now obvious, the Deceptive H i s t o r y o f s u c c e s s On behalf of the Board of D irectors of the Community Foundation of Oakville, I would like to express our appreciation for the outstanding efforts of the advertising staff of the Oakville Beaver in produc­ ing the Oakville Heritage Booklet in honour of Heritage week. This attractive booklet gave a warm and informa­ tive snapshot of our rich heritage. I would also like to recognize the hard work and efforts of the volunteers of Oakville Heritage Trust of the Foundation and our Heritage partners who worked very hard with Nienke Jonkman from the Beaver to produce this compilation of interesting and factual heritage vignettes about our community. Finally a special thanks to the businesses in Oakville who sponsored this booklet which could not have been produced without their generous support. Mary Ellen Frederick Executive Director Com m unity Foundation of Oakville Thanks for CNIB support On behalf of our 2,721 clients and the CNIB Halton/Peel, I am writing to thank you for your support of White Cane Week February 7 - 13th. We appreciate your sponsor page in support of the Canadian N ational Institu te for the Blind (CNIB) Halton/Peel District and Canadian Council of the Blind (CCB) to make the community more aware o f the ab ilitie s o f blind and visually impaired persons. Roxanne Spruyt-R ocks D istrict M anager patients. I took hold of his arm, and told him our problem. He ordered the x-rays, and set the boy's arm. When we were leav­ ing, the formidable nurse had called the police. When they heard my story they gave this nurse a blast for her unfeeling an alternative Calgary Declaration's express purpose was to link up the Right, closing the Gap between these two parties as the precursor to the United Alternative meeting. This can be seen be recognizing that the essence of the Behind Closed Doors Back Room deal sur­ reptitiously Labelled the Calgary Declaration, rammed through without opposition at Federal or Provincial levels in the same manner is exactly the same as the Meech Lake and Charlottetown Accord Back Room deals. This Reform action was unnecessary, consider­ ing that the Split Vote was not responsible for Reform's failure to break into Ontario. Where votes went is not as important as why and in this regard the Split vote is the Result, or Symptom rather than the Cause. The Cause was lack of Organization in Ontario and Reforms failure to stand behind and support its Anti Quebec Prime Minister TV commercials with sound conflict of interest reasoning. Abruptly pulling those commercials and running without explanation, presenting a situation similar to what people encounter when they run from a barking dog. The hounds took after Reform and branded the Party withe very negative politically correct offen­ sive word in the book which the poorly organized Party in Ontario could not cope with, and that is the CAUSE that RESULTED IN THE SPLIT VOTE. After only 2 attempts a mere 3 1/2 years apart, the second of which was too feeble an effort to be con­ sidered, there isn 't sufficient justification for Reform to Pull the plug, stifling its voice for Canadian Unity and betraying its many supporters by giving away the store. When a Marketing pro­ gram for a great product bombs out, it is more appropriate to fire the marketing manager than change directions of the Company or alter the prod­ uct, and Reform Heirarchy should seriously consid­ er throwing OUT the Party's chief strategist before throwing IN the towel. H. Bud Pfaff, responses to the boy's pain. The police told me i could go. Fast forward about 25 years. I was rushed to the hospital with a blocked throat. The guard, see­ ing my distress, wheeled me into the examining room. Oxygen was given, and I revived. I stayed five days in the Hospital, but never left the exam ining table. They told me there were no beds. The hospital had closed a floor. This was after Oakville Trafalgar Memorial Hospital had received a $50,000,000 plus grant to upgrade. Fast forw ard to 1985. I entered the Em ergency Department with what turned out to be a blood clot. I waited five hours to be examined. There was one young doctor on duty whom was run of his feet. There was a lady with a suspecting heart attack who, although in great distress, was not examined for four hours. There was a young man who had both his feet burned. He was still there after I was given a bed. The final word from this young doctor who examined me, was, "that was a close one for you Mr. Campbell". In 1987, I brought in my 90 year old mother-in-law. She was in the examining room for 11 hours before she was admitted. She passed away that night. I must commend the nurses and their s ta ff for the care we received when we were finally admitted. You have to do som ething about the Em ergency Department or the Hospital will be legally in trouble some day I bet! You can blame Mike Harris, but when the Em ergency Department is continually under­ staffed, maybe there should be some other set up. Lewis G. Cam pbell by Steve Nease T rPLASTIC PLATES. AfiDGlASSES? ^ ~ ] i ITS O fC f ^ te m po r a r y . Mmcrf SAFER AS LONS AS 'WE HAVE A 2TEAROLD % V AT THE TABLE Letter of the Week Convention important There has been much w ritten on the United Alternative Convention in Ottawa. Most has been bal­ anced, some negative, some positive but the one which struck me as the most descriptive is the article in the Globe and Mail by Gordon entitled, "Something important happened in Ottawa." I attended the confer­ ence and Lean attest that something important hap­ pened in Ottawa. As a long time Tory turned Reformer I was strug­ gling with where to hang my political hat. Could a new political nirvana rise phoenix like from the two parties of the right? Should I work to help restore the fortunes of die wounded PCs or to invigorate the fal­ tering Reform Party? Would me efforts be worth­ while? Finally, I decided that it was better to at least try to be part of the solution, whatever that solution was to be. This magnificent country has been thrashed by the many ill conceived notions of successive govern­ ments, both Liberal and Conservative, which effec­ tively bought the votes of taxpayers with their own money. Pierre Elliot Trudeau started our rapid slide into debt with his many deficit inducing programs. Brian Mulroney had a strong mandate to put our fiscal house in order but he dropped the ball and left us fur­ ther in debt than before. The current Liberal govern­ ment style. Poor economic performance and produc­ tivity clearly demonstrate that the liberal approach is not in the interest of Canadians. The Convention determined that a new political party which embraces a set of sound, small "c" con­ servative principles is needed or Canada will continue to perform to perform below its economic potential. Fiscal prudence will ensure our youth inherit a stronger, more prosperous Canada. The groundwork was set at the Convention for a coalition in support of fiscal prudence and institutional revitalization. To ensure that Canadians have an electoral option which will allow them to achieve their potential, like-minded people must really to get this new party up and ready by the next election. Like many others i am excited by the possibilities. Yes indeed, something important happened in Ottawa. Jan e t Mitchell Support home businesses Re: Chamber o f Commerce-faxed notice for Oakville by­ law on home-based businesses. Recently I had a fax from the Chamber pass my notice regarding a possible bylaw being considered by the town of Oakville forbidding 'home based business'. I couldn't believe this was even being contemplated. I would strongly oppose this bylaw because of its "anti- entrepreneurial" nature and its attack on small business. How many business owners are afforded employment because they have the low overhead and tax benefits of hav­ ing their business at home? The Riordon Design Group Inc. started in our home in Lome Park. The tax benefits of having our business in our home those first few years enabled us to grow our business and move it into a more public profile. There are fewer tax allowances afforded to small busi­ ness today than ever before. It is pitiful to think the town of Oakville would even give time to such a notion, with its his­ tory of successful small business ventures. I hope that if this is being seriously considered it will receive the outcry of opposition it deserves. Ric Riordon R E C O G N I Z E D F O R E X C E L L E N C E B Y . . . THE OAKVILLE BEAVEK k l l Suburban Nswspapars 9 IV 4 o,A™rt" O F F I C I A L M E D I A S P O N S O R F O R : t

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