Porcupine Advance, 8 Dec 1949, 1, p. 6

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| * On evening, after the ESOUTH PORCUPINE ‘Bobby has a very true and fine !Qprano voice, and sings Withoutetâ€" N. J. Sullivan who is presiâ€" ot the committee orgahizing the , r thanks all for their ‘assistâ€" ahce and patronage. Receipts from the bazaar were very gratifying. *Other members of her committee were Mrs. M. Cybulski (vice) and rs. F.:Fedor (sec.â€"treas.)‘. . _ {Prizeâ€"winners were: § + '¢ (1) . Mixmaster, Mrs. â€" R. . Beauâ€" mp; (2), set of dishes, Mrs. R. adafore: (3) electric kettu, Hts. Heén Tomchick. *Â¥ E‘ipther Prize-wiqners were: Mrs An..Anshcans were urged to supâ€" w‘: this Appeal on Sunday by ~Rev. “Gfl’Pand the local Kiwanis ub at its Monday mcetillg discussed [m:s for aâ€"drive for this purpose." / iA social and business meeting of !e Women‘s Club of St. Paul‘s Angliâ€" :rence Pipe, doll; Miss. Betty rrow, dishes; Mrs. C.. iHon,â€"sew ;: Mrs. J. Ferguson, piilofw’ f es; Mrs. L. Gasparettd, cushion; ‘s. Gervais, candy jar; Mrs. J. Car- vale,.quilt;. Betty Findel, doll house; s. F.:€. Evans, meccano‘ s¢t; Mrs, Huot ivase: of flowers; Mrs. Griffin, eater Mrs. B. Brown, bedroom i1 UL WIIICIl WE DUL IHLO CASUS. Ie is now home, ‘and Ais friends rnglad to know hi is progregai'dt -N-â€"-dfl_ ‘he Toronto Hospifil for Sick Chfl- n is Maling an appéel for funds *new g> which 1 be th Targest imfifi!tion of is d on this continent. â€" ' m..Anghcans were urged to supâ€" € this "abpeal on Sunday by <Rev. visiting her sister, Mrs. Geo. Burns, of Cemmercial Ave., left for Ottawa on Saturday, accompanied by her mother, Mrs. J ohn Levoy. The new traffie byâ€"law, which will go into effect aiter approval by the Deépartment cf Highways, will not tl!ow parallel parking in Schumacher a_ui 8. Porcupine; taxis may not park in the middle of the. street while waiting for fares, but at the curb. C V BA QAL "Ulvu.w'vtu rarnestness and n We yÂ¥ evening, after the . ner, "which was ‘served sts, a musical hour added ‘to the VCE Of the affair. â€" er Pinsonneauit acted as chairâ€" . llr ~FAoyd Hunkin opened the m with a solo ‘"Bless This ise." "‘i‘Bhe: chairman commented the suitability of this item â€"and ed My. â€"Hankin to sing it# en e. baritone voice . was féction ‘ in ‘this‘ béeautiâ€" w ifi to 500: The Registered Nurses Associatipn â€"Of Porcupine has just completed a titygeâ€"day bridge dournament, conâ€" vened by Mrs. A. Reynolds of Timâ€" ‘mins. In South Porcupine Miss Ollle tiuhta, president, assisted by Miss L. Locheberg, arranged games by telâ€" ephone® with Mrs. Bennett, Mrs. J. Stanlake, Miss Sue Morgan, and Miss Huhta as hostesses. , Pirst prize was won by Mrs. A. Balâ€" rom' of Ssouth Porcupine, luncheon set: ‘!‘lusll Uke s ater, in hospital it was found that _ wrist was fractured, and hisâ€"leg, 17F Mrs. McNab h of which were put into casts.. . yisiting her sister e is now home, ‘and his friends of Ceommercial Av . VOTE IN YOUR OWN INTEREST Newi From DANCING 1VIUIIILYLC U Y IH ADMISSION Men 75¢ Ladies 25¢ Last‘:bd@s ‘leaves at 1.15 a.m. A. Bishop who was charged by C. and who pleaded guilty to charge of forgery, was adjourned cne week for sentence. Violet Kovich who was charged by her husband with forging a Workmen‘s Compenâ€" i sation cheque on February 2nd, to JOE SLOBODIAN and his Music Makers MelIntyre Gym 9:;:30 p.m. to 1:00 a.m. Every â€" aâ€" . o se e mar > 4 * t i » m 1 17% Mrs. McNabb, who has been The Lions Clubâ€"with Scouts, Cubs, Guides and Brownies assisting, orâ€" _axflzed @A drive on Saturday for used toys-â€"which will ‘be repaired, paintâ€" ed and made new again in Ed. Hovey‘s workshop, to make some children _happy for Christmas. ~‘Golgéen Avenue Public School will hold "opef house" on Thursday of this week in the evening from 7 p.m. Children‘s work will be on display and teachers will be there to talk to parents and to show them the work and‘ progress â€"of their pupils. The Rummage ‘ Sale sponsored . by the of â€" "Little Helpéers" of St. Paul‘s Church on Saturday afterâ€" noch provéed quite a success. ‘‘The costumes for the Christmas Pageant are now assured. There will be no more hospital sewâ€" ing by the Ladies‘ Auxiliary of Porâ€" cupinge General Hospital until thq tirst week in January. Mrs. J. H. Stovel announced this at a hospital auxilisry meeting held last Thursday in the Masonic Hall. J. «Regan, and finished up with a "‘shoot‘“‘fit,_ S 'I‘rlpps team winâ€" nihg «The Men‘s Club of St. Paul‘s Ohfirch had forty guests at their reâ€" ggx}t Irish â€"stew dinner prepared by An elkderly ladyâ€"Mrs. Proulx of Hoyle is seriously ill in Porcupine Hospital. Through streets in South Porcuâ€" pine before crossing which motorists must observe the stop sign are Bruce Avenue, Main St. fromâ€" North of Bruce to highway;~ Crawford from Bruce‘tc highwz:y, Moore from Bruce to highway, and Tisdale St. BCRNâ€"To Mr. and Mrs. Cy Holmes of :Stephen, â€" Ont., formerly of South R. Lively and H. Passi paid $10 and $15 respectively for speeding. Mr. Hclmes was on the staff of the Porcupineâ€"a son. South Porcupine High School, and is now principal at Stephen. Court T. Larivee paid $1 and costs for having defective lightsâ€"on Novemâ€" ber 27th. COUNCILLOR the At the Kiwanisâ€"Dinner Meeting on Monday in the Airport Hotel <~Mr. Wm. Boyd, president, was inâ€" the chair. +. Guest ‘speaker was Mrs. P. Maxâ€" wellâ€"Smith who was introduced by Mr. W. G. Smith who spoke of her long residence in South Porcupine. and most kindly of her personality and community work. Mrs. Maxwellâ€"Smith gave quite. a long talk on conditions as she. saw them, in England, commenting chiefâ€" ly cn the food situation, the public health programme, and her impresâ€" sions of the people‘s acceptance ot’ present and past hardships. Rev â€".Deavid Mitchell,> in thanking the speaker, expressed his interest.in with_ the views of the She.stated that "these impressions are not dissertations on economic af: fairs, ~nor impressive probings into the rightness or wrongness of Engâ€" land‘s present government, but just an ordinary woman‘s® ideas of what England looks like, and is experienâ€" cing today.: They were seen through the eyes of a Canadian who once wes English, and whose early years wereâ€"spent in â€"that peaceful countryâ€" side, now revisited after twentyâ€"six years, and after over forty years of Canadian living." F4X He says, ‘"Coming home is good, toocâ€"It‘s wonderful to go to Engâ€" ‘landâ€"and it‘s wonderful to come home. As a matter of fact, one of the most woenderful things about the whole trip was coming home again â€"in particular, looking out of a train between Montreal and Toronto, and my country. _I felt surer about that thinking suddenly that this was truly than I ever had before, and it was good.â€"> this~man‘s wordsâ€" M. Richa might.:express her own thoughts. It wasn‘t that I didn‘t love Engs landâ€"the .land of ‘my birth. Eng: land thrilled me as much on the last day as on the first. iadqy guest. es . \ps 4 3 * Mrs. Maxwellâ€"Smith . has never had a more attentive audience, andâ€" enâ€" joyed the occasion, andâ€" honour of addressing such a representative Comâ€" munity Club as South Porc\xpme Ki« vanis. Her soft sunshine and mists; her {ields and hedges green even in Novâ€" ember; her famous cities and towns and:. villages; everywhere physica} evidences of her greatness, most of all her..peopleâ€"her: people ~who havé contributed: more than‘ any other to the world‘s progress, and â€"have so very much tc contribute today." lady guest : Salesmanship "Have you any cream for restoring the complextion?" asked the faded spinster. ‘"Res:toring, miss? You mean preâ€" serving!" said the assistant, heartily. He sold her {ive dollars worth. Keep Pay Envelopes Full M. Richardas) Timmins. First United, _ 23â€"Lois Palmer, Joan Whitfard, Genneth Milâ€" Marjorie Whitford, Joan Wyatt, Fred Barnes, Janet Barnes, Wendell Reid, Gladys Erving, Millie Eade, Dorothy BfasterbrOok Vivian Jordisâ€" scn, Elsie Chapman, Marjorie Gibson, Frink Williams, Sarah Getty, Reita Mager, Muriel Snider, June Fowler, Elz2sanor Trebrlcock Percy Eade, John ‘Campbell," Dr.. Mustard. Mountjoy United 5â€"Carmen Gaouâ€" ette, V idâ€"a" Beaumont, Tremaine Banks, Ross Gaouette, Rev. G. °S. Smith. > ' x( 4 Pcrcupine 5â€"Kiisti Eerola, Wilma Gibson, FHelen Lanseh, Ann Atkin:â€" ‘James Fosbraey, Above;, . 2#7, of Napanee,:"OQnt., cran: to .police, led officers to ~#pot . where â€"he tossed bloodâ€"sthined khife with which . he had wife. Fosbracy, a British:born: veterap â€"who . came to Canada tihder .the commonwealth scheme, had been marâ€" ried to his: w' He i8 be,ulg Admits Murder It is sometimes surprising how we negleet the most needed repairs. Take for instance porch steps or hall stairways. Constant usage can weaken supports, loosen treads, andâ€" make stairs unsafe. Yet, too often, we arc unmindâ€" ful of such dangers until someone gets hurt. and Mrs. E .Thomas of Englehart. Renewing acquaintances with ol1â€" time friends were. Mrs. Jchnson, Mrs. Legary, and Mrs. H. Thomas, of Englehart, Mrs. LeGallais, Mrs. D. | Entertains at Bridge Mrs. C. Barron entertained at a bridge recently for a number of her friends. A very enjoyable time was apent playing cards after which the hostess served a very delicious lunch. Prizes were won by Mrs. McGec, (his series of qdvertisements is planned to help make your community the best place to live in, REPAIR WORN OR FAULTY STEPS | Five Hundred Party Held ° tLOUNSBNAVE Mrs.: A. Fournier enfentaincd a Keep Pay Envelopes Full B RADILING S LEO _ DELVILLANO Capital Brewery Limited, Ottawa _ Timmins Needs â€" Experienced And Efficient Administration * s Union , Schumacher Sponsored by spent by the ladies following which lunch was served by the hostess asâ€" sisted by Mrs. Carriete snd Mrs. Feinâ€" Mrs. Geaudreau, Mrs. Blais., Mrs. Forunier, Ms. Martin, Mrs. Dore, Mrs. Cote, Mrs. Shields, Mrs. C. Carbonâ€" neau, Mrs. Boutet, Mrs. Angrignon Mrs. Seguin, Mrs. Alice Martin,. \Mrs Fay, and the hostess, Mrs. A. D.R.O.‘s and Poll Clerks The council passed a byâ€"law apâ€" pointing the D.R.O.‘"s and Po‘!ll Clerks for the election of M:yor, Council and Eublic ®chcol Trustees to be held on the fourteenth day of Decémber. Increase Protectictc‘i A letter from the Workman‘s Comâ€" pensation Board informed the counâ€" cil that the increased cost to" bring the protection cf the Volunteer Fireâ€" men from $1500 to $3000 would be $45.00 per year. ~ The council passed resolution to take on the increéeased protection for the extra $45.00. CONSERVE ELECTRICITY | number of friends recently at 1 jolly Hospitar #tatistics bear witnéss to the numâ€" ber of unnecessary accidents caused in the home. ofteo. ty faulty steps. Prevent injury to _ yourself and. others. â€" Eliminate such hazards before an accident occurs. It‘s proof of your "Good Citizenship". What Council Did Juvenile Hockey * 1 pm. Sch. Lions vs. Timmg] Lion: ) pm. Moncta vs. Combines Juv. THIS WEEK; THURSDAY, DECEMBER sin, Mclniyre vs. Combines Sr. Hockey N*M:AIntyre ovs. Hn‘llm‘ge?"JMm Tues., Dec. 13th Wed., Dec. 14th \ [3 _ Sr., Hockey ‘,Mn_ Porkies vs. Combinesa aan. Mon., Dec. 12th * * Sat., Dec. 10th _ Sr, Hockey Hollinger vs. Fal‘s C.ub ~All 6 -'-:(‘:j jugsd DX 404 f 3 * s 9 on amitgsa 2 + # »lui

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