Thursday, December 22nd, 1938 « ue @’I’I’I’I’I’ ï¬â€â€™f’l’;fl’râ€}fâ€"’l’l 2 B EB B L BE LR ELEA L SP L SP P ML 4 P B . L L. L. DL L. A MERRY CHRISTMAS HAPPY NEW YEAR 0'44‘4†Thcere were great lameont MiStletO(‘ Legefld all <the gods pleaded with i the underworld to release L | 3 Comes from Balder :.; ; on con _ oi e Om mm .. â€" t *\ * Is The Wish of The Management and Staff With RICHARD GREENE, NANCY KELLY, PREsSTON FOSâ€" TER, GEORGE BANKROFT, sLIM sUMMERVILLE, HENRY ARMETTA, WARRENX HYMER and J. FARRELL MacDONALD Wednesday and Thursday, December 28 29 PRISCILLA LANE and WAYNE MORRIS in The New Story of Judge Hardy‘s Family with LEWIS STONE, MICKEY ROONEY, JUDY GARLAND, CECELIA PARKER and FAY HOLDEN NOTEâ€"Special Children‘s Matince on Monday at 10,30 a.m. showingâ€""Love Finds Andy Hardy"â€"ALL CHILDREN 10c With Johnnic ‘Scat‘ Davis, Jane Bryan and Eddie Albert Musicalâ€"*"Toyland Casino‘ Cartoonâ€"*"The Winning Ticket‘ With Edward Arnold, Frank Morgan, Maureen O‘Sullivan and William Gargan. Mentone Musicalâ€" Don‘t Miss These Exceptional Pictures â€" NO ADVANCE IN PRICES Frid: Sunday Midnight, Monday, and Tuesday December 25th, 26th and 27th "LOVES FINDS ANDY HARDY" Friday, Friday Midnight and Saturd: December 30th and 31st ROBERT TAYVLOR in , Friday Midnight and Saturday December 23rd and 24th "SUBMARINE PATROL" "BROTHER w *R wA Plusâ€"Added Sshort Treats Beauty Shopp Universal News Legend Tells Story of Son Of ‘Odin and Origin . of Mistletoe Kiss. ground. JI. is a "sutcket draws its nourishment fr« on which it lives. It y kill: the‘tree if its brail spread {o any grrat eX« Cl to a gonus of which th A pal mistleto twonty species It is genera is3 its favour4 found on this fcund mostly ¢ the berrics, ar surrounded by a siicky su which birdâ€"lime is mads ing berriecs, the birds g their feet and carry them trcr}; once is difficult the soeds t bed into a a branch. Thr» Cell tion, cspecIally i1 1Jt wWaSs i1OUNG O wilt 6ak, and i4 has played a prom.neni part in mythology. Among the gods of Nors2 mythology the most loved was BPalder, son of Odin. Legend tells us how he spread sunshins and happiness wherever he went, grief fled before he brightness of his he never knew wlhat it was to to be unhappy, and all showoered presents upon him. But at last the charm secmed broken, for ho drsamed thss. a great disastor was to fall upaon him, and gods were griefâ€"stricken at the expected calamity. His mother Frigga travolled the world asking all living things not to harm her son, and all willingly gave their proâ€" mizs. Happiness reigned again. Legend of the Evil God Balder jled such a charmed life that no harm could befall him; on days of festival, a favourite pastime was 1O lhiurl missiles at this invulnerable hero, and all fell harmless si. his feet. Bu, amons the gods there lived a selfish being named Loki. He was ficrcoly jealous of the popularity of Balder and decided to put an end to his roign. HMe disguised himsel{, weut to Bualder‘s mother, and discovered (hat in hor travels when she made suppliâ€" in Wiayvyes oe.‘:ion to all to one tiny plant, tlr»> dGistar m THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO mad his relurn #od. By : to ‘throw L uuderworld Matince Daiy special Clhldr Adventurecâ€"*"*Filming Big Thrills Travelâ€""Going Places Cartoon â€""A Feud There Was" Gibbonsâ€""Dangerâ€"High YVoltage" Cartoonâ€"*"Lamplighter" Adventureâ€""Hermit Kingdom" Noveltyâ€""Sstranger Than Fiction" Paramount News Serialâ€""Flash Gordon" (Final Episode) Tuesday and Wednesday, December 27 and 28 Comedyâ€""Zero Girl" Bandâ€""Saturday Night sSwing Club 1 pDowcriduUi spCarâ€"siidiwl, AddG Oil im <parched out Hader. a blind y strategy, Loki induced Hader w the sha‘s. It pierced Balder‘s and his spirit travelled to the O Yi Thursday and Friday, December 22 and Saturday, Sunday \lidniu;hl and Monday December 24th, 25th and 26th ROY ROGERS in Thursday and Friday, December 29 and 30 BARTON McCLANE and GLENDA FARRELL in of mis owerfti erC on tAt ind th t, growing ol mountlains, | y believed that the oak : host, but it is rarely tree; in Britain 1t ‘is n the apple. Birds cal PilIL REGAN and PENNY SINGLETON in "UNDER WESTERN STARS "OUTSINE OF PARADISE" "AY DONALD wWOODps and NAN GREY in O "DANGER ON THE AIR" MIDNIGINT SHOW Every Ssunday n‘s Matlinee every saturday Morhing at 10.38 a.m Children‘s Ticket 18e Musicalâ€"*"Patio Serenade" Cartoonâ€""Porky in Whacky Land" olor Tourâ€""What the World Makes m> and happiness ef filsed before ‘he esenc>, â€"he never ) to be unhappy, ents upon him. m secimed broken, a great disastor and gods were xpected calamity. avolled the world s not to harm her ; gave their proâ€" he ul "PRISON BREAK 0 4 In { Nli . tinere w k trees 1 lt U1l There woere great lamentations, and all gods pleaded with the ruler of the underworld to release Balder. At last he consented on condition that every creature would weep for his reâ€" {urn. The whole population of the world started to weep with the excepâ€" tion of LOKi. Some Norse legends tell us that Baldâ€" er lives co this day in the underworld, but in others there is a happier ending, Some Norse legends tell us that Baldâ€" er lives co this day in the underworld, but in others there is a happicr ending, for Balder was rostored to life and he gcave the mistletoe to the goddess of love to Everyons passing under received a kiss. Enchanted was the old stor»r hcarth, With flick‘ring Yule log‘s ruddy glow Where lovely ladies, knights, Made metrry long, long years ago. Anc And quickly spec In gay, romantic When Christmas And hear‘!s beat CY K And pi T } Phe Star Still Shines as on That Night Divine The three most popular Christmas "piece"â€""A Christmas Carol," *"The Night Before Christmas," and "Is There a Santa Claus." Trec VC Christmas Long Ago rings 7,00 and 8.50 p.m var divine, happy children 11¢ Cartoonâ€""Early Bird" Paramount Pictorial Aace nd red Hile mm way o r %% f Al 11( groeen, imimed itlhedral candle till worship a 14 + for Onc Aa and happy ind viol evt TCO hn tie‘:cso was thers {ten was entices 4 or maiden fair * of The Timmins Theatres Ltd. iithfully ious bangut iC mA Mary nCt hion DL ADNG Dorothy til rippi1 gold of C iny baby head J10verS ; vwhore old, estival, and bold on that nigl n the wall, Chris{ma mad hle th their carol Oll Wilkin Sproul Tin3, hem gir P Clir} Ki hite ro‘cd 311 n accordance with the New Policy of the NEW EMPIRE THEAâ€" PRE, we are pleased to announce, that an WEDNESDAYX and THURSDAY of each week there will be FIRST RUN PICTURES® together with a "DICK TRACY" serial, _Our First altraction will be, tBRe now child wonder stars F nda) and Saturday, December 23rd and 24th Wednesday and Thursday, December 28 29 A TIMMINS FIRST RUN FEATURE "MARKRKY THE GIRL" *) AMRA eP * / *A "::’\ ow : s s './’ s s * / \ // . Monday and Tuesday, December 26 and 27 RANDOLPIH SCOTT, JOAN BENNETT, MAY ROBSON in Starring FREDDIE BARTHOLOMEW, DoLoRES C, BARRYMORE AND MICKEY ROONEY FThe picture you have all been wailing to see return "LITTLE LORD FAUNTLEROY LAST SHOWING TOâ€"NIGHT With Lynne Overman and Tim Holt Also on the same progremme, such shorts as Prisoner of Swingâ€"A Musical Comedy Also on the Same Programmeâ€"Pictorial No,. J DONALD O‘CONNOR and BILLY LEE in "SONS OF THE LEGION" WITH AN ALL STAR CAST x\l;SO "Iere‘s Your Hat"â€"A Musical Comedyv "Tuna‘"â€"A ~Paragraphic, Added shorts Starletsâ€"A Musicai Comedy TELEPHONE 173 Christmas Section Timmins ) 2‘ (3)