Oakville Beaver, 12 May 1999, A1

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A Metroland Publication Vol. 37 No. 56 W EDNESDAY, MAY 1 2 ,1 9 9 9 56 Pages 7 5 C e n ts (plus GST) Six charged * after stolen vehicles found An Oakville man was am ong six people arrested following the conclu­ sion of a thrpe-month Halton Regional Police investigation into stolen vehi­ cles. Police also recovered 15 stolen vehicles, including motorcycles, val­ ued at $200,000. In addition to the stolen vehicles, police uncovered a hydroponic m ari­ juana growing operation and a seized a quantity o f Ecstasy and one handgun. The drugs are estimated to have a $34,000 value. Police allege the recovered vehicles were stolen and had their vehicle iden­ tification numbers (V.I.N.'s) altered. The vehicles were then replated with new V.I.N.'s -- in some cases from sal­ vage vehicles in other provinces. Police said the recovered vehicles will be subject to expert examination to determine their true identity. Halton police were assisted in the investigation by Hamilton Wentworth and Peel Regional Police, as well as the Insurance Crime Prevention Bureau of Canada. Victor Bilelo, 24, o f Stewart St., Oakville, is charged with four counts o f possession of stolen property, posses­ sion of a restricted weapon, possession of a firearm with a defaced serial num ­ ber, and possession o f a firearm while prohibited. C hristopher M acN evin, 22, o f Newlands C rescent, Burlington, is charged with three counts o f posses­ sion of stolen property, possession of marijuana for the purpose o f traffick­ ing, possession of drugs (M DA) for the purpose o f trafficking and unlawfully producing or growing marijuana. (S e e 'C h a rg e s ' p a g e 2) W itn e sse s s o u g h t in Q E W a c c id e n t Police are seeking anyone w ho may have w itnessed a single car acci­ dent on the Queen E lizabeth Way near Winston Churchill B oulevard early Sunday morning. The Burlington detachm ent o f the O ntario P rovincial Police report Danny Sebastio, 22, o f M ississauga is in Credit Valey H ospital w ith serious injuries after he was ejected from the car in the accident. Sebastio was driving a 1996 Honda Accord in the eastbound lane o f the QEW at 3:30 a.m. when he lost con­ trol o f the vehicle. The car skidded across the highway and hit the steel guide rail to the right o f the roadway befbre com ing to rest on the right shoulder. W hile Sebastio was ejected from the car, three other m ale passengers in the car suffered only m inor injuries. W itnesses are asked to contact the Burlington D etachm ent o f the O PP at (905) 681-2511. Photo by Peter J. Thompson HEADLESS HEROICS: No, this soccer player for the Oakville U nder 15 Lightning has not lost his head. Instead, it was a great 'header' during the team 's opening season gam e against the Olym pic Flam e Sunday at Shell Park. For m ore on the gam e, see SPORTS. Hospital's CEO seconded by province to oversee restructuring program John Oliver taking year off to w ork at Ministry of Health By K im A rn o t t SPECIAL TO THE BEAVER O ak v ille 's hosp ital m ay be tem ­ porarily losing its head honcho, but the w hole hea lth care system across the province stands to benefit as a result. John O liver, p resid en t and CEO o f the H alton H ealthcare S ervices C orporation (H H S), is tak ing a one- year leave o f absence in o rder to accept a secondm ent to the M in istry o f H ealth. He w ill take on the position o f A ss is ta n t D ep u ty M in iste r, w ith re sp o n s ib ility fo r le ad in g the n ew ly -e s ta b lish e d R e s tru c tu rin g P ro jects O ffice, and be invo lved in issues re la ted to hosp ita l restru c tu r­ ing, cap ita l p lanning and funding. Sandra Farley, cha ir o f the HHS board, says O liver has m uch to co n ­ tribu te at the prov incia l level o f adm inistra tion . "The board feels that w ith John in the M in istry 's office, we w ill really have ac tiv ity in th is area, w hich w ill really be beneficia l to all h o sp ita ls in O n ta r io ," she sa id . "W ith him in there for 12 m onths, we have every confidence that we w ill see resu lts ." O liv e r sa id he is p a r tic u la rly in terested in w ork ing in the area o f hosp ita l fund ing fo rm u las , in an attem pt to m ake them c lea re r and m ore rational. "I t's a challenge and an o p po rtu ­ nity ," said O liver, w ho w as rec ru it­ ed for the position by the D eputy M in ister o f H ealth . "It w ill g ive me a chance to see how the M inistry w orks and bring som e o f tha t know ledge back to the ho sp ita l." F a r l e y sa id the r e c r u i tm e n t o f O live r is really a te s­ tam en t to his sk ills and c o m m i t - m ent. "I th in k th is is a c o m p lim e n t to John O l i v e r b ec au se o f h is e x c e p ­ tio n a l a b ili­ t ie s ," she said, "i also J o h n O liv e r : th in k i t 's a O T M H president to our orga- will b e gon e for a n iza tio n ." y e a r to work on The HHS provincial b o ard o f d i r e c t o r s hospital have s ta rted restructuring to search fo r plan a se aso n e d C EO to bring in on an in terim basis du ring O liv e r's absence. The sec­ ondm en t w ill run from M ay 31, 1999 to June 1, 2000. T he H H S o p e ra te s bo th the O a k v il le -T ra fa lg a r M em oria l H osp ita l and the M ilton D istric t H ospital. O live r becam e the p residen t and C EO o f O TM H on M ay 15, 1995, and assum ed the sam e title w ith the HHS fo llow ing the am algam ation o f the tw o hosp ita ls last year. P rio r to jo in in g O TM H , he was the e x e c u tiv e d ire c to r o f the G eorgetow n D istric t H ospital. H e cu rren tly lives in O akville. M eet the candidates tonight There are a series o f opportunities for all Oakville residents to see the candidates in action during any o f the following All Candidates M eetings which begin tonight. Wednesday, May 12th The Federation o f Oakville Residents G roups Inc. (FO RG ) is holding an all-candidates meeting for the Oakville riding at W hite Oaks Secondary School, 1330 M ontclair Dr., at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, May 13th The O akville C ham ber of Commerce is hosting an all-candi­ dates meeting for the Oakville riding at the O akville R am ada Inn, 360 FATAL CRASH: A 28-year-old Bram pton m an is dead after his M ercury C ougar left the QEW eastbound at Royal W indsor Drive at about 3:50 a.m. Monday. Burlington detachm ent o f the OPP said Bill K ircos, was eject­ ed from his vehicle after it rolled several times. Police said the man was not w earing his seatbelt. Anyone who m ay have w itnessed the single car accident is asked to call the Burlington O PP detach­ ment at 681-2511. Photo by Barrie Erskine Oakville Place Dr., from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Monday, May 17th The Halton Violence Prevention Council is holding an Oakville riding all-candidates m eeting to discuss vio­ lence issues at the Glen Abbey Christian Church at 7 p.m. Tuesday, May 18th The F ederation o f Oakville R esidents G roups Inc. (FORG) is holding an all-candidates meeting for the H alton rid ing at W hite Oaks Secondary School, 1330 M ontclair Dr., at 7:30 p.m. INSIDE today's paper Editorials...................................-A6 Focus......................................... B1 School Awards.......................... B5 Art & Entertainment.................B8 Automotive..............................~C1 Classified...................................C5 Homes & Gardens......................C8 Sports................................______D1 Business.____ .............................08 Special Supplements; For Home Delivery: Eaton's, The Brick, Centre for Skills Development, The Shoe Company Partial delivery: Hyundai, Lansing Buildall, Black's, White Rose, City Parent, Future Shop, Holland Park, Ennisclare Interiors, Fantasy Fru it Market C anadian Publications Mail P roduct Agreem ent #435-201 L ive P ro fe s s io n a l T h e a tre in M is s is s a u g a 's V il la g e o n th e Lake P O R I t i l Harbotrside Playhouse " J S u m m e r P asses o n sa le " t i l J u n e 16 - 4 g re a t s h o w s fo r th e p r ic e o f 3 ... A n d w e 're ju s t d o w n th e ro a d ! INestaire i'lfh) RETIREMENT PLANNING SPECIALISTS Free C o n s u l t a t i o n 842-2100 f t t e r C W a ts o n ! M M , C J v R , R -F.P -

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