Grimsby Independent, 2 May 1917, p. 4

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m “It aha?” Ill-I'm "a. - cal. Maul! not " m at!“ Ina-"E" "I“, nmllll we urn-W“ my "M. - {manning Mos. la III M I Ptrm Elli" THE Whitw M. lim- uodn. I'Irllln Milan. palm Ind mill-n " - In M- [ml rod-emu pal-u . Dd of Interest in and hound GRIDS" J Dd”; " Iii' y 'tit.?, " . fa 'el, ' a t . 1-.1f. u , tteste Wall nil MIDI. ...|..'Imn-- 1 M. H. l town mr TROUSER SPECIALS Every Department Offers Great Re- ductions and Excellent Values Marl! F Toronto .u we“ W tn 00mm!" 3'DdIJMQMIdC‘I'8:116" ' II'XIIII'OI 'Mor. N." ' Oren on ttw " ”I'll? van: M I'm-m I" Wy "r , -irttt In "In " t, of Or "the“ luck “It. oeut m- inn-all nun-ed In! V" I'm-land. o. d”! tttst .." u. mum m. wane-In Apply In A lhunn‘lllc " M the rm u-II, CAPS" in Overalls and Munition Coats in Rugs and Carpets Id»- l'u-hlnuun oeera1t--toeeutt to! Mar Inn: and "Human work. I“ II... In my blue. #110"! 'rrtcmL--. ...... .............M Human l'oulu. all Mm. my blue. . . ...” Eur: lllw. KlllkI Munlllnn ('uul. lip-dilly priced tor........ _........ WW...” Mass Man and whtto Mrllml "epl? In! In-ulmy'n gnarl-mud "Vt'flllll. Muck and lulu will!" “HM-ll... p...'.. ... ..... .........v mun-In- . "Inn The-v rum an. llw bind "Ill no ttitterent. may mum!» Ila-unruly ttned Ind nplondld rholra- II Tar out. mum ":5 Mid $i.lb0. . North l'l-In [may Illlul. 81.00 IM.. Fury - and [my l'llwku mm tttter lwocd plaids“... home CLEARING ALL BUTTERICK FASHION PATTERNS IN STOCK AT 10 CENTS EACH Run-u. , mm on Muc- uud wlnllc- wtritwd Inn-null: Ind and but" uml white. nlrlped. an!» trrtee “(nut-Room- Iumbh tor "I!!! haunt-owl“. Apply to I!" u Blah ORIIIIIY. To ttmot--' llruu mu- - -'-_- two-dill IIIHG'. Apply In All. Illu- t-rfovd. “MOM-Ir tM, ORIIIBY. Mr. Ju. Bron-h Inn purchased the . . 1...... In. B. n. Mr and Mrs. In. - ttttd chum-r. all! a I" “I! Int wool will rel-um " Allcmllle, For ttMe.- Matter Win all “If. Manly o. K. "I: rm; H. anumn'. Three' nto" ii” gm: Bold we ck- mn. K. M. WW" To It!" um: Td' tools Apply 1. o, In", our For "le-- I'm- mm- pm. Ill null- om. Apply to A.drerr "I". A .n-nln‘llv 'plmmv Mr, r. Ill. Dru-I'- -- - whim tot "W 2.' " u, - of her . I " it u one. . tHH, tttr mats.-- I . “-1...- 295 "5:3. Vimmluv A tte". and 'tmtt.tttetted, It... ................l¢1d. grre to (or yd. t'irar- I” " out prMrer. at. cm lull-III. I” , mm In -tttt K. mm. who“ " If.» to In” I. te.etd "it l0 iiFiiLliiir" ..........V all Illa $t.04r, ".25 5to I: a? will Clear. ', Orl- 3.10.00. $20.80 .Hfs mm 'tmt r- GRIMSBY'S BARGAIN CENTRE I For Sale-EMU and lulu “a i plum. 0min trom my on Mn of and. km or um" oedg" u- INMM. Ordnr mrly. In. Mum. Br, ',uitet Show. Bun-vine. who” G, Irtmt I. w.nted--rtl Infill. "mm a... unln Inn-I. I. cum” tar my pro- per". Wm. or '9)an run ”an. Inn to D. H. mine. ‘phono " “I: s, Bum-villi. ROOFINO.uIIJ. sum cMtgAP.-- “noun-Ila M Illol. urn“. mull" Hon-u and W rook. A limit-d nanny at m IMO um and: oi not)“; [or III. clamp. mu. hr rm napk- nad we“. “in” Mary “White". .90: II "I." tom (‘1‘an . ' For tired curl-l0. Ill Ill-o one thttt "mull The u" will sen mat a For mle-Pteatt much now. about nun-en yenru old. cull by he! IMO Ap. ply to .ctmu K. mum-rd. bison. " rluu n. mullhvllle. l ville. Ottt. my: for ourhitue-rtmn my only malaria; winter lawn. Bum-II Roch. prior winner: at Toronto. "Illlllloll and lkulnuvlllv. ll.“ [IT with; John "tctw, Balm-Ville. ror tHits-At-ttttir Dlllll. Oun- non-rn (‘oloual 2-year-old. too “c: 1.000 85.00. Meroht. hm. lulu- In: Hats Suits W. G. & R. Shirts mm lulu In Hilllllll any land "town Tweed.. lh-uulur "2.00 .w "3.00. ('ll‘lrill II .7.” to...---.-. .......... ........... ...uuo Superior Values in Staples, Ladies and Children's Dresses "tutu. Huck Te"rets.RmttaIttrghtttr....................."ree" All ”It. Tlhle humus. will" ".25 tor.................." M. " "In. I" [Ant-n TIM» Null-I. Raul-r 83.50 lor............u will!“ Print! In navy. blue. "on. cardlnlln all Iluhl [rm-4a. Rpm-chi We tuid.................... ............ w.................- he Yatrdaf In. humank- Bt......,....,..................- yd. HOV-III “Lu-mm!» 'e.cteartrstt..............V u. Andenon'u uplift. all and. In chm-III. mum and plum. "an!" m- tor............ ...... ............ .... r................." yd. " Dru. I‘d!" hone draw. I" 31m. loocl ”not”. Ih'xulnr n55 tor um um Only " sun... all um. mm "no to 312.00. Sale Price an yt Nun-ml and“ sun-Iva “I cmkl. Elle "ire ttaG n Menu work mm. buck and will“! any». am- p’rlw "qu chumbruy work alums. UNI-II] priced........ lllu- :4 Ind Mllll: urin- al 'tw eusuttruyrr....... Klukl nlllm I'm ttu, to............ .......-. ...__ Double thread hlbrlm molt I“ tom'.,.... Mnr walr- "mm fedora hill. bin-nu. "my: Ind new Ira-nu $3.. Rott Hull, In "on. burn. blues. Mal-r $2.50 Ind 03.00 (all)! A tow Sncrllln left, to clur nt............-.................- " In. Ptne bleached canon. Regular Me. mte Indra. . I. ' . ... .ttr td. " Tulllud bluchvtl .tteetuttt. MIMI “r. mr, , . . . . _ . . . . . . . .331! td. "any Turllnln Tmmllnl. "on!" Mr mr.....,.............- yd. Linen Tom-Hun. "will" 151: Ind "e yd. ctemrirtgt llc nud..||r yd. Mun". Saline ulnlnn. [and mm. new" ttan; ladle-1' Allover Aprons. Regular "1: mm! we. Hun vuluv. rm and iii; LauiGiiidi ifed- ttttd (up to IIIIIL'II. btuo new. Hur- VIIIo........ ............ .......... ........ ... ..........ea. m: reduction. In chll’m'a lira-um. .u III-m Illll rolorn. 19c to. .su"e rute--A mom-nod rubber in“. "mall not. can ms: ' on bod, mar-o I“ m. Mir Illum- mtlt am chap for . quick " um --Phtit “run. mi and} HAWKE 'rYIl III ..r.-. ,, I, In helm!» tor my pm- " or ‘plmno (Ill -etitnt- H. mum. 'phono " do: "" ARCHIIIIRI. Ill-DIM 18'1”" Light and dark grey wool tweeds, also cotton tweeds, plain and fancy stripes, at old Bankrupt Prices. {0th so. the "it “It Mom! ttte W buy. Ptrst ci- menu 'ere, De iiiiriiriw rma-u wotttd--uoltut, panel. lull click". "trend. Rtwde Ir land mu. WhIla Wynndouou. and [lured Ruck! ' or my good layer: or mun. Apply In J, H. Ford. (rumor It». To tteat.-" the VIII-.- ot mum! oy, In . [and lot-Ill)“. mm home. [all nodu- connalonru. Apply In In. . B. John-m. 'phm " 6511mm" To “on! or Wont l we of ham Bad “I - ot land, fl" F 1. mm. with" W any!!! M "m 0M0. II M 1m TI ot " To "on! John Bt.. my ruler Apply to Bt'. For sue-mun; room "menu-Ion table. ' (lulu-room Muir-I. um lemon Coon. I Inn wuh land; also cool: new. Away " Mrs. w. R. lluvell'u. John that. To Rettt--h unn-roomud houn- on John St. ORIIBBV. Phwtrie "ll-u. clay ruler. poo-calm Iboll May " Apply to Geo. Udell. Xorth onus-l l B. "all: up In l'uulwull. lo. last week unending the [Inor- o! MI mm. mm pun-nod any Thug-day lul " Inc alum-rd an " you. 'Wmlla. tr.te--Dhtltut room n-xlonnlon "it up. y.rpe' ' an my clul unmade r ”gunmen", , Work on tthare.--." od calm-tor. I tent y Ml planned. m“! tht one-lull mlle ot t Dike. April mm 8tt. ........H..3ryl. .........w rd. and plum. rum-r ......c...ttr yd. and u .50. Clear In l'uuuuulll. - "J!" ”an In Exceptional Values-in Wall Papers. , Maj;- Your Choice Early. Walsh-d lmnmlhlely. Tl'll mm In turn at the “mm-rule Brice & Tllu Worn. (Mailman. " 'trrirttred _ For tMe-tttttht brown brim hum. mod lulu “run. alum lol- Im who not ”will: no". tttree hunuv “a men. In Int dun roul- lhI. mm doll-n mil My it. Apply Clan. I'm-mm new M. l libr,i,sr,.,l,lil,aszi1i.,,sair:it 7 "tf Maw 1672 2tsi, In Ladies' and Child., ren's Hosiery Children" rlblml mum Law l'em-wu‘n Hal» Illm'. lu-nlnr .10.- Slk- I'rlco...... ...... ..........l "who‘ll-1 ln' Trimmed Hats--A conplete showing of Summer Millinery 1adtmo um eottem mullet: double lulu-J: “d nil rotors, null" 35:- mm... Chlldn-n'n whlln Ind black “any "mu-u may! Ilow tti,......... .6-... may pr. _ All lull“ Men- In "mum. all-m. will: nu or droot, brim-u. Tun-In. (mum. unpla- moon Illllhlll". mu- lml him-II. ullnvllrrly lrlmmul H.00!o........ ...... ..._.. ' 'te. ,8150 mm.- tout ctsitdrvtths bill. 810. to. . .. 4M [Adlen' Mo (‘uuuu how. all mm Rock "lb unl Hunter Brawn Now. all then hulk-N white Ind Null Lilla "ttmt. Mum-u and chlldrvn‘u hlll. 81.00 to. . .4 Popular Ill-on ll-lu. “.0. to. . . .. .. .. “no -rttgt.ttt ot III! unapo- ".5. to, WEIHEMIH. I“ 2. III: MONEY “I "MS, an Inn or umlll "uranium Apply " II. H. Al- dorwu. V-lualur. umusm‘. rtttrororbrr' pretend]. Apply to Goo. (Train. Proud-mar. Nu Mum": nor German nu! apply. Additional Locals on Page tt hour all Furl Ilr IIr Inh- In ' pr. ttpm ml Mtr tet. pr. pr.

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