Houth Porcupine, Nov. 9.â€"(Special to The Advans=>â€"The event this week in South Poreupins is a "turkey shoot" with other atiractions and a refreshâ€" ment booth in the skating rink. This is a novelty for this end of the camp and should prove *o be quite popular. It is being held under the auspices of St. Joachim‘s Men‘s Club. Thursday, Friday and Saturday each afternson and evening from 2.30 p.m. onward. Houth Por The Adva: in South P with other Father Meyer deéemptorist Ord wesks‘ mission an Chi * L * * * * * * C %. Finest Quality, Seasoned % â€"PHONE 50 e Mill and Officeâ€"Lakeview Road SOUTH PORCUPINE 4 â€"t******% ‘ * * Will Travel to Timmins to Join in Service at Cenotaph. "Turkey Shoot" to be Held at South Porcupine. Other South Porcupine and Dome News. so. Porcupine Legion to Observe Armistice Day South Porcupine, Dome and Other District News â€"nmmmmes wen commenenmen o on ommmence crenmnncmen im ces ies mm ns mc m o. o en on on ... â€" comame : ocm .. ». ns mss . Cmmc . enc supplies At Hamilton‘s you will find guarâ€" anteed quality in all building POLLING SURBâ€"DIVISION No. 1 â€" PQOLLING SUBâ€"DIVISION No POLLING SUBâ€"DIVISION No. 1 POLLING SUBâ€"DIVISION No, 3 C to D. C to B. Public school, Porcuplne Public school, Schumacher I hereby give notice that the Annual Meeting for the Nominations of Candidates for the Office of Reeve and Councillors for the Township of Tisdale for the year 1939 will be held in POLLING SUBâ€"DIVISIQN No. 1 E to H. Public school, 8. Poreupine. POLLING SUBâ€"DIVISTION No. 1 T to L. POLLING sUBâ€"DIV ISION' No. O to S. Public School, 8. Porcupine. POLLING sSUBâ€"DIVISION No. 1 T. to 4. POLLING sUBâ€"DIVISION No. 1 M to N. Public school, 8. Porcupine. POLLING SUBâ€"DIVISION No A to L. Public School, Dome Mine. POLLILNG M to Z In the event of a poll being required, the following will be the polling places: For Every Building Purpose A to B. Public School, S. Porcupine. Public School, 8. Porcupine. Public school, 8. Porcupine. Between the Hours of One and Two o‘clock in the Afternoon Public school, Dome Mine DATED at south Porcupine this 10th day of November, 1938 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25TH Nomination MEETING at reasongable prices sSUBâ€"DIVISION No. 2 Guarantee Today‘s Plans for your Childrens‘ Toemorrows TOWNSHIP OF TISDALE FRANK C, EVANS, Clerk of Municipality of the Township of Tisdale. South Porcupine day, Nov. 6, the Father will preach each evening, specially to women the first week, and to men the second. This week the sorvics have been held to crowded congrezations, the missioner being a particularly splendid preacher Mizss Cummings, of the public school stafft, who has been recuperating from an appendix operation, was well enâ€" ough to resume her duties on Monday. Mr. Rone Quesnel leaves this week for Gravenhurst, after having been summoned home by the death of his wife‘s father, Mr. Freeman. Mrs. Pelkie, of Elk Lake, is visiting her moather, Mrs. Starliing, for a few days. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Huot and family will be interested to learn that their son, Edward is to be married on Tuesday next at Val d‘Or, to Miss Mary Smith, of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Huot, and Lilyan, who will be bridesâ€" maid, are leaving on Eunday to attend the wedding. A service at which over 60 members of the Masonic Order were present was neld on Sunday night in St. Paul‘s Anglican Church with Archdeacon Woodall conducting the service. Mr. John Mason and Dr. Harper read the lessons at this service and hymns were sun chosen by the Ordsr. After the service a Fireside Hour was held in the Parish hall â€" the first of the winter season. These are to be held regularly after the service in the eveningz of the first Sunday in themo nth. At this meeting hymns were sung and discusâ€" sions concerning the formation of a steady choir took place. These Fireside Hours are held to create a friendly feeling among the members of the conâ€" gregation and refreshments are served. Over forty were present. Mrs. Lee, of Montreal, who came in to attend the funeral of Mr. Freeman, is ‘staying for a few days with her sister, Mrs. Freeman. POLLING SUBâ€"DIVISION No. 3 E to G. Public school, Schumacher POLLING SUBâ€"DIVISION No. 8 H to K. Public School, sSchumacher POLLING SUBâ€"DIVISION No. 3 P to S. POLLING SUBâ€"DIVISTION No. 2 L to O. Public school, sSchumacher POGLLING SUBâ€"DIVISION No T to L. POLLING sSUBâ€"DIVISION No. 4 Fublic school, Schumacher POLLiNG SUBâ€"DIVISION No. 5 Singleton Houseâ€"Corner 11th Avenue and Birch Street. Brousseau Townsite., A chicken dinner is being held toâ€" Public School, Schumacher A to B. Public School, sSchumacher Public school, sSchumacher Mrs. Green, of Connauzht Hill, is moving this week into a new house in Lakeview. Mr. William Good of Schumacher, has been appointed in charge of the branch office of the Township of Tisâ€" dale in Schumacher. This appointâ€" mont was made at a special meeting of the township council on Monday. The Poroupine Branch of the Canaâ€" dian Logion has arranged for their Poppy taâ€"days here on Thursday and Friday. Over 4,000 poppies have been brought in for distribution and 1500 are to be distributed to the children of our echcols. Mr. Ed. Richardson is conâ€" schcols. Mr. Ed. Richardson is conâ€" vener of this committee. The window of Marshallâ€"Ecclestone is specially deâ€" corated for Remembrance Day, wreaths to te taken to the csnotaph in Timâ€" mins being on display there surroundâ€" d by patriotic emblems and rememâ€" brance tokens. Wreaths from the Porâ€" cupine Branch of the Legion, the Townâ€" ship of Tisdale, the Moose Lodge, L.O. O.F. Lodge, and the Province of Onâ€" tario being prominent. The Legion Branch will form up on Friday mornâ€" ing at the fire hall at 10 p.m. and will go from there by bus and car toTimâ€" mins to join with the Legion there for the Cenotaph ceremony. In the evenâ€" inz at 8 pm. an anniversary banquet will be held (by the Legion) in the banquet hall of the Central Hotel where guest speakers will be, Archdeacon Woodall, Mr. W. S. Blake, Mr. Austin Neam»2, Mr. C. V. Gallagher, Reeve V. H. Evans, and Mr. Kennedy. Mr. Tom Wilson, President of the Porcupine Branch of the Legion will be chairâ€" man at the banguet. Police Court Two drunks paid $10 and costs. A speeder was fined $10 and costs. Two young lads were brought up on a charge of "being vagrants having no employment and no visible means of support." Police Constable Graber testified that on Nov. 2nd in Schumacher around 2.30 a.m. he heard a crash in back of dry goods store. He saw these two lads, and found a broken window. One lad told him a playful push from the other had crashed the glass. Another case involving the cutting of hair for a stipulated charge accordâ€" ing to section 15â€"2 of actâ€"in which defendant owned to having charged 35 cents instead of 50 cents for a hair cut as laid down by law, resulted in a minimum fine of $5 being given. The man strongly protested that he had to live and the only way he could do it was by charginz less. But law is lawâ€" and the fine was paid. "I don‘t make these laws," said his worship. ‘"They‘ve fixed the rate." "When I pay 50 cents for a hair cut I agree with you." It was Mr. Langdon who defended in the case of the stolen pigeons and whose plea for suspended sontence was a facâ€" tor in getting leniency for the defendâ€" ant. € The officer searched them and found one"flashlight, two black eyeâ€"masks, a billfold, a new tie, and a sales book from a lozcal bakery. The boys were sentenced to 6 months each. A case involving the theft of a car wrench and counter charge of radiator cap theft took up much: of the court‘s time. ~Each personâ€"involved gave a reasonable statement and witnesses were called for both sides. Asked why he had not interviewed police regarding the theft, camplainant made the stateâ€" ment "our polise cciurt is no collection agency." Counsel for dasfence (Gardinsr) wantâ€" ed to bring other witnesses but Magisâ€" trate said:â€"*"*Sorry to chop you off, but there are other cases to be heard. Case dismissed." A party of QOddfellows and Rebakahs attended a social evening at the Oddâ€" fellows‘ hall in Timmins on Tuesday, frocm South Porcupine. They report a very nico time. Amang those from this end of the camp were: Mr. and Mrs. Pyke, Mr. Coffey, Miss Niemi, Mrs. Acâ€" ton, Mr. and Mrs. Sky, Mrs. Webb and Mrs, Stanlake. Miss Rowan, of Ottawa, is a visitOr at the home of her brother, Mr. L. J. Rowan. of Strachan avenue. We extend our sympathies to Mr. Abramsan, of town, in the recent bereavement suffered by ithe passing of his mother, who died in Timâ€" mins on Friday last and was buried at Krugerdorf on Sunday. Mr. Shannon, Minimum Wage Inâ€" spector, from Haileybury, was present A mistake should be rectified here reâ€" garding our report of last week‘s court. Bornâ€"In the Porcupine General hosâ€" pital on Sunday, Nov. 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. Terrien of South Porcupineâ€"a son. Bornâ€"to Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Rudâ€" kin on Nov. 1st, at the Porcupine Genâ€" eral hospitalâ€"a son. THE PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TTMMINS, ONTARIO les we! Jack J For m Richm Bernic "haraA .L Other News from South Poreupine and the Dome. Big Black Bear Shot By South End Hunter South Port( The Advanc turned on T in the Lake Hury wore and dee Mrs. Workman, of Pemlrokse, is visitâ€" ing h>r daughter, Mrs. Clarence Anâ€" derson, on Powell avenue. The Workers‘ Social Committee held anoth=r plcasing affair on Monday when the rs:ular Monday house party at the Masonic hall took place. Whist was played and dancing and refrashâ€" menss followsd. Prize winners for ladâ€" ies wetr: 1, Mrs. P. J.«â€"Beard; 2, Mrs. Jack Joahnston; 3, Mrs. Bernice Wilcox. For m>n prizes went to 1, Mr. Hugh Richmond; 2, Mr. S. Rowe; 3, Bernice Laffin,. Next Monday a special "hardâ€"time" eveninz is plannsd, all exâ€" pected to go in their very oldest 2lothes. Don‘t forget the benefit tea and sale of hom»s taking which the Rebekahs are sponsoring at the home of Mrs. Sky nexi Wednssday. We understand cupâ€" reading is to be a special feature. We regret to lzsarn of the illness of Rudsiph who is in Toronto attending University. His mother left last week to be with him, and the family is qute anxous concernng the The Work anothsr p} when the r: at the Masc was played men‘s follov of homs taki are sponsoring nexi Wednssd reading is to | Mrs. arrived home on Tuesday after visiting her sisgter for some days in Ottawa after attending her father‘s funeral in Peterboro. Another pleasant evening by the Consumers‘ ‘Coâ€"operative . Committee was held on Wednesday evening in the Masonic hall. Bridge as well as whist, was played, all having a good time. Prizes for bridge went to: ladies, 1, Mrs. Ewing; 2, Mrs. Wilson; gentlemen, 1, Mrs. Anthony; 2, Mr. J. Presley. For whist, ladies, 1, Mrs. L. Pykg; 2, Mrs. J. Drynan; gentlemen, 1, Mr. H. Richâ€" mond; 2, Mr. E. Hansen. A meeting of the C.W.L. was held on Friday last in the Vestry of the Church. The ladies have decided to confine their activities this winter to house parties, whereby invitation whist, euchre and bridge parties will b> held by individuâ€" al members in their homes for the purâ€" pose of augumenting the funds of the Lzsague. The Goldfields Band is to hold â€"a concer$t we understand, on Nov. 27th, in the Mascioli theatre. Mrs. F. Mason is visiting her mother in Burk‘s Falls, who is quite ill. Mrs. Honer leaves on Friday for Flesherton and will bring her mother, Mrs. Jamieson, back with ‘her to spend the winter at the Dome. Mrs. Sidney, of Cecil avenue, returnâ€" ed on Tuesday from Kirkland Lake where she spent some weéeeks visiting her son. Many Finnish people attended the showing of the Finnish film at the Palace theatre in Timmins from this end of the camp. To many it was ecuivalent to "a trip home." Brownie News ho val #, @. * PM M JP JP NV v Â¥ N JIF ; *oa* * * %o ue ue * *# #, Cust aea*a«*. # Ara lc nsl en o’?.‘o%‘fl.??.'.fl..fl onl ons # 0 % t tesctes*s 0:0 # # .0 4. t. :t ;t. *.: t t * 0. .00' .00.“.00.00.0 *# .0 #, * '“ .0 + .. # *# 44 * “‘ *.,* #. * ##4 # # Nee w* *# *# #._ 00‘00.“. + “.00.“.00.00.00'00.â€. AM/AA “.00.0 # .00 N’O *# '. t c Ne se eÂ¥ '00'0..00 .00.0" .0 0.“.0 0.0 0.1 CA ~* Comedyâ€"*"Should Wives Work" Cartoonâ€""Hawaiian Holiday" Children Under 16 Not Admitted to See "Damaged Goods" ARTIER Leads in Timmins FRIDAY, NOV. 11th The French Filmâ€""Port Arthur" Adapted by UPTON SiNCLA’IA Produced by Phil Goldstons upine, Nov. 9â€"(Special to ‘)â€"Mr, Joe Barotzki reâ€" esday from a hunting trip Fenago district near Sudâ€" rith Mr. Toivo Saari he <sful hunt.. He brought c bear about 54 feet long ich. and Mr. Saari got a Playing THURS.â€"SAT., NOV. 17thâ€"20th "The Count of Monte Cristo" with ELISSA LANDI AND ROBERT DONAT An epic of the Russianâ€"~Japanese War â€"â€"AL1,8 O)â€"â€" Erom the Famouw Franch Stege Play by EUGENE BRIEVUX Games, Fairy Ring, and powâ€"wow were in charge of District Captain Leiâ€" terman, of the Doms Mines. A Danish dance cof gresting and mimetic exerâ€" cise was given before the Buffalsâ€"Anâ€" kerite children served a lovely lunch provided by Mrs. Kinkel. A grand how!l "Thank yo Mrs. C. Kemsley for the 1: finished the evening. Another partyâ€"a Brown‘s partyâ€" this time a birthday party was give by Brown QOwl Stark of the South Por eupine pack to her Brownies and t invited guests (the Dome Pack) o Tuesday evening in the Parish hal sciuth Porcupine Brownis Pack is thre years old, and is proud of the fact. Th was a lovely party. After regulation Fairy Ring which 60 Brownies skipped at th the fun began. They played "Travelling on a train," Semaphcre game, Balloon, "touchâ€"toe gams", and the nisest one of allâ€""hidâ€" desn {reasures." A fairy message came telling of a hiddsn treasure, and the "ship", Peggy, sz off in search captainedâ€"by Senior Sixer Peggy McLollan. Brownies folâ€" lowed compass points given in the mesâ€" sage and Brownie charms wers given to keep off the "wicked bogzarts." They found the treasure chest guardâ€" ed by a "bogart" who had to be bound by a Brownie knot and changed to a Brownie before surrendering the chest. ""Guests at this party v Leiterman, Mrs. R. Pri Kinkel, Mrs. Longworth ; con Woodall. Senior Sixer Beulah Lang, of the Dome pack, thanked the town Brownies and Brown Owl for the lovely party and Mrs. Stark expressed her pleasure at having them as guests. This was found to contain English toffees. They all sat down to a lovely and delicious lunch of sandwiches and "pop‘‘â€"and a glorious cake was brought with Brownie emblems and with three lighted candles on it. Then a grand surprise! Brown Owl pinned a Tawny Owl pin on Irene Disher, their muchâ€"loved pack leadsr, amid claps of joy. Three new service stars were given out and one new star given for this year to add to the others. A quiet marriage was solemnized at the priests‘ home of St. Anthony‘s Roâ€" man Catholie Church, on Tuesday eveâ€" ning at 8 o‘clock, when Miss Urusula Sloan became the bride of Mr. Fred Dwyer, a wellâ€"known businessman of the district. The ceremony was perâ€" formed by Rev. Fr. Guevremont. Mr. Fred Dwyer Married at Timmins on Tuesday Playing SUNDAY MIDNITE T WEEK ~II # idns his party were: Captain Irs. K. Pritchard, Mrs. Longworth and Archdsaâ€" Travelogue f11 M1T Brownie BuflTaloâ€" . Robt. i lovely 1¢ were o bo hall. This by O * * y° w w4 Township of Tisdale BYâ€"LAW NUMBER ... WHEREAS it is expedient to borrow, for the purpose of building and equipâ€" ping new and adequate municipal ofâ€" fices in the Townschip of Tisdale, and new and adâ€"quate officss for the Poâ€" lizce, Fire, Works and other departments conducted by the said municipal corâ€" poration, the sum Oof Fiftyâ€"five Thouâ€" sand Dollars ($55,000.00); and that is thse amount of the debt intended to be created ; AND WHEREAS th2> amount of the whole rateable property of the said municipality according to the last reâ€" vised assessment roll is Four Million, Three Hundreéed and Sixtyâ€"seven Thouâ€" sand, Eight Hundred and Fortyâ€"five Dollars, ($4,367,845.00) ; AND WHEREAS the amount of the debenture debt of the corporation is Seven Hundred and Fiftyâ€"six Thouâ€" sand, Two Hundred and Fortyâ€"two and Fortyâ€"sne ons hundredth dollars, ($756,â€" 242.41), no part of the princgipal or inâ€" terest of which is in arrear; NOW THEREFORE BE IT ENACTâ€" ED BY THE MUNTICIPAL COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OP THE TOWNSHIP OFP TISDALE, as a Bylaw thensof, as follows: 1. For the purpose mentioned in the preamble, there shall be borrowed on the credit of the corporation the sum of Fiftyâ€"five Thousand Dollars ($55,â€" 000.00), and debentures shall be issued therefor in sums of not less than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) each, bearâ€" Being a Byâ€"law for borrowâ€" ing the sum of Fiftyâ€"five Thousand Dollars (§$55,â€" 000,00) . ing interest at the rate of Four and Oneâ€"half Per Centium, (4%4%) per anâ€" num, and having eclupons attached thensto for the payment of interest. 2. The debentures shall all bear the same date and shall be issued within two (2) years after the passing of this Byâ€"Law, and may bear any date within such twoâ€"year period. The debentures shall be payable in Ten (10) annual inâ€" stalments during the Ten (10) years next after the date when the same are issued; and the respective amounts of principal payable in each of the ten years during the currency of the debâ€" entures shall be such that the aggregate amount payable in each of the said years for principal and interest in reâ€" spect of the said debt shall be as nearâ€" ly as possible equal to the amount so payable in each of the other nine years (9). of the said pericd, and the respective amcunts of principal and inâ€" terest and the aggregate thereof payâ€" abl> in each of the said ten (10) years during the currency of the debentures shall be as shown in schedule "A" hereto attached. °d by the to ths s: written, graved. 3. Dluring the currency of the deâ€" bentures. namely, ten (10) years, there shall be raissd annually by special rate on all the rateable property in the w2 u* . * # .“ .“ .“ .“ .0 0.00 .“ .09 .“ ‘“.“ .00 .“.“ b#* #* #4 4. N. o t t t t h e o t 4 Mascio * # ® # # * .00000000000.0000..0.0..000 .“.“.“ .00"0."" ’0 ‘0‘“ .00 .“.“.“.“’“ .“ .“.‘..“..Q.“.“ .“ .00 .“ .“ Theatre, Schumacher J ; # .00 .“ .“ .0 *# .“.% .0. *a; we ® + ww ® # ## ## w . _ ® 00’“. # ##4 # # ## w# The model shown above is the ideal home Radio. Attractively styled with 7 tubes and long and short wave. You can‘t beat this value. Victor 00 in ie ate dhe ate dte ahe it ols on on ate e dn o L aalte ue ce uce ie ce sc e uce + 0+ ~~MONDAY AND TUESDAY, NOVEMBER l4th and 15th MIDNIGHT SHOW SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 13th JOHN HOWARD, SHIRLEY ROSS and LLOYD NOLAN in "PRISON FARM" AND "GOODBYE BROADW AY" With TOM BROWN, ALICE BRADY AND CHARLE® WINNINGEKR The New Come in and see us about the new Victor Record Society Plan $31.50 value for $%2.50 WEDNESDAY AND THU RSDAY, NOVEMBER 16th and 17th LANE SISTERS, CLAUDE RAINS AND JEF!’R[‘Y LYNN in FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, NOVEMBER lith and 12th SONJA HENJIE, RICHARD GREENE;_{\_N_D_‘J.OAN DAVIS d interest coupons may be amped, lithographed or enâ€" Other Models Priced at $29.50 to $299.00 FPRIDAY AND SA4TURDAY, NOVEMBER 18th and 19th DEANNA DURBIN AND JACKIE COOPER in ADDED: PETE SMITH SPECIALâ€"(Follow the Arrow) Extra: Glimpses of Austriaâ€"Coloured Traveltalk â€""FOUR DAUGHTERS" PLU: COLORED CARTOON AND NEW s LIMITED THE PRESCRIPTION DRUG STORF "THAT CERTAIN AG A "MY LUCKY STAR" 1038 Township of Tisdale, the sum of Six Thousand, Nins Hundred and Fifty and eightyâ€"four one hundredths dollars ($6,â€" 950.84) for the purpose of paying the amount due in each of the said years for th> principal and interest at the amount due in each of the said years for the principal and interest at the ra‘tz» of Four and Oneâ€"half Per Ceéentâ€" um (4%%) per annum in respect of the said debt, as shown in Schedule "A" hereto annexed. 6. The debentur:s shall contain any provision for the registration thereof authorized by law at the time of the issue theresf. 7. This Byâ€"Law shall take effeéct on the day of the passing thereof, subject only to the assent thereto ‘of the elecâ€" tors, and to any approval of the Ontâ€" ario Municipal Bcard which may be required. Clerk Reeve PASSED this dGay{Oof:;..........«, 1938. This is Schedule "A" referred to in the within Byâ€"Law Number of the Township of Tisdale; showing how the sum of Fiftyâ€"five Thousand Dollars ($55,000.00) heren»y required to be raisâ€" ed and repaid, together with interest, in annual instalments, is apportioned : ($55,000.00â€"4% %, 10 yearsâ€"squal anâ€" nual paymentâ€"$6,950.84). 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 $4,475.84 $4,677.24 $4,887 .72 $5,107.67 $5,337.52 $5,077.72 $5,828.170 $6,091.00 $6,365.090 $6,651.50 $35,000.00 $2475.00 $2,273,60 $2,063.12 $1,843.17 $1,613.32 $1,373.12 $1,122.14 $ , 859.84 $ 585.76 $ 299,34 $14,508.40 $6,050.84 $6,950.84 $6,950.84 $6,950.84 $6,9050.84 $6,0950 84 $6,950.84 $6,050.84 $6,050.84 $6,950.84 $£59,508.40 ~TAKE NOTIGE that the foregoing is a trug copy of a proposed Byâ€"Law of the Corporation of the Township of Tisdale, to be submitted to the votes of the electors at the same time and a> the same places as the annual elecâ€" ‘ion for the Municipal Council, and the Deputy Returning Officers appointed to hold the said elections shall take the vote. AND TAKE NOTICE FURTHER that if the assent of the electors is obtainâ€" ed to the said proposed Byâ€"Law it will be taken into consideration by the Municipal Council of the said Corporaâ€" tion at a meeting thersof to be held after the expiration of one month from he da*» of the first publication of this nolice, and that such first publication was made on the 9th day of Novemâ€" ber, A.D. 1938. AND TAKE NOTICE FURTHER that a tennant who desires to vote upon said proposed Byâ€"Law musé deliver to the Clerk not later than the tenth day before the day appointed for taking th> vote, a Declaration under the Canâ€" ada Evidenge Act, that he is a tenant whose lease extends for the time for which the debt or liability is to be creat2d, or in which the money to be raissd by the proposed Byâ€"Law is payâ€" able, or for at least twentyâ€"one years, and that he has by the‘lease covenantâ€" ed to pay all municipal) taxes in reâ€" spect of the property of which he is a tenant other than local improveâ€" AND TAKE NOTICE FURTHER that the First day of December, A.D. 1938, at 4 o‘clock in the afternoon at the Ccunsil Chambers in the said Municiâ€" pality has been fixed for the appointâ€" ment of persons to attond at the pollâ€" ing places and at the final summing up of the vetes by the Clerk. (Copy of Proposed Byâ€"Law) $5,337.52 $5,077.72 $5,828.170 $6,091.00 $6,365.09 $6,651.50 $25,000.00 FRANK C. EVANS, Clerk, The Corporation of the Township of Tisdale. Priced at onlv * 4o #* w # w# #* # # ## t *# U 2* 2. 4* # ..0.“ ." y* # $6,050.84 $6,0950.84 $6,950.84 $6,950.84 $6,050.84 $6,950 84 $6,950.84 $6,050.84 $6,050.84 $6,950.84 $59,508.40