Grimsby Independent, 11 Apr 1917, p. 7

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Poisoning 0f the blood in this way often eauses Indigestion, Loss of Appetite and Disturbed Stomach. It may proâ€" duee Incadaches and Slceplessness, . 7Z may irrilate the Kidneys und bring on Pain in the Hack, Rboumatism, Gout, and IRheumatic Pains. «1t is the chief eause of Eezemaâ€"and Aeeps the whole system unkealiky by thecoustant absorpâ€" tion into the blood of this rofuse matter, Instead of the refuse matter passing daily from the pody, it is absorbed by the blood. As a result, e ATdneys and Stin are overworked, in their efforts to #i the blood of this poisoning. Fruitaâ€"tives" will always cure Auto= infoxication ur selfâ€"poisoning â€"as "Fruitaâ€"tives " acts gently on bowels, kidneys# and skin, streagthens the bowels and tones up thenervoussysteimn. Ye. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25¢. At all dealers or sent postpaid on receiptofprice hy Fruitâ€"aâ€"tives Limited, Ottawa. ; "FRUITâ€"Aâ€"TIVES" â€" The Wonderful Fruit Medicine â€" will Protect You Antointoxication :.cans selfâ€"poisonâ€" ing, caused by eontinuous or partial eonstipation, or Insuflicient action of the bowels. HOWTCGUARD AGAINST The Dangerous Condition AUTOINTOXICATION OR SELFâ€"POISONING Which Produces Many Well To the Fruit Growers of Grimsâ€" by and Surrounding Country You will please take notice that I ar still Agent for the GRASâ€" SELLI LAMEâ€"SULPRUR SPRAY materials, the best on the market, everything 1 sell for this Company is GUARANTEED. Please call me for particulars. No order too small or none too big. I sell Grasselli iyhm Solution, Arsengte ofâ€"Lend épaste or powder), Grasselli Mixture Paste, Fr## Nicotine, 200 HiipiemtmentsNlioatlng ... ACCESS SYSTEMS LTD 41370 Wallace Road _ WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11. 1917 THIS TROUBLE stock always on To ob:l; ;‘.;'l:w:fl*f;;e and the most convenient routing apply to W. B. CALDER, Ins. Agents, or write to R. L. Fairbairn, General Passenger Dept. 68 King St. E., Toronto WESTERN CANADA and the PACIFIC COAST Low Fares and Through Tickets Electric lighted and comfortably equipped Trains To obtain the lowest fare and the most convenient 1 se 6e Cw oc TL _6 Loidh VIA CANADIAN NORTHERN "Phone 107, in the season. Mares that have mad per ma} parturition should be 4 elshth OP nint? day after f und tried on the . fourt eIthtcenth day», and if : ll}: the services of the hor er bf theve days. be tried « day untl the . twontyâ€"ses Unless the mare is 0 choeut be found as effective a 1 can be employed. _ ‘The most {mportant _ thing asto mare and foals to be practiced by breedora and grooms having charso of stud farms is a thorough obserraâ€" tion of the physical condition of . the mares and foals, Of ccuse, tits study should be taken up at the beâ€" winning of the breeding season, witl: a more than general . knowledgo » of the characteristics and teraperament al pecullaritles of each individual more; as each must be soparate‘y judged as to when whe is in season or not as the breeding season prog +s ses and the trinls proceod to . deter« mine whother or.not sho has conâ€" celved. A A mare should at the beginning of the breeding season be in . healthy condition and in at least fair tlesb. if u mare has not shed her coct due to the earliness of the season, hor cout vbould have that glossy lo# found in geod health only, Lxd her general ac thons be such a« to preclace auything but that of a chrifty condition. . Here is where an inthrate knowledce of each Individual wmare will be. found to be indispenâ€"able. ,Barren mares, as to their . physic condition, are woverned by the sa; general rule as mures tht are â€" foul, but before breeding should ©»amined by one competect to detâ€" wine the causation of such failure conceive. The causes are many n turied and the treatments for ca should bave the careful atiention one competent to adminster to «4 vilment. Many stud grooms are c0 potent to , remedy . the slinpler . a rsents. $ Taking it for granted thai the inur> cunceives, . the . first _ requiremente wre plenty of range; good pine waie* and such feed, both in quality and quantity, us is necessary to keep no# in good flesh and health, Many mores CARE OF THE MARE AND POAL To all Points in und perfectiy norâ€" uld be bred on (he after foaling and fourtcenth . and ad if â€" not accoptâ€" the horge on elCrâ€" a tried every thind entyâ€"sevs oth ~day physical the same 1 in the bot summer month« eesential, and shoulg this ! it might be well t0 kep thea ing the heat of. the day a them out late in the aftern night, In the fall they «wl require more feed, and t should be such as to glve‘the noltéâ€"grain . and _ rouging average horse‘s stomach y pbout twonty quarts, and that it would be best t» 1 fouds 'vmld best . serve terests r will ~do well on grass onty, while others need more or less grain .Nerâ€" Vous mares or pushaclous ones mas require to be kept separate from Gt>> ers, Most nervous . mares, however, do better with company «ad such company is generally of | their own choosloy. A nervous mare, wits a foal by herâ€"side, will do well with fto uther companion. % Oats, corn and bran ase cenerally conceded to be the best simall graims, pnd timothy, clover, or a imixture . of the two, or alfalfa, cholse â€" of â€" thn roughages. 3'- undoubtedty is . the beri allâ€"rount gratu. Oats contain a Ligher percentage of protcins, a h and fiber carboâ€"hydrates; and . within » fraction as mifeh fat fat us eorh, which has the larger porsontage . of nitrogen free carboâ€"hydrates _The proper feed for the averaze | ware is one pound.of oats to each | normal one _ hundred . pounds . of| weight of the horse. The amount . of | corn used should be one pverage ear | to each one hundred pounds of the | vilmai‘s weight, if used wits oats. . a | le#s amount. + | The use o fthe thrée gi8‘ns as o mixture is the ideat food . for brow! j stock. Comm will . fatten . quicker nnb necount of the higher percentage . of nitrogen free | carboâ€"hydrates, ind | this in the cold . winter nionths is a | gieat thing to be desired, s nu!|| und fatenable the mare to withstand | the rigors of the weather, The om’ or softer quality of ‘corn is more casily mastlcated, although no , murt | nutritiouns than the Mint variety, I Cortn is always best fel on the cob, as the grains keep botter and are not | #> apt to mould. The advantage . of | feeding bran with the other grains is | that it is a mild laxative on accovit | of â€" its phosphorusâ€"holding protein. | Several times a week.bran may b* fed wity good effect to foaling‘ or ‘lvnmn; mares. _ i s M Timothy hay is the roughuge probâ€" whly most used. Although not particâ€" ularly tich in digestible nutriments, it has the advantage of . cieanliness and freedom from dust. Clover, or inixed clover and timothy, is the Ido .« roughness, if carefully pui up and free from . dust, and . used severai times a week together with bran, thc mare will be receiving the wost erpdo protein . phosphoras and â€" lime, . and consequently the most muscle aud in the foal. _ Alfw)fa | has , myimy of the . good points of clover and can be used to much advantage. As & diuretic it bus THE 1NDEPENDENT, GRIMSBY, ONTARIO ean be fed t~ the the b ind . ti icon | ; probu it use shad> is Incking up durâ€" her elr best The hotd couns sitc1 wÂ¥ marked advantages. Alfalfa bay wi. [curse the voldance of over twice we [amount of urine that un equal | amount of timothy hay will | _ Water is as essential as food. About onebundred pounds a day, or |ten or twelve gailons, should be furâ€" !nl-ho dio each mare. Nearly oneâ€"baif the amount consumed | passes . out 1wnh the feees; about forty per cent. as urine and the balance through the | lungs and skin. w | _ ‘The stabling should no a . goos, | warm, roomy stall, with a wide door ‘eud kept clean and sanitary and well | bedded, . with plenty of . ventilation {and light, As the time approncton for the dropping of the foal, the stal‘ should be _ kept «perfectly . clear Many foa ldiseases come from urâ€" |cleanness and pervious vrachous or | lenkage of the umbilicus and proâ€" \ repthaeinia, commonly _ known | as {joint M11, septicâ€"artaritis or â€" rheumaâ€" | thim, are the direct result of germs {taken in st the thue of . foaling ‘ through the umbilical opeting. m a EJe | ungestructed. 1 10 first feces ‘ang is the accun [ Mtd, and if not t | foud will natura®! ed.) this whould 1 as Bot to cause | !irl-vfif(ini that the foal zets . thi? ]‘l'h «hows that the colt car | m M and . that the «maro‘s | udger s normal ang the flow of mil‘: | it the weather is mild onoug‘ for fealing oit of doors on the clean | turf, this is preferable. it will be ! found to be an advantage ii forled :n the stall to always wash the stump lol the cord with a five per cent. soinâ€" \tion of, earbolic acid or ereolin. . â€" _ soribas consequences, and frequent ilr ath to the foal. A retention of wilk in the udder of the mare, or an ingrss of germ life, may cause a mitis or inflammation which san ucugily be prevented, but if such a | condition should iseue bot fomentaâ€" itlons will do . mue hty correct it Should the parturition not he normal the services of one capable of dealâ€" ing with such conditions,»hould by wont for at once, 2s the longer the ‘dclay of relieving the mare. the mare ‘apt a fatal termination to the foal |and correspondingly to the mare. | As the foal advancas in age and the mare is fed grain, it is veryâ€"bone ficlal to have the feed box low enough for the foal to learn to cot oate with its dam, and when it has learneq to thus eat grain, have a spccial tox alongside of the feed box of the di», And when the dam is fod, also put rolled onts in for the foal in its own box, a pint to start . with, guo increase as the l::* shows . its | nppreciation ofâ€"this feed. No uncasiâ€" ness need be felt that the . foal will overieed, but do not allow this . feed tw accumulate and ferment. Feed onâ€" ty such &s the foal will ~clean up good, and keep Its feed alwnys sweet and clean Dy thus teaching the foal to eat grin, when weaning> time comce it vill be easy for the fool and aléo the groom. It will be found that the weanling willâ€"not frot 0; . worry about its dam and will continue to thrive, without losing flesh, as would 10 first feces is called maconeum, and is the accumulations of .footal 1itd, and if not taken czre of by the will naturally have to be remoyâ€" ed.) his whould be done carefully, so as Bot to cause injury to the rectum If Ptained, the mass will become herp end cause ‘colle, followed by inâ€" flaibmation of the bowels and . their eovg:ingr, which will projuce yery lolbvllltntl"'m to eat grain at weing. It will make it muche aster also on the dam, as . the foal will not require so much nourigh ment fro aher, and she will thereâ€" fore have wore strength to give to the footus then in a state of incubm« tion, At . weiink time, i: may . be m.:bu“:‘uu:w milk the ""ut as few as poskibl Amnw-ts:mufln as to this py the state fo. the mare‘s uddet. 1t she is a free toiler, hor udder should not be allowod to faver and start infammation, During the Procebs of weaning, marey and foals thould be kept as for from cach cthâ€" ®r as practicable, so that . they . wil not bear eaey other‘s eall, which on« Iv Irrlates q>â€" anxiety and makes weaning the harder. After a fey days they will both beâ€" emme reconcile) to the separation, and the fou) pay then be tnrnod Out und the proces; of growing for . maâ€" turity bezun. __W. K. Goover, V. 8. _ MURAD government of Peru will sond .ln Cubs to study the “‘z" wanytictur» of tobacco fOr a The blending | is exzeplional zun CIGARETTES 1 _.\"‘ [’ ‘\A":. tss ) ons / M §xxxxxxxxxxxxmxxxxxxxxxxx; Main Street = Grimsby gs se Mese m en nea nane p B se bane nane nane seb sena se Advertise in the Independent The discomfort of soggy, sodking.feet loads straight to the deeper discomfort and lurking danger of coldsâ€"and coughsâ€" All Roads Are Dry and Clean to Those W ho Wear Our Rubbers The extravagance of exposing good shoe leather to spfingâ€" time mud and slush is magnified by present shoo pricés. ‘The usclessness of it all is decisively demonélrated by the purchase and wear of a pair of the trimâ€"fitting rubbers we sell. #@" To City, Town and Villoge Dweliers in Ontario. time you have the splendid satisfaction ol and the Allics achieve victory this year. ‘The Ontario Department of Agticulture will mmmwa«mm.fl poultry keeping, _ Write for free bulletin which tells how to keep hens (address below). Keep hens this year tions for preparing "A vegetable garden for every home" $ Nothing should be overiooked in this vital year of anyone Increased production of food "st only to lower emvalls moded nemids hm it is io rome emvare lt-vny-n.yuh'hmtlc?flm at liflmulnm.thhhr others whose effort for more vital war work. JNO. C. FARRELL W. H. Hearst, Minister of Agriculture !mtiuo(hu%_vfii Terento 1! bi

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