Porcupine Advance, 21 Aug 1941, 2, p. 4

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Newspapers all through Canada last week gavei much space to recording the death of R. A. Mcâ€" Innis, until recently the general manager of the Angloâ€"Canadian Pulp and Paper Co., of Quebec. It was noted that he died at his summer home near Port Carling, Ontario, after nrore than a year! of illâ€"health. Mention was made of his outstandâ€"| ing success as an executive; that he had been] the manager of the Abitibi Power & Paper Co., at; Iroquois Falls for ten years; that he established the Angloâ€"Canadian Pulp & Paper Co. in 1927; thatl in 1937 he organized the Gaspesia Sulphite Co.} and at the time of his death he was president ofl that company; that he was a director of the folâ€"| lowing important. concerns:â€"Tampax Incorpor-i ated, New York, N.Y.; Angloâ€"Newfoundland Steamâ€"| ship Company, Limited; Terra Nova Properties,} Limited; and the Quebec Logging Corporation;; that he was a past president of the Canadian Pulp| & Paper Association. Important as these details may be and valuable as they suggest the talent of the late Mr. McInnis, they seem to miss the} special service that this gifted citizen gave his; countrflé; For ten eventful years he served the! North. Wrough that special service‘ he a.ssistâ€"] ed Canada in noteworthy way. R. A. McInnis took! over the management of the Abitibi Pulp & Paper; Co. in 1917. He started with a concern that had; comparatively little in the way of plant, business: or prestige. He not only built a model industry.’ but his was the moving spirit that established a : model town to provide homes for the employeesÂ¥ of the business. With inadequate capital, he fin-: anced a venture that achieved noteworthy sucâ€"| cess. Mr, McInnis did not start the Abitibi Power & Paper Co., but he truly established itâ€"made it' a going concern, with a loyal staff and a thrivingl business. He took a delight in overcoming the’ early difficulties and handicaps encountered, andt he gathered round him men who were inspired not only with the purpose of bringing an indusâ€" Trial enterprise to high success, but also moved byl the desire to build homes and a town of beauty| that would be a model for the North. He deservesi the title of pioneer in material ways, but still morei he merits the name of pioneer in the finer things, Timmins, Ont., Thursday, August 21st, 1941 Subscription Rates: Canadaâ€"$200 Per Year. United Sta TIMMINS, ONTARIO Members Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association; Ontarioâ€" Quebec Newspaper Association TWO PHONESâ€"â€"26 and 2020 of life. Attractive homes, pleasant surroundings, lawns, gardens, flowers, education, art, beauty, music, cultureâ€"these occupied his thoughts and hopes. He pioneered in the idea of the best laâ€" bour conditions, the best working conditions, the best home conditions. The civic centre at Iroquois Falls was one of the pioneer beauty spots in this part of the North. There was not a worthy comâ€" munity cause that did not have the ardent supâ€" port of R. A. McInnis. R. A. McInnis was an enthusiast for Iroquois Falls and he did his full part to make it worthy. But’ he did not stop there. He tried to serve the whole. North. As president of the Northern Ontario Asâ€"l sociated Boards of Trade for several terms he did remarkable work in helping to make the Northl known and understood. His leadership for years| was one of the greatest assets of the North. His| unusual organizing and executive ability was aI freewill offering to the cause of the North. The; North owes him a great debt, and in this land for‘ which he did so much, his memory should long be| honoured. â€"He had a vision that some day will be! realizedâ€"a vision of a country with its resources§ developed, its riches turned to the service of huâ€"| manitty, its treasures used for the benefit of allâ€"| a land of industry, pleasant homes and happyl people. i Just as R. A. McInnis did not forget the better| things of life in the work of building industry and| making progress, so, too, he found time in his busy| life in the North to make friends. So toâ€"day his passing is mourned by all who knew of his services to the North, and particularly by his friends who recognized in him not only the executive of ability, | but the man of ideals and aspirations and beliefi in the happiness as well as the progress of nuâ€"| manity. | The publication this week of details of the Migâ€" rafiory Birds Convention Act will remind many worthy people of the fact that the annual duckâ€" hunting season is not far away. Every year hunâ€" areds of men in this part of the North enjoy the duckâ€"hunting. Other hundreds come from Cld Ontario and from places even in the far south of the continent. The annual duckâ€"hunt has a fasâ€" cination that has few equals in the realm of sport. It is not the killing of the birds that gives the delight, but the communion with nature, the thrill, the adventure, the interest of the occasion. The charm of the outdoors, the bracing air, the enthuâ€" siasm of the event, the happy comtpanionship of kindred spiritsâ€"these are the joys of the duckâ€" hiunting season. It is well to remember at this time that one man in Canada takes a chief place in the fact that the annual duckâ€"hunting holiday is practical and popular. That man is Jack Miner, now 76 years old. His bird sanctuary at Kingsâ€" m n n i t n n im m i f 1ER WORTHY CAUSE t ANOTHE AUSE mt itc n o0 00 00000 a0. m 0000000 u0 i. snn o0 0 00 00 o0 z02220 an El Yoroupine Aduauce o ca c c m c . n m n n n i n i m n t t i n n n n . n n a" HE SERVED THE NORTH 4 ~% 4 4 4 1 remr s s a s a 2 a a 0 0 aâ€" u9 0 m 0 0 0 m n in c an en n ce en an sn n w w FAGE Pour GEO. LAKE, Owner and Publisher Published Every Thursday by United Statesâ€"$3.00 Per Year i Mr. and Mrs. Kirk, a respected couple living in North Bay, left last year on a holiday trip, leaving ' their family of young children behind in the care Eof relatives. Somewhere between Sudbury and iSau]t Ste. Marie, all trace was lost of the couple and their automobile. Search of the country and I dragging of the waters has brought no clue to the fate of the couple. In referring to the mystery, l'I‘he North Bay Nugget compares it to the disapâ€" lpearance of "John Small" a quarter of a century | ago. That is enough to make Ambrose Small turn in his unknown grave, for he was a man so well advertised that he would be excused for being !disappointed if his first name were forgotten. For many years Jack Miner and his son, Manley Miner, with the support of the others in the famâ€" ily, defrayed the expenses of this unique plan of conservation through aroused public interest and knowledge. It was their method of brightening and lightening the arduous duty of farming. Durâ€" ing the years, however, the cost has mounted beâ€" yond private enterprise.. Toâ€"day the Miner bird sanctuary has costs and expenses that total $15,000 a year. The natural thought may be that governâ€" ments should carry this expense for the country‘s welfare.© It is necessary, however, that the fact should be faced that govermments do not follow such logical ways. The onus accordingly falls on the public. A month or two ago Jack Miner made his semiâ€"annual appeal for funds to mainâ€" tain his worldâ€"famed bird sanctuary at Kingsâ€" Ville. With all the other demands of the moment â€"so many arising from war causesâ€"it may not be possible for all to help in the worthy conservaâ€" tion cause for national benefit, but at least each and every one may do his or her part in impressing on the governments the fact that one of Canada‘s important resources is its wild life and that conâ€" servation should have full support. vilie, Ontario, has not only assured the supply of the migratory ducks and geese, but it has served as the inspiration and the model for dozens of similar sanctuaries in Canada and the United States. For a quarter of a century or more Jack Miner has been placing bands on the legs of birds at his sanctuary. These bands have carried texts from scripture, thus carrying the gospel north and south on the continent. The idea behind his sanctuary has carried another gospelâ€"the gospel of nature. of kindness, and of conservation. Time and again since the present war comâ€" menced the question has been asked:â€""What will Russia do?" It was asked when Allies of Russih were threatened. It was asked when Russia‘s inâ€" terests seemed to be in jeopardy. It was asked more recently when Russia was attacked. It was asked when Russia appeared to be successfully withstanding the fury of the invasion. It is asked now when Russia appears to be threatened with major losses in territory and resources. Recent days have heard reports of noteworthy advances made by the Nazis. Russia has certainly been the Question Mark in the struggle for freedom and democracy. Answers to the question have been many and varied. There appears to be numerous and differing replies to the question as to what Russia will do now, with the prospects less bright for Soviet success. The real answer to this latest question appears to be the same as the reply to the previous Question Marks. Russia can hold back the Huns, if the Russian people are ready and willing. All the signs so far suggest that Rusâ€" sia is both able and willing. The Question Mark has become an Exclamation Point. "What Will Russia do?" has brought an answer in action that has made the democracies exclaim in admiration. This may well continue. Russia has such infmense territory and her resources and industries are so widelly scattered that it does not seem possible that a single victory, or‘even a series of victories can change the issue. If Russia continues to fight with the spirit and power that has distinguished the battle so far, the Nazis have no more chance of defeating Russia that the Japanese have of conquering China. Canadian&â€"who see a grievance in the fact that they are now required to slice their own bread should remember that there are many countries in the world toâ€"day who are worrying because they have no bread to slice. i c c ce c t n n w on an n an o o s c c c c c n n im am n w on an 4. Still stands the motto of the King:â€" "Put into your task whatever it may be all the courage and purpose of which you are capable. Keep your hearts proud and your resolve unshakâ€" en. Let us go forward to that task as one man. a smile on our lips and our heads held high, and with God‘s help we shall not fail." Those who pretend to believe that democracies can not accomplish things or govern themselves and that to get things done or preserve order dicâ€" tatorship is necessary should turn their attention to the crowds of thousands waiting on street in Timmins on Tuesday to welcome H. R. H. the Duke of Kent. As early as one o‘clock in the afternoon the crowds began to gather. At that time it was expected that the Duke of Kent and party would be here by halfâ€"past two in the afternoon. Word was soon passed around the crowds that it would be halfâ€"past four or five o‘clock before His Royal Highness could reach here. Most of the crowd quietly slipped away for a time, though some stayed patiently in front of the town hali for over four hours. Around four o‘clock the thousands GRAVEL AND SANDâ€"AND PLACER THE QUESTION MARK THE PORCUPTINE ADVANCE, TTIMMINS, ONTARIO gathered again to welcome MHis Royal Highness. There was no confusion, no disorder, little jostling. Everything was quiet and orderly and serene. Not only was the orderliness and decorum of the huge crowd a compliment to the authorities, but still more was it a credit to the people themselves and to the theory of selfâ€"government of an intelligent people. Recently there have been a number of comâ€" plaints that on most evenings it is impossible to secure needed remedies in case of illness or acc@tâ€" dent. The suggestion is made that it might be practical to arrange for one or more drug stores to be open later at night for the general convenience. This might be accomplished by the drug stores arranging among themselves a plan whereby for certain dates some of the stores might open later and close later. The method could be adjusted so that none of the stores would keep open longer than any of the others. The different stores could be on different hours, with the staffs having the same number of working hours and the same time off. The plan might be worth consideration with the idea of public advantage. No thoughtful perâ€" Married at Golden City; to Reside at South Porcupine A very quiet wedding took place on Saturday evening, August 9th, in the parsonage at Golden City, when the Rev. Louis Carlson united in marriage Mary Willow Kelly, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kelly of Railroad st. South Porcupine, and Percy Milton Howson, son of Mrs. Nova Howson and the late Mr. Howson. of Scotland, Ont. Other News of South Poreuâ€" pine and the Dome. The bride was gowned in pale blue crepe with white accessories and was attended by her sister, Miss Ethel Kelly, who wore a cinnamon brown dress with green accessories. Mr. Sydney Tubman officiated as best man. South Porcupine, August 20. Special to The Advance. A wedding dinner for the immediate relatives was held at the bride‘s home after the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Howson will take up residence at 81 William avenue, South Porcupine. Friends of Mr. Thos. Ryan will symâ€" pathise with him upon hearing of the death of his brother, Mr. Michael Ryan, in Fort Edward, New York. The funâ€" eral was on Wednesday, but Mr. T. Ryan was not able to attend. Miss Sybil Ostrom is spending the summer vacation in Haileybury and Englehart. Mrs. William Battrick, of Front street who has been visiting her sister in Bracebridge for the past month, has returned home. Mrs. Beckett and.‘grpx_)dson. Billy, have returned from holiday in Norâ€" wood. Mrs. Dewar, of Montreal, has arrived in town at the Ostrom apartments, joining her husband, who is employed at the Broulan Mine. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Cybulski left last week to spend a few days in Renfrew. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Richardson, of Dome Extension left last week for holiday in Sturgeon Falls. iMrs. Victor Hermant and her mother, Mrs. Lefinsky, left on Tuesday last week for vacation in Pembroke and Renfrew. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Varker have reâ€" turned from vacation in London and Sarnia and while in Sarnia, a family reunion of the Langdon family of which Mrs. Varker is a member took place, thirty nine being present. Members were present from New Jerâ€" sey, Flint and other places in Michiâ€" gan. The Varkers report seeing Mr. J. A. Collins, formerly of Dome Extenâ€" sion who is at present ill, in the Lonâ€" don Sanitarium and were glad to find him somewhat improved in health. His children, Esther and Harry, were with them and were also able to see their father. { The Misses Mary and Ilena Yorke, of Crawford street left on Tuesday last week for Sydney, Nova Scotia, for vacation. Mrs. V. G. Hills returned last week to her home in Hamilton after visiting relatives apd friends in town and Dome Extension. Mr. and Mrs. John Costain left last week for Kemptville to visit their daughter Mrs. Bert Frisby and family. Mr. A. D. Pearce accompanied them. Mr. and Mrs. B. Bruce and. twin daughters have returned to South Porâ€" cupine, after two weeks‘ holiday at their cottage at Sesekinika. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hunkin and Donna, who have been on a visit to relatives in Mitchell, London and Ham:« ilton, returned home this week. Mr. Wm. Gowans, of Toronto, at one time with the Dome Mines Co., was in town this weekâ€"end at the Hoyle proâ€" perty. 4" Your correspondent has received a copy of the Parish Magazine from her old home in England and the following extracts bring home closely to us the difference in conditions in England toâ€" day and Canada: "On Tuesday, July 8th we invite all the members of the Mothers‘ Union to a pleasant afterâ€" noomn on the Vicarage lawn. We will do our best to provide some refreshâ€" ments if members will bring their own sugar." And again; "The Ministry has appointedâ€"â€"â€"â€"as the Voluntary food organizer to look after food supâ€" plies, should the people of â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" be isolated in the event of invasion by the enemy. He would under such conâ€" ditions be responsible for conserving and fairly distributing the food in â€"â€" â€"â€"â€"â€"until communication with the permanent Ministry of. Food organizaâ€" tion has been restored. This is not inâ€" chiefl tended to alarm anyone of any immeâ€" | ping . diate danger, but everyone in case of Las need should know that provision has s been made." l Cm"ql Jack Miner‘s Tags for Ducks and Geese of Much Importance For illustration, North Carolina at one time killed more than ten other states. Jack Miner gives this information to the proper authorities, with the resuli several sanctuaries were established in that locality which gives the birds a place to breathe between shots. Had it not been for Jack Minâ€" er‘s tagging system the authorities would not have realized what a great percentage was being killed in such localities. Valuable in Helping Along Conservation â€" of _ Wild Fowl.. & The Sanctuary has proven that birds will come back to the same place for food and protection.. Only this spring while making a catch a goose was caught wearing two tags. One on each leg. One had been put on in the Fall of 1924 while the tag on the other leg was placed on in the Fall of 1928. Several are often reâ€"caught which have been tagged as far back as the Fall of 1928, but seldom is one caught that has been tagged back as far as 1924, Kingsville, Aug. 20 â€" Most people look upon Jack Miner‘s tagging system of Ducks and Geese as a hobby, when the fact of the matter is it is of the greatest value in dollars and cents to the various Provinces of Canada and the United States, because it gives the authorities knowledge of where the birds are each season of the year, which State and Province kills the most and where they are killed in any huge number. OPEN TO PUBLIC 11 TO 3 DAYTIME 8 TO 11 AT NIGHT son would ask for any return to former hours, no matter how convenient the late hours might be to the public. If extension of the service to the pubâ€" lic could be extended by an agreement between the various drug stores, the plan might well be considered. A German resident of New York City jumped from the Brooklyn Bridge in the hope of killing himself{. If this man had really intended to comâ€" mit suicide he would have returned to his native land and publicly announced that he did not like the way the Fuehrer wears his moustache. The Kapuskasing Northern Tribune thinks it a remarkable coincidence that The Advance and The Tribune should get the same idea at the same time of listing English words beginning with the letter "V‘". What makes the coincidence the more reâ€" markable is the fact that The Advance list of words beginning with "V" was published a week before the Tribune‘s roll. A really coincident coâ€" incidence would be the fact that these two newsâ€" papers should publish a list of English words endâ€" ing with "v". * B R A N C H ES T H R O U G H O U T C A N A D A IMPERIAL BANK OF CANADA Furhermore proves that the making 19 yei or in other w continent. Ja trips would i forth across t had a Sanctus the hunters st safety to anoth several photos Imperial Bank gives a complete banking service on the C. N. E. grounds, in the Adminâ€" istration Building, near the Fountain. This branch is operated during the Exhibition for the convenience of the Canadian National Exhibition Association andthe public, andis one of the 197 branches operated across Canada. rolnna 14 many Da Head Office: Toronto . LEWIS, Manager Exhibition Branch WiIint bed PINE STREET NORTH Curtis Optical Co. U UAL shC REGISTERED oPTroOMETRIST IN CHARGE 11 he h Liberal Terms May be Arranged ie was killed in North id been tagged in 1918 ; it has worn the tag, ds 28 trips across the Miner asks how many have made back and _continent had it not _to give it safety from ; and shell. the tageing system the tagging go from one .. Jack Miner from owners k Miner wasn‘t tagâ€" U system place of received of Bird Defective vision in young eyes often goes unnoticed during vaâ€" cation months. Before you send them back to school, find out if their eyes are causing trouble. Don‘t let your children lose out in school when you might save them the disappointment by this simple prevention. _ Have Mr. Curtis examine their eyes today. Eanctuaries in North Carolina, other states as Fell as other Sanctuaries in Ontario, which had been taken from blinds which show the geese wearing his tab. Thus witile there are chains of Sanctuaries throughout America, birds can‘t becoms exterminated, yet the Runters have good shooting between these Sanctuaries. In other words the Sanctuaries stop any exterminating deâ€" Nothing Serious: quires a tough hide quently being called Millions of dollars have been rightly spent in the United States and Canada for museums where only stuffed speciâ€" mens can be seen. Jack Miner asks, is it not just or sane, if not more so, to maintain Sanctuaries where specimens can be seen alive and saved from exâ€" termination. sires GOOD GOING AUG. 21 â€" SEPT. 6 RETURN LIMIT & SEPT. 10 SINGLE FARE TORONTO EXHIBITION BARGAIN FARES IHURsSPAY, aUdtUsT 218T, 1941 In effect from many points in Ontario FOR THE ROUND TRIP Gov‘t Revenue Tax Extra TO Many a man ac«= because he is freâ€" on to save it. PHONE 835

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