Oakville Beaver, 12 May 1999, A3

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Burger poll ready to roll L ick 's, the H om eburger cha in o f fastfood restauran ts, is once again ready to tap into the taste buds o f the O ntario e lec to ra te w ith its tradem arked B urger Poll. In every e lec tion fo r the p as t 21 years, L ick 's has asked its cu s to m ers to pu t the ir votes w here the ir m ouths are and cast a b a l­ lo t w ith every purchase. A nd in every e lec ­ tion, the L ick 's B urger P oll has been rig h t on the m oney. I t has p red ic ted the co rrec t ou t­ com e o f both p rov incia l and federa l e lec ­ tions every tim e. The 1999 O ntario B urger Poll beg in s on W ednesday at the th ree L ic k 's loca tions in O akville on T rafalgar R oad at C ross Ave., Lakeshore Rd. in B ron te and T he O akville Town C entre on D orval ju s t north o f the Q.E.W. W hen custom ers m ake an o rder they w ill be asked to fill out a ballo t suppo rting the po litical party o f the ir cho ice . T he vo tes will be tabulated n ightly and faxed to L ic k 's hom e office w here they w ill keep a carefu l w atch on the results. "P o litic a l p a rtie s and the m ed ia co llec­ tive ly spend m illions o f do lla rs po lling vot­ ers to see w h o 's on to p ," says L ic k 's fo u n d e r and B urger P o ll c re a to r D en ise M eehan . "W hy b o th ­ er? L ic k 's B urger Poll re su lts are tab u la ted and posted ou tside the sto res every day. A nd th e y 've n ev e r been w rong ." So, for an update on w h o 's popular and w h o 's no t in the u p co m in g O n tario p ro v in c ia l e lec tio n , co n su lt the L ic k 's nearest you. X Wednesdsay May 12, 1999 Photos by Peter C. McCusker Scott Schilling o f O akville (above) received a Citizen's C om m endation from H alton Region Police Services presented by G ary Crowell and Tony G abriel. O akville Beaver reporter H oward M ozel (right) won best feature w riting award. Les Bignell o f O akville (left) was one o f the winners of The Lyn Benson M em orial Award. THE OAKVILLE BEAVER A3 Halton Police honour citizens who made difference B y K im Arnott SPECIAL TO THE BEAVER Scott Schilling was leaving a bar in downtown Oakville on Canada Day, 1996, when he saw a group of men smashing a park bench and vandaliz­ ing the area. Angered by what he saw, Schilling, then 26, decided to follow the men until they returned to a house or a car he could identify to police. Unfortunately, his surveillance was noticed by the three vandals, who approached his car, smashed the windshield and started a fistfight with him. When a passerby called the police, one of the three men was caught and arrested. But when Schilling showed up to testify at the m an's trial, he recognized the two other assailants sitting in the courtroom to offer support to their friend. He pointed them out, charges were laid, and eventually, all three men were convicted. "You went above and beyond what is expected of an average citizen," Halton Regional Police Sgt. Frank Phillips told Schilling, as he received one of 14 Citizen Commendations handed out Monday night at the Halton Regional Police Annual Awards Ceremony. An Oakville couple who helped rescue a suicidal woman from Lake Ontario in M ay were also recog­ nized for their willingness to assist police and help out in their community. Rohan and Christine Grosette were skipping stones into the lake near the foot o f Kerr Street on May 26, 1998, when they noticed a woman in the water about 100 feet offshore. The woman had left a note at her home stating that she wished to harm herself, and police had been called by her husband. The couple helped Halton police Constable Steve Elms pull the woman from the icy waters. "The Grossettes' unselfish actions and willing­ ness to get involved helped to avert a tragic ending," said Phillips, as they were handed their awards. All of the citizens recognized at the annual awards evening have contributed to their communi­ ty through their actions, said Chief of Police Ean Algar. "They have declared they are prepared, as mem­ bers o f the public, to make society better," he said. The awards evening also honored long-service police officers, as well as officers, civilians and vol­ unteers who made outstanding contributions to the force in the last year. Awards were also given to members o f the local media who contributed to the public understanding of police life and issues, by writing, photographing or broadcasting outstanding stories. The Oakville Beaver was recognized with two media awards. Reporter Howard Mozel earned an award for a series of three feature stories written after he attended a day-long use o f force training seminar for police officers. Photographer Ron Kuzyk won an award for best news photo, for the photographs that accompanied Mozel's stories. Other civilian commendations included: -- Ronna and William Novak, Don and Shoshanna Bibby and Scott Manning: On Nov. 21, 1998, these five Burlington resi­ dents assisted police in catching a very impaired dri­ ver, after noticing a vehicle being driven in an errat­ ic manner. The citizens, in three separate cars, began to follow the woman. They were able to box in her vehicle and stop her in the vicinity of Guelph Line and Upper Middle Road until police arrived to arrest her. "Their quick thinking and action helped to ensure the safety of our community and no doubt, averted a tragedy." -- Damian and Eugene Coady: In the early morning hours of Jan. 18, 1998, Damian and Eugene Coady were leaving a Milton restaurant when they heard an alarm coming from a nearby building. They saw a young man standing in front of the building, where a window had been broken. The young man fled, and Eugene chased him, while Damian called the police. The young man was arrested and charged. "Their prompt actions stopped the business from suffering a loss o f office equipment." -- Peter Smith: In November, Peter Smith assist­ ed two officers with the arrest o f an impaired driver. The man had become violent and was straggling with two police officers. Smith assisted the officers and helped subdue the man. "His actions prevented injuries to the officers and the accused. You are to be commended for your actions and putting your personal safety at risk." Four Halton residents -- Les Bignell, Charlotte Meissner, Yvonne Roach, and Mike West -- were presented with the Lyn Benson Memorial Award for devotion to community policing and volunteerism. Six police officers were given a commendation from the Halton Regional Chief o f Police for meri­ torious police work. The officers are: -- Const. Craig Bowen: Honored for investiga­ tive successes and arrests during the spring of 1998. In one case, he arrested two individuals responsible for break and enter sprees after being called to Sideroad #1 in Burlington to investigate a suspi­ cious person. -- Const. Greg Braun: Accepted the award on behalf of Platoon Two, which on May 19, 1998, negotiated with, disarmed and arrested a suicidal male armed with a knife and a broken beer bottle in Halton Hills. -- Const. Peter C om er Honored for his diligent investigative work, which led to the arrest of 13 youths involved in vandalizing Burlington's M.M. Robinson High School in June of 1998. -- Const. Jackie Hanrahan: Recognized for her work in investigating and arresting a suspect respon­ sible for a knifepoint robbery on May 3, 1998. -- Const. Pat Martin: While off-duty, Martin saw a suspect fleeing from police. He chased down and caught the suspect, who was charged with fraud and theft. -- Const. James Vasvari: Honored for "sustained excellence for the performance of his duty in the investigative area." Among the cases he received recognition for was one in which he investigated a home break and enter, then followed up by visiting second-hand goods stores and eventually tracked and arrested a suspect. F ive officers were presented Awards of Excellence for efforts exemplifying the best of excellence in the policing community. There were: Superintendent Paul Cormier, Sgt. Gavin Hayes, Sgt. Kirk Lampman, Sgt. Paul Welsh and Const. Steve Elms. Silver Jubilee Awards for enhancing the well­ being o f residents o f Halton were presented to Elizabeth Carmichael, Patty Eix, Sandy French, and Sgt. Ray Hendry. M edia Awards were presented to Ted Brown, Independent Free Press (Best Police Feature Photo), Jill Davis, Burlington Post (Best Police Editorial Writing), Kate Wheeler, CFTO News (Best Police Television Broadcast), Howard Mozel, Oakville Beaver (Best Police Feature Writing), Tony Fitz­ Gerald, Hamilton Spectator, (Best Police News Writing) and Ron Kuzyk, Oakville Beaver (Best Police News Photo) Presented with Police Exem plary Service Awards (20 Year Medal) were Staff Sgt. Kenneth Douglas, Sgt. Bruce Mitchell, Sgt. Rodney Wilson, Const. Peter Allot, Const. Stephen Bate, Const. Jocelyn Eastwood, Const. Michael Larson, Const. Douglas Macintosh, Const. Ronald Richards, and C onst Douglas Williamson. Presented with Police Exem plary Service Awards (30 Year Bar) were Police Chief Ean Algar, Staff Sgt. Mike Eacrett, Sgt. Paul Welsh and Const. Brian Farrell. & More areas going 'leash-free' Two new leash-free dog areas will open this month. In Ward 4, interested citizens formed an associ­ ation using the acronym F.L.E.A. -- "Four Legged Exercise A rea" and after several months of plan­ ning succeeded in r e c e i v i n g approval for establishing a leash-free site behind the Glen Abbey Recreation Centre. Dog owners in the Ward 6 area also have some­ thing to bark about. A leash- free zone has been approved on a one year basis on the Ontario Hydro corridor just north of Glenashton Park. Parking is available at the Water Treatment Reservoir off Eighth Line. Both leash- free zones will be fully fenced and monitored by the respective orga­ nizing "watch­ dog" group. 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