iittiriiieeitujyicteeeieyyoei, --- "thql_.%a_qr%-qq.q.'l-.q , Peeeeey'c'rleeee""'r 'i OPPORTUNITY i M Is Knocking at Ymlll Door ii, r, Mnln Street . Grimaby g 'iikDttetgseM,tttaMMittMttMtiDiMNtilMMMtm _ FOR CASH Friday and Saturday We offer 200 pairs of Ladies and ' fi',i','e, P?firee $3. and 3.50 ltelulur $5.50 lawn Mum-r. lor.., "cull-r 85.00 Lawn Alum-r. run. null-r wasâ€. Lawn Maw-w. tor. "ml-r $7,011 Lawn Iowa. (on. "ml-r 87.50 Lawn Mower. run. Mil-r â€.00 [Jun Mont. tor.. "nu-lu- "0,00 lawn lunar. tor THEAL BROS. trtometretu....r..... wtre?'e"uy'c"'-- Vim Wm; "c to JELLY POWDBRS FRUIT EXTRACTS Frau mmcm,..‘.... ....... ELOITE MACARONI HIINZ'S SPAGHETTI Raul-1' 13c Ind 20c tor........ .. HBINZ'S TOMATO SOUP cooxmo nos CANNED PEAS BAKING POWDFRS s%j the um: size m...._._- We “it this not an"! as. ot Done-dc Maul-u In 1“.th In Ind: and "not “I will no ttrther than tard. __-------- Telephone your orders early No. Ihnhallulur'gtsyne SOAP --. -"" "tr (have "to in" we will In. II mace. lull-hot. (Yucatan-n. mum. 0|!!ch All mu m. " hue mm nlcc Cooled "all. m. “an. Baud Into-Her. In out new modern Ilkhl willâ€. which will like your unruly or - lo paladin. IEISIZIIIAV. l.“‘ s, "" than: tt, tlie nrrlnl or new Spring mud. to um ton-mi to all " Inn than cw. H pit It Illi- III I. - II "I. Imam batthrr mm All BiBer. Some rlulll (or. Tttere show 'ure all ot the hll'll‘ll "do lull!" and Br" . far hem-r I'M!“ than rnn be pun-bud mm lor‘uluuhle Ilu- "may. “THE STORE OF h 1001 THINGS" Main St. Phone 21 Grimsby mm" It?“ [nth-L). .. Enlu m :54 :01: mr.. trtest0.. " unwed to, - w - lien-mi or retirnir...... Is Knocking at YOUR Door Whom-Ia- movie Phone 5 JNO. C. FARRELL “The Big Store" SCREEN DOORS Iu-ll‘s “was “A Udtrs' Sh". “I. GRASP IT. We have about five boxeo of our ou'rn Soap (this is put up by the N. P. Soup in as other up cheap at.....5 for 25c [all II liq "ettttrN' Lawn Mower SPECIALS This Week Only Pen. lul loudly. no all they GRIMSBY on me III. III) ..Ne I“ Ur ..tttr nttd lit a lbs. (or Bir was“: and! a w " Juror“. " htrtar .attrNe 8trr'3tr I!" lemma-h. who In I "I! _ lawn-bla- you" ludy. u- Inlllu [MI I - a! llu- "marl-I “cull-l when uln- mmnwh-d pun-uh uni l In who at tho bout medial Ill -d, any In! Emmi-y Inst-eon. s The [nun-l look In" on My M-y t. "an tht' Prawn-rum Clutrrll.‘ lienuuvlllv. where the 'tCrue-' Iuru' held. In Mull-l 01!:qu Emery†"hm-rule. who" the ttttertttatttt, uni: trtntur. Return rum eNmdtgcted ‘m the vitttreh and ll’lVl-IIIQ try the .Ilu-v. Mr. ulna. I Thu deraued lady " united try - Mother. " home. Beet, M. ‘: ttttd Henry. and mo woman In the " Item-N In From». Rho In glue nur- " mm! by her parrnu. l I ttr..t" " "N. WILLIS! IILI- ' l, stash T The many Mend. uhd rel-um a! IC.'. William Olin-Ind van [that " Ivan! at her an“: III m4 lAprII Mt, It her home no 14mm Mm. unmsnv. u the u. ot astr-l L nix youâ€. ', Ilnrllmlonwv O'Cnnloll I walla known MIMI or south ORIIIIBYJ - any “and†- II [In rum ot M- .ost. John. ll. Olli- Petr new. "tttttttton. N ave-v lay "an m wig tt m’o-uem- In mer In that ttttttHet. He vu horn I. minimum-n. mum Kerry. Ink-d. " yarn no. In all“ to (but In tho ymr Ian. M tho Inn "to year- ho Ila-Jaw" IMtta round It“: Mu. no. II "annual. Ho ham to no". III- demise. lie-Ida MI vile. In noâ€. WIIIIIII at Bulb ORIISBY. Ill John. at Hamlin». no - “DI plan lamb: mornlnx than an ro- nldolce ot MI um. to M. Ann'- church. tt-ttve to Holy Souk-her tor Inlurmml‘ _ mu Miran-l Mound» only GIIIIIIIQP ot Mr. mud In; Jmw» Mun-MI. or "w mum-Mp of Clinton} “I 'usster or Mr. Fred launch at tho Po" om" sun. (lllllIlW. nun! Away at tho Mu-umul Ila-uni. Ma. [In nun. NA'.. '* sum". 15ml my The demand Indy 'rt" I dunner ot the lute Thom-- III! and I mm ot Mrs Robert II. qe'ttttwr a! BID-III ("IIMHBY III T. D. In". ORIMIBY. tthe hud Uerd mutually all her We In the Inn-Mp at Ntthit ORIIBBY with Um extenua- M Inn-cl ya]! when the mud II South ORIISIW._ tOBITUARY lil JI llEllI. FINISH“ nus “RIM ESWE ooUU.f m. as p. ttu--M" circle " I... a! In» J. BroqttB, Wad-nu. x v. trt-rt-r Pnlu- magnu- . I'VIII' â€I... Gouett To“: ' Winona-r would i. am mm: m. “I b an“! cut all.†lurk "e. . m can. run In url In tttt that)“: the lad “an". M“: "" . nun-d pul- m II . now "what-n! tet III. . ram-4 mmumdhn you.“ to In - - In“ all: lo nu It they In luv-l In! In "no. Tn ham- tite min-ll mm a mu "Amide" eooiodr dlreclly hole-III Inl- muchlno when he ran um. II I "a! Inc-Ill“. Ind n! â€up witttottt Int-lulu when] Inn-n. III (In rr-ttabt. â€perk-lure u! Highl- Ltetttettttttt Chino- I’Illlnul. truly- yo-r-old not! ot p, G. H. Pinko“. oi ORIMSBY. In Franco n-cenIly. Haul. [lull-on. I'm [In but: II- lnrDu-d to the Royal PM“ Corp- tor ttitritteee' will. or more. hula-o duly on "no hunk-r at initial“! Ind the It‘ll-m t'tuttutrt. Mr rerun] _ - _.- __.. -.. m..- Sum- I" Hum“! I- " " p. ner) Mr. no an mum. tttmate-", had been marrud tar [any-(curl o... ugh." run. any hall I ant-r7. an Ir Jot n (a: an!“ " In? huh-d. m Wh-‘ luvo been Ul or, on um. um mu. 0m “a: u .11 um Raul or OIIMSIH‘. and WIIIIlm or 'NN' - mu. Dania. n4 on butter. Mm. 4mm N “In mum. of annual“. â€gum L The [non] in ullu - "III monou- ttom her Ina Mlle-m to Queen'l IJII “may. when he- Ln; minded II the noun- “I mn- Mde by the Rev. L. H. (‘Irl'le of IL ohn'u Prestrrt+ "rg,"utt the Ree. T. mtdetiO' or thr, RI!!!" Btttttita ('hunh. I _ l plaid almost under-coll: nu nun chin. Ttte than "o" m “NIL thawed the entire will“. Had, he been lying I tor tut low" ttsm dull would hare iron-II rtqtst In In and" Ill he would hue met bulb‘ "or lath. An lt in he 'tew hut to m. -odrt- Ill]! an new“ look In. - We a nun: rival [Ill . lac-mural IIn-hln The dee-ned - III n and mi coal-lull member " the I'M!- lryhmln (munch. ly "HIT" " I“! mum!“ "u" " IAI‘I'IlIIADIOZ' 't't'tt.t.0'.M, "IT. at Ilu~ nun ot twmitr.etirre I' I]. In an." I. -tt.ts's In In and" minty.†p. "c-tttMe M. In.-lllblo Sela-l. _ o.--"Pauth' Tau-on, oi um IF "tt IIDmIIIU‘Io “ml. ORA-I. mull n. T. P. l iu.--it"" a MIME! and In M an and ""rttiotw" In held» the an M an m. In mu- tmat Io "Sittrttattmg" width dents with llu: tum-III“- nr nun-lune". We tot' at thr by“ of Ibo Item. of drop. of hull... win-Moo. tood or dHese. and at thom. deIhnn [nun-My Incl-Inlet Ihh we Indy. We up“ or to nun-nan at tho W. ot .ettetat.. at tum. Inn-w lei-m maiden In In. no". ell-sue. In our "rgorotditttp' II they ulna Melanin-lulla- In In." turf-ml. hub-o h‘pnnnl N?“' All 'N-q." Thm no you!" In.“ whteh In In wit-mic or "who. A “um-m- an" Ila-no In on nu I: really mmllhul' or "nu-Mu." Ttts Iord In “the! thm n un- you mull-u “In much" I.“ was u an “I. mil-I I. Ohm-u Viki Iun “pro-d In in “r-ulu" mun now but“ llu- q$ieosrt by nun-I mun. " “mouth-I" than " I-ully non-Mend to be one no! runny“ dt. "ettr all ml: n In "lo cut- or m-Iulou dim-m. In! Illlnulv and. in. tttttee “an. Tutu“ met u- "tteat ukrn nu . up at In- 'rrttm" an». _ m. *ttuttrumts IN! onllrrly 'trtMciat, and saw no Inc-ml wry-m. [mum- dluuu may DP "rttuttiottr. and cumulon- dlu‘u- Duluth. and biott: lam: law on I Inruo Mun nt mammal-able nun-um roamed by Itt-u. Tho nu "rxtttt-teatrii' In theretnre murh hum-r and lam-Mr In an, In): III Illa-H tte Inn-d In urn-{ennu- In "tttrr ot the allow mun. A "rm-tthome" dIm-u I- am- and by a warm- "vires" Inn-ter- red In I "an mu] run. Thu: ttte "I’ll In mink-1h " thr alpha-on- hu- rIlhn: In Ttgttold In". TypImH new"; In III-rm. IIN' Mil-ri- Inn-Ila can“ by mosquito". leno In I an! dllrmn- In Ilm aw vuh I'Mrll (Mare-cl Glut-am In» "mien-d. Mon-IN and small I'm In nun-red and“: Ms um per-o- lo “min-r. thlu unher- nrn- wmumnIc-lrd with rum-my. TubrquIII In mum: Imam». nml m I run hm: "we may Man Indium thr Illu- at /,ld.1"l'd"All' ttte down-pawn: ot Inn-mum ot thr II no. I'm tu mum» our trttelrottturnt to a um! an», “AI mm In! Inn-nu- dhlmrlluwl- Illa mullet-u which carry mum nlul Yviiow Wit-r: or drrtrur Ike Ink-h roam Tphu. 'hter. m" it In wry when“ lu "Mttrot In." Mmu‘". ban-e tt MIIN'I III! mm run-om. " I. thererore rum In nun-up out Yellow PM Ihmh a rump-Inn IIIIIIII tho dire-o-tatt: "mull". tho It In to I'll]. on! Ttttlurid haw-r thrh In rum-1| um! nun-d from om human brlntt to "other. comm-u In: been ttttabs that the lunch": um! mum. Inm- brett dump- lll [om-III: Ilul yum-(yin: num- on ttte publlr dump. Tith 'rmrtirw mm In “and. All ml“ Ind min-Iran fi'fll-I' mun-l be lulnlrd or burial. ' Tin lull you!†"II he when-d In New mm- or Inlnukm or llu- law PIE. WI. IMilll The Kalb-h: loner “In mum]: In»: _ In in. Wm. Cow-n. the) aria ttt., from Mr not. I‘mlun. over-l was. In which he cit-unhe- the light-- III: " Vim: “Idle. and how tte re- re1red [all would. L Ila Illa lulll ot Int-Mill llll brow-i " Amt-n. test, on I'll boron: thet!, m Ind l nm In In Ill’llhl and Inn-y. no turulnulmu. which an: mu. were don-Ind by the Method- In Church and†School or Enum- Ila ulna lelll m neg-(In. In: Pe.t.i " Jenn. hit one vet-K belnru the: utter m huh-d. The can“ Ila-pull. Hon-nod "ad. _ â€and. Incl-Ind. . April Pt, "tt We "a II . Insult-l “own-I. y.,ttl III the contou- I Ml" would MullI tor, nttd lie mano- In tttst am. In. lion ls" no tteed'to worry. u I In†well look“ ttttrr. mulch. I received your mm an Ruler Sunday I: well u pom when. and one man Ills! Jenna-nu nut Mr. animal-I. no you can u-ll thrtat not (In. thtt. and VIII mun-r In a low (In. an 3“. Avril l, lut- voek ho- b" l m wounded. t landed I very Ila church mm. I“ no“ - III o'clock. who should I are In! “on. no u M an Inn. And It miAir-artty"reoott.rr t “I canal-Ir [III to In! him. We hid a [and In" lull. Mo In Iooklnx Well. I mu I In" all! enough tor um um. "ember no to In. Who. In. Jail-Ion: Illa Mr. and IT. Wot. no†you In- mun: no“ ttl. rlclc tggtd It: not worrying any. I nut clone low. hoping th" wttt ttttd you I: the but of balm. Your loving non. WILL. iriri."itTrtGGirrb :.;."'.,. wounded Jun. I (or “In lo Id )0. no! I lum- hvon Illuhlly round. but not u Mt urban. no In“. worry when you w mu Inter. xoamtsrrouttaorrmsdkat) lon- thits that ttte ifunuu In on Fiter no“. Apt“ 9. Ill-II the bu, alum ttttgrtrd on "My Western‘ Hull. We [not up our which " “my lulu. one ot tho iiAiiand sullen naming-hm. o" Grail, null: Ind/Iona: morning " 1; o'clock we well over Aqua ‘luv w,ituv: ionrto book a few "more olden for Babb. Cale. Ind Berry Beau. Order now ulhe prices ue advancing. Fruit Grove“ We are pow ip a posit- H. A. Stone Phone 340, Grimsby, Ont. BASKETS WEEKIIY unnu I " "UU, Conducted by Dr. R. A. Mound". Ill HUSPIIIL: limbo- nd .%tBttaMtm. Wind-I ; Ne Bot ', Grit "0So9_o0_000e.' l But- but: been Inn-(oil enl- ‘u-m Inn-um mm to ml. cuh III! M nonc- mum. or um- haunt In!“ k be“; Med an. In the 1'rttuedlimtdmtt. clot-h lull. bun put new.†III hour on April uh. th. (arm-r om, to be "r- un†on sour-her 1m. . "FIE-'06; 8cm u (out I "with; their on up,“ To mum n 'trr lottery tun a Int-m more but bun tumult-d I chum: lamp. "6eqar and cotttte an: M the hllOry I-lndlnl Flu-L A - bu box-n mind tor I up an Wo In a In: toe mull. I new.“ mill. hall. the nun that - unfit I -rer% ell- an!“ 'N in: " ntMatettetttttq driver to no It It. [our M! h bum-Inc In.“ 'eabltrtr all an n hull-h- III in lama-l a urb- ot III!- nhly non-I'd him P.L. Vlvlln hm“. P.L. W. Kl- Iuthotn. Wm. ('hlvun. Danu- link. "on lull". P. Stimuli. l'.L G. "Hum. Anhllr 0mm. I‘m lurker. B, III-aw. hunk ttttwood.W.L, ltd. Wilton L. "unwell. ll. "at", k Thur-day. T." p.ru.-leostar nou- mr. “DI!!! march. Mold dun Inn I. Klan Game “I “M Md. Sunniâ€. , p.ul.- tumult: pin and Snood clan (at In Scour- I'IM'. Tho 'IDI'IDIl“ (Till tum, mercu- lully M Pt." Pt.1 cub M and iG; GGiGi mm: ma: JQIII Uddir. Jack M‘olnchle. Monro Pun-ll. Edwina tin-In. lu- ny mun. P, (ulna. P.U - Fun-ll. Tod Notch-st. Clll unem- noy. In Johnna. Ole- ttm. Due '6orru.AutM' “we". "ree. ttd. CRISIS“? Saul Bait “an plays! I an. of to“ hall I!!! Bun-ville Huh School on "Inâ€. April " don-ulna mm by I won " thr. The "Ipr m " to-.-- I’Ilm [Add Sun-ulcld._l‘. corporal o. (lowland. C. - Phipps. In. “coll. Iliad-h. 3nd. Scull Wont-unit. Srd. l'ononl Ellwood. u Ptttrol In." Wllmn. LII. scout "nah-on. t'.P. dun“ FNUrvr, ILP. EVE-IKE. H. aim. w. Lumen. __ . ... .e.-.." _ Friday. 1.15 ..ttt.- Raul-r “Dill“ ml. Boy Scouts News Of The MII Batt Tn- I'D“ Cub! J" "on... medial. l HOW DO YOU KNOW an): M II In In. It“ you In Inn-flu: In walnut»? BBttt.tttge In and mun-II- at on" A' Hunk mm. I!" \‘pm. lam ot SIN-n In. Mu. mm: “M, hub" d.v'+ . m an III In. utuett hmm wry “all": and nlnlul. We mm hummu- nun-Ila. I“ urn-l Ion-n III-Md him. Ill III I)" not no better, all In Mar "Wttw ml; has. n! run-3 tt m u con-non. hm not» mm. Inn-ever. "an be null ttmt In haunt. - -- "Km. In" the nm In "ret. all!!!» at m- "until bln in MI "at HM. mun-“1mm vu- omld. the "Ila-mum - MI drum an. In do!!!" 1‘» 'rared Ind "In - I'll no! Mum.†Yam-lint " null] and H PrerrTttr, vii-“urn. “yd-um. In! kn. pm; PM». “HI and rum All drunk!- nnl not". or lam-uni or.. Tamils. he. in. ' hr "15. In; current. no "1|th an be lag'vgr- utdettrtit.tr. , The Go-tttr-t It MIDI- to and - to IN [1an Mon to luck Amie-n than": the correct Inma- at 'ttttht" nitrate tt to“ II tertitimr. Endu- nu- lnvnuw by a tstint uu In "was: to bring which or and Ann Itpt "rne than to i nun-I ater. mid ikiirr, Get" Your Oi Stove NOW FOR YOUR LEE Hardware Should be In correct Style on the but plu- up". flay III] in and: m mos; In M. the hunt-cur- m tell u that tttttm noun-I lummnduomylotul then Inter on. n Won no. St.. "anâ€. on. Supply mm ll wry “no-amp The! lilo up.†on: Dau- at: a lot. W. have 1 Mock ot Home! and Not PerteeUmg Mme. 'rtttt am Mt all " the low - nl which will In] you to [a before "vellum. “and" In Law- Noun lull ink. tasrBe 'mteh Jul If- rived. Stoney Creek. Ont. - Blue. from .4. "5... ml and not the Moet; Eartha Carmina. and Bach. “do" Styles. Announcements â€on IO. r. a, 'm-. Wedding Invitations Cloke & Son Anncml ==ir2'.'."l1ee to