1 OIL BURNERsS '~ SECTIONAL CHESTERFIELDS GUARANTEED REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES OF RADIOS. for theâ€" The Westinghouse strike is over and 1 am hmba-o-eo&uwcwillb;hnbloiadn very near future to suppl! with your long awaited Stove, Refrigerator and Washer. _ Also I am now in a position to accept orders A. A. Constable 49 Main West . =â€" Phones 616 and 480â€"jâ€"13 LINGOLN ELECTRIG SUPPLY 'Building C.onttactors REPAIRS AND ALTERATIONS Made to Order â€"Choose Any Material You Hresh And Cooked Meats â€" _ _Fresh And Smoked Fish GRIMSBY MEAT MARKET A. E. LePAGE Dunham Bros. $20 Bay Street Grimsby Furniture FAIRBANKS SILENT OIL BURNERS AND SPACE Moyer, Building Supplies ‘_CONCRETE BLOCKS NEW CHESTERFIELDS MEMBER NATIONAL ASBOCIATION OF REAL ESTATE BOARDS Large Canadian Manufacturer INSTALLATION AND SERVICE BY HAWKE BLOCK UPSTAIRS â€" GRIMSBY Sizes 4 inch, 8 inch, 10 inch, 12 inch. . ROCK FACE OR PLAIN PLUMBING AND HEATING W. L. HIGGINS Specializing In qUaALUrTY aAtways OLLIE sHAw Realtor KING ST. EAST, BEAMSVILLE ‘Telephone AD. 5861 Main 6t. E., Grimaby THE GRIMBY INDEPENDENT