Grimsby Independent, 11 Apr 1917, p. 6

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IRRITATED ‘ Distri:t GLASSES once 4 old age,. are n . of .d sense. Libs ‘There 4s something in Zamâ€"Ruk that makes this famous balw vice torious over obstinate skin diseases § Jas. Crawford § Confectioner Mr, John 1 Fronette, of Nign« €00, N.B., writes: " A rash appeared on my head and quickly spread until my head was entirely covered with sores. J was a shocking sight. and was suffering a great deal with the burning and Irritation. 1 consulted a doctor, who told me 1 had eczema, and although he prescribed several medicines which 1 used, 1 did not weem to get any better. w n hoi en i TAAAE & SORE ? """Phen I tried Zamâ€"Buk, whieh 1| ®002Uon wi! not cause fiim to nnwr' had heard highly recommended, and . ; from the village, however, Was soon delizhted with the im \ =“‘ ement in the sores. The burn< | _ The appointment of Major G. E. x and irritation got less by deâ€" | R. Begy, of the 4th and 8ist Battaâ€" . and then disappeared. . The ‘lhmu. Canadian Expeditionary Force, mxmubn was drawn aut, aud . ; to the command of the bervice Battu« before long the sores were entirely lion, Canadian Defence Force, of the heale." | 19th Lincoln Regiment, is confirmed Zamâ€"Duk is the world‘s great Rerâ€" _ by order ILQ. 709â€"2â€"2, dated March bat akin cure. and is unequalled for | 29th, 1917. Zamâ€"Duk is the world‘s great herâ€" bat akin cure, and is unequalled for uleers, old sores, bad‘ legs, boils, bioodâ€"polsoning. _ ringworm, _ and ples, as well as cuts, burns, scalds. and all skin Injuries. . All druggiata ar Zamâ€"Buk Co., Toronto; 50¢. box, o n t RALMRARAAAAAAAAAS We are in automobil o Te t fute a fram pary o" * Repairing of all kinds done scoTTt & SANGSTER the softe In the days of ©10 M M00004 a sitn lense, older people hesitated t wour Glassos because of the highly Whomlbullc‘n‘ilul- emithing department was never in better sbape to handle your work, than right now. If you want good work, give as a call. Yoday, everybody advises our jard tle double vision lenses, that look 3ingle pair of Classes, but serve the l‘!!".,'ji‘_'f_' 42 asli 1H‘« onr nleat We invite you to call. Jt‘s our pleas ure to ahow them. wen applied to ® "0"°°,, ‘abton that is intendod «9 MOoNEY TO LOAN Kipp & FarRELL Real Estate and Lunch Counters Caterers 34 King St. w., H A MIL T O N Manulacturer ot Wodding Cakes teo Cream and Fine Candy Wasdings, Receptions, At Momes and Catertainments Supplied The caterpiilar Phone 74 REPAIRING Private and Company SHOEING L B. ROUSE _ |To rent for the Season 41 ground 411 Ming ECast. AND '.i. WCC', once the sign of are now the sign erimser, ONT ‘Terminal Station. treaa principle hBS cart of Wuglish 16 _ cazame ¢ 1. FARRELL trave 1 over the Toronto, April 5.â€"The legislature this afternoon declared itsell against increasing the speed limit for motor» g Ists from 20 to 25 miles an hour in rural districts, and from 15 to 20 â€" miles an hour in towns and cities as proposed in a clause of the bill amending the motor and vehicles net, { introduced by George E. Gooderham. Welland County Patriotic Fund is now over $2000,000. 8t. Catharlt $20,000 to the Beamsville â€" Expross.â€"Rev. C. E. MeLeod preached his farewell serâ€" mon in the Raptist Church on Sunday. air. McLood‘s now duties as Sect. of the Ontario and Quesee Baptist Asâ€" sociation will not cause him to move from the village, however. 8t. Catharines building permits for March total $34,740. Beamsville Express.â€"The death ull |a well known and respected restdent of Clinton ‘Township took place on ! | Wednesday last March 28, when Murâ€" ; | garet MeMartin, Celoved wile of Geo. | Gray passed away, Deceased bad been | a resident of Clinton for about cight | years moving "here with her lmnlnndl 'nml family from Finch, Stormont Co., and unf.»rc-d the esteem of x wide cirâ€" cle of mds. _ She was in her 46th year, and hindâ€"been alling for several mouths. . Beside her husband, five daughters; Mrs. C. Coulson, Maud, 'lm.ual-udln-;-ml- sul, all at homesurvive. The funcral Himilton Spectator.â€"The will . of the late Joseph Garinger, farmer, of Binbrook, has been entered for proâ€" batg. He left an estaze valued at §12,â€" 050, the benegclaries veing two daugh ters and three sons. It was left as folâ€" lows: Miss Witholminin, $300; Misa Elizabeth, $1,000; Joseph H., $1,000; Edward, $1,000, and the residue to Elmond. Hamilton Spectator.â€"John Is. Young passed away last evening at 57 Market street, where he has been residing, after an iliness of about two months, aged 53 years. Deceased was born in the township of Binbrook und hbas been a resident of this city for about four years. Surviving him ure his yife, one son, Evorett J., of Mannon, ‘and one brother, Robert, of Hall‘s Corners. The funeral will take place Saturday afternoon at 2 o‘clock from J. H. Robinson & Co‘s chupel to Dickenson‘s burying ground. Meseee C 00200000 smmb kins conducted the xervicee. __ Any of thexe rruwruu L. \ ad at a reasonable yent to @ | or will be wold at very " prices on esÂ¥ terms. Por 1 culars -wlL to ®, F. WA® 1NGTON, K4 or 16 H. H. ANDERSON, SEALED TENDERS, aiddressed to the Postmasfer General, will be received at dntawn until noon, on Pridny, the filh May, 1917, for the conveyance _of | His Maesty‘s Malls, on it propesed Contract for foue years, | fortyâ€"IWO wingle . (mes por week on the route Jordan & l(‘.c Rtn. PS C00 Sordin Sta. P. 0. from the 1st. por week on the route Jordan & u‘.. d 1. °9. via Jordan Sta. P. 0. from t lnt. July hext. Printed notlces containing further in formation as to conditions of p-r:-‘ Contruct may hg mu.rui tlank forms of ‘Tender may be obt ned at the Post Oilices of Jordan, Jordan Sta. and at the Oflice of the Post Oifice Inspector, Torâ€" onto. 20 Lueueei awB: onto. A. SUTHERLAND, Post Office inspector, rost oPPrICH IN8PBCTOIE® OPFICE, "Foronto, March 23rd, 1917. No. 1â€"â€"North half of Lot 7, Conâ€" cession 4, in the Township of Louth, containing fity acres of good fruit land, with good buildings, about four miles from 8t Catharines and . two wnd a half miles from Port Dalhousic, some fruit in bearing, balance of the land suitable for tomatoes, potatoes, awll kinds of vegotables and grain, 6X« eellent proposition for market . gar« dener. No. 2.â€"Part 0t Lot #, Concersion HCD 1 CE ~Camnd No, 4.â€"Purt 0° / front | and . 1st. C Grimsby, nine and soll, firstâ€"class yOR Hiitke _ frult, . withi Grimaby. KNo. 4. â€"Part of 1 1 and 2, North OGrit ull planted in fral firstâ€"oluss bulldings Orknaby Beach on We have the following fruit farms which we will sell at reasonable prices or will rent for the season of uy uin C hC es bulldings, nearly all planted in fruit in bearing, good locality, within one mile of Grimsby Beach. xt #__â€"Purt of Lort 15, in ll!!lk'!l 1917 FOR SALE MAIL CONTRACT No, %.~Part .0 North Grimaby s Council has granted Patriotic Fund. agew, Mn M TD CCocd h all« | on the electric rail ;A" i rm uppli¢ opertics will be rent ~ s rent to a #004 lmmI mt very reasonable | erms. Por full partlâ€"| 0“ , © ® ai 15, in broken oncesslon, â€" North 1 half neres, good etable land, very ) qwo mfiles . of ot 1, Concessions why, seven acres, in full bearing half a mile from the electric railâ€" 11 Batta« Force, Battu« of the Hamilton, Grimsby 7, Conâ€" sonable Summary esaion wood Welland Tolegrapnâ€"C, . y. Holâ€" Pombe and Wiltiam Helser of Humâ€"| herstone township, last summer were! associated in the cutting of the hay | that grows on the land belonging to the Coment Company, near Port Colâ€"‘ borne, They met in the Welland Coun ty Court this week to have adjustod a grievance cach alleged to have against the other as a sequence to that hayâ€"cutting association, The reâ€" nult has been that Holcombe has obâ€" tained a judgement ugainst Helser for $150, for share of the value of the hayâ€"not the hay cut for the cement company, but hay cut on *Helser‘s |n-rl|l while they were engaged also on lllll' cement job, St. Catharines . Standargâ€"~ Over a | million dollars in | customs . revenue from the city of 8t. Catharines for last your is the record of the local office for this port, a new high water mark that sots other citics of a simiâ€" lar sizoe far in the shade. For the fisâ€" cal year which ended March 3ist the Pn C returns for 8t. Catharines totalled |Iw‘ magaificent amount of $1,154,708.75,| an increase of $309,348.75 over the previous year when the returns reached $845,350.69. The revenne for March reached a total of $137,027.13, un increase of $70,624.29 for the same month _lost year when the returns were $67,292.84. Thus it will be seen that the returns for Murch of this year more than doubled that for March 1916. 1 uy j ars _ 20 00060 That TOr. Moved by A. Kennedy, seconded by March 1916, Walter Misener that the Collector be| relieved of collectiag the following Welland Press.â€" * | taxes: Dr. Jamicson, business tax, Year 1914â€"15........ .....$281,037.47) $7.25; James Smith, A. Hanuigan and Yoeur 1915â€"16.... .... .... 564,032.58| Joe Bowyington, $1 each dog tax. Year 1916â€"17....... ...... $24,077.29) Carried. The Customs year closes on l-rcbl Moved by H. Strong, seconded by 31st and the record for the past year| David E. Krick that at the next reâ€" at Welland customs office shows not gulir meeting of this Council we only n stupendous increase over the! will take Into consideration and two previous years but also ¢Xceeds| deemed expedient pass a byâ€"law to uny yeur in the history of Welland‘s atter the boundaries of School seeâ€" boom. The figures given above show| tion No. 6 and that the Clerk notify the total collections zor the years nd‘ the several partics interested, Carâ€" ’lu: March 31. 1915, :nn'l: l‘l. m:|m¢, and March 31. 1915, larch 31, 191 â€"law No. 345 was passed approvâ€" unprecedented prosperity. is reflected llz,’mudllor A. Kennedy road supâ€" lln these figures. _ Industrially .tb¢) orfntendent in Division No. 1. town has now reached m bigh water) "j;, Strong road Superintendent in mark never before approached. Th¢) piyision No, 2. collections for last month and th¢! â€" Waiter Misener road superintendent same month in 1916 are compared 95) in Piyision No. 3. | follows:â€" * | _ David E. Krick roaud superintendent March 1917..,.... _ .+«+>+++$80,039.44| in Diviston No. 4. _ ‘Mul’l"l 1010022 22 y Aeree s “.Ifl.lfl Moved by David E. Krick, seconded | DECLARATION OF WAR | | _ Nere‘s the list of war declarations | in the present conflict, with dates. 4 | _ The list Includes dates of the more| ‘llnpoflnlll in which hostilities heunl | without formal..deciarations; . @ts> / | . gr Main Sb ‘\ fetephone 774 "i Bridgeburg Customs Increase _ Bridgeburg, April 1.1â€"The customs receipts for the port of Bridgeburk for the year ending March 3ist was $695,800.27, an â€" Increase of $100,280 over last year ooo en eenenneeneeennnn en 0000001 Aug. 6 â€" Austria vs. Russia ‘ Aug. 7 _ Montenegro vs. A«sria, Aug. 10 France vs. Austrins Aug. 10 â€" Austria vs. France, Aug. 12 Montenegro Â¥s. a» any. Aug. 23 Japan vs. Germany. Aug. 25 Austria vs. Jupan, Aug. 28 Austria vs. Bel Oct. 20 *Turkey ‘vs. _R Nov. 2 Russis v«. Turkey. Nov. 5 â€" Great Britain vs. xey. Nov. 5 â€" France vs. Tu Nov. 7 â€" Belgium vs, Tui Nov. 7 Serbia vs. Turkey. Nov. 10 Montenegro vs. iy, May June Aug. Oct. . Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct Mar. Mar. Mar Aug Aug. Aug. Aug. EUE poesh NAKE YOUR OWN GENUN! LAGER BEER at home withf Mopâ€"Mait Beer Extract Ask for particulars and pric L l‘meg %ontracto’"s and Builders Suppliej' 23 98 i l April 6 Un e |unnny, vlegraphâ€"C. v. Hoj.\ April T Co Hllam Helser of Humâ€"| : Abril 7 Pa ship, lost summer were! _ *Began ho the cutting of the hay| dectaration. : the land belonging to _ *Ultimatum THE INDEPEXDENXT, ontysor, ]||$F.i‘h’l‘ €0. 16 BReameville, On! Russia vs. Turkey., Great Britain vs. % France vs. Tui Belgium. vs, Tu Sorbia vs. Turkoy. Montenegro â€"vs. liy Germany vs, 1O Portugal vs. Ger *Austrin va. Port Italy vs. German Roumania Â¥8. AUs Germany vs. Rot Gormany vs. Ro Bulgaria. o vs. ar vs, Poriggal ve. n va. Portial Germa f , vs. Ausiria va. ml vas alll eBR0OIONUOIUNINN est ILTON Balz»ria AERLNENN | gal any ral. arld ) _ Communications were read by the \ Clerk from the Hydro Electric Railâ€" I“’ Association re membership fees Department Public Highways re apâ€" | pointing Township. Road Superintenâ€" | dent, Dominion _ Alliance re . petion ‘ for Dominion Prohibition. \ John Gracey presented a petition| wigned by a number of ratepayers} ‘ntlng to huve the road commencing ut the Canbord road between lots 20 and 21 and extending north across |eoncession 1 2 and 3 to the Sllverâ€" |street road, widence or to have the |rail fences along sald highway reâ€" moved. ;| _ Nelson Chadwick presented a petiâ€" ,| tion signed by a number of ratepayers +| asking the council to pass a byâ€"law ,| to alter the boundaries of the Schdol ;| section No. 6. i\ _ Byâ€"law No. 344 wus passed conâ€" :\ firming the appointment of 8. W. s\ Freure as Township Treasurer. The Council met pursuant to adâ€" Journment. Members all present. The minutes of the last meeting were read and confirmed. | lll:-lu' No. 245 was passed approvâ€" Councilior A. Kennedy road supâ€" erintendent in Division No. 1. | _ M. Strong roud Superintendent in | Diviston No. 2. Aug. 30 Aug. 31 Moved by H. Strong, seconded by David E. Krick that at the next reâ€" gulir meeting of this Council we will take Into consideration and . i deemed expedient pass a byâ€"law to alter the boundaries of School seeâ€" thon No. 6 and that the Clerk notify the several partics intercsted, Carâ€" ried. ‘Grimsby, Ont, Also at the best drug» {sts in n1l Outario towne. _‘ | _ Moved by A. Konnedy, seconded by David E./ Krick, that the Reev> ard Counciliors Misener and Strong be a committee to Interview parties hayâ€" Ing rail fences aloug Lighwny beâ€" | tween lots 20 and 21 Concesinos 1, { 2 and 3 with a view to havimg foncâ€" | es removed: Carried. | _ Moved by Harlan Strong, seconded | by Walter Misener, thut the Reeve | be authorized to confer with Pelham | Township re town line between Polâ€" | ham and Gaingboro. Carried. | _ Moved by Walter Misener, seconded | by A. Kennedy, that the Reeve ll“ | Treasurer be authorized to issue their Moved by David E. Krick, seconded by â€" Mantan â€" Strong, _ that â€" Delmer Vaughan be appointed overscer . in place of Smith Lane in subâ€"division No. 4. Carried. Vaughan e appomied CVErREt LJ place of Smith Lane in subâ€"division|~ 8t. Cathaurines, April 8 The . en« No. 4. Carried. trance of their country Into the war Moved by David E. Krick, secondâ€"| w8# celebrated last night by citizens ed by Walter Misener that the Treasâ€"| of the United States living in 8t.; urer‘s Bond be deposited in the Sterâ€"| Catharines, by a torchlight and autoâ€"} ling Bank at Wellandport and not to| mobile parade thromgh the principal | be relleved without the consent of u.,' streets of the elty. There were quite Reeve, Carried. | a large number of people from aCross, Moved by Harlan Strong, seconded| the border holding tmportant . poslâ€"| by A. Kennedy, that Whereas Mr, J.| tions here, and many mon aro engiate| 1. Zimmerma®: has | been Treasurcr| ed in munttion factories, They l""'" for th % now. ) 61. Cre on the Market Square, s "by. the19th Rogt: | f * M e .:T'w, through _prowded - d. ‘and the Stars and Stripes blow! ~ Moved by A. Konnedy, seconded bd Ihe‘brecse Togother, _ _ _ tox ", Fair Haven, Vt.â€""I was so netvous aud run down that 1 eould not do my housework for my little 'n.lY of three, I had doctored ‘for nearly, two yeArs without In-||I-. One day | ‘read about '\ilu-l. and I'unl-- to it, :IIY l.‘“n has wen restored: so 1 am d« housework onee more, / 1 Il:h : my friends what Vinol has donme for »6." â€"Srs. Jaxies H. Hoov, «* Vinol is a combination of famous tonies . which we guarantee to â€" build up the weak and run«lown. cheques for the fololwing accounts: Adum E. Beamer, shovelling snow, $9,80; ° John _ Harcourt, _ shovelling snow, $9.20; Jumes A. Lane, 230 feet of plunk, $9.20, and repairing bridge, 50¢c, $9.70; William. Bouck, 1000 feet white oak plank, $40; Netson Chadâ€" wick, shoveling snow, $4.30; Marris Beamer, _ shovelling show, _ $4.30; George Holmes, whovelling _ snow, $1,600; G. W. Miscner, uncollectable taxes, $10.95; William A. Park. shovâ€" elling snow, $24.10; Muntcpal World supplics, etc., $2.50; George W. Misâ€" ener, balance on salury, postage, et€., $25; Irvin Olmstead, hall rent $3; UERLONNNN \ Estimates furnished on all kin¢s | of jobs. S$mail orders promptly attended to. rIa»lu of all kinds done at reaâ€" . sonable rates. Give me a trial and I will give you ‘ satisfaction. W. A. Patterson elophone 74 WINONA Got Strength To Do Her Work W. A. Patterson GATNSBORO COUNCHL . M. Stewart PDrug Ce. 144, . ONTARIO tRoumania vs. Buiguria Turkey vs. Roumania, Bulgaria ve. Rowmania. HOW THIS MOTHER Cuba vs. Germany. Papama vs. Germany hostilities ~without _ f 1917 United . States x CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER formal Gere» the purohase, MOU®F U )j â€" and â€" the . balanee within thereaftor without Interest, dor will allow AMD Pf" cent ‘chase money t0 yemain on © for three of five years. it .® S\ par cents halfâ€"yearly« n ©6079 0oi be sold Jn« Theron Felken, auditing . accounts, $250; B. J. Hodgkins, auditing acâ€" count, $2.50; J. B. Zimmerman, salary Council ndjourned to meet on Monâ€"! day, May 7. at 10 m.m. Finding a suitable place for (lllyi| Sunday to live while he is saving New L York is bothering his entertainment| committee. It was a simple cnough| matter to build ‘a mammoth tabernaâ€" cle for him in Harlem, but If the comâ€"| mittee assumed that a Harlem . Sat! would suffice for his accommedations | it reckoned without a proper appreciâ€") ation of the requirements of modern| revivalism, ‘The evangeilst insists on w house of at least fifteen rooms -nl‘ four baths. The needs anft tdea date" cha is of n““““llâ€"-l‘n“ tawen I meyebat MNCC MRTAICCT liave_ changed" st td and hout one year ue I gave it to C ““"‘t‘m ow .:: 'r,.' and o | children. They â€" covovered my M‘"- ."‘ di quickly with no leul result«, after t very m-m uite." Revival Ts ene bottle, 1 havs recommended it to dove mll..hllfllh‘“‘ n hmm fi.. a number © lnte."â€"Mus. W. J who carries secrctaries .ullllllu' sisthnte, a| fieten tm ho mhiny Wm t -; ..5"-:.1,..!-% |iv.,,-(..nnrâ€"=«nflhh cuscicepor and a" C wanl mrts. Ondinarity, a few de t y wccommodattons | n i "Iiroge mt im o o maseq tous mM-e lobJon Mistical Discovery will s ag n * l ..l.;',:‘..'):'m. ':ly'hxm-ninl. But even pends on obtaining a i" York, deâ€"! body E-wn-'n.l"v\ ‘-:m'h:’“.'«"| MPhire‘s poitin Paginie o( oo miliy| Gniion Medient “: iation, Dr. Picree‘s Is a .m avenue manslon Nlnl')““‘l To im lflm'“;’:‘:'u:‘“ J mote? If the mammon nee| o a m ms nese in io be made ic ihe taile that | turing en Hexd poniins m rem: might prove the bes trail, that | trating that it ev o it the Imoure New York World. t place of aji. dfl:‘ in lh-"‘\m $ ind corge imem wut of the -y-h-v?-"mh snd rarsits thew BILLY SUNDAY IS LUOXUROUS If the salvation of New York, deâ€" pends on obtaining a house for Rilly Sunday, by all means let it be found. Is a Fifth avenue mansion too reâ€" mote? If the mammon of uprightcousâ€" ness is to be made hit the trail, that might prove the best place of a}i. New York World. for UTES M OP coarly par conl« halfâ€"yearly« The land will be wold in thres parce ls. Furtherconditions will be read at the| time of sale. | For further partleulars -wl&';.. | M. Mé ANDERSON, maby« or the Auetioneer Of s. F. WA..'“NOTON. Vendor‘s Sottcitor, | Hamilton ‘Provigent Chamb®rt Hamiiton: psved ApiH covuNty CoUNeiLLoRs rNsPECT Q. & 6. ROAD 1 The members of the County Counâ€"| cil journeyed over the Q. & G. road| Wednesday from one and a half miles | this side of Winona to Queenton and | found the highway in fairly good| shape with the exception of a plece| through the village of Beamaville and North‘ GRIMSBY. Superintendent Robertson was autnorized to buy| erushed stone for the necessary reâ€"| It was decided to send a deputation | to Hamilton to attend the meeting of the Provincial Highway Commission, where representatives . from . Gueiph: are going to try to have the Provinâ€" clal Highway from Windsor to 'ror‘ onto go through Gueiph. Lincoin and Welland County Councils have been axked by the Wentworth Council to give their support in urging that the Highway from Windsor to Toronto go through â€" Hamilton and . not . touch Insurance. Under and I.‘ virtue of the Powers of| 8ale . contained in certain mortgages, | which will be produced at the time of -h there will be offered for sile by public Auction by Jamen A. Livingston, Auc(lo.:fu:'l the Hotel Grimaby in the; village maby, on THURSDAY, the 3rd day of MAY, I’l).‘ T 2202 * 2 Fhu» atatnck in the after» On:I-p-h ‘The delegates from Lincoln County will be Warden Claus and Reeves Sutton and Garlett. Steady Employment good wages. TERMS Western Canada For tickets and information THOUSANDS OF MEN FORSPRING SEEDING Mortgage Sales Low fares in effect. AMERICAN® PARADE to W. B. CALDER, MVE more or les® 08 wien MOTC farm . building®. The property tour miles from 81. Cathar« wo and n hall mwiltes from Dort] Land suitable. for yomatou®, mi all Kind of veretables | OF BALEâ€"Ten Int went. . of| me _ money Af the date of mile balance | within iifteen . day® without Interest 47 the ven« ow fifty per cent of the puts| y to remalin O0 finst. mortkage | y 89 OM ag sb and 0 ml(l af Bs‘ o, 3. ‘The Basterly forts rode| ber twentyâ€"0n0 in the Broken | s Township of North Grimeby, | 36 acres more or lors, known c Gedder farm, . The groater| S Clariy in get out In @rapes! wh. 1917 uP ‘The North hall ; the Fourth Cone â€" af _ Leuth cont ae haes on which In the Spring Is It a Cough? WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11. 1917 " Kilbride, Ont eleven month« old *Golden . Medical L have taken it several t and about one year 140 two _ children. â€" They | quiekly with no beil tes ene bottle, 1 have t ='||_\' after my mammage ! Iwan .-: L a very had cough ond got very 1 and was run down. . Ny 1-\»‘-:- lhnt 1 was going into a deeline. . They got Dr. Pieree‘s ‘Golden Modical Discovery‘ and \this medicine ccmpletely eured me."~ Mis. Aonuia Misbatt, 24 Cheever 8t. Kilbride, | Ont.â€"*Whon 1 was eleven month« old iny mother nu: "Gohden _ Medicat 1Ascovery‘ for me, Xhave taken it seyeral times myself since and about one year 1go I gave it to my Hamil: Kiever in apeaking es,| _ Such a rule would not only find you lol, your dental bills less but your teeth J3 | would undoubtedly‘ last for your lifeâ€" nc‘ time. In New Zealang even the ndns go to the polis and wote on «lection day, Offices open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. All letters of inquiry promptly ans wered. "lh;v;nlr; it is not a patent medicine for its hnnrlim'n .m‘dpnmnl on l= wrapper. . It‘« t~ «lyccric extract roots, mude wil?mlu‘: + kd‘ml. Depend upon this grand remedy to 'nym lh‘L:u.lll l»..: that :&&uh clear and puls arabition n i8 The cntite body:." Fou will not Bs Wmnl. Por _ (ree . advice, . whte . N. M. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. . Triak package tablets 10 conts. Often . severe iliness | causes . the | teeth to decay and it is impossible to | save them. If such is your care do not | fear to have us extract them. We have | made a specialty of extracting for 21 | years. (\nubu of extracting is so | gentle, so casy for the patient und | with the use of Odontanedt, of which we have the exclusfye right, for ‘our painless extraction; we have wonderâ€" | ful‘ suecess. Our paticnts hardly realâ€" | Ize when their teoth are removed. Our office occupy three floors und are wondorfully equippod. We aim to have them so comfortable and our paâ€" tients so satisled that instead of an ordeal we muke it a pleasure to come to our offices. Dr. Arther B. Cobb We emphasize . extracting because we know that extracting is the most dreaded and we want you to know that we do it without burting you. We do all bramiches of dentistry, employing specialists in each branch We are prepared to do your dentistry at any time convenient for you. 368 Main St. opp. Irequois Hotel over Dequgias Shoo Slore Invariably people wait until their l;‘flh nche before going to ‘lumm a consequence tholf teeth have beâ€" come badly decayed. Ontario Women Part of Lots 2 and 3. Concession 3, North Grims by. fiftyâ€"six acres, twent acres in fruit, fine builcf: ings, two and one half miles from Grimsby. DR. ARTHUR B. COBB Apply to JOHN MeCOY 46 King St. E., Hamilton or benefit 1 h FOR SALE Dr. 14 W. B. CALDER T resicy mige whing l Tesult«, after :~ :fl‘mmflk\‘ it to / lnte."â€"Mie. W. J Ont. wl use of Ihl‘i and sJorived thoreirom. ingo 1 bewan ailing, s Advice. tA

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