"--rrtaiit Ell-W “Luau. " P“Mllu‘,'..y u. c mV JJ' "mm i m; of print!" mnnnllui u null." . ,. .n. I a any zmamm Taxman. tMilt-mt " the 1umttruostrr "ettemt. rill u, "and at â€mum lulu who. “Idâ€. like I": Jun. “It. "I the niavmnnn- or m. .unJ-nn‘u Hub. on u -tttrtd Sel.'tty Tor In" Mam III uno- bur wall: on thn route I‘IU.‘ cum- IL tt. 80. l.‘ mun th" “and" Gum-rar- plan-urn I’rlulul M‘k". gl'a1'tgrr lurum In- nmuu-u A. In an“ 'art,'.",,' I‘munn-l may I:- to. In! arm at “III-T may br anal-ml " “a “It â€on“. or null-Inf mm!"- and nl lla- "Bet "I the I'm-l umn- 'eptterxfryttet"r, I t mum 1mm nah-u a. tke hum-w" noun]. In! in and"! m mun mull mm. In RN June “In. I917. lu- ll. “any.“ at h In. July‘- lulu. on I [nil-mod Cour-u Inf Ivar nun .1. Hum: per lull on the _ 1':qu (.‘v-nln' II. R. No. ' ("all Ilw Inn-um!" lh-llwnl" M. I'm-ml "can†mnlulnlnu [Inner Its. im'luallun an to .mullllum M Trt,.",,' n‘mllnu-I mm In- pun and blank arm-l "I Tunic-r may be Ill-mind! II In. Poul mun-- or VIII"! 0-1:"! and " itt Gill-l --.~ a tho lial mun- Imam-tun. "menu. A. wfnlluno. I '0! 'tre, mop-cw. I gram Till)" .......m "mum-I" â€ourâ€. I "ttatm Imul noon. q June. â€It. [or [hr I Marty'- thatI up: " III" y.-. l , " Ier smut-un- tt. R. I'm-Ina hum the Pu Pip-urn “in; I'm-ml noun. “In. nmlwr In- umnon I. I. mmm. all "would |'|M"L'I my he Icy-n and Mull [m "r 15%le m In dulm In "tee I'm mun» n! mum». Cal-lot I‘mun In! 'y, "or unlu- at tttr Iin mm- $urt-rttrr, . "N"".. l'tast (We - nmhm- TENDER“. mum-Dd " [In "emttttttntrr urn-ml. In" " "and m nun-m mull mum. on with, Jun- MII. m7. lot m may.†In “I M.. â€a". â€will on I M c.tttrart [or qur true. In “In. M work on an ruult- t'tutttetr Cann- tt. IL 80. ' Ma iNil.orrvubr' [rum lbw Paulina-hr 0"." unr- Mrs-arr. â€Inn-d "all.†noun-lulu runner "el lmnnuum u. lo o-nt-, of warn-l v'mnrun may In In" an! “In! m‘ of Tendur any be mm M tttr IH‘ a my... Ill nu .wr "mu-v. C-luunllk â€A - .. Mn... " m» In! 00h- In-Mr., pau- u...†- - W"""' lollr â€an. III “at. no? rmllt- G's-Inm- than II. I I‘nIu-WIIIH [mm Ute [an rub Mun. - _ . “-41-... “gal-lull n...- r“... __ l'rInu-d ln‘kvu- -ttttMt lawn-Illu- II to until"! t'nmrm'l may In- nun I of Truth-r mW be nil-II 0 Min:- Iul an ant (TI-MN. " ttte. W'r II tttr I“! Taiwan. A In!!! FGirmnt of Tel-arr â€mm _".'. “HALF“- T "w I'm-law!" M mlnvn Imlll 1mm, mt, '0' Mun-o'- lull- Inf “our yrrre, ' mu"- tin-"Milk In: lulmnuhr ‘ ‘ul “nil“ “hull-m Ilr mu Print, ll 'rmrtthm nutm- I "" I mm u: Imm- n-;ii7r1CiiiFee; ’I'Imllu. April â€HI. M, MAIL CONTRAST Fiae m qt. MAIL CONTRACT â€miomnq MAIL 0035mm Iii" "m" mun. 1"“!an Mum...“ "-.. I ‘___u - n. . anl may tu, _ Inl- Vll'gd't I I "dt Im- l'uu nu: unnu- P!" " Io b "ttl' MI. A. WTNIILAND. q Fun on. III-van. I'l-‘PII'I! lhTPttfiiriii “FPICR mum. Nun-h a... ...- _ "my“ u: terr IXI'IV‘III'. VIII Ill [vulva run} mum. Inn PM». 'tt u c. or the own-yum " “nun. m- tt 1w Ctmt w rm". 'ityitari, ninth tl l. mu um mew Junk-I A "L In Jordan "In. P. o. "on , M. Irv lkfiw'nl'i‘ PM!“ Illlll. _ _ A 2'fitl2tcdidi.sL. an 0'.- m . Ilrr trurpectrrr'n mttcr. TIMI». All“ Mot. I917. . ml“ (all! tl' " lulu-r ..'w..""'e'T 7 "our" melamin- m- "' tumult...“ WI! be - null may hr â€hull-w“ iiiOtott. I‘m-(or v of "W Port â€I'll _ ouauWiirira' I . Mor- omn-u, " A. knights“. as: "PM my Teste. midni- ' â€Mum-l. will In II- ‘II mum. "" Friday. II I Ilw mums-nee a tr. on u ikiouel t'o IM: Mmu wt week 1 Ir mul I'M-Inf tVtttrtt r Hun-run yum-Inc - .__E..- (nah: -t M A. WTHIILAND. m can Im- uwllnr’l- "than . April an]. I"? nth-(lb .ituir'iiisrd new Junk-I h " . In. "In. P. o. "om lk m mull-tn. funk-r lu- rnldnklu ol Tee, Ala!!! 'YM, Isl-u mn- ou. mu b.. "mehuat ii/ oet. Mt "kl-r. ttte m- ttte rout-nun " m. a. . ml Pun!!!" EMF" Fr." I'" m 7.. _.... nun- "In: 14hfe"t,ieiiiih t'tt â€in . a . t “he. Inn-aunt. for I. suvreoo"..te: m a.“ - .ctur'r um... null tgrml "" nu rm». 'tt “a well.“ Ttswn VII many-m .Ciii.idlil.'Cdllt,'dtl "W tt.rxKrt. m the R. Ni 3 biiyfiiuiFr â€alumnu- Helm-I‘- "MM 'rntrr rut KIM. "IMMI lo ‘rul. will In Ira-Ind I. on Friday. llw mu "Alwyn-me a! "I: " ikirvuel ommeti m-.. mr week "", [MI gut-Ivonne lo n "It um u. ... .' 'iGiiitvttt "m... trope a...“ "" m I E , iFji,.5iiri,'ii,lct bun-um " turtttrr ""58 Ri in: Ji m: . "mu - _ ;, 'iii) "All', tl . I ii,",;',',',',', or WI" t paw Wm" t " mull all." n A. I. the (SJ-l hr. In!" 'qu l Welland Mn- Ctt. all PM; I (lul- lhy on tur Wall-u 'es sum Tun. "o mt f Pan [thou-k- \'lllan In it'tr men In the Anny" Thoma Ill! my..." I “I! In? m. Willa-II rm: hunt Pom Irv-nu at Newman In struck " " "th My III myth-4g I hunk-n an: m other 'tttgtttr khaki. nutty-alum Modal: III a ll; n- autic- w||| be mad to mum- Bt'qt rammed Ionian Ild to thet "luke- or hut-Dad “em“. oa an M May lulu. wanna. Apr" bu-l. “ImIlloI ‘llumr, tor truly-lire. â€It. “Il- "tmee Alert IN- morning In" I W "Inâ€: or non-monk. ke I'll [or - In III-w I“ up“! Run " You.“ (on. I mull-r of tho M Col-cu. III WIN“ ot m and! “a an. Her I'll Ilia Tun-um d on!" luuahlpl hulk-I. He Watt I Put lulu " Merritt law A. P. _ A. It. Ill II Mun- Iry Ute member or Wlllon mm". “Mon; Reromutr Ind I manner at ttw Preutyterlto Church. IIII "may Robert “rick. qt New. at. qtrt" bully Mt',, WM] "I!" when n ot hull-g mm In up Id. In. water not" our in In! All Ion-u. Tho Ptrtt lhloulo Inner all. II- clulnx but my all I117 nun!- nequ. no: mun. on Indra! Ind swam Mann. A (and hu- bun red to and . “II-bk will to “on who I“. tttom ad: un- for hum. Mom “a "but. Th mus-arm will nu be Beqgttqtt until In" the "u. EXECUTORS’ NOTICE Pulls: yum to w Mt otgl lousdopmlmnonMot Ul man Jlt1'?."l,'."'llt cu TN - noun-mm Mala. -u-settretu+ tttrmmtuntrNttaartier't- 1»!on ko. t.--x'ttrth hull l cal-Ion 4, In the To' coll-Illa: nm- urn- ‘lud. with good bum let',', trom Bt. Catlin I tusd I ha" lnllv- from Home mm In harm: ., .. ...- in" hi to IN Till-2 MM'TP.tt or the - M M Memoir lurk-n. Illa III “In VIII-I- er Urinary. Cllllll)‘ cl um". VII.“ um". UM MINCE: In Dummy ulvrn [mum to the ill-Imu- M "Ill brhntt "ml " m- anta-I and other pry-nun having cal-In- uaulml Ute Damn oi ttte new tum-d Mn" Alt-under III-than. will “In! a“ or All-mu ttte ttttr " cl lurk. II". un- rmulml In new] l, [all pull-M orl noun-r In the umlcnllnn-d. ttte RID".- "" of llw Ian Wm “a Trllnmtnl and? “hulk-ll M the n†lml. on (I ha- ter: "tat 3min G†at May. “If. their "an“ mulls-n and lull urn-minn- Ill mm dalm- lIuIy "rittrat. and the: "II." - .-. .. -..w. L-IJ .... a... "er "mm- In... "Wu-w. n... m. ._-eeie at ttto mumln. ll many. m: " that». “I unu- m- In†"ttt any a! Mar, m1. the “It! F.-- VIII promo-l to dum- lnulo tho Inn-u at We I†Ilsa-um an... the Inn-III- (mill-d that“ Ian'- Iu mu! only to tite Ielnnn- " “kl: thrp nun mu lam luv! notice and In. " MINI! In" no! ho “nth let "to .H u-nu or ttUNI “an: In J','."," ponun or non- Ihu-v r In: ' "ttttt no! tr,.',', luv- Ind noun. _ rd - AA .____.n - â€A“... I“ " itrst.cl ortmsl WI!- “an No. 3. I'll" trout null I Grimm"- "m†mll, ttrut-ttts Iltlll! Hull. crumb!- N'o. 4. PM! l and I'. Nurll A _ " In To rent tor the. Sgason Ttte Toma can"! Tran WNW“! Cannon " - " - Ali!†MW: a Day m - mm. In." C W ‘,..,.._A_ - .-_....m, III-.- ..._e - --'"ie “new {or [MUM "and All“ Mo. "If. We have Viki: tre im. â€fly-Mg? 7mm. “a 'm’ Il'.?.?. tttttity. WM " FOR SALE MONEY T0 LOAN E I. Axum» u. I. u... 1d 2. Nurlh lirlmxhy pluuml In trill! In .cig" handball. tot why Ill-nth on the l GA: lo ii."Giusb" Id will “an" to "In $Ute thn will.“ Foamy airlock: " llIl'll' P" l "imagine II be tsold ll namsm‘. - ttttt "II I1i1tifijiiii"i""G"i'i"i"; Part 4: Grimm: . "arty th ttood ""M'"'P. . We ' nearly all planned " ttood lornlll)‘. wt .trnury Ind“ Pnrt ot Ill! tii, " A. ,,,_A.ln- E the lulu-um; mu (Inu- um null u nun-IMO I!" rent for the mm ot Nani: hull of [M 'l, Col- ln Nu.- Townnhlp 0! mm. [my nrn-u at good trill good human. about (our Hit Catharina and two mllru from Port Danton-Io. In M'Il’llll. Ital-m of the tio mr lemma. Milo". nw- m V 1 Bt. Catharina " mm» from Port Dal In M‘ll’llll. Incl-m ale [or Icmulouf. [It 'i.'iUtA"iFiiritiiee, v. ut Pl t " tut-ll u mm- trrottrlht, and "OS, it“. A ‘0': "S031 "oe'".". w... _-" Mo rent lo a good nun II at very mun-bio lulu». Fur (all partl- mn proud. and the Ida-m I-hlllln-n. (‘unu-ulul. .% ' hull um. I avut.t" lull. l n. "to "m" Inn nut in» 7:»? mm Brrrr, m null marl"- Ill! , mllo '..e'll _ I, ..... _ In I'll the Ilnml will Sula. VII“. oleélrk' will but!" Cancel-Ion: , III-mom t, ormtor.' ('nnn-ulull m1. ttomt rd In [rill Illlllll all" broken North F. - I. "T! ot . "rt Mr: In! down-o and out“ "linu- I‘m-Nou- Tm-uwr tto m III! Item. linen. men â€In at In by hll 'rits. ".77... n...- "'"'"_-rTq. “F Ilam II. Alum. thr wall “an Inn 'tburst-e nun-r at III: any. and brother of .II’II" MIDI. the “I lull: unnumb- ol Cult. I‘ll Won-Ilsa I for anal- un II‘ II In! rum-Ila vary luau“, II It. locum In hull-l. Pte. All“ In. pon- lhu In In roe-Irin- My . 'lee from the mph!- War I -I.J I- ..-- .., “and iriGiiGii', le1e thr Iummu. .-. 'llw C'Uttott hurl will Ill [ot many â€mun-MI M d P".,'?.',".',',", men Ind slum ‘ HIIIIUWIIIC! -c--t'e murnlnu the Moro of I [00. w“ catered by mm mummy ot mall mm Ittr. Plummet " not I tot Jun [50" lunch or ot l ly "consisted; In" "null helped oemmrlrT " I ulmnu. INN! 'ti.5th whlcln were In the all mull "ulna. £1“er , '~- It» A»: In shun. hlln. on. A.“ "..-ytae bull-cu ncctIoI " (up can- m-In; Ila. Ida-Ila ' cure. W-‘I Grocm has an a â€mm at the Rstrat Ignaz â€gm-g up. wind BL (mum- tetmtd.ri.-Attttstn1 tonne-um run Run! Int-Mu moral-x or me ammu- I. ttto all a! lit-LAN. ot - at... tl II. My. who did " bu tor In. and com" our†all I and! h “M “I “mallo- Ila "and vol-II u from: In the M In In: II "a wmrlu [Iron-amt Mm In. Milli! crust-u- u umd In “than“ at the Mn lull-“MI. MU "Dunno! xrttt be Miran! with plum-n- by MI I.†"lunch. Bmqu-In- lurk-v.7 no dum- ttts rurml M Mr hum". mud-k. Cull- lnrnlu. of In Mun mm“. daughter ot Mr. uml In. Hardin. on at the who." mum at huh- I'llll. she I-ve- to “nun Im- Inc. In. A. (It-Viol". - ' of chad-h. OIL; trtatttt. at All-III: Mr. “I In. um ('ulp. Mum. "In (In: Ila-tun. In. lune WWII. BunlIIIrllle mud Mm John ud‘ollnn. ot Dun-ville. rt t2e,fiiii an: 'iii?iicif,f. u. tO on. of the III-a ttn. turn. “rim nu DI-p uni m blind;- “new“ In mu. the than trom much. lo nod-III mum; Ttte mm but h e.titt-d ll tett mound Edi; ( ._.."' ‘Iullll ttottm. u, â€unnum- duor Ind "I the do!!! In no clean "I mum â€0"" rlvk “a War m. Cull-rim tetattdard.--Ttte nu- nual mnllnl of tttr â€hill-Coll- m-rnum MIMI tor “I "ruutesl of ttt. (min-rhu- wl- mu In no} l’mm-rnllvn mmuI trrer harm" Metre on Ptidur .rmtitte with I lam numdanro. The nun-Ila; vu can,“ simply mr “In ourâ€. " - oMcvrw tor the [will m. {It - ulna-n retimtuta In Miter " 'vtrutyy Hull of Ira-um. IMO! Si be miist by Mr. can“: Inch-In. Prmotettt P. R. Pun-II occupied t rhnlr. Tim on.» 057nm mum In»: \‘k-u-l'muql. A. '"-. "r ret.ry. Md. I. mu. 's l i Smutn'llh- -r.--TM “lull meeting ot III Metttetdbt - mqu took phe- on Tuna-y. Am mu. Rev. G. w. .Dow- . B. A. B. a. In the rhll. Th rec-Iran!" n- pon wowed I rum-III! luru| all nmuud. Th- tlrt%tttt 'rthrmt IIMI (monor- I‘m Mr.et.dt-4btttt Imondenl. M. â€lawman-Zuni. an. C. BIB»: nee-mum. If. VI; Tuner: plug-t. r.. lug-Inga: .ef?/ Imam III-nun. r. .._._.V,. V ., III. lurk mum; ii-tett0dat or the will: roll. In. c. A. drill; ‘Suporlnlendnl u the Home - "tttttl. Mrs. Said“: â€alum-nu. â€to. mum Ind In. It. l.l-:r=umyd. Ir,tt.e'i'y lull. P. can. ills: P. Kennedy. Mk! P.. "an. Mn. Gown. Mrs. Simmer-u. In. Hiram-yd J. l-'. Tum. Nlll link: “an“; un- Gale. ul- K, .anlter. um. I...‘ In, Mrs. Ward. P. Took-r. F. Hm .. li',ii',e'. and the Presllettt ot Sui-Ila "lhlr cut" T I Mun-{u rm... m... 'ew""" 7 w." unmrmn-l "tdnr [In can“: “mm will not up" an my. ‘T'Ill mu “we! muo- hit my {II n llIl-alllll of “m In"! at dim:- ‘lul'l. Mr. smut. III. -. an tite r-a-on- ror not opertHtr an mun): which tbr help motion. In. to the INN“, " who? " and. tttrd "no poll In "Ml" III“ lulu- lawn. run†In m “we low \‘IIIIIIH yum _ F) ottttt'T on than Mum, "ammo-u "t a.“ In on-I Ink). would aim mr-v In turn“ the amnion tylrt'i, In Martin: Almrlnnl coming m the MI ._..|.... ml! mm up Incl "w you nu .... -- In". “and l" m â€We to \‘Illlln‘vA .vmn _ Fl otttWT on tkof mum Minimum "t and II OI- Inrlo. would ttlor mr-v In emu. the direretor' mm. In hurting Ann-Hum- nuulnu m [be and" uI-h- trom nuyln; any - " "um. The ('Ilmm In. In - Huh-h Im- Mon tt will" haul. Id- ]ulnlnu tile t'tlitort mu. In“? tho ~w........n wlll be - open i Shun“ Valli. ("L‘Aprll ‘w..- tmnouttrvt Ind-w [In howl will not Ml" m- ‘l'lllu mun dunk-l upon but u n llIl-alllll of “m In"! 4 Ion. Mr. MINI. Ibo lull tite run-om ror not and mun): which Illa hall Judi to the INN“, " who? In and "no poll In "Ml" Unto . . ' _ ... In“ The l‘IIIqu m... -- 1m- Imn n will“! MOI. Id-' 4 m run-m mm. “in we? nuummnouL wlll be " "ia! I the nununnr. The ole-In ME Mum hurl II“ - the [on .... alum-mun M dulllu lo I I lax-Eula: " JUN! ' 81.50. we", its, Pt tl _ nun-ax I In the I III ttte â€mum Ward If v "mdursmt If". lineal-d “- GT/k 'Bove'f 3m. 'I'.| ll“ P.. w“... Mrs. (Bow. "In. ttrtt. siiiairosyl, P I’ll “an...“ m - - In the ml and Hut-um “I ' u.» - In "T. .._ ' "ri-els, Sunday more a! nay-ma at MI by Imrlhn III I null mm in taken. 1:!- not fully unn‘ Inch or ot trttttt ll all» hm revul- It II. ttter ---.- -l‘l-. EH It - urn-m hick mrd of a I In“ II" M o, u “can mr-tor l M In tlte nate “IN Gntti mu: m. cm?!" m fii2iiit.g,ttf In much I 'lit, _ ' :Imrl . ht t,'i'iif Alum. :3? 'lui,',')".,."",','.'.':','.",'."."" '. _ 1ttet, rotttgti 1e Ill-nu" .. m I hr II In hu- lulu! . Intrtmtt M leh lemum- . . and tttttM l luv-Hr V wrilttt rt l. but 5" :r Mulmmh . i,'.. and“ MUCH†tho traveller M: n Moe0t " Trovet III lllt Orerlouk " " likely to I "In“ e tk n. we. II d" paretna up G' II'IIRI‘K or I“. “I .7. . ulnar i,tull'lu',).' â€I" "W lull-I‘L‘h I “be ‘u 'dr. Inmam “a," In" " _ an "a: nircxllunnu I: fan}! m â€yum-ll mu. †" 1. - con-n TGio my glam! 'i:..';.'-ua COISIiTS mum-run mug " I‘ITAIN OT. TWONTO nor. H lulu l: MN. ml mumm- ot the AMI Norm": llnlluly wilt In "and rim-um In "W Com- -t.uhraryAm-uort can n " all In Tr-rrtttnvntttt trots. - than. not only Illuu Ilw I‘ll-ans" " In - It. lull hem-Ill or the won-let a lil mu ulna; me man. mu ul- 'di" to like "rtouure m "e "may win comm" trauma. mltcit lune lit-hut 11.3" ml Mallard-r "Itht ‘III who. tic-y “all to their Imme- rvnrylhlla Inn-mm to be n, k. mu! VI. OI. "rMtx about In plat». The -, do.- by llw Inlan- um um "getterd by Mr. rum-um “out In q'eit on anally morning. VIII-n In 'tew th- an" In In It mar min. ara urn and a, mum mm“. a. “II cm ImIn- Venn kn u the door " the "ttrtuhtrs, but â€who: tttere 'o. " no CHM: nu nu um Hutu,- "t run tulohttt twin-u. tb." 'Ms FILLED CORSETS Milk-1y“. mm: clu'liu: "m. human "" “twin llnhmliual urn-nu. A" the IN“. "rks " «mu to um any hymn all†MMtr. To OIDIZI LR“! Estate and - Insurance MONEY TO LOAN “1-1;er fin: unis-lu- in liq-Mil A wo.; In and... u! --rnt lu- KIDD k FARRELL THE LIFTUP Minnow-MM- “mutual-nu irFiKirAqtfthedur"r " - “It not '0". nu III-ll. Von. I. am “I sun: - in: " you n! Mum-I Im- mum-mum. lucid-g cl "III-u '... scorr a â€may" I III [JINTATIVE‘ M‘ANTV-D Private and Col-puny 0fBre Iain Street, CHIS". It“. TKU'III. HIIHIIT SHOEIN G AND REPAIRING AG n Ion-m. " Oil-Ill. on (PAH-HI I. I. VIDIILL Soil Show! lie Mlowcd to Warm has hr u 'itttrttdkt Food I“ to Hum This "ttr--mm' In "o. «a! In ritual “.5. AND NOW nll SEWING Up more Pauling. SOME FIRST CROPS TO PUT IN "ulna ttur-u the moth“- o! 'retmt"" "no cud“ all la "com the need wr new mu to “m not!" at tttr um: um". Ttterm " no not " hurry the norm: ot tttr "ed. M- ler num- will hr "balm-d " m I-lh'lll’ “Mum-r trltt VIII Ill" no loll II Inn: ttutt Gully rolled. TBe regal-blo- dlncu-ml nn- unused " hurl)" an [nu-Inh- uracil-l to the “no Illa-y would he plum“. ".'ret'cy.. I.o-um~n In "an. for In lam. and In out In: In“. MIMI mm. " In a short-nun plum. and In ottott no" In [Mk- or prmule unuIIu-r $'tttth. " in quin- um and any tte puma: ottte eartr In th" :wlns. "on in mum In. In! hallo-ml um " lulu crop “a " Iowan». ur " any be Ill-b " have" nay P'lIII ot the swattttagq (any. " In I no“ tllll In I1 I III“ am: In plant may I (or met) at on "no and "I"!!! "III I". “a. "uln- ylnllu- In.“ only “an Inn or tun trol- null July In. The mum- md may he an In I m: â€uranium thinly " n 6ogtb I d n - ot u Inch. Th plut- llould be IhInnnl lo "and III Inch" I In". _ - _ _ " no dxrMre. large single he“: " mum the plum- no.“ in tbt.. In to In" lm- mu In ' Ila-he- "an. Thn- III-III:- - in "Implant“! " now" run at the [Ink-u. rm Peo ulnr ha planed vary any itt no non-on. “I {or we um - (In and III-Ind h I... u I uno- or no "when doc]! I“ [hr min pl-cod u Inrh "In. Bone u- ruumuu nhuuld h an. In that um um “an II" In: none Illn- porl. LII-h- mt In" In chick-n win: my ltr and tot m. pun-me. u [In when II“ an" In Ihl- In unn- pon and Illl be hm " mm u", wanna. This "upon would be sol molar-My ll um Ilmc ot planing. This I0" "ttttid be drill: us: "mum I In. "If. nuns. aunt-fully "It'lllll. n u .01 . good put-Un- to Add lmh an“. un- lo um no]! when. one upâ€. In new beam. They pn-h-r I new. any loam. The "eds ahuuld be plum-d nurly urb- in Ilse an". .TIG run bolus M In“ euttteen In. etten ttttart. A HINDI ('0 “the. deer'.'"" In nude run m can" ot . lane and lin- new» [heed Iron um lo Ham lulu-- nun In the but... ot ml- lumnr. Attttthrr ny in“ In nomad-mo loll-um! In plum: beat" II to main hula no luck. in. (vulva Inch" "an at" II can Inch am or tour nod- be pm u " III-n “when nut to to.“ thr mm when they are In. mama. Tho rum- punt u unw- lor Ill man. which us run: III tot an man u thry an In" “can In a». " I: ttttlt. My. pad may be minim wry only tn (In and“. unit-nu an ("cue-(1y In“ II": on." "on uhm- urn mu "all up“ [run-n. “In an un- Ilu. They “on“. Mtrrrtrer, ho- um um helm-I no “mum I" on" "on and the. around. sun l can-Ive pllIIInl ll tho “Hand tttr m- crolu. Null-h need In" be. plain-d In run, {our ittettra wln or' bro-nnuvd. thr Iloplll ttretrrred ttl, In. trom a nun" In a." an Inch only. "null-II he I "nor-I nah ml qalo. no thinning. and In. rot, le- _ I'm: Um "I“ would In My! luau will ttts. ho". A "an ot VIII" ndlxh may be oMautrd it tho mi u no" that“ the am at Anna. Thou- Iloull he [Inland out In thero hath†lurl. II'ISAL‘II. ttplntwh u u not! - no. which " you: to pro- vide all. mm. The plan num- I- It"! III we“: In. plan-3, -d.eedae*ottidbe-trmrr-tr In It. Ipr'wl. In lhc um- rn- " Iced dun-u the but mum-r with. The a“: my to Inhaled In mu or Mud. Incl mould In M).- II I depth ot one In" men. Run-vulva plnlln; any be much tt no new“. thn thet In". IN luxu- maul In an "my any be tttttVM " or the whole plum may ha rut Iron un- root. onus. "l'lm unlun " groin for null... ttlekilM. and lur “I!†fit. A In." lawn-ulna or onion nerd tor Elma-r me an "on Iron: and lllllh’d In tho all wry urb- In; the nrlnu. The no" linulal be rlch.‘ lulu and Il‘" mturted, In" (ml. IIIIII'I! II nm tkts [I'll In tottty. Tue - should tw Milled ll . Ilo-Mln. ll alum Ole-hull lurlI. Ila lb: row-I ghoul! in Iron- I-elva to tuna-g III-tn "In. The M11] lhulld tw pluled wry llllnly no that new! wut ber I. Bred lur um lull-ll: ot ' It. onion. l‘ullll’ullon Alum“ - 5 IIOI (he ullun [ON IN an I IIIP I " to pun-m .." worl. In the lull _ “on the In†no IbouI IIu-IIInl-I um do" “as otuoo would M pull- ', II wad Ill-l In III-Inn'- m urn-ltd t III! III: hull» no would leI m! In. ot the onlom. TM: pun-u any unbur- 'hlt'h “In" rotV uu- lnuble In nor-u. All" no: "re been mm In Ill: mulc- [or In or III in: they III, be "that I " and plum! In . Blat In on hum Ind tied up who II] n that : Ibo min Illl mu an ll lien and Ila; Illd VIII tum. Molly " an.†Inl elk-Illa .round I'm lulu. n. my. I" be "-me wl In. thr "has t u um nu. II no deleat, or no)" my to loll 'it. "Hull an - ml unto! " :km Insult-r u they wlll Ill-l la . Ilnlllll nu very only ttt tttr nut-n. They would be my CMOM with no". Illcl: “all to roll 'r-ed by Ira-Inn: on II. Ind “In new ulluu no.“ In pulled " mu " they - real; [or an. H l'. JouNtrroh'. Vilnll'. murmur Inn-run lhpullunl " 'I‘ur-mlu.) J,1T,,CCCt, Ema-"v- It": I and“ Itll.' 'g'l5llire't, itrtr.ite.aiifrtyyeeogP.e.et New“ by Iain [In All a-- uu mm 'ierv-isi--uer--yy- IF ',.t"u'rdt, will. ll Inn-Of: ll an- t ulnn ttrgohHtti. " 3min; trom who! Into run: -ptmitttt Iona wounds-ox] to nub Btritd--or later Main. duh - are, which lam no may - d m. A‘Illy'oflnd but damm’n Rubin-Muh- ad ','gi",'i','s d tt/r,t'gt= In lb I 'lWllS,tltuU ....... ...... Dr. 5mi- Pnegett. Miu h qrg'ea"rdg.' Inca-Inch†I) nun t n)- "thee Inn'- Tttti It on not b in! In Wu] t 'uuuwdlnith-Iquid. but, -ieue M or trial In. by Id - 'trgtt,f,dlta'hht2tt1t. Dr. Han, Invnli-II' Haul. lull-In. N. Y. ltr., Bree-'. “a.“ mm d. lb :3] a. "limit‘ - nun-mu MM!“ GLASSES one. the thud elites: an north-5.x: - OI. IVVII In "It: dun ot all Milt “I. " “on lam. older pomp!» halal-d t Ivar GIIIIIQIS New.» ot the hm Inn-plenum until. .Tm inu- Today, "on“: “vi-u on m II. mw- Ilium hues. on In limo pulr at alum. in new. no Pepe. E" tmt. _ I‘e lulu ni to cull. m on plan urn to show then. I. B. ROUSE "mum. "ml In In an! Him-In.- lam...) Wham: “3| um"- hngwl Nu a. Th -"eM mu.-." .m- u Kln'lrh' lam“; mu! within a In“. " Wham: “3| um"- l‘nn'vl Nu G. The North lull! II' tart mum-w- _ In Ilw Founll “MI ofthe Turn-lull. M hunk mun-Illa. tttty not": "II-w M Ian. M. Ink-II [bun IR' gnu-l Inn" hull-lum- Thi- 'r'3tt'dhy In I|Illnll1l four mur.- Ftqtot tte. nun-u. Im-n nr-l In" anal u hull nuk- "In For! Indium-k. lam-I null-Inla- lur lam-10'. 1.1mm and u“ lam! M \‘I‘Irlllhh. YIIMI or IALl-‘l'rn III! will. of thr murmur "In"; M “In an. at Ink and tt". hum." Mlhln mun-I My: 1utrrttttr.r Hum! lulvml. ul- "to "qt. ulur II" all"! any "t nut " "tr lur- rlmu Injury In nun!" In: um awn-n.- hu Inn“ .-- -|-- _ _ ,,,,,.. __.... I‘ll lull“ III ' Tllul Ol' IALl-Trn Ilu- lunrhuu- nmnr) M m and "In huh-nu mull“ IInrrnIInv Hum! lulu-rm uh: In" all": my l-"’ tTtl "nor, mum-y In nit-am In: In: urn-J "I mm nun M I I" “will“ hull-Surly. b Th: Inml IIII, In in†In ..... ._ __._,.... _ _ _ "iris, "iaiiiiiii'ir, II!!! It lab. “new" anal Iii" who It'll†In". a I‘MIII ll 1""! l -ttta... Et!tP1!' Ir...ehe.' a! {In “my ___ -'eee .._...._ ... u... ...... - Ink. Ilwn- till he alum! lur uh by public astctlem to. Jam a. â€warn-n. Alk'lkluvf II thr "and (lullaby n the. will-aw of (Mm-lay. mt TNUOMAV. It. It. day " “AV. Mr. nu "w hour of In: duh-2k In the III-f. mum. "w lull-ulna lawl- nnd -trtratt.-. l‘unvl No. I. hm o! In number tnt. h-on In the Hm hum ot th- Tuu'n-hu- ot Norm â€Hall-luv mum". , but†“rum. kin-In " ttto Junk-I " mun" WIT-My. Thr Im-eru' " all .I In In“ an- h- In mir war or fault-(Ion "In! yy N 'e.e mm and Inn-km!“ Inn-r .... . ., ........_.~ --." ., __--.. A PROM In IIIHMDA'. In? . I." Part of Lot- 2 and 3, Concession 3. Non}: Grim by. fiftraiar acres. New we. in fruit, fine bui - inch two and one half mile. from Grimsby. m In. an. Inn-(u; " 81w- Irun Ten-1m Inn. Apply to JOHN MCCOY 46 King St. E., Hamilton mm WEAE BACK FOR SALE Mortgage Sales W. B. CALDER . . oous-. "Um“! .tyhsrtm, “m..."- w ' m, Ink-h (bu-v mulling: Thr 'r'3tF-y Innu- "um W. Chtharl an halt nuk- "In Purl “mu-lo- lur “In“... guy! I'.' null-Mu. t Wart. null - b m In line [mull ' ml be Ind ll lug! "I inf-Ti Tar' II, M the my. _'lPt. PPrUFttte