P Om Aemppn sys tR S CC w o e m w w ubtbeig & % “W\’ Jme* an « ermans at the n gan on Yown on every now thing that bas been up ngil ‘ s uie e e e e ‘The North Sea and (!lc-_l‘:!ugllnlg Channel is su The People‘s Paper Issned every Streets, Grimsby TERMSâ€"Subscribors in Canada $1.50 per year in advance. $2.00 pé year if not paid in advance. In United States $2.00 per year in advance. The whole trouble i# that the Admiralty is tied to its traditions, Jt i« | moving, not as a living, upâ€"toâ€"date, live orgunizition, but as a machine, and | ' is trying to fight ideas of 1917 with ideas of 817. - 1 a s s m w s i Coun ze MB dn t B on Wown on eviry now thing that bas been up against them. "The North Sea and the English Channel is supposed to be .practically covered with chasers and destroyers hunting for submarines, and yet, in spite of the innumerable boats of this kind that are constantly .patroling these waters, fAftyâ€"five ships are sunk and presumedly not a chaser, nor lestroyer in sight. If threeâ€"fourths of the chasers and destroyora were usod for accompanying fleets, the whipping would be preserved and the chasers vould be carning their money. ~ The large number of ships sunk in the second last week of April, three months after the second German submarine policy was put in force, raised consternation in Englund, and no wonder. The English people and Britons everywhere were led to belicve that the Admiralty had got the better of the submarines and that Instead of an Increasing number of ships being sunk each woek, that the number would gradually decrease, but just the opposito t« the case. clear of armed vesse they can. If Great Britain was «rmy so powerful that it ily gaining ground, then aefy» the submarines. A fleet of twenty boats, each boat carrying a gun, nanied by destroyers and chasers would be practically and even if the floet was attacked the moment that one a submarine the whole fleet and its consorts would x and the submarine would soon muke itself searce, even eape without being sunk. 1t is a . wellâ€"k@own fact that mighty clear of armed vessels. The thread, and while .the men in the reckless, yet they will not take 1 clear of armed vessels and chaser The Submarine Mennce: There is Just one way to overcome the submarine menace and that is to organize the shipping to and from England and France Into fleets, with each hip in the fleet carrying a gun and the whole fleet accompanted by chasers ind destroyers and where possible, a cruiser, We have boasted, and we have fed ourselves on the boasts of the British mavy, and while we are constantly boasting it and while we are constantly lependent upon it, we must ncknowledge that the British Navy in some parâ€" icular cases, has fallen down very wwr:-ly. Smd There is no ene to blame for this c he Admiralty, Thore is a way by wl @slly be overcome. The way has been | re too «low moving and too obstinate Advertising rates ~n application Fiftyâ€"five ships were This was the official THE INDEPENDENT JAS. A. LIVINGSTON & SONS, Owners and Publishers, LIBUT Facts and Fancies JAS. A,. LIVINGSTON, General J. ORLON LIVINGSTON, Editor. Wednesday M. LIVINGSTON, Business Manager By Frank Fairborn able, in spite of her unllr.vpun-dlu--u. to organize an could not only hoid its own in France, but is steadâ€" Great Britain could organize its shipping so as to put down by German submarines the Admiéraity report for the week, Telephone 36 t that the submarine commanders will s Is. The lives of a submarine crew hangs by in these submarines are, no doubt, brave take unnecessary chances and they will , chasers and cruisers and destrovers, when from the Office of condition of affairs but the stupidity of ch the German «nbmarine menace can pointed out to the Admfralty, but they in their methods to adopt It. General Manager ;Pyo‘ut forward‘by the Gerâ€" n game, but the navy has fallâ€" Publishers, Main and Oak Established l&i; | ® 11 ® | @ recent Sow York Herald despatch from London, which has been copled | _2 /"° LTTI ANTITCE P :’es in some Canadian newspapers ains the atonishing statement that there | Main and James 5Sts., Hamilton, Ont. are 32,000 American citizens lncm Canadian forces Aghting on the Westerh | ex«mmmmenenennmemcmereeemmmmere DJ | front. Of the hosts of the people @ero«s the line who bave read this statement | | many doubtless belHeve it to beâ€"trde, not because it accords withsany previâ€" â€" LEGAL I | ous Information they had onâ€"the subject, but because the wish is father to â€"_‘ Ma ngmizP Papgeter | ic (hougiit. Possibly,,t00, some Of the more hcedic«s of our own people under | B. M:CONACHTE t whose cyer the item came would Accopt it at its face value, But it is grotesâ€" G_ lhm-J-' Solicier «momne hex‘P ic 1 quely untrue, Brigadierâ€"General Mason shows what a foolish fable it is. The | * . cNerary Public | nes the week before} General speaks by the book. He‘has given much attention to the subject of Oiicesâ€"Orlunty sud Retmarilic I reeruiting in this country, and in preparing spceches made from lils place in | Mopey to lonn at current tates, _ | the Senate he has looked closely into the offical figures pertatuing to our & \\'wklutr.\pfll. ll:r-v-- H:p\umi?nury Il-;nrcn. lll« h-!mv- that ut the highost computation the number | smm=â€"mzmmmmmmmememmmmmmmmmmmmsmes | (}fH C( put in force, raised | of American citizens in the total 400,000 men we have under arms cannot be \ l*'":-l-- luu-l Britons nlmr-‘-l than i.-’»m. Tess than hallof whom are now in France, If the writer of Henl‘y Cfl’pentel‘ got the better of the| the despatch in question had beem governed by scrupulous resurd for truth of ships being sunk! to the same extent as he was qn:':nl by the d«ll':!. to please newspaper Barrister, Solicitor, Wotary Public ; but just the opposite | readers\in the United States he would have toned down his figures nearly 90 | 45 Federal Life: Building, Hamilton | per centt. He talks about the 32,000 being withdrawn.from the Canadian forces "Phone 154 and ntrengthened by 10,000 to be sent from the United States to form an @ â€"â€" a but the stupldity of | Amerfean army corps, When they begin to muster out the American cltizons | **======m=smmmmmmmmmmmemmmmmmemmem I ibmarine menace can : from our Expeditionary Foree it will be found that Goneral Mason‘s estimate AZIER & LAZIER, BAKKISTERS,| o Admfralty, but they : of their number is at least large enough. 'L Solicitors, Notaries, ete â€" Maorev o | 8 s to adopt It. It is with a great d.gmr%mmmm that Canadians have read the | loan at lowest: ratex. Office, *Sreciso lotter of Drigadierâ€"General Mason published in the leading papers reenctly, | Building." Hamiltos, . nemace and that is to| refuting the claim of the New York Herald to the effect that 32,000 United ; K. F. Lazier. H. L. Lazier, | Into fleets, with each | States rm:al- ure l:“hl.l‘nnwh mlfl. with the Canadian units. ‘.\n-z‘rd‘ln;' :: | __â€"_iv.l ompanted by chasers | actual statistics com lerâ€"General Mason, the number Imit States citizens with the Canadian unit«, is 7,500, with less than buif tis: _ AUCTIONEER | P number in France, In the same letter Brigadierâ€"General Mason says that he | \Inst nmanders will steer| bas been told that New York papers were sold the other day in the streets, JAS, A. LIVINGSTON, Auctioneer | o crew hangs by _ a| t0 the ery of "Great Americau Victory at Vimy." If this latter statement “i and Valuater C no doubt, brave and | !T48, it is typical of the spirit of braggadocia and selfishness ever uppermost | CGrimsby, Ontarie, * |m and they will steer| @8 # characteristic of the United States, and in view of the belated entry of | + destroyers, whenever | the States Into the war for the freedom of the world from tyranny and opâ€" ) *=~â€"â€"â€"a_e B | pression, it would m:" :.uur nn-'numlnble 'lo l:-y mn‘ll wrest ulu-'llor'y‘ of iw victory from our Can boys who have fought and suffered for three nustit ) on .. â€"â€" all yearee s T TUTRTTâ€"COTTEAN and the fleet accom» immune from attack torpedo was fired by : prepared for action If it was able to es« Reader If the German warships could bard Dover and Ramsgate, what »ulling ncross the Channel and ho 77 06 Derman warships could sail across the English Channel and bomâ€" bard Dover and Ramsgate, what is to prevent the British warships from »ulling ncross the Chanmel and bombarding Ostend and Zuburge and blowing the whar(s, docks and submarines Into the cternal bowâ€"wows? That‘s what 1 want to know, A recent New York Herald «despatch from Lon in some Canadian newspapers ins the astont are 32,000 American cltizens lu‘m'(‘mudlun fore front. Of the hosts of the people mero«s the line w! many doubtless belleve it to h:‘ not because ous Information they had onâ€"the subject, but bee the thought. Possibly,,too, some @Lthe more heedle whose cyer the item came would Aecept it at its 1 quely untrue, Brigadierâ€"General Mason shows wh h Ameriacn (Witens In Our "Who loves the screaming of the noon whistle, unless it is the lasy lad who Is hungry? 8o It Is with disâ€" cordant tongsin your, _bhqme. It is a, wellâ€"ksown fact that on the walls of insane hospitals red is never used. w A recent Now THE INXDEPENDENT, GRrZSBT, OXTARIO irality boasting that in the attack of the German that only one person was kifled and that most of country. They should be ashamed to announce it. man warships to pleces with whells from the Brit« should have done some boasting, but to announce Xkilled in the raid, was the announcement of their Army :â€"â€" No matter what the style | sin paper, go and chcose the tint that rests you. have your home . made . harmontous | with light, soft tints, and . see . how ; much more cheerfu! the whole family will be. "Think of trying to slep in hung with flaming red popple there should be soft pa‘e tint out figures, white if possible one spends o many hours. are largely the reault of diso lack of pproper harmony, el a nervous attack . woen . thit wrong? V & | Water Rates 11 | Water Rates !!! "Danish . ugly . taines from. your home; use only skuple furnishings that muke your home . re«tfnl, and when you are uncomfortable . in . a room, begin . studying that roqm. Begin with the papes. Do your cyes follow the pattern or the figure? If so, have 1t taken <f and choose a Dauer that yests your eyes and, thus soothes your nerves. It will pay you muny timts over, far more than the cost of the _ paper, even if It be an expensive one, for anything that con? erves or restores health is cheap, no matter what ||t _ cost«"â€"*"Everyâ€" woman‘s World." THE GOWLAND LAVERY The Gowland Livery, situated on Depot St., GRIMSEY, and consistâ€" ing of a large number of horses,, drays, waggons, buggios, . carriages, and harness, and all the other things necessary for a big livery and teamâ€" ing business, will be offered for sale by public auction on Saturday, . May 5, 1917, at oneâ€"thirty o‘clock in the afternoon. Terms twenty dollars and under cash, over that amount . six months‘ credit. Jas. A . Livingston, anctioncer. penalty) failing which ceedings will be taken. for Water Office hours Outstanding accounts must be paid immediately, (with "*_‘tso\ failine which proâ€" AVUCTION SALE _ AT BEAMSVILLE Mrs. Sarah Corey, having decided to give up bousekseping, will ofer for sale all her houschold goods hirmiay, â€" May 10. 1917, . at o‘clock sharp ow the Cru ks ERAmy Senet CC udey o‘clock sharp ow _ the . Cruikshank farm just north of Bou neville. 1 orms euth. Jas. A. Livingston, avctioneer, Water Rates ! ARE YOU GOING wEST THIS SPRING! If so, bear in mind that the Canaâ€" dian Pacific offers especially . good train service, with the finest posslâ€" bile â€" equipment . including Standard und Tourist Sleeping Cars and Dinâ€" AUCTION SARE DATE MAY 10,â€"Sale of household furniture ut â€" the residence of Mrs. Saral Corey, on the Cruickshank | farm, just north of cansmville OFPERED FOR _ SALE BY AUCTION H. Bromley mnélos d.n" 9 to 12 Saturdays wike uk | CariTAL Patp Up, $15,000,000 °J Resemve Funp, . $13,500,000 than the It be an that con? is cheap, â€""Everyâ€" on uhe Office over | Phone 216 GRIMSBY OFFICE HOURS â€"9.30 a.». GRIMSBY, ONT Room 40 Federal Life Building, Main and James Sts., Hamilton, Ont. o F. HANSEL, Dentist, which will give tunities with m« the event of it b DelaWar® IRIRNNICC Women are . becoming influential mmhmlmwd“" "r,-m..‘-nmï¬l Mrs. John Hays Mammond has Mtumhudwlnhhd Mercy to the United States navy in of $1 and upwards at any branch of the Bank. * Grimsby Branch = G. L. Waugh. Manager ENCY Mrs. Frederick Funston, widow of General Funston, has been granted a penslon of $100 a month. Sloux City, (Ia.) milliners have add ed a fifth season to the four now recâ€" ognized by the trade. ‘ ETT USDITT Ob Siin Pasen: oP Los Angeles, Cal, has over 16,000 women driving motorcars. Wisconsin employs over 50,000 woâ€" men in its factories and stores. Over 2,000 women are . acting . as chauffeurs in the Dritish and French uh lA d s oo _ ‘The favorite dishes of the Queen Holland are English roast beef a mutton. [ i 5 Lon 2022 chavnod ing Cars to Wianipe¢ and Vancouver by one of the most picturesque routes in the World. ‘ If a trip is contemplated, apply to any 0. P. R. Agent for full nnm-\ lars or write W. B. Howard, District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont. â€" ‘The suffragists failed suffraze amendment Delaware legislature. . THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE DR. W.A. BRNWNLEE DEt.TISi OrFiCEâ€"STTPHEN Bioca SR EDMUND WALKER SRGrtz f) JOHN AIRD, General Munager C.V.O, LLD, DCL, President C\ W J)) H. V, F. JONES, As‘c Gen‘l Manager Each dollar saved will help Canada to do her share in the War. LIVINGSTON & NEIL Interest allowed at 3%, per annum on Savings deposits râ€" J. M. Hughton entist WENTWORTH MURRAY g". Hughson St. South, Hamiltong THINK WELL BEFORE YOU SPEND ACTIVITIES OF WOMEN BUSINESS CARDS J C. Farrells Shoe Store Electrical Equipment j ONT DENTAL ve WOmET NUO _ iam men in civit service in i becoming a 1aw. Floor) LICENSED AUGTIONEERS for the County of Farm sales a specialty Reasonable prices Satisfaction guaranteed to have the sed in the n of and CUivit and Mining iEngineers Land murveyors, Ofice~? Hughson ®1 south R Tstepbous Wws McKay, McKay & Webster James J. McW Telephone 4766 607 Bank of Hamilton Chambers HAMILTON, ONT. J. W. TYRRELL & CO. Physician and Coroner, Contm- Office Hours: $ to 10 a.m., 1 to 2 p.m and 7 to $ pm. Main Street l‘ulh ‘Plhone No. 1. Grim#by. On real estate security. . Both ivate and Company funds Valuator for The Hamilten Provident and Loan Society Insurance and Real Estate PHONE NO. 7 DR. L. F. JAMIESON & Give me a trial and Iwill give you ; satisfaction. g W. flfat?t_e“';â€â€œ ! Estimates furnished on all kinds 5 of jobs. 3 Smail orders promptly attended to. ; Repairs of all kinds done at rea« sonable rates. Main Streei, East, + Grimsby WEDNESDAY, NMAY 3, 191; DOMINION LAND SURVEYORS ONTARI LAND SURVEYORS CIVIL ENCINEERS MmoNnEy TO LOAN ‘JAS. A. LiAxgs Grimsby * Dr. R. A. Alexander Officeâ€"Main Street, Grimsby Physician and Surgeon Telephone 74 W. A. Patterson W. B. CALDER LAND SURYEYOR NISCELLA NEQOUS CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER â€" Ermest 0. MeXay am 0. Webstar KEDICAL d Hamiites