At around si Gagnon and I ing to solve whereabousis. ed to the Chie be a man out The m All offic the town Porcupin Police i: services. sisvotl. Miss Mu let went « wished the door. When h> ed for abovw into a run Pine Stree ran down I station. to him he . Kingston F have been Recover All But $1,500 in Robbery William W. White To The Electors â€" (Continued From Page One) To those who gave me such loyal support To The Electors I Would Convey My Keenest Appreciation And Thanks . Emile Brunette W ho supported me at the polls and also those who worked in my behalf. last night Chiet O‘son were tryâ€" Oof the man‘s Olson siuggestâ€" criminal misht MY THANKS Oll LC byt ncial the2ir HL ind H ) 1 € He was traced to Schumache: back from there to the Empire in Timmins. By ten o‘clock ready for the coup. They knew Donovan was in the Palace Th Constables Lynn and Archan walked in and made the arrest. eight o‘clock lass : ledge of Donovan been established. fied the as t} had entered the ba Immediately fifty of the picture and c plied with ons. Po thinge concrete on | Immediately the soluti dle leaped to the Chief‘s called that a man shomly before looking f¢ man had recently been penitentiary. Hz had b black leather cap, som« to a jockey‘s cap. The 1 in the bank at the time : said that the stickâ€"up» an Pilés were searche he suspsct uncovere he teller, and othe ied the as th rad entered the ba: Donovan came quietly. He offered As in the past I will work entirely in the Interâ€" ests of ihe Ratepayers and hope that I may justify the confidence you have placed in me. and Your Vote Is Most Sincerely Appreciated Electors Town Of Timmins Your Confidence The honor that you conferred on me Monday in placing me at the head of the polls is much appreciated, and it is my earnest hope that I may discharge the duties of my office to the satisfaction of the ratepayvers as a whole. Town of Timmins 1M d eacnhn po Polic> no n which to Schumacher and to the Empire Hotel, and a Jolhnn employ t defin‘cle novemen min ome ace Theatre Archambaul eman supâ€" had someâ€" work. By mpio 11 irms a similar rmMAn 16 of the 1 ¢ that atre. 1 rom l â€" Provincial Inspector Creasy, of Hailâ€" eybury, offered Chief Gagnon the use of as many men as he wanted and placed the three Provincial officers stationed here under Chief Gagnon‘s ‘orders. ! Porquis Junction was blocked and all cars and {rains watched by Provincial Constable While, Iroquois Falls, Chief Piroux, Ansonville, Chisf Olafson, Iroâ€" quois Falls. This: is the first hank holdâ€"up that | has occurred in the Porcupine Camp. for the scarcsity of robzeries ‘ here is probably that it is comparaâ€" | tively simple to block all owlets from ‘he town. Efficient police work can i also be credited. i | | No. 11.â€"Bartleman, 79; Honey, 41; Armstrong, 41; Bonhomme, 28; Brunâ€" ettfe, 57;Cousins; :506; CytTt,.. 5; Flynn, 10; Gauthier, 20; Lacroilx, 14; Lafonâ€" taine, 29; MacNamara, 15; McCabe, 39; No., 10.â€"Bartleman, 117; Honey, 25; Armstrong, 51; Bonhomme, 13; Brunâ€" ette, 73; Cousins, 39; Cytr,; 6;â€" Flynn, 10; Gauthier, 28; Lacroix, 11; Lafonâ€" taine, 52; MacNamara, 11; McCabe, 72; McNeil, 742; Piche, 17;, Roberts, 44; Spooner, 22; Tessier, 27; White, 21. No. 9.â€"Bartleman, 137; Honey, 50; Armstrong, 48; Bonhomme, 41; Brunâ€" ette, 93; . Cousins, 60; Cyr, 9; Flynn, 5; Gauthier, 39; Lacroix, 23; Lafontaine, 48; MacNamara, 7; McCabe, 76; Mcâ€" Neil, 83; Piche, 45; Roberts, 63; Spoonâ€" er, 31; Tessier, 39; White, 37. No. 8â€"Bartleman, 83; Honey, 79; Armstrong, 35; Bonhomme, 22; Brunâ€" ette, 69; Cousins, 95; Cyr, 10; Flynn, 13; Gauthier, 21; Lacroix, 23; Lafonâ€" taine, 17; MacNamara, 15; McCabe, 35; McNeil, 44; Piche, 51; Roberts, 89; Spooner, 36; Tessier, 21; White, 83. (Contnued from Page One) er, 34; Tessier, 22; White, 75. possession. Polics here were given every assistâ€" anc> from other police in che district. Among those who volunieered their services were the South Porcupint and Schumacher police, the "gold squad", Timmins Provincial police and T. N. 0. offic>rs. At a lats hour last nigh $3,.44% of the $4,922 stolen had been recovered. Along with the gun he took from the teller, $2,000 was found in Donovan‘s club bag in his room at the Empire Hotel and $1,000 in a woodshed behind 2 Schumacher boarding house. The remainder, $410 was in Daonovan‘s Mayor Bartleman Again Mayor 66° sonnomme, 21; Brun. ette, 63; Cousins, 84; Cyr, 7; Flynn, 13 Gauthier, 15; 14; Lafontaine 36; MacNamara, 7; McCabe, 71: Mc Neil, 87; Piche, 26: Roberts, 90; Spoon â€" er, 21; Tessier, 36; White, 64. No. 31.â€"Bartleman, 66; Honey, 18 Armstrong, 32; Bonhomme, 20:; Brunâ€" ette, 51; Cousins, 20; Cyr, 7; Flynn, 5; Gauthicr. 125 Laceroix 16 Lafnnminp No. 29.â€"Bartlem; Armstrong, 81; Bor ette, 68; Cousins, 6 16; Gauthier, 25: 1 taine, 38; MacNama McNeil, 68; Piche Spooner, 17; Tessier 10; Gauthier, 12; taine, 20; MacNam McNeil, 28; Piche Spooner,. 8: Tessier ette, o1l}; Cousins, 20; Cyr, Flynn, 5 Gauthicr, 12; Lacroix, 16: Lafontaine 25; MacNamara, 4;:McCabe, 33;: Mc Neil, 40; Piche, 21; Roberts, 19; Spoon er, 9; Tessier, 23;: White, 3. No. 32.â€"Bartleman, 58; Honey:; 23 Armstrong, 39; Bonhomme, 19; Brun ette, 46; Cousins, 18; Cyr, 7; Flynn, 6 Gauthier, 29; Lacroix, 21; Lafontaine 36; MacNamara, 1; McCabe, 33: Mc Neil, 31; Piche, 19; Roberts, 15; Spoon er, 8; Tessier, 29; White, 9. No. 26.â€"Bartleman, 104; Honey, 57:% Armstrong, 66; Bonhomme, 55; Brunâ€" ette, 94; Cousins, 43: Cyr, 15; Flynn, 22; Gauthier, 46; Lacroix, ‘30; Lafonâ€" taine, 47; MacNamara, 15: McCabe, 53; McNeil, 64; Piche, 42; Roberts, 35; Spooner, 31; Tessier, 49: White, 27. No. 27.â€"Bartleman, 94; Honey, 36; Armstrong, 53: Bonhomme, 31; Brunâ€" ette, 72; Cousins, 23: Cyr, 14; Flynn, 5; Gauthier, 32; Lacroix, 18; Lafonâ€" taine, 29; MacNamara, 5; McCabe, 45: McNeil, 49; Piche, 27: Roberts, 26; Spooner, 15; Tessier, 35: White, 19. No. 28. Armstrong ette, 42; 10: Gautl No. 33.â€"Bartleman, 48; Honey, 12 Armstrong, 24; Bonhomme, 18; Brun ette, 34; Oousins, 9; Cyr,. 4; Flynn, 3 Gauthier, 13; Lacroix, 8; Lafontaine 21; MacNamara, 6; McCabe, 18; Mc Neil, 19; Piche, 11; Roberts, 11; Spoon €t, 6; Tessier, 14: White, T. No, 34.â€"Bartleman, 69; Honey, 40 Armstrong, 39; Bonhomme, 42; Brunâ€" ette, 75; Cousins, 19;: Cyr, 12; Fliynn No. 24.â€"Bartleman, 114: Honey, 21; Armstrong, 67; Bonhomme, 35; Brunâ€" ette, 71; Cousins, 26: Cyr,, 20; Flynn, 11}; Gauthier, 48; Lacroix, 15; Lafonâ€" taine, 34; MacNamara, 4; McCabe, 44; McNeil, 60; Piche, 17: Koberts, 35; Spooner, 18; Tessier. 36; White, 10. No. 25.â€"Bartleman, 86: Honey, 50; Armstrong, 42; Bonhomme. 30; Brunâ€" ette, 78; Cousins, 47: Cyr, 21; Flynp 22; Gauthier, 24: Lacroix, 27;â€" Lafonâ€" taime, 27; MacNamara, 12; McCabe, 31; McNeil, 37; Piche, 26: Roberts, 41; Sspooner, 25; Tessier, 17; White, 42. No. 23.â€"Bartleman, 98 ; Honey 28: Armstrong, 60; Bonhomme 21; Brunâ€" ette, 59; Couqms 25; Cyr, 9; Flynn, 14;â€" Gauthier, 19: Lacroix, 10; Lafonâ€" taine, 36; MacNamara, 7: McCabe, 53 McNeil, 61; Piche, 13;; Roberts, 30:; Spoioner, 14; Tessier, 32 White, 17. No. 22.â€"Bartleman, 103; Honey, 46; Armstrong, 63:; Bouhomme, 48; Brunâ€" ette, 78; Cousins, 48: Cyr, 13; Flynn, 13; Gauthier, 38: Lacroix, 30; Lafonâ€" taine, 25; MacNamara., 8; McCabe, 40; McNe!l, :51; Piche, 31: Roberts, 60; Spooner, 28; Tessier, 33; White, 47. taine, 30; MacNamara, 8: McCabe McNeil, 47; Piche, 37; Roberts, Spooner, 11; Tessier, 39; White, 22 No. 20. â€"Bar‘lleman, 97: Honey, 51; Armstrong, 38: Bonhomme, 30; Brunâ€" ette, 79; Cousins, 81: Cyr, 13; Flynn, 9; Gauthier, 21: Lacroix, 21; Lafonâ€" taine, 23; MacNamara, 9: McCabe, 29; McNeil, 35; Piche, ‘Roberts, 78: Spooner, 43; Tessier, 19; White, 58. No. 21.â€"Bartleman, 90; Honey, 33; Armstrong, 58: Bonhomme, 31; Brunâ€" ette, 80; Cousins, 28: Cyt, ~17; Flynn, i1; Gauthier, 43: Lacroix, 25 : Lafonâ€" 6; Gauthier, 21; Lacroix, 14; Lafonâ€" taine, 28; MacNamara, 14: McCabe, 25; McNeil, 35; Piche, 26; Roberts, 46: Spooner, 29; Tessier, 9: White, 34. No. 19.â€"Bartleman, 81: Honey, 34; Armstrong, 43:; Bonhomme, 27 Brunâ€" ette, 54; Cousins, 40: Cyr, 10; Plynn, 6; Gauthier, 41; Lacroix, 14; Lafonâ€" taine, 22; MacNamara, 10; McCabe, 27; McNeil, 36; 13; Tessier, 24; White, 18. No. 18.â€" Armstr3ng étte, 62: 12; MacNamara, 5: McC Neil, 22; Piche, 14; Robert er, 14; Tessier, 6: White No. 17.â€"Bartleman, 51 Armstrong, 11; Bonhomm ette, 41; Cousins, 37; Cyr, Gauthier, 12; Lacroix, 19 11; MacNamara, 9: McC;: Neil, 13; Piche, 17; Robert er, 14; Tessier, 6: White, Neil, 77; Piche, 18: Roberts er, 14; Tessier, 24; White, No. 16. 36: Armstrong, 12; Bonhomme ette, 23; Cousins, 32; Cyr, : Gauhtier, 1: Lacroisx 47â€" Armstrong, 59; B ette, 56; Cousins, : Gauthier, 34 Lac 44: MacNamara, Neil, 60; Piche, 19 er, 14; Tessier, 3 No 15.â€"Bartler Armstror ette, 51: Gauthier Spooner, 22; Tessier 24: White, 48. No. 12. â€"Bartlieman, 79;: Honey, 41: Armstrong. 34; Bonhomme,. 2: Brunâ€" ette; 47; Cousins, 46; Cyr, 3; Vlynn. 8: Gauthier, 17; Lacroaix, 6; Lafonâ€" taine, 26; MacNamara, 8; McCabe, 43: McNeil, 44; Piche, 24; Roberts, 65; Spooner, 36; Tessier, 22;: White, 42. No., 13.â€"â€"Bartleman, 114; Honey, 33: Armstrong. 44; Bonhonrime. 32; Brunâ€" ette, 88:;: Cousins, 38 Cvyr. 8: PFlynn. 5; Gauthier, 39 taine, 49; MacN: McNeil, 76; Pi Spooner, 19; Te MacNamara 77: Piche. Bartleman, 56; Honey 36; Bonhomme, 121 ‘ousins, 14;: Cyr. 7: F Bartleman,. 63: Honsy, 48 24; Bonhomme, 25 Brunâ€" ousins, 48; Cyr, 6: Flynn T, 21; Lacroix, 14; Lafonâ€" MacNamara, 14; McCabe rOl (} : 1] in. ihomme rCPOL homme, 32: Brun _ Cyr, 1¢0; Plynn, 6 Ix, 10; Lafontaine McCabe, 57; Mc toberts, 44; Spoon White, 21. 1, 188 Honey, 11 homme, 33:;: Brun Cyr, 4; Flynn, 5 ix. 10; Lafontaine 3; McCabe, Roberts, White, 10 it i} McCabe Roberts. ib : Flynn, 4 Lafontaint e, 20; Mc 33; Sps3on Honeyv Honev nhnite, Flynn, 5 i{fontain‘ 17; Mc :; Spoon Brunâ€" Flynn Latfonâ€" mtain 0‘ M( 0: Mc spoon Brun ruUun 38 28 woulc the minin and gigan the T ng for the bui destroy Some unsaid, and have been k To build 1i » ind To the Edi The Advan Dear S election for mins in wh mnanyv Praises Interest of Hollinger in People No. 45.â€"â€"Bartleman, 45; Honey, 53 Armstrong, 34; Bonhomme, 28 Brun ette, 71; Cousins, 30;â€".Cyr, 9;. Flynn, 6 Gauthier, 33; Lacroix, 35; Lafontaint 27; MacNamara, 4; McCabe, 27; Mc Neil, 39; Piche, 35; Roberts, 29; Spoon er. 27: Tessicr, 22: White. 22. Employvee Play _ f panies. 7; Gauthier, 45; Lacroix, 24;/ Ladf taine, 31; MacNamara, 4; McCabe, McNeil,: 34; Piche, 52; Roberts, Spooner, 33; Tessier, 33; White, 19 No. 44.â€"Bartleman, 77;: Honey, No. 44.â€"Bartleman, 77; Honey, 64 Armstrong, 51; Bonhomme, 50; Brun étte, 94; Cousins, 24; Cyr, 15; Flynn, 8 Gauthier, 52; Lacroix, 33; Lafontaine 33; MacNamara, 6; McCabe, 23; Mc Neil, 43; Piche, 58; Roberts, 28; Spoon er, 2606 :. ‘Tessier, 50: White. 23. NO. 41.â€"Bartleman, 92; Honsy, 60 Armstrong, 45; Bonhomme, 50; Brun efte;â€"100; Cousins, 30; Cyr, 8; Plynn 13; Gauthier, 50; Lacrjix, 28; Lafon taine, 42; MacNamara, 10; McCabe, 37 McNeil, 47; Piche, 62; Roberts, 36 spooner, 42; Tessicr, 42; White, 24. No. 42.â€"Bartleman, 51; Honey, 37 Armstrong, 31; Bonhomms, 29; Brun éefte, 54; Cousins, 27;â€"Cyr, 10; Flynn 12; Gauthier, 20; Lacroix, 22; Lafonâ€" taine, 18; MacNamara, 13; McCabe, 21 McNeil, 27; Piche, 31; Roberts, 32 spooner, 23; Tessier, 16; White, 27. No. 43. â€"Bartleman, 72; Honey, 52 Armstrong, 52; Bonhommefi 38; Brun ette, 93; Cousins, 28; Cyr. 14; Flynn 7+ G@authier,| 45 :. Lacroix, 224:/ Lafonâ€" Gauthier, 50 28; MacNam Neil, 30; Pick er. I18;: ‘Tess] Armstror ette, 95 10; Gau! McNeil, 47; Spooner, 43; No. 39..â€"FP Armstrong, | ette, 64; Cor Gauthier, 41 No. 4 ArmstrC ette, 83 # # Neil Ci+aA 33; Neil McNeil, Spooner tait talne MecNQ taine, 33: MacNamara McCabe, 33;: McNeil, Roberts, 28; Spsoner, White. 10. Armstrot ArrT idy hnayv 13 11 O 0; vOouUsIn iuthier,. 4 bu 390 MacN 4(). 38 16 Namara 46; Peéessier, 45; 1 .â€"Bartloman N AI ) e 3 o ier," 50; Lacroix, 28: L MacNamara, 10; McCabe 7: Piche, 62 Roberts. OU OU compal 1e Hollir minds people w Ba fol iara, 0; MC he, 46: Robt irtlem 1] 11 During e 1939 1¢ L K id nIn )1 ies for Mining UI 11 11 Whiit O1 . a0f} I McCabt oberts, M Rob 36: Whi 4: McC i} 13 D H be 1 municipal ifC Flynn, 1 V ntaint 2: MC vyould Br P L Om â€" Hol] .- np 11 33 h The committee, conveners and others in charge of the event received ganerâ€" ous support and assistance from variâ€" cus organizations and clubs. Th prize winners were as follows: Prize Winners 4 1. S. B. Hansuld, 12370â€"Silver tea (Continued from Page One) dom has there been a bridge even where prizes as valuable have been ofâ€" fered. The business men and othors sipplying the prizes did not stint in the values given. K Uk. oi6. t Lt oi â€" in s 1 # ) ®@ # # K. »sf / DA CR sA EKS va e e 1e se 1e 4 44 000"00“‘000000â€00“00000?0 **,** 00000“00 , wa, 4 a, v0, 14 4 e ba ba ho b* t*o as *4 i4 o mIingr . 15 people C the com humanly welfare pIiC 11 npi0o 1¢ C. A.S. Telephone Bridge, Success To Those Who Gave JU} J0o wIOM al) SB sy duj C1 jesst puUB 11J3 1€¥a1d3 t pUuUusB UMON ol UL SP[cT] â€"ed qsaut; suy JO suc aq [[IM ‘pa ~WUCo) UsUM ‘apIUBAd at;q UO a su3q 10M ay} qNOGPR UOt;USUWUW 01 oste pMmom 1| o) y Cq] s|qBun us3 aiasy CyuAM 0f / â€"~â€"zadsa ‘Autewu 0j uoogqg t paioid 4; â€"IB SE UOIUM dWads §sou me such loyal support as che underground work of the ‘r is concerned I can assure the le of Timmins and dGdistrict that company ar> doing evory thing anly possible for the safety and aire of the men in their employ, with their coâ€"operation, I believ: ‘ss will be atcained. I remain, sir, Yours sincerely, John Higzginbotham. l en. Cousins To The Electors 1€ s OPPORTUNITY H MY THANKS. I shall do my utmost to serve you who have honoured me by electing me to office. Dr. Lee Honey W suc fund benefi oved ; * 13 nC 8 Dominion and Iaml worked at wh hev entio thin ‘ bric To those who gave support and worked on my behalf my sincere thanks iAn T d at the Hollingor for rs I venture to assert . another company in iion who are doing more ind safety of the workâ€" intirely forgot to tel . the mines have dons ire still doing for their ‘amili~s. 11 ie Hollinger will only me insurance a 5 medical a COUNCILLOR public now | napk ind dot 9. Mrs. Dupuis, 7790â€"Table lamp donated by I. K. Pierce Furniture. 10. Miss Hope Taylor, 7650â€"Elizaâ€" beth Arden set, Goldfislds Drug Store 11. Mrs. P. Sherbin, 7450â€"Bodâ€" spread, donated by S. Bucovetsky Ltd 12. Mrs. H. Moscoe, 7430â€"Decanter Local stores have display: chandise that will make it ca to do your Christmas shoppit 1 pIn 2. Gordon Strickland, 290â€"Cups and saucers, by Mrs. A. H. Cooke. 3. Thomas Platt, 410â€"Case of apâ€" ples, by Gamble Robinson. 4. Vera Silver, 650â€"One bottle of Innoxa Complexion Cream, by Innoxa Representativie. Brid; Tdeal tega set, 7i s YÂ¥ 7920â€"Hous Shragge. 13. Purso, 14. donat es Special prizsâ€"James McNeill, Schuâ€" macher, 56§80â€"One ton of coal, by J. W. Fogg. ) 5. Mrs. Harry Shankn wi, C. A. Remus. 6.â€" L. F. Goudrecau, 7330 ed by Swift Canadian C 7. Miss Sadie Feldman, tics, adonated by Moisley maker Charl ed â€"by Consolation Prize TMIY.â€" W. CG. Waoods, S 230â€"â€"Turkey, from Ca sctric Mrs. tabls Hardwa Hardware. Mr. Frank Armstron donatie>d by Vogus Sh{ E. A. Paquetts, 7340â€" d by Mrs. donated by ry Shankma onated by M ind byt o Han 11 PUPDN:CUTC, asuld, 8710â€"â€"Toast iylor Hradware. Cousineau, 8360 â€" Mayv aman,‘ 7200â€"Cosâ€" oisley Ball. Mar L s of merâ€" isy for yvou ible lamp, niture. 650â€"â€"Eliza~â€" 7410 Shop Grocer Ham. doâ€" 1i PoOorcuâ€" la Packâ€" ry Cofâ€" it een China eman. upine hair TIl m by