Porcupine Advance, 18 Apr 1946, 1, p. 6

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”N .19le Uri-"l ' mater ehn‘e mute to Arm " “MEI. Wnttan’shaflthmmuch hmmmmmmw Onthekweytheyewpped ‘th afternoon nub at meanetmmnwmu Perk. 'Weoffliehndecmanfimtlw Athens“. where theyeookecotten and mwmterl. Hatter. Dmnebythemkeandmuch enjoyedeun- . '% when their son. mm was bathing. and the gloflous weather and ,mfltederrMe etollaryfldmhterace'am an: mam-s NdPuMO‘W? m. Prank nuzgmshastaxen the Tgnight the 46 club will hold an Easter party after the routine bus- United church performed the cere- diary and the groom’s father played the wedding music. The bride.w who was given in mar- the by her mother, looked beautiful inapalebluesuit with biownaceess- cries and corsage of yellow roses and forget-me-nots. Mrs. William Jamieson was matron of honor and looked charming in a dress at navy blue with white acces- series and corsage of red roses. Mr. .William Jamieson, cousin of the groom. was best man. Imrhediately following the ceremony Mrs. Honer served tea. the table being candles. .A wedding dinner was ar- ranged at the Airport hotel 'for the happy couple and immediate families. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Honer will reside on Main St" South Porcupine. ' ”Mm;- Innerlnn 'f‘nmfn thn lat-Ida mg loll} I“ !" U V'VWW‘O'J oque where he had been called owing to the illness or his mother. left Rain on Monday on recelying word that his mom had passed away on Sunday night. Mr. arid ms. Jimmy Rushton left by car for a holiday in Toronto. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Rene Quesnell. While in Toronto Mr. Rushton will get his discharge. Mrs. ..E M. Wilson is spending Easter with her brother, Mr. J D. Ferguson, in Orillia. Mrs. P. White left on Sunday even- ‘ing for Toronto. centred with spring flowers and white , Miss Frances Hogan 0! the public school staff left Tuesday evening for Kirkland Lake. Mrs. B. H. Harper, Dome Mines, who has been visiting in Toronto and other points, returned home on Tuesday. meeting in the Legion Hall last, Thurs- The local brazich of the Loyal Order {evening President. A Manner, of Moose held their weekly card party . igrthe their With 313W -five mem- in the Moose Hall, Golden Ave. ., on . Pu” ' Tuesda evenin - as included plans for a dance P I y for wlfist were won by Mrs 30:13 la igeghgfgé 12$: RES£_ M. Boauchamp, Miss Marcel. and Mrs. ' . E. “Webb. estra will supply the music. ~ , ~ After the .busmess was over the Prizes for cribbage went to Mrs. Bob members enjoyed a 31133-50“ with Bob Conolly, Mrs. Bert Henley, and Miss "mew. 1mm“; and r. 'led .1111). Francesca C'aterello "It. was a bright sunny day and the home was lovely with its netting of 'V‘ Before leaving Toronto the bride was giiég't: of honor at many shavers giv- efi- by her friends. . - After the business was 'uver the members enjoyed a sing-song with Bob Melatosh leading“ and L. Blood pro- viding the music. i ‘ Mrs. H, S. Colton who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. W}. V. Lane‘of Rae Ave., for ten days, has returned "to her mm in Toronto. mess . is disposed of. - Mrs =Maxwell-Smlth ls spending a Week in Washington. D. 0., Visiting .her daughter, ‘Beatrice Maxwell - Bmtth, Miss Evelyn Mitchell, wl'p has been in hospital in Brantford {or some time returned Last Tuesday with her moth- er, Mrs Ric.- Mitchell. ”V wow u "r- as“... u... until 5.00 p. m. Tuesday, Apnl 30th, 1946, for the supplying of Poliée uniform clothing ,for the year Sealed tenders will " be received by the Secretary Full particulars of requirements may be obtained from the office of the Chief Constable. The lowest or any tender“ will not necessarily be accepted. Tnmns. ammo. Sealed tenders Will be received by the Secretary until 5.00 p. 111. Tuesday, April 30th,-1946, for the Supplying of two sedanotype mater ears for Police ’1Dép’artment. Tencters must inmate trade-in al- loWance on present equipment. " by 46 Plans For ster Dance Board of OommiaiOners‘ '0! Police ‘3‘ F. 46" held its regular' weekly LOCALS in Girl aim V .w r ya man mm «.9, . TOWN OF TIMMINS TOWN OF TIMMINS moose Ltbdge~ Door Prize Gets Larger Mrs. Punk Huggins has taken the home on Cecil 8t. occupied byMr . mum Iii-amides and expects to move in mm my MrBaiphEiMwhohadJusti-e- turned last Wednesday from Guzman- m. said an. Jimmy Rushton left by m {61- a hgiday in Toronto. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs; Rene Quesnen. While :11 Toronto Mr. Rushwh Will get his discharge. Miss Gena. Higgins, publjc school staff, is back in school again, quite recovered from her cOld. ~ Miss Catarello also won} the mystery prlxe,__ a pair of nylon stockings. Miss Hurlkln‘s name was called for the door pflz’e :but as she was not in the hall the $2.00 will be added on, which makes“ next weeks' door prize worth $11.00. Mrs. E. Dene. Cutlery, was in the chair. Business items were discussed and the afternoon program consisted of the worSiiip service, conducted by Mrs Ooflery and which contained an Eas- ter message, and discussion of a book, which Was taken by m. R. J. Scott. fight members and two visitors made up the group, who after the meeting The W. M. S .of the South Porcu- pine United Charon held ité regular monthly meeting in the church last Thursday afterngon; The president, United W .M. S. Hold Meeting ovei', ,exijoyed lgght refreshments. Try The Advance Want Ads , A. L._ SHAW Secretary ' The remihr weekly meeting 0: the south Porcupine Kiwanis was held in the Airport. 110th on Monday eveping. The presxdent. Mr. v. Evans, wash) the The ‘program was in charge or the Agfleulture Committee. The guest spatter was Mr. H. L. Human the Agriculture representative at Mathe- Mr. Human spoke on gardening and before his main address he gave some interesting details on farming in gen- eral: He told his audience that it was A AA; as long ago as 16237 that the first farmer obtained a piece of land )n ontario. At the present day there are 700.00 farms in Ontario. The supply of meat and grain in this country is today very low. In February, 1945. there was well OVEI 361 million bushels of wheat in Canada A Year later there was just over 150 million bushels. In‘ 1914 there were more than 8-75 million hogs slaughttered and in 1945 less. than 5% million. He went on to say that there is less food in the world today than there has ever been. During the war there was thirty per cent lesilabor available but even then the farmers produced forty per cent more of farm products. "E‘heWCanocVuan farmer can produce more than fie ourselves need but ex- port demands are verv heavy. ‘ Mr. Hanlan quoted many figures to show that the countries where the people are the .hungriest age the countries Where the people live off the land. 5 He claimed that‘ before the depres- sion, When wheat was $1.05 a bushel, that bread was 10c a. loaf in Toronto and other big cities. During the de- pression when the farmers only got 35c a bushel, bread still cost 10c a loaf in' Toronto. AU. - v- v-- v â€" Now that the basicprice/of wheat is $1.50 a bushel bread in ‘Toronto is still 10c a loaf - which calls for some explanation. Mr. Tanlan then went on to discuss gardening, especially with regard to the lands its cultivation and drainage. He .mentioned the,» fact that surplus water smothers the plants by destroy- ing the micro-organisms which dis- solve the plant foods in the soil and processes them for the plants uSe. . â€"-“â€"-â€"I -mA ll. vvvwvu vvâ€"v___ _ Land should be well drained and fertilized. The best fertilizer -for gar- dens is well-rated barnyard manure. which holds the soil ‘water well, keeps the soil loose as well as being high in fértillty. I D- !_-I_- L‘I‘ Ufilnu.’ . Commercial fertilizers are ' fairly satisfactory and should be not more than One ton to the acre, ‘-he said. The chief plants for» garden planting use in the North ' arez- potatoes, car- rots, beets, cabbage,- parsnips, lettuce and radish and early varieties of these. He discussed perpetual seeding ,in some of these vegetables. .A little seed of radish, lettuce, peas and beans should u.. A--- be sown every supply U“, r-q - The address was very valuable to prospective gardEners and most inter- esting to listen to. St.Paul’s W. A. Will Hold Tea Saturday Other guests KiWanians were Reg. Stevens or New Liskeard and Dr. D. W. Wilson; veterinary ~surgeon from Guelph, who is .working in the Matheson area, blood testing cattle and who came with' Mr. Hanlan.‘ The Women’s Auxiliary of St. Paul’s Anglican Church is holding its annual Easter tea, in the guest.- house at Dome Mines on Saturday afternoon. There will be a table of home bak- ing and a table of Easter novelties for children. This tea is a very popular spring event and all will 'be madg Welcome. On Good Friday there wilr be de- votional service of prayer .and medi- tation at 11.00 o’clock. Easter Sun- day there . will the Service of Holy Communion at 8.00 a.m., and a Choral Euchariét at, 11.00 am. In the evening there wil be Evensong at 7.00. In place of the usual Sunday school sessions at. 11.00 and 3.00, there will ie a Children’s Service at 3.00 in the Church. At this service the members of the Junior Congregatgion wig pre- Agent; their Lenten bâ€"oxésJ Paren'ts friends are invited to attend. .vggnprable Archdeacon Woodall who has” been a guest of Bishop and Mrs. R. J. Harrison, is returning to South Porcupine .. this week. He will be the guest. or Mr. and Mrs. R. Vary. Rev. John Ford has returned from Cochrane, - along with a, nomher from here. attendink either as jurors or witnesseeat thesoring assizes of the Superior Court. Rebekah Lodge Plan Penny Sale, Apr. 26 Anglican Notes heel: for a, continuous. The many friends of Mr. Fred Tom- klnson, Poplar $13., will be sorry ‘to hear that he is ill in the Porcupine General Hospital and all extend him their best wishes for a speedy recovery. Mr) Charlie Jucksc‘n, First Ave., has been on the sick list for ‘the past two weeks and his many friends .wish him a speedy recovery. , - Mrs George Hain. (Doreen Wills) left Tuesdav for her home 'in Toronto after visiting her friends, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wills, 13‘1er Ave. - Mrs. Bin Green, Gold Centre, is ill in St. Mary’s Hospital and ,all her friends extend her their best wishes for a speedy recovery. Miss Lficille Mathieu o'f - Kirkland Lake spent the weekend visiting friepds here. - n.” ..\ __ .- .- The many friends of"""Mr'." Arthur . Wilford, Second Ave" will be sorry to » hear that he is ill in St. Mary’s Hos- pital and all ext’end him their best wishes for a sp'eedy recqvery.‘ Mrs, 'Joy‘ and her granddaughter, Joy Caunsmeau of Englehart, visited at the home of Mrs. George Cousineau. First Ave“ and of Mrs. Brough, Third 15%., during the weekend. ' Sgt. Roy Yorke of the United States Air Force is viSiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Yorke, McIntyre Pro- perty, Third Ave. Miss Joyce Taylor of- Kapuskasing is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lambert Taylor, Gold Centre. Miss Margaret Ward. of .Kapuskasing ac- companied Miss Taylor and will spend a few days visiting at, Miss Taylor's home. Ernie Laham left this week for a holiday at Montreal. Miss Isobel Flowers, Coniaurum Property, left today for Kingston where she will .begin her training in the Kingston General Hospital. Miss Mary Hodson, has received her discharge from the, R.C.A.F., (Women’s Division) and is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hodson, Gold Centre. Petty Officer Lester Revory of the United States Navy has left for De~ trait after "visiting his sister and brother-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Karahan, Second Ave. Miss Irene Cousineau of Kapuskas- mg is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Cousineau, 601;! Centre; Mr. Sinclair MacMIDan, boss of the Track and Pipe Fitters at. the McIntyre Mine is in St. Mary’s Hospital, as the result 01 a very serious accident at the McIntyre Mine on Tuesday after- noon. ‘ Bornâ€"Tuesday,-A15r. 9, in St. Mary’s Hospital. to Mr. and Mrs. Ken Coucie (Audrey Tomkinsin) Poplar St... a son. Miss Elizabeth Peat MscMillan er- rived Wednesday evening to visit' her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair Mae- Millan. McIntyre Property. Miss Mac- Millan who is employed with the War- time Trade and Price Board. Montreal wascalledhomeowingtothemness ofheriather. whoisinSt Mary's Hospital as the result of on accident BornQ-Friday. Apr. 12,‘ in St. Mary’s Hospital. to Mr. and Mrs. Percy Har- vey, Gold Centre, a daughter. The alarming increase in Ontario deaths from cancer over the past 44 years is dramatically illustrated in the above chart. which is being circulated >- 5? the Ontario Cancer Foundation in connection with its $2,000,000 appeal for funds. What has been accompliShed by control of diseaseis shown by the steady downward trend in pneumonia and. tuberculosis; I50 r‘oo 50 I900 LOCALS SCHUMACHER {mnoon at the Mclhtm l9l0 I920 Kingston General Hospital. During the evening, bingo was played with prizes for the“ winners. A delicious lunch was served and the guest of honor was’ the "recipient of many lovely personal gifts. j The following ladies attended: Miss Lois Phillips, Miss Ruby Nflson, Miss Peggy Sutherland, Miss" 01m Miller, M183 Jean Lafferty, Mrs.‘ Anne Davyd, Tuaencuwszg‘ Trinity United Church . Plans Good Friday Service Mrs. Alice Banich, Mrs. Fred Flowers, Mrs. Frank Wills, Mrs. Jean "Heath. Tomorrow evening, Good- Friday, a special service will be held in Trinity United Church. Easter Sunday special services will be held. Sunday. morning at 9.30 am. and at'll am. There will be Easter Anthems by the -- choir with Mrs. James Huxley accompanying at the organ. Everybody Will be made welcome at these services. . ' This Ad'vornscmont is'Spon-sorad by your {bank ”30 CANCQR Such loans may he obtained to meet financial needs, of ‘ many kinds; to layin ahead at winter’s supply of coal, to pay municipal or other taxes in time to earn the discount, to provide for home repdrs, to send a boy or girl to college. to consolidate debts-indeed for” any sound reason. BM Ml runs through all personal life and comtuercial life. It oper- ates silently and unobtrusively. :You take it for granted. That is the way Canulim banking works. ' You may find yourself in the same position as Joe Green. Anybody may! Personal loans through your bank make it possible for you to antici- pate future earnings. This is an essential part of its services. I940 Lorna Miller, Esther “I “,2, 09m" “1.3353,”: {sum Swanson" Chosen To m w mm m, m, u Attend ( Camp at was as we mm; “’11)? 'C.G.I.T. oi Trinity United Church held their meeting Thursday evening in the church hall,_ Miss Kathleen Christonher ' conducted the devotional period. Miss Jessie Moxie. president, was in the chair. During the business session. balloting was held for the two girls who will represent Trinity United Clinrch C. G. I. T. at Camp Lorraine this year. The girls chosen were Lorna Miller and Esther Swanson, After the business session the meeting closed with tans. .A social period was afterward en- joyed when the girls and their mothers met to honor one of their leaders, Miss Isobel Flowers, who is. leaving this week to begin a nursing career in the Kingston General Hospital. "X°ééiiéxoBIfd£énS§§Eéived by the hostesses, Mrs. James MacKenzie, Mrs. Jack Matthew and Mrs. Dan Fraser. During the evening. Miss Kathleen Christopher. on behalf of the girls. presented Miss Flowers with a ioyely wallet. The gift carried with it their best“ wishes for every, success in her new carreer, Miss. Flowers thanked them for the lovely gift. A nice social evening was then enjoyed. Faye Cousineau Has 10th Birthday Party Miss George 'Cousineau, First Ave.. entertained ‘JSunday in hodor of her grand-daughter, Faye Cousineau, who was celebrating her tenth birthday. ‘ A 'very happy time was enjoyed playing games and singing. During the afternoon a. delicious lunch was served and each guest had a piece‘or the lovely birthday cake. Faye was the recipient of many lovely gifts. The .following girls {attendedr Joy Oouslneau, Englehart; Alice Sculllon, Dalmer Cowden, Murlel Cowden, Gloria Brough‘ and Sylvia Brough. .- Jo. Groon is a shady workda- wflh a shady lob. H. has always me! his bills. lot now, bocauu J sleknou, II. suddenly finds In It short 0! may cash u. lomomw In will go to his bank and man. a Personal loan. ‘ SCHUMACHER __ News From Anglican Mission met at the home or the president. Mrs. Arthur Wilford. Second Ave. The ladies spent. a nice social time. each one busy with their sewing or knitting. During the evening the hos- tess served _a dainty lunch. ‘ Mrs. Lambert Taylor Is Evening Hostess Mrs. Lambert Taylor.- Gold Centre. entertained Tuesday evening at. a nicely arranged party in hbnor of her daughter. Joyce. and Miss Manatee Ward. who are visiting from Kapuskasr mg. . . A very happy time was spent with singing and dancing, during the even- 1113 a delicious 11mm was served by the hostess. _. The following guests attended: Mr. “aims. Alexi finnbabm. Miss Alice Beauchamp. Mr. Archie Dunbabtn, Mr. Henry. Joki. Mr. fiaul ‘Sillanpee. Mr. Raymond Taylor. Mr. Peter Fisher. Cor. Spruce St. and Third Am PHONE 324 » "Tmmms Clean Roams BY Day-or Week The King Edward Hotél Yer: Runnable Bites Quiet Atmosphere

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