W The past record of this season of the province then, has indeed been imâ€" pressive, mor» especially vghen we conâ€" sider that the annual value of gold production has shown more than twentyfold increase and that of coppeér mon> t‘han twofold increase since 1928. X is perhaps too much to expect that such gain will continue indefinitely, yet there appears to be sound reason for the belief that the area has little more than reached its stride in the ou.put of metals, With the exception of Noranda and Siscoe, all of the proâ€" ducing minss have been in steady opâ€" eration only a few years, and for the most part they have by no means reachâ€" ed the limit of their growth. Most of them are relatively lowâ€"cost proâ€" ducers, and several of chem are alâ€" Less co‘lorful perhaps, but worthy of particular mention are the records of such properties as O‘Brien, Prerron, (Powell Rouyn, Sigma, Stadacona, Sulâ€" livan and Canadian Malartic. All of chese mines were raw prospects only a few years ago, yet they are now producâ€" ing gold ranging in value from about $100,000 to $2,000,000 annlually. They, along with the other metal mines in the area are providing employment for some 7,500 workmen, and paid salaries and wages last year amounting for some 7,500 workmen, and paid salaries and wages last year amounting to apâ€" proximaely $11,000,000. Including the Noranda enterprise, which now leads all other Canadian mining companies as a producer of gold, and is Canada‘s second‘ greatest producer of copper, there are sixteen metal producinz mines in the: area. Four of these propercies, with milling plants designed to .treat 750 tons of ore daily, rhave entered production since the commencement of 1938, and at least eight of them have outpuis in excess of $1,000,000 a year. At another property a mill which will have a capâ€" acity of 750 tons daily is under conâ€" struction. Noranda is, of course, far in the lead, its output of gold and copâ€" per last year being valued at $21,117,â€" 200. Significant of the rapid grow‘th of some of Canada‘s ycunger gold proâ€" ducers is the fact that Lamaque Goid Mines Limited, which entered producâ€" tion in thes pring of 1935, was next on the list, with an orcpus valued at $2,â€" 887,500. This company is now . proâ€" ducing gold at the rate of close to $4,000,000 annually. From this area last year metals to the total value of approximately $35,â€" 000,000 were produced, $21,000,000 of which represented the value of gold production. Presemt indications are tha, the value of metal prdouction from the area to be served by the new branch line will exceed $40,000,000 this year. | All Canadians will share with the pleâ€" of northwestern Quebec the pridethey must fsel on this eventful occasion of the official opening of the Canadian Nacional. Railway‘s new branch line from Senneterre to Rouyn. Nor will this feeling of prid> beâ€" conâ€" fined to the importance of the event itself. Rather, ic will arise from the knowledge.. that, as a result of thrir enterprise and toil, a great metal minâ€" ing industry has been built up inâ€" an area which was largely a wilderness only ten years agoâ€"an industry which has placed Quebec in a leading position among che metal producing provinces of the Dominion. (‘By Dr. Chaflu(:nmu CM.G:, j read Deputy Minister Department of Mines | ers and Resources, Ottawa). _ clar Dr. Chas. Camsell, C.M.G., Deputy Minister of Mines for the Dominion, Unable to Attend Formal Opening of Railway it Northwestern Quebec, Sends Message. himself at our Toyland every day this week from 4 o‘clock to 5.30 Kindergarten Served by New Branch FIRST AVENUE NOTHING BUT TOYS All Reasonably Priced! Wetâ€"ums 79c and 98c Iately an analysis of the histories of 100 patients with wellâ€"developed rheuâ€" matic diszase at the Lymanhurst Health Centre, Minneapolis, revealed that 84 per cent. of them gave a defâ€" inité history of a major attack of rheumatic frver, chorea (St. Vitus‘ Dance) or both. A careful scudy of the remaining 16 per cent demonstratâ€" ed that in practically every instance, in spite of the fact that no history of a major actack of rheumatic infection was obtained, there was definite eviâ€" dence that they were suffering from longâ€"continued ~â€"rheumatic â€" infection. They had such signs as low grade fevâ€" er, loss of weight, definite joint pains, nosebleeds, skin rash and pallor, alâ€" though thes ymptoms were nc severe endugh to send them ito bed. A followâ€"up of 200 cther children in the same institution was carried ow for three years. Though these children May Not Indicate Rheumaâ€" tic Heart Disease. (By John W. S. McCullough) For generations painful extremities in children, offen called growing pains, have been regarled as rheumatic in origin, and so treated. ‘ This new branch line will afford just such encouragement co mineral develâ€" opment, and will also provide a cimely and valuable service to the mining comâ€" panies and to the people of the area. That the Canadian National Railway will be well rewarded seems apparent from the enthusiasm thait this event has aroused, and from the promising outlook for the area itself. Regarding Growing Paimns in Children They will realize also that this new business and these new outlets for their products and services can expand only if new sources of cthe metals to b> found. For this reason the inâ€" dustry will require not only their morâ€" al, but their active support and enâ€" couragement. With several proportions nearing the producing stage and cchers showing promise of becoming successful proâ€" ducers. <the immediate future of the camp appears to be particularly bright, and looking further ahead, there apâ€" pears to be no less reason for optimism. Regardless cf the future, however, there can be no quescion as to the present imporianc> of the area in the economy of the province and of the Dominion. No one will appreciate the significance of this statement better than will the farmers in {thes urrounding areas, the manufacturers ~of exploives, mining and milling equipment and machinery, and other goods, and the lumber, powâ€" er and transportation companies. It is probabie that meost of the soâ€" called easy finds have been made, but the area has yet to be thoroughly prosâ€" pected. It must be realized also that only within recent years has geologica} mapping been undertaken in sufficient detail to determine the modes of o¢câ€" curence of deposits, yet the value o! such work as has been done is ilustratâ€" ed *to advantazge in che subsequent deâ€" velopments in the Cadillasâ€"Malartic area. Doubtléss there are other secâ€" tions of the region which will nespond equally as well as the geological work proceeds. ready on the dividend list, while othâ€" ers will soon be in a position to deâ€" clare dividends. Train Windâ€" Special 98c Up Sets _complained of pain in the legs, none of them had given any evidence of rheumatic infection. The pain is presâ€" ‘ent as rule at and disappears during the day. They are otherwise in good health and none have developed rheumatic heart disease. Growing pains are so common in healthy school children during early childhood and adolescence that it is susgested that their complaint is due, not to rheumatism but to _ normal growth. Do Your Christmas Shopping Early. Ideal Gift for the Youngsters Boxing Glove Sets $4.50, $5.50 and $7.50 Skiis for Kids and Experts 98c pr. to $8.50 pr. C. C. M. Skates Complete Range from $9.00 to $19.50 $2.95 to $21.50 Figure Skates STOCKED 98c to $12.50 Ski Poles from SPORTS GIFTS from Christmas Special :........ i Others to $18.50 ~â€"Electric Toasters Chromeâ€"plated, complete with (C’:ol:gistmas Special s1095 Casseroles Silverâ€"plated Casseroles with Pyrex insert § Christmas Special ......... Tea Services A wide range forâ€"your approval from Pyrex Pie Plates with silver plated frames $ . Christmas Special . 1’69 Well and Tree Platter Silverâ€"plated: Well and Tree Platter ................ Christmas Special ... This year we have assembled the finest assortment of Christmas Gifts and our prices we know are as low as the Lowestâ€"We are listing just a few here â€"We invite you to come in andâ€"look aroundâ€"You will be agreeably surprised at our values. », â€" Gifts -‘43â€,'."‘: "* wateâ€" The Hostess Exceptionally Fine Groups of Silverware Pie Plates Cory and Silex Coffee Makers Complete Service for Six. Includes 26â€"piece Silverware Set; 51â€"piece Meakin‘s Dinner Set, 18k Gold Band; 18â€"piece Gold Band Giassware, Christmas Special 1847 Rogersâ€"Community Plate and: King‘s Plate Silverware in a wide range of patterns always in 95â€"PIECE COMPLETE TABLE: WARE SERVICE Christmbs Special WHAT IS MORE USEFUL THAN A. SET OF SILVERWARE? Specigl,26-pc. Set in 'at‘t_x;gcgl\_rg Silver Flatware from $3.95 complete Speaking to the Women‘s Division of the Health League of Canada at Torâ€" orco recently, Dr. Ross urged women to enlist in the war on cancer, pointing out that half of the pressnt deaths This toll of nearly 1,000 a month could be cut to 500, according to Dr. C. C. Ross, executive secretary of the Canadian Society for the Control of Cancer, the new organization chat has been established under the . sponsorâ€" ship of the Canadian Medical Associaâ€" tion and with the coâ€"operation of promâ€" inent medical men and laymen in every province. Toronto, Dec. 8.â€"One out of every nine people who died in Canada last year was a victim of cancer which is now the second highest cause of death in this country. Asks Women‘s Aid in Fight Against Cancer One Out of Every Nine Who Died in Canada Last Year a Victim of Cancer. 4 ) FOUR BIG | 7/ "< FLOORS of | TRILITE INDIRECT FLOOR LAMPS With Silk Shades. Your choice %fh;:i(;t(r)r‘:;: Special ... $9.95 Solid Walnut Smokers From 34.95' SEE OUR DISPLAY Also Chrome and Marble Smokers, base electrically _ .0 .c; Solid Walnut Modern QOccaâ€" sional Chairs High quality coverings. $ Christmas Special 9.95 Values to $12.50 _ i Our stock â€" includes â€" Smokers to suit every taste and budget. With Parchment Shades. Wide choice of colors $ Christmas Special........ a of distinctive chinaware, glassware and imâ€" ported pottery displayed in price groups for . your conventence. 25c 50¢. 75¢ $1.00 for Low Price Christmas Gifts Visit Our "Better Buys" BASEMENT A grand array of attractive yet economlcal gifts at greatly reduced pricesâ€"Save by shopping here. Large Vase Table Lamps Modern Chairs ERMS ARRANGED choice of colors $ 89 mas Special........ a $ 400 UQLLL 4A Cholce of Coverings ‘‘ Christmas Special .. eculd be prevented if people would see their medical advisers for early diag« nosis of the sligntest sympcom, subâ€" mit to a periodic health examination and obtain adequate treatment in the early stages. Devtroit Free Pross: Tho voung man who realizes that push wins ou against pull, really has somsthing. _ Cancer of the lip., he said, occurred mainly in men and usually among pipe smokers. If a pipe smoker developed a soreness, hard spcs, crack or ulcer on his lip which would not heal, he should at once see a doctor. Cancer of ‘the mouth occurred among people who did not keep their mouths clean, he said. Lumps, swelling or masses appearing anywhere on the body should be viewed with suspicion. Perhaps not at first concerous. they might change in ime and become cancers. Warts, moles and birthmarks were harmless un‘ess they suddenly started to grow. Sudden in« digestion in psople psat forty, who had had healthy stomachs all their lives, was the commonest symptom "ofâ€" cancer in the food passages. Roomy and useful, Vengered in rich walnut. Christmas s vans .. ©‘20.00 Occasgional Chairs and Walnut Knee Hole Desks for Family, Home =and Friends Rockers