Oakville Beaver, 28 Jul 1999, B3

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Wednesday, July 28, 1999 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER B3 COMMUNITY UPDATE Dr. Cynthia Blair Please forward announcements for Update to Wilma Blokhuis, Oakville Beaver, 467 Speers RtL, Oakville, OnL L6K 3S4; call 845-3824 Ext. 250, or Fax 337-5567 BEFORE NOON Monday to be included. WEDNESDAY JULY 28 Wednesday Evening Fun Runs, for beginner and veteran runners, meets 7 p.m., at The Running Company, 118 Thomas St. Free. Call 815-1952. THURSDAY JULY 29 Oakville Royal Canadian Legion spon­ sors Bingo at Delta Mayfair, 483 Speers, starting 12:45 p.m. Walk'n Talk is a weekly hiking group organized by the Canadian Mental Health Association for people recovering from depression, a life crisis, etc. Rain or shine. Dogs welcome. Meets every Thursday at 488 Kerr St., 12 noon. Call Lesley Henshaw 338-2130 to sign up. FRIDAY JULY 30 Oakville Single/Social Dance every Friday at the Oakville Royal Canadian Legion, Normandy Room, Church and Navy. Admission $10. Proceeds through Branch 114 to charities. Dancing 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Cash door prizes and refresh­ ments. Dress code. Call 845-6271. Free Legal Clinic, Separating or divorc­ ing? Free half-hour consultations with fam­ ily law lawyer, by appointment only, 8:30 a.m. to 11 a.m., Women's Centre, Hopedale Mall, Ste. 210. Call 847-5520. Women Meet Women - Outreach Committee holds drop-in every Friday, noon to 4 p.m. First, second and third Friday of month at Women's Centre, Ste. 210; and third and fourth Friday, Halton Rape Crisis Centre, Ste. 227 - Hopedale Mall. Childcare provided. Open to all women. SATURDAY JULY 31 Dietrich's Butcher Shoppe & Deli, 1260 Speers Rd., Unit 13, host 2nd annual Charity BBQ for United Way of Oakville on July 31st and Aug. IsL Hot dogs, hamburg­ ers and sausages will be served beginning at 11 a.m. Last year over $300 was raised. MONDAY AUGUST 2 Art in the Park, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.. Waterfront Heritage Park in Bronte, foot of Bronte Road, 100 artists from across Southern Ontario - painting, pottery, sculp­ ture, glass, photography and more, hosted by the Oakville Art Society. Admission $2. Bruce Trail Association has Lakeside Big Big for Stroke raises $75,854 Oakville's sixth annual Big Bike for Stroke, held on July 17th, was a huge suc­ cess, with $75,854 raised, beating its target, reports Paul Sneddon, campaign chair for the Oakville Chapter, Heart & Stroke Foundation. "This is an outstanding effort, up 40% over last year and sets another record as the highest amount raised for a single day Big Bike event anywhere in the coun­ try," said Sneddon. The money was raised by 11 participating teams: CIBC, $13,283; Queen's Head, $9,464; The Oakville Club, $8,200; The Slice Girls, $7,050; TD Bank, $6,125; Alfield Soccer, $6,100; Lads Soccer, $6,044; Old Oakvillians, $4,105; Team Sanctuary, $3,800; Oakville Golf Club, $3,410; Dynamic Martial Art, $3,126; ORC Racqueteers, $2,719; and Home Depot, $2,428. Trophies were presented to CIBC as top fundraiser, and Alfield Soccer for com­ pleting the downtown course in the fastest time. Incorrect information regarding the total amount raised from Big Big for Stroke was previously published. The Beaver apologizes for this error. Big S is te r even ing The Big Sister Association of Oakville will host an Evening to Remember at Paradiso Restaurant on Aug. 30th, featuring a three-course dinner, wine tasting and a silent auc­ tion. Preview is at 6:30 p.m., the last bid will be accepted at 9 p.m. Items to be sold include a champaign hot air balloon ride. Tickets are $65 each, call the Big Sisters at 338-0238. SEARS CORRECTION For our 24 pages Price Meltdown (C074F099) (Sale Dates; July 26 - Aug. 1,1999) Page 5 - Only $19.99 on national brand boxed bras & briefs. Copy should read: Only $19.99 on selected national brand boxed bras & briefs We sincerely regret any inconvenience this may have caused Sears customers. cHie* public i& owAiolLf, u u tited! C C AC H A L T O N ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING COMMUNITY CARE ACCESS CENTRE OF HALTON The Annual General Meeting will be held Wednesday, September 15,1999 at 7:00 p.m. in the Birch/Balsam Room of the Community Care Access Centre of Halton 440 Elizabeth Street, 4th floor Burlington, Ontario L7R 2M1 y The meeting w ill be held in accordance with the Corporation's bylaws. Key N o te Speak® : The Honourable Cam )ackson, Minister of Tourism, MPP Burlington Voting members of the Corporation as of August 16,1999 are eligible to participate in the election of the Board of Directors. Bette Martin Chair, Board of Directors Sandra Shadwick Chief Executive O fficer R.S.V.P. by September 10, 1999 to: Roberta Calderbank 639-5228 ext. 8746 or 1-800-810-0000; Seating is limited. Hikes for fun and fitness with the Bronte Bunch every Monday. Meet at Coach & Four, back door, 7:15 p.m. Walk at own pace. Call 827-8768. TOPS - Take Off Pounds Sensibly meets every Monday at St. Aidan's Church, 318 Queen Mary Dr. at Stewart St. New members welcome, nominal fee. Call Maureen, 827-4893; or Kim at 338-9059. TUESDAY AUGUST 3 Ballroom, Latin, Line Dance classes start for beginners, 7:30 to 9 p.m. Learn Rhumba, Mombo, Cha-Cha, waltz and more. No partner required. Cost: $5. Call 845-8189. Parent Support Group, every Tuesday, 7:30 p.m., Pinelands Presbyterian Church, 5270 New St., Burlington. Non-denomina- tional support with trained leaders for par­ ents of teens in trouble at home, school, and the law, abusive or taking drugs. Call 1 -800- 488-5666. Overeaters Anonymous meets Tuesdays, 8 p.m., Knox Presbyterian Church, Lakeshore and Dunn. Call Sharon, 338-9021. THURSDAY AUGUST 5 New Country and Modern Style Line Dance classes, 7:30 to 9 p.m., all levels wel­ come. Cost: $5. Call 845-8189. ADVANCED REGISTRATION Retest - Bed Cross basic Rescuer Level C CPR, Aug. 4th, 6 to 10 p.m., $35; Standard First Aid (Basic Rescuer Level C CPR), Aug. 9th and 10th, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., $90; Emergency First Aid (Basic Rescuer Level C CPR), Aug. 9th, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., $60. Call 845-9430. Knox Presbyterian Church, Lakeshore and Dunn, invites children 4 to 11 to regis­ ter for Treasurer Hunt Bible Adventure, Aug. 9th to 13th, 9:15 a.m. to noon. Games, crafts, Bible adventures. Highlight: mission outreach program. Operation Kid-to-Kid, where children will send Spanish speaking translation of Gospel of John to Spanish speaking children around the world. Cost: $5 per child, call 844-3472. Relocating - Same Building 1060 Speers Rd., Oakville Oakville Health Centre New Suite #118* 842-5533 " Think fast!" z COGECOaHome high speed Internet access over cable is up to 100 times faster than dial-up. $ LA VT V 3 Q 95 '"dudes modem N - renta/ Sign up now ° ° o m !N s t a ^ & and win big! Sign up fo r COGECO@Home before August 31, and you' ll be autom atica lly entered to w in one o f 5 great prizes; Compaq' Computer system Samsung- DVD player M l Samsung' MP3 player Samsung' Digital Camera Samsung- Fax/Scanner/Prlnter To e n te r, p u rch a se C 0G E C 0@ H om e by A u g u s t 3 1 ,1 9 9 9 a n d have i t in s ta lle d by S e p te m b e r 3 0 ,1 9 9 9 . O ff ic ia l ru le s a n d re g u la tio n s a v a ila b le by c a llin g 1-877-8-ATHOME, v is it in g o u r w e b s ite , o r a t a n y o f o u r re ta il cen tres . N o p u rch a se necessary. C o n te s t c loses A u gus t 31, 1999. Go further. Go faster. G o ... ((G8COGECQ Home Cali-877-8-ATHOMEwww.cogeco.ca/home COMPAQ. *p o r [,a s jc c a p|e su b sc rib e rs . $ 4 9 .9 5 /m o n th fo r non -sub scribe rs . T radem arks and Logos a re th e p ro p e rty o f in d iv id u a l co m p a n ie s and are used w ith th e ir pe rm iss io n . HEART AND STROKE FOUNDATION OF ONTARIO T h a n k LJou For Raising A Record $ 75,854 Congratulations To Our 13 Wonderful Teams CIBC $13,283 Queen's Head $9,464 The Oakville Club $8,200 The Slice Girls $7,050 T.D. Bank $6,125 Alfield Soccer $6,100 Lads Soccer $6,044 Old Oakvillians $4,105 Team Sanctuary $3,800 Oakville Golf Club $3,410 Dynamic Martial Art $3,126 ORC Racqueteers $2,719 Home Depot $2 428 TH E Grand Total $ 7 5 ,8 5 4 fl Special Thanh you To Our main Sponsors In 1999 ULoblaws Croc TRAVEL I d l l f f f f l l CORNER LTD « . « « * 4 t FITNESS-2004k M O L S O N ® The Oakville Beaver And a big thank you to our community support; Mayor Ann Mulvale, Town Crier Betty Kading, Sergeant McMillan and Neil Leavitt. From the Oakville Chapter 1999 Big Bike Committee - Thank You and see you in 2000! To be a part of the 2000 event, please call Paul Sneddon 338-2798. the http://www.cogeco.ca/home COMMUNITY UPDATE Dr. Cynthia Blair Big Sister evening SEARS CORRECTION CCAC z 3Q95 Sign up for COGECO@Home before August 31, and you'll be automatically entered to win one of 5 great prizes; Compaq' Computer system Samsung- DVD player Ml Samsung' MP3 player Samsung' Digital Camera Samsung- Fax/Scanner/Prlnter Go further. Go faster. Go... ((G8COGECQ Home Thank LJou For Raising A Record $75,854 Grand Total $75,854 fl Special Thanh you To Our main Sponsors In 1999 ULoblaws Croc TRAVEL Idllffffll t FITNESS-2004k MOLSON® To be a part of the 2000 event, please call Paul Sneddon 338-2798.

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