Duti App! BARRISTER, SOLNICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC Enite %, Marshallâ€"Feclestone Bidg Tlomins, Ont. Engincer, Ar 2171 Alg «y Â¥# 60 THIRD Accoun ting PH O . N. ROSS AND C W it }y Haro Cle Dorcupine Adianee CLASSIFIED Third T‘} H in C sn NOTOCGT Suite 5 â€"Third ) sw SSIONAL CARDS F : {**~%4 oN og~ J# £% ~4 > + 43 w.« 2 ® 6. G. A. ’ # ms Installed ax KReturns Filed w P.O. Box 147 . â€" SOLICITOR, Â¥ PUBLIC Ellies Bldg. Ave, Timmins ce 3819 â€"Res. 2147 L"‘*' l StP CHMYMIN: and 681 14 OolJoSl and Surveyors Rivd. East Timmin« A 1 hmaker Ave. School Phone 362 etar Porcupine. 1st, 1948 Status and Timmins A 3| T abtain WOODd WOOoLn *#4% South )nt € 11 29â€"20 pat ) d 1] Cl 11 ho ol of 71 _Matheson And District quire under then sh Dated IN THE ESTATE OF James Iawrence BARRISTERâ€"ATâ€"LAW 9 Third Ave. Phone 33 NOTICE TO CREDITORS William Shub, B. A t ooin Balance he estate of the above mentioned It( f the TownCof in the is rict of Cochrane who died at the aid Town ~of ~Timmins on or abou! he 29th day of April, 1947, are re uired to file proof of same with the ndersigned on or before tre 16th da} Portraits with Personality Expert Film Finishing Box 338 43A Crawford St. S. Poreupine 8. A. Caldbick, K. C, C. wW. Yailes, B, A. BARRISTERS SOLICITORS EC Bark of Commerce Building Timmins, Ont. 111 Toke St »ilit W. 0. Langdon K. C TIMMINS hal Drew ) Ph. Off. 223 Roes. 492 oceed Judith MacLkean V.S., D.V.M. August After t CALDBICK YATES Frank H. Bailey, 1L.L.B. BARRISTER and SOLICITOR NoTARY PUOBLIC Hallnor Mines, LAimiteo:s ton VETERINARY PHYSICIAN SURGEON t chold DONALD sSTUDIO Mine eC BRARRISTERSâ€"ATâ€"LAW Solicitors, Commissioners Notaries Public payabl . By Mrs. G R. Weir NEW HTIGHWAY OPEX Robert Mack that i1 To Personal TLiabilit NOTICE Gntario 1948 . On To Monthly PHONE 1536M hav( (NO ible September C1 048 UMo in} it te the mute tht 10 8O. PORCUPINE 110 Bruce Ave. Ph. Off. 96 Calbick Yates Commerce Buildit ‘Timmins Ontar Street. â€" Part ‘hone 1125â€" seven Ceént nadian fund Directors of T. R. Langdon Phone 1110 xecutor state h ccut the clo ms agains! ationed lat Timmins of Hall mal Lia . 1948, | dlay 0 will iving 1inst V pet A L HOGS â€" Hog prices were steady, Torcnto continued to pay $3125 for Grade A. These prices do not include the Dominion Government premium to $17, and common to medium down to $12. and canners and cuiters from 86. to $11. Good butcher bulls were bought from $14.50 to $18, a few $16.50 and common down to $11. Fed yearâ€" lings ranged from $20. to $23.50 on a fast steady market. Ordinary milkers and sprir.gers continued to sell around $100. to $160. each. CALVES â€" There was considerable recession in calf prices during the week. Toronto, â€" while â€" remaining steady on choice veals at $22,. to $23. lost $1 on common to cial Club h: ceeds wore Church for pair hbuildin Mrs. Jim Sexsmith and her ten chilâ€" dren left Matheson last week to join her husband who has secured employment on a farm at Gwand Forks, B. C. Word has been received that they arrived uC effe taken Mr. J. Brazeau of : taurant of Mathesor preimises and built a chen onto the back, convenient and sav pecially at mealtime Members of the Anglic Churches at Shillinegton darce at the Driftyv Mr. Henry Rivett of Lake motored with friends to Matheson to visit with his mmsther, Mrs. H. Rivett. memnmhbetr safely at Winnipe dren were tirihg. The Fconomy Store of Matheson are suilding an office for their store and according to Mr. N. Childs they plan extensive alterations in the near fyâ€" turt m Miss Ann Tracey of Englehart Ing with her grandparents, Mrs. D. Johnson of Matheson Mtr. and Mrs. Thomnson Kilgore of Matheson Saturday at Kirkland vECK iast yeéear Dput prices remained inchanged at last week‘s close. Tradâ€" ng up to three o‘clock Monday was ery active but then slowed down lue to the embargo which went inteo ffect at that time The run however vas later well cleared with weight;} teers making $19to $23.50,. butcher teers $19. to $22.50 and heifers $16. 0o â€" $21. Good butter cows were Oo}€ As St. Andrew Church plan to hold heir picnic Monday, August. 2nd . at mith‘s Lake. This will} be a picnic ar both Sunday and Church MANX BREAK® NECK IN FALI FROM LUMBER TRUCK R . J. D. Phibbs and son of Timâ€" a few days in the Matheson t at he hcme of Mr. and Mrs. jled vith the sidewa :. mmace to disvlay his ¢ to Better advantage Briefs From The Week!y es at Shillington held a suczcessâ€" ce at the Driftwood River Soâ€" ub hall Priday July 17th. Proâ€" were in aid of the Anglican _for the funds necessary to reâ€" and build new chimney. REAL ESTATEâ€"â€"INSURANCEâ€"â€"MORTGAGES Ruom 3 Gordon Block, Pine St. N. Ph MacKenzie and son Kenneth of Brazeau of the Shamrock Re: of Matheson has erlarged t and built a large modern ki J7 V Harc m lc built 1 Money To Loan to $16 iD National Housing Act Loans 4%%%* Commercial Loans 5 to 6° You‘ll Like Our Efficient Service et n th BC air Branch of the Wo Montacue WC ms Uthough this will ‘be many steps ces f.In@st Jns d broken hi ie side of a ols( Vâ€"1I1iVve 10 x day W n raised Math Ome med n and United iacrete Ccelial id the build on hopes t the store ou Re‘d L h instead memibers inv.ted ; of date. a t 11 ellent largt Bonhomme Road li the chil M 1 «: News From Ansonville s _ And Iroquois Falls i€ were hts up i1a@at the d, New stantlyv 1 Lak visit an PORCUPINE ADVANCE TIMMTNS, ONTARTO m W .L out 111 hC 1 the Porcupine . D change except the | mins and Porcupin WOrkK ship. James Of Waleneagy, wiiKC AL and where the late Mr.and Mrs. Grant (Grahn) of Anthony reti from Hamilton. Albert Hopkir Porquis Jet. had completed a house in 1921, he has also comp bushel. Seed potatoes were quoted at $1.75 per 90 Ib. bag as compared with 1948 price of $3.00 per bag 75 lbs. The school Principal Archibald is mertioned starting a library. Fish stories appear such as "Master Artic Draves caught a 14 lb. maskinonge in the Black River Creek near the Tank now known as Tank Creek,. Fred Draves, now claims the honours should be his and‘ not his brother‘s as he caught that fish. Another â€" remark, Moffat catch that | Black River Sunday Henry Byberg were "Ichnsons General Store and Childs Hardware on the front page, also R. C. Miller (Bob) had a store, his ad reads Alsike C#f:wver soed $15.09 per bushel, mixed Timothy and Alsike $15.00 Toâ€" day this seed would bring $30.00 per bushel. Seed potatoes were quoted at $1.75 por 90 Ib. bag as compared with Matheson "Herald" Resurrected This week Mr. Jim Moore of Mat eson has resurrected a "Matheson He ald" ‘dated May 13th 1921, printed | Richard Brinton, Owner and Publish at Poreunine. Rates $2 90 in Canac Mrs. Albert Brumby and two childâ€" ren Barbara and Gordon from Torâ€" onto and Mrs. Waiter Burton and two children Carey and Teddy from Carlâ€" tomn Place are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Millar on Hosâ€" pital Street of $2. on ‘C Grade BI1. The many friends of Lorne Brindle, who is a patient in the Anson General Hospital, will be pleased to know that he is progressing favourably. AMBS good lamb Oof the ieg:Sia young man. | nital recenily chard Brinton, Owner Porcupine. ‘Rates $2 .00 elsewhere. Such â€" familiar â€" advel chnsons General Stotr 1071 e 1s made o0 the district Watebeag, d( were doin laims in I â€" of, such familiar rict as Mrs. Fred g, Mike Attalah, Mr.and Mrs. Oscar Anthony returned Phone 2259 id vertiseme no i1 npieted a new also completed i Matheson. Institute meetâ€" gaint per head on â€" Mr in the ovyvd anc n M‘s. W. J. Grummett recently visâ€" t*d ited at the home of Mrs, Blanche Math. Blain of Timmins. WIl l Miss Helen Hivey, Matron. at the eq Ansonville General Hospital spent a ilq month vacation at Béerwick, N.S. with he her friends ‘and‘ relatives. of A pretty wedding took place recâ€" ently in the St. Anne‘s Roman Cathâ€" olie Church at Iroquois Fals® when Georgette Chatelaine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Chatelaine of Ansonâ€" ville was united in marriage to Marcel Ethier, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Ethier. Father Germaine Paquette officiated at the ceremony. The bride was given in marriage by her father Mr. E. Chatelaine. She wore a floor length white tulle gown and her bouquet was made up of red roses. © Mrs. Lucien Chatelaine, as maid of honour chose a floor length white Mrs. Eva Ellsworth of Bolton is spending a vacation with her sister Mrs. Marry Jennings of Ansonville. Miss Anne Goodfellow has returned after spending a vacation with her {amily in Brockvillé. While on her vacation she also went to the Canadâ€" of Xâ€"Rav technicians in ian Socieiy of Xâ€"Ra Quebec City. home Cecile vacation Tom Harkins of Copper Cliff is spending a short vacation with his brother William Harkins and family. Additional the people 0o ing of the T Groceteria. Nineteen mmebers of the Ansonâ€" villeBoy Scout Troop enjoyed a pleasâ€" ant week at Horse Shoe Lake under the leadership of Scout Master Chateâ€" laine. Reverand â€" Father Germaine Paugquette acted as Chaplain for the boys. Mrs. Rawn Smith has returned home after an extended visit with her mother Mrs. Cogswell of Oromocto IROQUOIsSs_ FALLS Rarn to Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lavalee a baby girl at the Anson General Hospital. Mrs. Blanch Blain of Timmins visitâ€" d at the home of her daughter and onâ€"inâ€"law Mr.â€"and Mts. J. P. Gelinas. Billy Regimball has returned home ter spending the past few months North Bay visiting his uncle Ed rry who accompanied him back Chatelaine and Ethier Nuptials Lachance is spending her with friends in Niagara Falls al service will be given of Ansonville on the openâ€" Trembley Brother‘s Modern Women‘s Institutes of Ontario art this summer being visited by prominen: off.cials of the Federated Wamen‘ Institutes of England ard Wales. On: ¢f the cutstandingâ€" visitors has beer Lady Howarth, of the Chester Peder atizn of Women‘s Institutes, England who after on extens.ve tour of On tario Institutes has gons to the Un ited States to vicit sim‘lar organiza tions there. While in Ontario Lady Howarth wa a guest of Mrs. Angus Jackson Stone; Creek, and was ertertained by th« Mother Institulte there. In her itinâ€" erary she attended the District An nual meetings od the Women‘s Instl gown and carried a bouquet of roses, Yvette Cote acted as bridesmaid and chose a long blue gown. Sheâ€" also carried a bouquet of roses. The flower girl Noella Labine wore a long blue satin gown and carried a bouauet of red rozces. A dinner and buffet lunch was servâ€" ed at the ‘bride‘s home. Many friends and relatives of the brids and groom attended theceéeremony. The couple left on the evening train for Niagara Falls. They are now reâ€" siding at Brantford. The groom was attended by Armand Chatelaine. The usher was Lucien Ohatelaing. Distinguished Visitors Tour W. T of Ontario erary she atltend*°d the An nual meetings the Women‘s Insti tutes in Northwestern Ontario, amn took nart in the fodowing mestings: For Thundeéer Bay, at South Gillies for Kenora at Wabigoon; for Rain River East at McIrvine; for Rainy Ri ver West at Stratton; Jor Rainy Ri ver Centre at Barnhart. Lacdt Ho warth then went on to Manitoba t attend the convent.on of Wsmer‘s In stitutes for that Province. Another imnportant visit: Ontario, is Mrs. Ida Brainc shire I., Eprgland, execi ber, and a volunteer organi The said Byâ€"law may be inspected during business hours by any interested party, at the Office of lhc Town Clerk prior to the passing of the Byâ€"law. the time and place above mentioned hear in Council, Solicitor or Agent any person land will be prejudically affected by the By applies to be heard. TAKE NOTICE that the Municipal Council of the Town of Matheson will take into consideration the passing of and if approved will pass at its meeting to be held on the 16th. day of August 1948 at the hour of 7.30 o‘clock in the afternoon at the Town Clerks‘® Office, in the Town of Matheson a Byâ€"law for stonping up and closing all and singular, the certainâ€" parcels cor, tracts cof land situate, lying and=â€"being. in the Town of Matheson, in the District of Cochrane, and, Province of â€" Ontario, being composed part of the original road allowance on the South end of Third Ave. Plan Mâ€"97% North Bay, now deposited in the Office of Land Titles at Cochrane, Ontario, and the original road allowance lying north of the limit of Lot Number 15. Plan Mâ€"187 North Bay, now deposited in the Office of Land Titles at Cochrane, Ontario, which said parcels are more particularly desceribed, as follows; That is to say: starting at the north west angle 6of Lot 4. in the sixth concession of the Township of Bowmany thenece south 6 minutes east along the west limit of said lot, 989 feet and? inches, to a point in the north limit of Railway Street, as shown on Registered Plan Mâ€"97 North Bay; thence east astronomically along said north limit 345 feet, to the south east angle of lot 84, as shown on said Plan, which is the point of commencement; thence north 6 minutes west along the east limit of said lot 84, and the east limit of lot, 83, as shown on said Plan, 132 feet, to the north ecast angle of sald last mentioned lot; thence north 89 degrees and 54; minutes east, 66 feet: thence south 6 minutes cast 132.1 feet; thence west astronomically, 66 feet, to the point of comâ€" mencement. Secondly Commencing at the north cast angle of Lot 15, as shown on Rvgnsterod P‘an of subdivision Mâ€"187 North Bay, now Registered in the Land Titles Office at. Cochrane, Ontario; Thence Southerly and westerly along the northerly. boundary of said lot 15, for a distance of one hundred and thirty six feet .md nine inches (1369") to the northwest angle of said Lot 15; Thence northerly along the projection of westerly boundary of said lot, for a projection the westerly boundary of said lot, for a distance of sixtyâ€"eight feet, four and one half inches (68‘4‘4") to a point that is perpendicularly distant from the northerly boundary of said Lot 15, sixtyâ€"six (66.0) feet; Thence Northerly and easterly paralled to the noriherly boundary of said Lot 15, for a distance of one hundred and thirt? six feet and nine inches (136‘9") to a point that is perpendicularly distant thirty (300) feet from the easterly! boundary of Lot 5 in the sixth concession of the Township of BOWMAN; Thence Southerly for a distance of sixtyâ€" eight feet, four and one hall inches to the point of beginning, and for selling and comveying the said first portion so stopped up and closed as aforesaid to Nathan McChristie, of the Town of Matheson and for selling and conveying the said second portion so stopped up and closed to District Services Limited of the City of Sault Ste. Marie,, all as set out in the copy of the said Byâ€"law filed in the Office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Matheson. The Town Qf Matheson Dated at Matheson AND FURTHER TAKE NOTFICE that the Council will at ie 45 :58 Hovwarth was ‘kson Stsney ned by the In her itinâ€" District Anâ€" men‘s Insti«â€" Intario, Herifts ive m ririo, this n C «J TRIPS FACH WAY EVERY DAY LEAVE NORTH BAY 10.00 am" 4.30rm. _ 11.306 $7.00 tox Iacluded $ 12.60 UNION BUS TERMINAL NORTH BAY RARDWAR} ‘ale -'n’n’“’v’.oozn:oc}o’.ot".:ooz y "@ "® "@ (w Matheson, Ont. Imperial Oil DRY GOons theson, Ont. PHONXE 33 Pk oh. J T6 h 6 k 4o oA * 4 4 4 OA k % 60.0â€0000.0000000‘.0.0. a »a _ _ **_* _ *, Doylight Time PHONE 101â€"2â€"3 .0 0 # L ol e uy o ce rson or by his laims that hi â€"law and who of June, A.D Li( h: Augus c August 1€ FUBRN I'I‘I’R“ Clerk. agland. Mrs. sited Women‘s d York Counâ€" * counties durâ€" s â€"follows<â€"~Jumiy giuist 2, NoOrâ€" ist 16, Kent: 30, Wellingâ€" ; Septem/Jzer npletirg her and an 10 â€"48