www.insidehalton.com | MILTON CANADIAN CHAMPION | Thursday, December 8, 2016 | 4 a 100,000 KM WARRANT Y C + ROADSIDE ASSiS T ANCE PR d ce l whp COME IN & wiy HOLIDAY BONUS M“ ON ALL MODELS‘~ TOTAL AVAILABLE n ; L PORTAGE Sn AE T > _ 369â€" 36 I OYNAMAX mz - & l @ DFFICIAL PARTNER { Offer Ends Jan 3"° The Power to Surprise Offers) avadlable on salect new 20%/200 models Pwough particnating dealers to qualfied retad customers who take defivery from Decamber 1. 2006 to January 1 200 Dealers may sal or nase for less. Some conditions apply See deater for complete detali. Vefucies shown may include optional accessories and upgrades available at extra cost. Ad offers are subject to change without notice. Ad priong and payments inclue debvery and destnation tres up to $1,240, $10 OMVIC tee, $29 t fee and $100 A/C charge (where apglicable} Excudes other taxes. paint charges ($200, where applicabie) Rcansing. PPSA registation, emurance. viable dealer administration fees, fuet l charges up to $200. and down payment (f applicabie and uniess otherwise specifed ) Other lnase and francing options aso avadable ADor‘t Pay Untl Spring (120â€"Day Payment Defe) applies to purchase finanang only on aporoved crudit on all new 20%/2007 models at particpating Kia dealers No interest wil acorue during the first 90 days of the Anance contract. Aer tis period, interest starts to acorue and the purctasir wl repay the privcipal and interest monthly over the tm of the contract which wil be ertended by 90 days. Offe enc January 3. 200 Rnanding Example: ofte avadable on approved crit (OAC) on a 20%6 Soul 5X AT (50754G) with a sling once of $72.594 nclucing $500 Holciny Sorus‘ s based on a total number of 364 weeldy payments of §62 for 84 manths at 0% with $0 down Total abligation is ‘ho purchase nicesary Maliday bonus between $500 and $2.000 (including guarantaed $500 dscount) awarded in deatership Approumate odds of weving an ncremental bonus of $250 â€"$1500 at a partiopating Ontani dealersiip are as fallows: $750 total woliday Borus (including quaranteed $500 discount) appros. odés of wening 1t $,000 total Holiday Sonus (ncluding guaranteed $500 discount} appros. adds of winring; 15, $1250 total Borus (ncluding guaranteed $500 dscount) approx. adds af wiring; 10; $1500 total Haliay Bonus (ncluding guaranteed $500 dscount) appron. ods of wining: 10. $2.000 total Holiday Sorus (ncluding quaranteed $500 discount) appror odds of wrning Contest apen to Canadian residents over the age of majorty sing queston requred Dscount prizes must be recemed by January 3. 200 See dealr or kia for complete contest detais Anpresentative Example: Lease offer avaiable on approued crit (OAC) an the 200 Sportage LX FWO Forte LX AT (FOMQy/200 Sorento 2 D wit a seling prce of $26.794/$20)94/529.54 s based on a total number of 156/260)56 weekdy payments of for 36/60)% months at OA/O IN/O% with $0 securty depost. $1,500/5,600/42.175 down payment and sayment due at nase inception Offer includes $500 Holday Bonus‘ and $0/$0/$500 lease credt.Tota lease abligation 641 with the aption to purchase at the end of the tarm for $5 506 358 Laase has Â¥6 viy alowance (ather packages avaable and $0.2,/km tor excess lomees). Model shown Maradacture Sugpested Satad Prce for 200 Spartage SX Turbo AWD (% 0 Farte SX AT (FONOK\/200 Sorento SX Tarbe AWD (5275H) is .0 a05 The 20%6 Sportage recaved the lowest number of prablems per 100 vehicles among small SUVs in the 10 Power 20% US witiel Oualty Study 20%6 study based on B0US) total responses. evaluating 245 mode and measures the of new 20% vetucle owners after 90 days of ounersing. surveyed in ebrmaryâ€"May 20%6. ‘our expenmnces may vary Vist The Siuct we ouned ty Buttocth 9G inc Govermment tar Sabety Ratings are part of the National Highway Trafic Safuty Admenstration‘s (N«TSA1) New Car Assessment Program (wwew SaferCar gov) #ihhee property eauipned. Do not exceed any weight atings and folow al towing nstructions in your Owner‘s Manual information in ts advertseme wheves to be accuute at the time of ornting. For more rfor M 65 Ontario St. N., Milton Just north of the Milton Mall L/â€" 7ilt6/â€"? i7i l.ng 9s05â€"878â€"7700 One Test SEE OUR ENTIRE INVENTORY P3 ww Drive and You‘ll Be S0LD: