\Langdon Langdon Synopsis of Opening Chapters®: ~ Carol Gilroy, a viewer, employ= ed in the Tanks‘ Gears Departâ€" ment of the Lowood Tractor Core . poration, is interested in â€" Gles Moreton a young inspector with â€" whom she works..Moreton is a mys~ â€" tery. A h ome, fairâ€"haired. man _ of twentyâ€"five,. it is rumoured that â€" _ he was a pilot, invalided out of the _ RAF,. Iwuzh * Carol‘ finding she is falling in . wlove with~ "Moreton, becomes t.he CAPTAIN: CALTHROP: Intelligence Officer on Hardisty‘s staff, speclally interested in ‘security questions,. â€" HARDIRBTY: :Generalâ€"Officer Comâ€" manding the district in which the Lo: wood works are situated. J who toadies to Flanagan. _ cw*' ##% HECTOR FLANAGAN: Works super-g intendent. Hostile to Moreton. j There have been two accidents. | Jack Barmes and Letty Smithers } to Lowood one autumn evening, for the night shift, they reach the station to find that police, officials, and an Intelligence officer, Captain Calthrop, refuse "to permit Moreâ€" ton and herself to leave the platâ€" form for tig: works area. Travelling from Hellersfield City isters, Soliciters, Eto. « MASSEY, BLOCK TIMMINS, ONT. EO Pm and South: Pcl‘cnplno by Vincent Cornier ~14â€"498 ""How do you mean, ‘was‘?" Again Fiagnagan made an ugly show. ‘"If you‘ve some idea of packingâ€"up and leaving this place, let me tell you, here Galthrop?" â€" Flanagan‘s voice aTose, venomously "Think so? Think so? Why, youâ€" you‘ve ‘said ‘ enough to get yourself sent down for ‘six months. And, hell ietch me, PIl see you get itâ€"â€"‘" If you’ll just run away to your ,job ‘MF. Flanagan," Moreton contempâ€" ,tuously advised, "and spend a nice half haur with your bet toads, Helme and the, regt of; your works‘ wonders, Capâ€". jrain Oalthrop and Inmight: get to. business. By the _)_wpyâ€"-d‘ggt' make. silly; thlreats I‘m apt to get annoyed v?f people who "ao that sort of thing." >> s Sergeant Pflbeam intervened. ‘ J “Look here, young ‘fellow, enough ‘tha.t Y¥‘seem to forget that Mr. Flana»= gan is the shop superintendentâ€"â€"*"â€" +. «Flanagan then asks. Moreton if,° ~ at any time, he has been gullty of : ‘ ‘ bringing . explosive substances or containers for them into the works .. grea. « Moreton ignores . the. quesâ€" + tions at first, ‘but after kicking : Helme :through the ticketâ€"barrier, he blandly admits he has been * -guilty of doing ‘both those proâ€" ‘ hibited things. . s (Now Read On) CHAPTER . Moreton Makes Admissions ‘~The "smile ‘of the Security Officer Aimmediately vanished. Hector Flanaâ€" ‘gan‘s : thick . features expressed beâ€" iderment,; then an. ugly satisfaction. »The ‘sergeant . of police. made an inâ€" voluntary step forward, but checked himself at ~a: gesture from Captain Calthrop. * e dn oc 00 _ “Aâ€"-singularly dangerous admission, Moreton o you really think so, Captain Eitc Moreton felt Carol‘s fingers fluttering undecidedly on His forearm. Then their nervousness was stilled and she steadâ€" ily and gently grippedâ€"and, with that silent. indication of an infinite trust Giles Moreton felt his senses sing. _ Swiss Watchmaker . Graduate of the Famous Horologh:al Institute of Switzerland his chief. ~ In . the: course: of interrogation, Moreton reveals himself as the son of â€"Sir . Hilary Ponsonbyâ€"Moreton. Having â€" stated that ~something "fishy‘"‘ has been going on in the works. time. Moreton is asked to beâ€"more explicit. At that Juncture, "Ratty‘" Helme, progress clerkâ€"and toady to the Works Superintendent, Hector Flanagan, whispets something to . Flanagan chap, for instanceâ€" ~Moreton seemed to have struck him fair and square. He was flabby with shock. In a few seconds he had been converted from a blustering official into a stunned and queerly bewildered â€"frightenedâ€"lackey. That had ‘ it; "lackey." Calthrop squirmed with conâ€" tempt. The superintendent was beginâ€" ning to lick his lips and come to life again, with a sickeningly service half- ‘smile on his face. i "Now listen to me, Moreton, and none o‘ your monkey tricks. You‘ve made a certainâ€" statement, in the presence of witnesses, to the effect that you‘ve introduced explosive substances, andâ€"orâ€"containers for them, into the Lowood Tractor Corporation s premises. You‘re evidently no man‘s fool; as you‘ve said, you‘re in full possession of your faculties So what? Come on, now: lets be hearing." The dogged Sergeant Pilibeam was to be denied no longer. He pushed Flanaâ€" gan aside and got to work. : . The sinewy forearm flexed beneath her fingers, Moreton‘s â€"whole attitude became a warning to her to be quiet Quite meekly, . for carol Gilroy. she obeyed. > ' Captain Calthrop fingeredâ€" hls chin and stood silence. He, like Carol, was also discovering some element of truth emergeing from the clouded situation. He wanted time to think. ‘ last heu'd the name of Sir Hllary Ponsonby«Moretonâ€"Moreton‘s father. That mysterious young man, revealed a little at last, seemed to divine, exactâ€" ly, what knowledge caused the girl her swift start of surprise. He looked down on her, smilingly. went onâ€"to say something he was to‘ take it from me that supâ€"wheels ‘are regret as one of the the bane of my existence." Moreton and unfortunaté. utterances of his nte'applwded.mocnnfly "It‘s one of my ‘I%utmn’:ywrnltwmnbemmflewmmmumm going. I‘ll see to that!" â€" > up on other little deuns before handâ€" ‘It was in that baffiing moment that ing them over to Mr. ‘Moreton for inâ€" Carol â€" GHlroy suddenly . recollected spection." where, and in what connexion, she had| "By that time, Caithrop." Moreton "Penny dropped, ‘Carol?" â€" - "YÂ¥â€"yes!" She was breathless ~and confused. ‘"That isâ€"Iâ€"â€"ILâ€"now I underâ€" ‘"That manâ€"yes!,He‘d lost our route card, and the batch simply could not go forward without it. The grinders were playing the dickens because they. couldn‘t get their chits signed andâ€" oh, everything was quite dreadful!". : "â€"That ferrety individual I had the pleasure of booting out of the station," Moreton interrupted again. §E "It is ./. Well we didn’t succeed in passing them. There were all kinds of odd difficulties. . For one thing, Mr, Helme, the progress manâ€"‘". that batch, Captain Calthrop: began as one of one hundred â€"and fifty In various stages fourteen were scrap« ped. We got the remainder. ready for‘ final enspection just before a two days‘ holiday we were having. , Mr. . Moreâ€" ton and I worked like nlggers to get them passed off, before Lowood. Feast." ‘"A general holiday, peculiar district,‘" Moreton explained. "Ah! And that’s our story, Captaifi Calthrop!" Carol eagerly stated. "You must know that, by this time, thost sunâ€"wheels have‘ been throuugh out hands a dozen times. If any flawt really did exist they‘d be detected very, early on in the process of manufact« "Yet," Moreton softly intoned, "one hundred and thirty six of ‘em devel« oped flaws after final inspection. " s tion: and C.I.M.. approval, they o down to the fitters for assembly." ° ‘"They‘re completed?" "They are.. This is the way of things I talkte over from Miss CGHilroy, I finally check them for parallelism,â€" height, bore, outside. diameters, and inspect their mirrorâ€"ground surface. My toler< ances are â€"fineâ€"in tenâ€"thousandths : of an <inch. ‘<Assuming they pass every test I give them one: more inspection for tiny faults or fawsâ€"‘" put in, "twentyâ€"seven operations fHave taken place on them; weeks of work After they leave me, except for fAnal 3 o i t on o t kh i e t n O e T td > 4 '1 wood 'I‘ractor [Works. uaedato;be,‘a ‘wool= en mill.. Like ‘all the, mills hereabouts it â€"has a â€"huge mill ‘dam. Andmyxtub jwent »down, from 1he fourth ï¬oor. splash into that." . 3 “But-,-but how can you say, it con- ‘tained explosives? ‘Probably. the: snui' ‘was only a;â€"* / > 5 . “Oaptaln Calthrop, often I’ve watc s éd trefch. and catp , swimming about . in. the: mill pond. Duflng the. hight â€" ‘there was a distinet: thud right through ‘this building.â€". And,; anyone ‘will tell) you. this, a stcore: Afs old Yat fish:lay floating, dead,> on the mater ‘ln the= morning!" . ~â€" > "This absolutely stumps me w Cnl- throp slowly said. "Iâ€"simply can‘t‘ re¢ skon it up at all. Can you?" es tA ; "I mentioned that.At was an August pight._ I said the: lorry had. Just start- ed. . said that the : engine of}> that ‘llorry â€" divided : the ‘enclosed â€" ‘cab. ~ ‘‘The ‘rogds hereabouts are hmy e . "Yesâ€"go. on."‘ > s a whne especially with tpe englne laboï¬ring ‘on â€" these roads pulo ling an enormous load, that ‘cab wbmd 'oe .a pettyâ€" lnforno ‘Heat,‘I have‘exâ€" plained â€"reâ€"acted terrlBly on that mysterlous tube .of: explosives fiuid.‘ So ‘ â€"qgraw your ‘own â€" conclusiohs." â€" _ _ "You are actually suggesting another, torm of . sabotage. ‘Moreton? " An at<] tempt to wreck a lorry Jload: of tank] ï¬Ã©keard‘ abdut â€" the saxne tim% ï¬p ‘entered ; the "service ot the: Noftï¬el:n ‘Onfatio. Pewer ‘Compaby, by. whom He had beén employed Tor seVgnteerï¬yem ; metive member of the New.Liskeart ranch ‘ of the. Canadian _ Legion,."he first . viceâ€"president_ of the Branch at the tlme of, his" death «4 5 "‘The â€" tuncral: took plage on stiï¬ay aftemoon, ‘with services; in: e f»\f‘o 8. padteâ€"of me.mmn;pm matme veterans'serzlcea'; the igravesite. in New; aed ) Last iPost® and â€" Revellie. at _ the . comptary.‘ ‘Pallibegrers. wete Comrades â€"W."J Ma« ‘Kee, J. W. GddsbyandA ‘B:.> Mélsner, .for the Legion a.nd R:H. Trvfl_n, wt{ =Herron and Gai'nbt Murf‘a'y fl'om A thej ‘Staft ‘of the ‘Combpany, ‘store. ‘and . offices ! weare qwed duflng‘ ’t.he time: ~ot ;the funeral. a "Mr. Boyce is survivéd by hls widoy.: .t-he former Eva McChesney. and by ‘three sons and a~ daughter. ‘The: sons are Jack," with "the RCAP, l; "James Chariton Boyce, {or the past years a resident of New Liskâ€" ward and formerly of Halleybury, died )y, of Toronto, and Mrs. Aor gl\mml.mher with e MoWAhrie, of Detroit, sisters of Tllness of 3 Months the® Lady Minto. hospital at . Ner* t.lmmd on Sept. l4th after an ifiness éextending over the past mm md\ms He was in his S4th year. ° °. _ "A native, of Rspanio, whc__re he \ The Arst ‘fail meéetWg 0f the Wireside ‘Club was Held in the pbï¬meï¬t ‘of the Pir [oriday evenâ€" wmh ‘other > women‘s ‘brganizattons in the ‘Plans "were hmada YTor the mmtmn gale to beNek#t‘in the church :Mrs w mmsiwm leaving Tresite : in‘ ‘Liskeard. She was (with an C ie Ahashmerits‘ wereâ€"served. | (; 'I'orontd 'i‘elégrhm The Pahâ€"Amerâ€" 1ca.n tronp\howadays ‘As panning Argâ€" AMts."" L. Asigh, ~Moger" convener, thiinkéd >thoge : who | had provided ‘%vem dui‘ll‘nc thesaummer for decor- d (s4T. aarper Cross oonvener. .that 63 ‘articles of civilian and Â¥ervide" 'gnittfhc had ;beén completed durihg, the "summer, .months. W SM. Mustard gaye A talk: on “Healt.hifor .. Feel Weak, Wg:n, Old? : ~’rmé€v‘n.m :m 5 %ï¬%fltï¬%}ï¬ After 30 or ï¬?;;’i"- 'Mï¬by s n_\oved a vote of at 9