Grimsby Independent, 11 Apr 1917, p. 2

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V‘he TEI(MI-â€"I!uherlbert in YeRF If NOL DAIA in adwanan . neing added and they ©! will be badly needed. P m a_o o ® The mmmg contend th has been kept up only atithe of cternal v ning the plent at high uuul::ll the time, a the point has;arrived when the presont ayste * present demands on it not to speak of the n ePR CC CCCE Soae c bwe dha dh Vhe New Reservoir:;â€" In due time the approval of the Licutenant Governor in Council was seâ€" sured and the Board of Water Commissioners were in a position to go on and warry out the work as soon as they deemed advisable. matter with the present res« coming from? etc.. ete.. ete. "Atâ€"that time they had estimates prepared for the new filtering basin at the lake, a new reservoir at the side of the mountain, new mains to and from the reservoir, new pipes, work, etc., and they found that about twentyâ€"five thousand dollars would be required to carry out the proposed improvements. At one time it was their intention to commence the work last fall but the scarcity of labor and the continuance of the war prevented them. This spring the talk of the work being commenced at an carly date has been revived and the ratepayers have begun to «it up and take notice, On account of the excellent water service which GRIMSY has had for the vastâ€"two years the people have been led to believe that further expenditure on the water work system was not ncessary, basing their arguments on the ground that the water service for the past two years has been better than at any time since the water work system was constructed. ome ww sls l2 CCC 22 20 200700000 on the new reservoir ind new mains at an early date, people are beginning to waken up and ask uestions, During the past week or two many ratepayers have asked me what t is all about? What docs GRIMSHY want with a new reservoir? What is the matter with the present reservoir? What will it cost? Where ix the money bounbans Punll® 222 P A ‘They found that it was necessary to keep the pumps going althost conâ€" stantly in order to supply the town and the G.T.R. Pump House and the facâ€" tories and they felt that they were constantly running ‘ a considerable . risk should the clectric power go off for any protracted period. In due time they applied to the council for the money and the council «ranted it subject of course to the approval of the Lieutenant Governor in Council as by law provided It appears that as far back as last July the Water Commissioners, who then consisted of Reeve Randall and Mes«rs. Duval and Hagar, decided that i new reservoir was necessary. They came to this decistion 1 believe when they discovered that the present reservoir had not capacity sufficlent to supâ€" oly the town with water for more than a few hours after the pumps stopped even If the reservoir was full when the pumps stopped work. pt "6 M 41052 Preparations for building a new resorvoir woenty thousand dollars have been going on f resent very little has been heard about it, an oncerned nobody knew anything about it and £ work. will have to be rMISC necessary ‘under the law l‘u l ced Abgstct d »f the money so that If the wate ind the council fall in with their approval the work can be carried payers are in the matter, l At the present time a great uroposed new expenditure, many no thought while there are a c0 vary and therefore are opposed t % Nib We EBC TTCCCOOC w € P T TT We betieve that if the water commissioners expect the citizens to support them in this rather large expenditure that they should take the ratepayers into their full confidence and supply them with all the facts in connection with the mattor as A great many citizens are opposed to any large expenditure during the continuance of the war and especially during the very great shortâ€" news of Jabor and the high price of material. 4 6 # ® * * The German Question :â€" ~ C002 ) meale Hie in the United States just . now. © To efi 4 canntin ‘The Germans ATC some of them dodsing themacives appear 1093 For the past (WO wnthoring information now that the United 8 ratiqn has become Â¥ p rs from Washing! rde T2 amd‘ Ti Now, however, when For the past two years the weeret service Of ©6 UUCC" _ Dibtanta «nthoring information wljut the German plotters and : sympathizers and now that the United actually declared war 0n Germany this Inforâ€" wmatiqn bas become very a to the federal officers and acting under orders frow Washington ul officers and the police art making arrests in every tow» and elty alt Over the country 01 the strength of information that the secret sorvice hay® uu::r:d.dnr'h.l the past two und a half years U \ In New York a great many avrreate wert made on Saturday, Sunday and Monday, and many of thoke taken Into custody were Germans of wealth and prominence. gome of them were sunt direct to celle in the ‘Fombe, while others were mercly interned 0n Eili. Teland, along with the officers and men taken from the interned German #BIP® 2e # ®# # * * e Feâ€" 1t is esthnated that nearly two hundred thousand rman serviste In the United -2::' ‘t‘t&c present time. Bome 1':‘(. m-‘by.t':e .firx men but all of th*t" are heing â€"placed under strict survelllance and fedoral oflicers. .‘..';:. ols ailised . OHMKK Une of the me? a on on hike mnzv"n'm'v-ouy-nmm io .uuae,!’h-mmt-,:.ynfldmow On® 95 MJ vivel wiicer who had lived in al} that time hi# ,ml L uns was EeE ECCC Une of tht men urrosted. MC" /00 over | oficer vumlwuaenk”fl'filwvmwnâ€"--- .nmtu-ohuu-ohumw-mmu-t,pvnfldm‘om man army. H# was aprested 09 W.d’d from Washingtonâ€" The police are going from house to house notifying the German residents that they must nof keap 803 Arearms nOF explosives of any kind on their u'.‘"“"' & o * ® # ® wWhile this is going 0P maby pronlu-t Germane af® wying to show thoif coause to the Unfted State® hy making liberal donations 19 the Red Cros® CCC "O odions. t order 19 avoid aDÂ¥ clash with the authort Dsl awt The police chat they -“ premises. day ®" and P Bm T00 publa ) who. ® up welMer 3 Il h.-.t:""‘ fesssry‘; joy alt? and 6t fek Laidis ‘The twentyâ€"five Ent iNDEPENDENT proposod «h is Ialltk | fwiey for the past tWo years the wecret service of ring information wbout the German plotte that the United actually dectared y bas become very e to the feders s‘ from Washingt9D al officers and the rery town and elty alt Over the country 01 the secret sorvice hay® nu:or:“urlu the # 9 o * P ‘s Paper oran C sag vlet ty to other wrTf ~~Uuoscribers in Canada $1.50 por pald in advence. in United States Facts and Fancies wstod JA8 A LIVINGSTON, i 1 ORLON Livixcstox Lat iilsaioners, BDOWEYVer, contend that this frstâ€"classâ€"water service | . up only ‘m of cternal vhluml:m wt Angy evaq'il::; | t at bigh .n-g.-ll the time, and the commissioners claim that?~~ :armd' when presont system is barely able to supply the | is on it not to speak of the new services that are conslantly ‘ und they elaim that by the time a now roservoir is built it ! Inv itrlotie vew reservoir in wrF nAi~ Stkit1, GRIMSBY, oni FAD : thousand dollars that would be required to carry on the be raised by debentures as provided by law but itsis not e Jaw to ask the sanction of the people for the borrowing int If the water commissioners decide that it is necessary I in with their view and the Licutenant Governor gives his ean be carried on no matter what the feelings of the rateâ€" » a rromie ) Hoboks n the n under d uV 1f that choes are having & wing the 8eCré LIVINGSTON, Owner By Frank Fairborn loyal proacl a06d every "“.*, \:rork is Hable to be commenced on the new reservoir o o6 Ctiie. LO" stublcation in «t ftution® Telephone 36 HQrOR®, "" 0C «* * a # * ted was th# Rev Herma® Bruckner, of 8t. Matthows jhon, Ho Wa® j-.t‘,rluuy io commene? the Baster Sunâ€" ty fted Stato® Maraha) of Newark and deputy appeared agrest. 1t in a fubD® thing to M# jp the United states hm was not & Gormai His name wpells might? like ; does nol vound Germa® then 1 do not know anything o. What wdde who um‘nrd the prnthcr us Jon# * he _.. clar dunt after Wl 22°3, ROF year in advance. $2.00 ve United States $2.00 per year in advance. the live toplc now N, Editor U lively thoe in the 4 sorvice officers mad folr at a cost of approximately m for a long time, but up to the and as far as the ratepayers are and nobody cared anything about and Manager who Established 1885 | the United States United States . Just now. and others trying t0 make ; Nar turday, Sunday and mans of wealth and ‘fombs, while others C000 22van of hims® 11 if just aft? service ! has been sompel l thimgg® shich divide us ars I temporal; the things which unite us m eternal." These great Swafds of Professor Reudel larris, ie England, put the queation of Chure Union on its pro per hasis, forbidulltrigtd theartes of soclesinstical aubbfity or privilege, and jnstify every abtompr. ut closer fellowship betwoe churches holdinz the cssential trits of the cverlmsâ€" ing Gospet, Whatshall our attitude be? Shall we magify our diferences. and minimise o# @@reements? Or shall wo magnify ur agreements and minimise our diffrences? ‘The root ol all sociarianisp. and the foe of Christian brotherhed, is the exaltaâ€" tlon of nomâ€"essontils to the rank of «smoniials. Every man should ask himwlf solemaly no question "Why aim 1 opposing u.u; union, :'.1 -llo 1 favor ecclesiaatics divisions? Is it in the interests of the fundamentai unities of the Gomel or is it chiefly «donominational priic that animates - me?* *It scems to me that, in the ‘ controversy, all tha: is best and most progremive in evasztlieal Chrizon: dom is on the side ~ those who urs g desirous of soeing he Churches rcâ€" Hev, Gpomar HMAx8ON. MA D.D. nouncing _ their . exluslvonesqy and | thus: "That they all may be one, uniting / with one atether in the|even as Thoil Fafrez, ant in Me, and closest pructicable rlatenship. The|l in Thee, that they may be in tnt; Lest scholarghip of (Ne day in the| that the world ay bolieve that Thou Protestant Churches f@?ory their deâ€"| d&st sond ylo." Piminly the union of sire, for it denies any church any unâ€"| believers . w#* & condition . of . Mis defuasible right or evin any superior | Church‘s y‘ weful appeal to man UU: to authotity owr every otherikind on 1f!s bebalt; and equally vhurch. Of coutse Oom ure certatu alataly all uvolduble divistons are A special | pleaders In . B6 churches | hindrance 10 the progress of the Gas who . hold out agadst this conâ€" pel. A divided church cannet . rule ctuslon, _ but â€"their @plnions _ do |the world, Those who oppose organic not â€" weigh â€" with_ > dieated: men.| union assufe us that our Lord‘s words und are bound, 2001 ‘or syne, to|do not regulre tmore than unity of be discarded. . 1t Was: he evidence of | spirit. onen@8s of faith and hope ant historical reseatch (itt compelled|love, and that this inner unity of Dean Hensley Heugon, a® he tells us|heart is quite. compatible with the in his volume of cathâ€"dral sermons, | greatest variety of n_rgnnlull-m. Wt entitled "Godty Uhjon aud Coucord." | surely our Saviour‘s langusge deâ€" to renounce his once caetished High | mands the Closest possible wnion, & Church notions and wimit the vallâ€" | union as intimate and erganic as that «ity of the titles of nonâ€"episcopat| which bound the Pergons of the Trinâ€" ministric=. He franki» maserts that|ity together as one. At any rate, if prelacy has mo right t» bo regarded|it does not demand it, it cortaimiy us the omly, or even as the chlef,|does not forbid it. ‘Those who ep channe of God‘s grace to mankind. | poso organic unlom ought to be very What is true of dioten Episcopmey |sure that, in advocating spirituml is equally true of Prosb) tcrianismm and | unity as against visible cooperale of Congregationalism, oâ€" of any modiâ€"| union, «operation as arainst . the fleation . of these thr« distinetive| unitication of now soparated bodins, types of polity, Nome of tham is of |they are ddin® lustice to the -lr-lvt "divine rights." Purths, no rum"‘k"f our Lord‘s hear: and are o able man welll claim jor hls chuirch, |goittÂ¥ ot toning. down is strong as it exista, all the. csctllences n”-'m. to sult their own probts=os _ saintehip or of erganization, or would |slons, | IfIt i« through the exixonetes ‘ like fo ase perpetuated, (n Its ‘.w.'“( controvir=s !u.\\ they are whitting i sont form, to the end of (ime, 1 rerâ€" dowh the Uifiildf:‘.""'--"" * w *:‘ | tainly hope and expect to sge a yits! ;---.rrim, o wertT 5 ”"\‘“‘M".n _ change in all the churches, O a )* u®p om Jo ‘II uH04 | â€" singularly fanutical vrflalln‘-.t,? ° Tho/ J * a © |\ _ heve that all uhrw¢ P sadt j now. uty 4 | scknowledg* one doy { . |ipror * | _ of the See janterhnry L h ols Jud [cod '_ pek y r ntmnbint & PC 1 ® c‘fi sc i in they would allowe «x-t-u}‘i alth will ho Ins@@®s foug FARRP and coopcration, are some im rmanently as the y .0 nnch confidence andâ€" r6â€" ! â€" and unalterable oxpramion of M4. wir sUpulJ th~y not be counted faith . of the ountversal cloipel; (desorvine. of I| sreater trast wMd WnVR RNEERIE C AARICNE CC 1 u:“ new ie oo Mr Trce, -,!o.-ofli'.'i' ul x P Rolmk 19 block of ce a foot thick in an m:."..::n'n.""‘ States Wnstoffice departâ€" Chopped banana salks, used hu{,,u.. rranging geven _ aeroâ€" ufter the fruit has been harvested, are | ullu:“. routes inWiaska and one Uifized for horse feea tu Queensland. | The, kere Modern electric lighting costs about ! government ‘anamu . has one twentyâ€"fifth a« much as Mumina Fanted & concession Â¥â€" the ‘estab« tion with sperm oi1 or candlos a "on Jsbment and maint of électric tury ago. "'“‘:‘ and telephone #¥¥â€"ms through Magnetized plates, to be fastened e ol a finger with clips, have beet invented .A_,‘.':fl:m ::.::u t' |'.“ hat m e p n'flnmnlrl\l.lll*lllllp‘!.“A ,"A".“"f.', *;.p::- attac T pro sls Magnetized plates a finger with clips. 1 to save carpenters 1 nails. A chain of wire around the coast J vessel never Io Congrogutionall est. imaginings, Christian world separatist viow! tion; no Bapt shore come when i votedly and mersloni#i. heaven must changed, if it is to live. ho ull;-'-illlflll wil (Memn would be wrong. B question is, what sball the change ‘\operatiorwith them is right only if and when is it to take place. Thiwe regar theb as Condamently right, church that sits down under fiza easentiallÂ¥ont wich ourselves. Wik and rigid conditions is doomed. Th {lingness to tate with them i8 m faets of experience, too, rcbuke our {proof of our mos in their evanâ€" sectarian prejudices, pelical : The loudesi call to us io conside»} Can we t Add usteem . tham srganic umion as an urgent duly enough to Wall{, and fraâ€" cemes fo us from (he h&mnhqlmh with 998 (aq not be raady preyer of our Lord. recorded in 8:. asd glnd to mo Ihus»* . Whatever Aohn xrli. °> Twice over in almost justifies the 1ell@®®\, of ~oâ€"aperation identical language he prays on bebulf Justifies the ©l yeletionahip . of of "all who should belleve in Him"* organie umion. \'"‘"“ NEWEST NOTES g!’_l“!llfil‘l t Of theLausitania by dectaring | bof he started on her fata l im ton was found to be out It It pays beat to serve, ®B mmaereEybEXT, caresBr, oxtario wh very of Our Lost Fraternity tev. GEORGE HANSON, m.4» D.P) all ecluring that he had " hor fatal vaynge. Of a He, As hs God or the ©romreut MECCT 1O allnaes aurely our Saviour‘s langnage deâ€" mands the closest possible wnion, & union as intlmate and erganie as that which bound the Persons of the Trinâ€" ity together as one. At any rate, it it does not demand it, it certaimly doos not forbid it. Thaose who er pose organic unlon ought to be verr sure that, in advocating spirituml wunity as agains visible coâ€"operale union, «operation as against the \unitication of now s*parated bodiss, 6f naw MepRURi ANTUCC exmontial ru hs that we hold. If they wern Tideally unsound or even soriâ€" ously defetifo in their faith, coâ€"operâ€" arlon wit t would be wrong. Coâ€" oporatlot wit them is right only if we regar ar {andamently right, easentially with ourselves, Wik lingness to tate with them is & proo{ of our mes in their evanâ€" ire estifited to coffin 40,000,000,000 seen guns mounted on j , course his statement | 4 Nes In the Tombs he I Sermans. | coaperation, wte nfdence and. reâ€" + not be counted ~ains trust and he advecnter. of o halk at organte stifles unity and oraanle . wnien, calrable, it can > with whom we serate hold .he we hold. If they ad or aven soriâ€" ir faith, coâ€"operâ€" Office over J C. Fatrelis Phone 216 Electrica GRIMSBY whgp | _ Reom 40 Federal Life Building, | Main and James Sts., Hamilton, 0 DR. W.A. BRNOWNLEE DEI.TIS: OrFiceâ€"STrPHEN 610CX {Recond Vlout) OFFICE HOURSâ€"2.30 aw. te 4 GRIMSBY, ONT | LIVINGSTON & NHIL AZIER & LAZIER, BAKKMSTERS,|;y; roal ostate . se good L Solicitors, Notaries, oto Iaces y |On _ real estate, securLy, | . lean at lowest rates. | Office, "Specieo | _ Private and Company ines J Meer eP PPA C 0 Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public . | 45 Federal Life Building, Hamiltof® "Phone 154. o Building," Hamilton, F. HANSEL, Dentist, \lo;fl to loan at current rates JAS. A. LIVINGSTON, Auctioneer and Valuator a ETT C Notary Public Othcesâ€"Grimeby. and Beawevilie. Several thousand ofticers and employees of the Canadian Pacifie Reilway Company cnlisted for active military duty with the Canadian Expeditionary Forces, and the majority of them are now in Europe, bravely battling for Canada and the Empire. Averil, Wiltiam Wheel Borer West Toronto Kilted in action Bepnett, Charles W. Porter Regina Suffering from skock Risland. Richard K. Couk & Montreal Died of wounde . Blundell, William D. Brightman, Reg. G. _ Bryson, William Copeland, Thomas Crowther, Othello W. Dickson, WilHam Bllls, James G. St. J. Fietcher, Thomax Gordon, Alexander Haselgrove, Art. W. Kenna, Robert MeCailum, Rupert MeDonald, Malooim Mawdaley, Merbort Nase, William D Naylor, James Rateliffe, Prank J Sawkins,Emest H. 8inclatr, Daniel G. Speirs, Alexander Spence, William IT~~ Stuples, Fred. W. Stirling, John B. Tait, Mortimer Wark, Art, Goodwin Wilkinson, Jouse . Wills, Syduey Chas. Wright, Harry Adamson, Richard L. Bland, Wm. George Buckingham, E. H. Chapman, A. Garry Clarkson, Lorne Connore, Wiiliam P. Craik, William Douney, Thomas E. oo tolow W Judson W._ Henry Carpenter B. M:CONACHIE > Barrister, Sohcitor, r J. M. Hughton entist BUSINESS _CARDS AUCTIONEER wWENTWORTH : ROLL oFr HONOR Â¥. Laxier, H. L Lazier Grimsby, DENTAL Fatrelis Shoe Stort Electrical Equipment ONT LEGAL LICENSED AUGTIONEERS for the County of NEIL Ticket Clork Fort Wiliam Machinist‘s Appr. Angus 1,0co. Fireman _ Revelstoke Pipe Fitter‘s Hipr. Winnipeg Cloaber Winnipeg Asst. Engineer _ Kentyille Paluter Fort Wiliam Lo. Fireman _ Victoria Electriclan‘s Hipr. Angus Clerk Montreal Laborer Outremont Walter 88. "Koatena Shed Foreman _ Kamioops Loco. Engineer _ Fort William Car Repatrer Assinibola Machinist‘s Appr. Augus Wiper Kenera Car Inspector Sortin Steward ~Prin‘s, Charl Carpenter Medicine Hat Clerk Victoria Brakeman Kenora Painter and Varar Angus Car Cleaner Gien Yard Waiter Montreal Draftsman Strathmore est Rawvgagem‘r. Medicine Ha: AZ C obamnatar Cot. Wint (omptometer Opt, Winnipeg Brakeman Assistant Agent Stower . Trainman Labourer Fire Inspector S-;infaetion-;w.rfimeed Farm sales a specialty Ont. McKay, McKay f_!:!gtu ______Laxp sURVYEYOR _ _ _ J. W. TYRRELL & CO. Telaphone 4766 407 Bonk of Namilten Chambers James J. MceMay _ Kamicops Killed in action r _ Fort William Wounded Assinibola Suffering from shoo® ppr. Augus Concussion _ Kenara Wounded Sortin Killed in action 'In_lp_&-_ . .._... Buftesing.fram ebock ‘*~*~Landon, Ont. Kiled in action "Prin‘s, Charloti«"Wounded Medicine Hat Suffering from shork Vietoria Wounded Kenora Wounded ivil and Mining fingineore Land murveyore, e t sou at mouth ns es Uuekgee M Bowiey _ Wamint WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11, 1817 Office Hours: 8 to 10 a.m., 1 to 2 and 7 to $ pm. Main Street West. ‘Phone No. 1. Grimaby. :Vllul;ot ‘â€"o'r vThe Hamilten | Provident and Loan Society \Insurance and Ren\. Estate ‘ Officeâ€"Main Street, Grin |emone xo. 7 poic oi e DR. L. F. JAMIESON Physician and Surgeon DOWINIOW LAND SURVEYORS ontaRio LAND SURVEYORS civiL ENGINEERS Main Stree Montreal Montreal Fort Wiliam Calgary _ Fort Wiliiamw Angus Medicine Hat. Montreal Winnipex Lendon Division Winnipeg Toronto money TO LOAN Winnipeg Vancouver Brit. Colum. Dist Winnipes Dr. R. A. Atexander JAS. A. LIVINGSTON Ely-lfhl and Coroner, wW. B. CALDER William 0. Webster KISCELLANEONS SEDICAL East, + Grimsby WAMILTON, OWT Kilted in action Suffering from shock Died of wounds Killed in action * Wounded Wounded Wounded Killed in action KiDed in action Wounded KiNed in action Killed in action Killed in action Killed in action Suffering from shork Wounded Wounded Wounded Wonnded Suffering from sbock Saftering from shock Suftering from shook Kilied in action Wounded KiDed in action KiNed in action a:h-d. Ned in action Wounded and priser Wounded KiNed in action Wounded Died of wounds Killed in action Wounded Killed in action Wounded Died of wounds Killed in action Died of wounds Milled in action Died of wounds KiBled in action lmn.hmnn Died of wounds Killed in action Guased and prisonse ENONNUIU Both

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