Porcupine Advance, 8 Dec 1938, 4, p. 6

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Stop! Don‘t Take Ancther Step! Are you a practical shopper? T is, do you iiry to buy gifts that | be uscful to the receiver? If vou : Theé most prevalent dise; time, is shopping for Chris the most troublesome symp "Oh, what shall I get her i mas," "It‘s so hard to thin}k thing. ‘new‘ for him," and to give up." But don‘t, wh do, give up, because your righi at your door. Yzs, thi Timmins, Schumacher and © cupine, have stocked up glorious, glamorous, marvello Oof the right gifts that coul ceived, and in visiting the st were loads of proper gifts. many to toll you all about here are just a few suggest your own pleasure and satis visit to the stores mentioned success. Here‘s Hints to Remedy that Old "Shopperitis" Don‘t Allow that "Ready to Give Up" Feeling Overcome You. Local Stores Have the Cure for Christmas Shopâ€" ping Ills. Here‘s Some Suggestions. 1 * Chocolates,..:.......;2.:....1......2. h es Up to $5.00 Roto Electric Shavers .......................0...... $13.50 Packard Electric Shavers ..........................$8.50 Moir‘s XXX Chocolates, Xmas wrap .....Ib. 50¢ Christmas Wrapped Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobaccos Parker Pen and Peneil Sets, from Ohristmas Cards ,.......::.....:......}....... Cuticle Case, leather case with 71} Cedar Chests, packed with delici WORTHW HILE GIFTS FROM YOUR FAVOURITE DRUG STORE THIS CHRISTMAS * giss 4*~= Re > ~A . m loâ€"theâ€"minute in stvle, Every one them toâ€"da> ippreciate what a great value this i usranleed a@accurate and reliable, VCEX Lase, Jeatner case wIUIn Zl1ppe Chests, packed with delicious wailich is smart vimnn»toms ‘ _ StOres Oo[ outh Porâ€" the most is, display 1 be conâ€" ores there Much too them tb 1] action, will be 11 it 11 ome~â€" TY will the ind Kiizabeth Arden, are luxurious and useful gif‘s that are sure to delight. They corsain all the essentials for travelling and for a quick makeâ€"up. The kits come in coloured morocco, in black or brown alligator, and black cobra, and contain creams, lotions, and powders in the newest shades. They are fashioned so that travellars may comfortably carry (the kit with them, resembling handbags, and in dresser size cases that will add an atâ€" tractive touch of the dressingâ€"room. Daytime bags are made of calf, sucde, alligator, lizard, pinseal, and patent, ZLraveletle Kits, Elizabeth Arden, useful gifits that They cors.ain all travelling and for solution â€" that offers a ver gift, and one that is sure every fastidious and beauty lady. Sutherland‘s Drug Store has tion <so your gift problsm. is this solution the cone that been looking for, but it is with zippe: up kits, or pbeauty boxes 21 for 50c Dub Lb is offers a_ very NICK BREN the soluâ€" Not only you have also the popular .0 pleas»n eking AD AMSO N DRUG STORE The ideal Christmas gift. Fragrant sets for both men and l.l(lii's in attracâ€" live gift boxes priced from 0)C t«O $10 Y ardlev‘s Lavender Sets They‘re smart and New For Chris‘imas, 1938, FPashion prefers as the lady‘s gift, imported travelling bags in fine calf and pigskin, as are shown at C. A. Remius, jewellers. An especially â€" attractive fitted case, is made of the finest quality imported Russian calf, wicth chrom» pated locks, and rose enameol fittings consisting of nIn gests evening bags as a welcome Christâ€" mas gift, and the display is sure to please the most "hardâ€"toâ€"p‘ease‘" shopâ€" per. The keynote of the new evening bags is spaciousness, giving the user plenty of room for the cosmetic necesâ€" siths that are so necessary in the eveâ€" gests evening bagss mas gift, and th please the most "I al and come in varying sizes. There are English and French perfumes in popuâ€" lar scents such as Flower Mist, which contains floral odors, Nigh: and Day, Bluegrass, and Cupid‘s Breath. These products, manufactured by the wellâ€" known Arden firm, are beautifully fitted in convenient size cases that make the ideal Christmas gift. Lovely for the "Lovelies" C,. A. Remus‘ Jewellery Clore sugâ€" C( UAL i storg, I1s a plated fililgre and d ind other igs are made of shirâ€" striped black satin, ther fashionable maâ€" lovely bag on display £c. is a ‘soft gold kid, frame, made ep enough for EVERY ARTICLE IN OUR STORE REDUCED You will find just the ring for "Her" from our complete stock. Perfect stones of fNlawless beauty, o Priced aAas 1 5 -o low as The man‘s gift that is always correct, Tiny attracâ€" tive models for both 4 men and ladics "The Gift Supreme." Our stock of Bulova Watches for 75 oth men and ladies is 24 s complete, priced from .. Porfectly finished Rings in gold or Sterling Silver, Many attractive 3 stvles. Men‘s massive rings of natural gold colowm of sterling o silver. Reduced 4l 0 to only Handsome Mautel Clocks, reliabhle 8â€"da;y movement with 00 Woestminster 4 hour 2- t chimes, priced low at 7â€"picce Chrome Sets. A gift that he will appreciate, Priced at 1 Only 3â€"piece sets of gleaming stlver many attractive styles to choose from. 1 Only equal‘! Nowhere will you find such values in fine jewelery as offered at Nick Bren‘s from now ‘till Christmas. Make this your gift headquarters for here you will find the most complete sclection in the district . .. at prices you will never LADIES BIRTHSTONE SQUVUT H PQ RCUPINE THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS, ONTARIO BRIDAL WREATH PEREFECT At These Low Prices time when every woman wishes apâ€" | pear hoer bost, and to wear her best. _ _ The Vogue Shoe Shop are showing the ideal evening shoe for the woman who wishes to keep up with her friends. This shoe is made of fine white satin, with the strapped heel, and platform sole, and may be tirnsed in any shads to match the evening dress. There are ‘many other styles as well, satin, and silver and gold slippers being the favâ€" ourites this season. My, My, That‘s Comfort To bring that happy sparkle to maher‘s eyes on Christmas morning, there is nothing more satisfactory than a dressy and yet comfortable pair of hou:s slippers. Fashion has reachâ€" C,. A. Remus also offers the answe: o the problem of the woman shopper, in a gentleman‘s fitted dressing case, beautifully made of pigskin, with satinâ€" wood finished fittings. "Steppin‘ High?" Christmas and New Y:ar‘s is a time for merrymaking and for happy and carefree dances and partiss. It is the time when every woman wishes to apâ€" pear hoer bost, and to wear her best. grand for his dinner!" That handbag could be no other than one of those shown by C. A. Remus, jewellers. These bags are imported, and are made of fine calf and pig skin. They are stylishly lined with fine leathâ€" er, and come in varied colours and shapes. A very popular maks is a laurge bag, suitable for the shopper, the musician and others who need a large handbag. This bag is made of pigskin, with a gold plated frame, and with plenty of space for odd parcels and notes. It gives a pleasing appearance, and yet is very useful, and is the ansâ€" wer to the worried husband‘s Christmas proljem. What could be more fitting than the upâ€"toâ€"theâ€"minute styles of the handâ€" bag world? Not anscher thing would please the fashionable woman as much as this personal gift that she could carry with her as she made her shopâ€" ping tour after the holiday. And, perâ€" heps, when the food probiem ssemed overwhelminz, she would glance at that new handbag and think, "He to think about something grand for me; T1ll trouble to think of somecthing grand for his dinner!" Christmas morning, and the Jlady of the house opens the gifts parcels under the tree, Certainly, she is interosted in the gifts for the other members of[ the family, but she, too, likes to think that loved ones have remembered hner with something very special. Something for her own personal use. DIA MONDS 1 .00 i time y and is the L. 0o apâ€" _ COlllli Bus persâ€" haps the mince pie grew like the plum pudding which, in its earliest statb, was nothing but a sort of porridge with plums in it. Our ancestors ate it for breakfast. A king popularized the turâ€" key and a queen introduced the Christâ€" mas vree. It was Charlotte, consort of [(’jcorge III, who brought the first one to London. Oddly enough, the fashion did not take on, and it was until about 1840 that the Christmas tree was azain K. was then reâ€"introduced by the Prince Consort who, by the way, beâ€" Came engaged to Queen Victoria on the morning of Christmas Day, 1838. No one knows who wrote the first Christmas carol, but wo do know that the first book of carols was published by Wynkynde Worde, who was a pujpil of famous Caxton. Many will tell you that we owe the merriment of Christmas to Charles Dickens. No one in their senseos is going to decry the work that Dickens dld in this way, but we ought not to forg,cu the other writâ€" 1 ers who made popular Christmas parâ€" ties and revels. It was Addison who invenled Sir Roger de Coveriey, or who ' adopted him from Squire Newdegate' or Arbury,. And that worthy knight knew all about Christmas festiv‘cies. "Christmas," he said, "is the most dead, | uncomfortable time of the year. when thing in his favor. It was he who|er left home," we read, "before the made turkey a popular Christmas dish. | owls wors out, and led the most solitary In those days the boar‘s head was the | of lives." And as with "The Chimes" a Christmas joint, but James hated pork | year later, as he wrote "The Carol" he as savagely as he did tobacco, so his i”luu.‘-:h(‘(' and wept again, and excited cooks substituted turkey and the !_m-u,himwll in the _ most extraordinary never fell out of favor. Talking of manner." "The Carol" was quick to turkey, it was the Jesuits who first find its way in‘to the hearts of the imported the bird from America. They |reading public. It was a direct apâ€" ‘cared turkeys on a large farm near |peal of heart to heart such as few if Beurges, in France, and from there|any, could resist. Copies were sold in they spread all over ERurope. What a‘thou.sancis, as fast as they could be pity it is we didn‘t know who invented | the mince pie. All we do know is that l N PV N NPE * they were originally made in the sh: ape )@m@@mwi of the manger in which the Christâ€" I’I{ACTICAL YE Child was laid and that they were known as "coffin‘" pasties. But # haps the mince pie grew like the plum n L â€"--‘-‘4 (From The Lcamington James I was not a very po and is chisefly remembered hatred of tobacco. But th Facts About Glad Christmas Time 1 Even King James I Helped Along the Christmas Cusâ€" toms. ed the slipper world, ard they are made of such fine materials as satin, velvet, quilled satin, and paisley, and are trimmed in luxurious fur. A lovely slipper shown by Vogue Shoe Store is made in the "bootee style, rsaching high at the ankle, made of burgundy quilted satin and trimmed in snowy white fur. s $ Attractive patterns o T L yplain colours. . All wool Sweaters 33 9[" priced from # ?) Men‘s wool and leather Gloves, good quality “fi?’é‘v fl ;:‘l(ll‘:.lu‘d to Z 00 STROSSER MEN and YOUNGER MEN‘S WEAR BA vOrC UrC Timmins books, pens, pencils, novel ere is such an assortment of at ic ~items at the Curtis Dru that the Christmas shopper i ) find somcething to suit his 0 pulrements. Many will tell owe the merriment of larles Dickens. No one not a very popular kin mbered for his But there is one It was he who 1‘0 St) |__68 THIRD AVENUE TIMMINS ED |a ao0zen ing him ous exts lno mor( | aimless streets, miles be i morning miles before, morning, hg er left hom owls wor! ou Oof lives."‘" AL 17277AAA T T INI PRACTICAL YET BEAUTIFUL | against time, portant that t its appearanc week after wt Charles Dick world the fi Christmas st humor â€" and madec him nmagdtc niln h nosy DC authors. â€"It was in the when he was living in family in Devonshire Park, "A Christmas â€"C Beimg a CGhost Storv Christma today. they had not good cheer, warm fires, and Christmas. gambols vco . support them. I love to rejoice their poor hearts and to see the whole village merry in my great hall. I have always a piece of cold beef and a mince pye upon the table." Nor must we forget Sir Walter Scoti, whose cervtenary was celebrated a few ysars ago. Read "Marmion," and you will see that his motto was: "We‘ll keep our Christmas merry still." Many wellâ€"known writâ€" ers of the past have helped to make Christmas jolly festival that it 18 the poor people would much from their povert, they had not good cheer SLIPPERS FOR THE wWHOLE FAMILY GUIFTS FOR LADIES TOO! ind YOUNGER ME Pine St. North TIMMINS WORKINGMAN‘S STORE Dickens gave e first of his tS : wI VeLL le would suffer _ very eir poverty and cold if s have passed since ave to a delight2d Attractive P plain colours Ssweaters priced from LIMIVTED i HIRTS K TIHES DRESSING GOWNS SsPORT SWEA 1t That Every Man Will W ant! Do your Christmas Shoppingz in your own "home town." produced; Dickens was delugsed with letters from all paris of the world, full of gratitude and admiration. Empire Block Each pair comes in~ an attractiv gift box. Buy several pair at thi reduced price, Smart Set Dress Shop BUTTERIELY HOSER Y patterns 59¢ m $ Preâ€"Christmas Reverse Knit SMART â€"SIDE â€"OUT Golden â€" City PY JA MAS GLOVE®S S(.l‘ '(n "" '.:S Third Av

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