District Children's Aid Society i arranged tor a very oomplww car at the Porcupine area. The co-or non of a number or 5031:1193 and {mutations has been secured and '?"ritory manna out m taking up . crk ot canvassing the several ' has For the canvassing of Tim] complete way the town has 1 .vldcd into seven territories. eacl the territories being in charm t .=c any or organization." There was an open amazing of Kim Club on Monday evening which former members of the Km H. W. Dar! the commi hermit) dr New Sky Building Completxpi))4odetprrii1rrg Pine South PAGE TWO "W38t?tittWa"o' " ::1?C'rdM " . . -;i.~'i'. 61-92351. w;'::'::':::"::".':.';'-;:'. _ 1'i33WMttit..'." , it'?..'; - . 3 ' W513? . ' . ' r "ir :i:':ffi5.?:?.i:. "5': - c.. M"? ; . ... YYY 1 ' 'I.~.:.3::-::‘4-:>' . q '. 521,355). -_§;.gr.~_:. . yy.'. . . s" . ..:-“v.2. . " ttBteir.att , - , . " .e.tt:t t C, 'AW, , _ â€wagging . " I x. _ T:,":::"?): kr. 3.5-3- _ t 2WR o " ' "Y. V '3:-:7:“ " " . ' Ky .yf'. 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' ‘ I _ l . Mltt%t M ' B':,' ' IlilB ' . '.iiiii"iiitri.'a 3o _ .-.:..3: b's"iaaM , ' ‘ 1ritlllt , ta ~ BE 'm T .:'f0i'l5'Ja'a u ' * - m _ _ I . 'alt V "Wf,(Q' . " . 3.. . . . , , "th , ' IM a»... " l T 2'1â€" . I" ' 3 " Bm" . t " " " g It ' ;:.1'-.- a b, $:", . . , ' h rfi . g 5iN ', Rt A " " 'at Ea h' MIR . - g "d ' ' tl , . " . z / - I i5iW.sTM Et, . /"di l Ill Tl . . .' F, " * P, F.4 . MS "3:. tiN _ , a _ , ~ _ r ' ' - , - b' " 4 '2ilk. il 15;.- ' r . u . . il - - . y', b' ' . N .rr. tr . .mi, tMft 3-sz , ' ' I ' ' t ' il , ' L V = i . . i ‘ b . 22 ' I " .. IE . V ' aa . .- . f r,f4 ()fl , * a 'll & . T '5' - 5" ' " " , . ky, a r. ' - . Siam m il " it " ..x". E fd 3') - " 3 <5, Bit c, . , I , . - ' , ' . si:: _ ' If, ' ' p", . n' 'dd ' rm atâ€: ' . 'ill Specialty Shop So. Pine St. Timmins SKY'S off er sincere congratulations to Barney Sky for his courage and foresight in adding a beautiful landmark on South Pine Street with the New Sky Building. In celebration of this occasion Sky's Specialty Store will offer a SKY'S STORE LTD. 3:22:93 and or- ecurcd and the t taking up the me several sec- ing of Timmins town has been itories, each of he Kiwanis in busm lad he m em ve p hi emery so hether pt " me: rther prams; was being made aerse. This was as desirable mizatiom “kn the Kiwanis Club b ionally idea 0 b n h Lives. and there was a cn on the aims and put. vnhne of Kiwanis and yr the future ot the club. Mr. C. o. Keddie, in comprehensive addmss, no maessity tor taking ntmtal and spiritual in- tt it might Be known 3:55. . . FyyrN". ' m. _ ,. '.i'c',iiif","e2 kylie.?. . , . . '.:FALi:tbr:5.. 353:3 $3133E1212151152-115‘. 31:33:" @193- . 'si'k"ijjjs1jijiiiiiiif, 2; Y.h. Mk an“ Ic:ti2?.ir1er;it iiif.2 ' FW..:?:":?.?.':;):.":?:'? arm 'iggiiij,:ii'iji'jji, ". RiElilt, ss' . i"t?iifi'ij?iiijji IPA' * Ie kg 1ksilt:jiiiiiii'.; co " x: a tT9.".k.:'.:"u0p.i:rioA; .itttN - ,'::sisfi'(iiiii:f:ji1'iii,i"i.i:r oy'.. tMU: . a , am... an. 926t 'iFSeji:iiy:y:/P. Reg. Value to $69.50 -'_ ‘mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm nvl _ of 1928. were me president. tirman ot the Coming as it does right in the heart of the Winter Season this SALE of Sky's Quality Garments will come as a distinct yet wel- come surprise to many women. There is however no hidden mo- tive in our offer. You may please come over as you read this page. Examine and chose the coat to please you from the group --apd pay only the pricdadvev- tised instead of the one origin- ally marked! as Ot' ALL Famous "Billie Burke" creations The elite of sportswear. Compris- ing knitted suits wool, and botany fiannels. Very suitable indeed for busi- ness and travel wear. None of these worth less than $13.95. Celebration Clearance Iâ€): "As noted In The Advance last week Mr. A. P. Kenning. Mau'., had lunch up with the Government the matter ot some sort. of aagutantte for I the tttrTners and settlers who have been y'o much handicapped this year through Mme impossibility of saving the cram. on account ot the unusual amount, of rain. As many here know. only a very small percentage of the crops could ho saved. Many settlers find (hemselws {Ring a desperate situation t the conditions arising from the weather. Some are actually point of facing actual storm] moving trom the land altogem settlers are nor asking for char they need and all they ask tt chance to keep going. Their eve em nted is for roads. and the for the present, untortittnale 1 seems also to lie with roads and marr- roads. Mr. Kenning recognized this fact, and worked out a plan which h:. presented last week to the Government. This plan is that the government (In considerable roadwork this iinter, and especially in the placing of gravvl as hn along roads to be repnlmd. Mr. Kmx- “ ing th nitrr, last weak in a personal interview Clmnh with Hon. Cr. Howard Ferguson found right.vc But you naturally will have to attend this sale promptly to get best choice! In The Advance ten years ago SALE OF DRESSES! b going. Their ever l" reads. and the P nt, untortittnate IN lie with roads and are actually on actual starvation , land altogether. l asking for charity. all they ask tor i Ineir ever pres 1nd the remed: Inmate manic: roads and man recognized thi "I Utt Another Sensation is the m PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TWINS, ONTARIO het m ten Tl tfft ll Ptt ettuer tt Mr HO m tt' vi ma Ill/Ill)'" of hm Il Mt adm m .95 r very sympathetic. The urea Mr. Kenning that the t wauld do all possible in . There will be ttttttsitter. ork and much tunnelling he necessary' work in can- IN h ml! Mt tl AND In Whi hum " tit KW! D. Park tll " H!" I man with ll ll Chu it " tll, ' TN Limb Mr Imn Wil N1 mum M ta 0 h l) H) um Ht Ill H we of ma- 0 t “on ring, Ite hospital , alumina! mm on the M is. Thalia- the tutboard motor to their own that theltroat. They then tied up the can; Mme in close to the boat. Mr. Clouthier pass- etmaider. (d over the outboard motor to the oth- Kmvelllns er mm in the boat. tn pain: over r In can- I the motor in the eioutmer but some 'ttlers as of the gas iine‘dripped from the out.. Ibcard motor and the result was a sheet snutiruny ot name shooting at: over the but. uni standards Clouthim; bravely faced the names and was the 'startrd up his but and bronchi. " to aging un shore so that Mrs. Worthington and mu, July his man might not be endangeted.l, (1.;iirey Mrs. Worthington was safely landed 1 Joseph without injury. but the man stayed i of Mr. with Mr. Clouthier to tight the names :tilvylzury, on the boot. Thry got tho fire oat but ‘s or mm us; before they wrt: both rather bad- frit'iabintr. 1y burned, _ / 3 " hmpitoll William Wallace Worthington, n vvitaln:a:rlwt'll-known old-time resident of the I on tho l Porrupltw district. pasnrd away at the taking " St. Mary's hospital. Timmins. on Mon- rur whm I day, Nov. 5th. 1928, after an illness of '. (tlnuth- l only a few days. He had enjoyed. tirfe trim-rd talliealth and vigor Iumil a year or so Hm: 2h.1 before when he had the misfortune to .hlii just brink Itis, hip in a fall. This indtiry l, dump- kept him in the hospital in Toronto twin Mr. l for swam] months and left him mork‘ hutt msm'cr less weokened from his former I.) trans- i atrsngrth. Aftm' his recovery front this} '. (Mouth {farm tt tled tlr hut Jus' L. dump 2250 Ottawa, Nov. 9.---When the Royal Commission on Dominion-Provincial Relations met in this city earlier in the year, in received briefs urging increas- ed efforts to prevent illness and con- serve health. Whether the Commis- sion will be influenced by what other countries are doing or not, is not known, but since that (Ame the cause of public health has been considerably strengthened by national fitness cam- paigns in Great, Britain, Australia and other countries. The latest big step forward in public health has been in the United States Evidently he had dropped dead as he re-entered the kitchen, the cause of death being heart-failure. The late Mr, Martin was born at, Newmarket, Eng- land, 58 years ago. He graduated from Cambridge University. taking his law degree there. Later he practiced law with the firm of Coyens-Htuziy at Nor- wich, England He came out to Can- ada in 1907, settling at first, in Cobalt where he practiced law and later in. Cor-inane. He came with his family to South Porcupine in 1917 and later that same year moved to Timmins where they resided until 1920 when they returned to South Porcupine. Among the local items in The Ad-' vance ten years ago were: "Dr. Clifford. Sullivan retumed on Monday evening from Toronto where he was attending the wedding of his brother, Dr. H; U. S. Plans Heavy Spending for Health Individual States Included in Health Programme. Police court ten variety of cases. from the solitary and costs, to the accident, he appeared to recapture some of his old-time. health and strength, but some. days before his death he was taken ill and it, was found necessary to remove him to the hospital where despite all skill and care and the. fine physique and endur- ance of the man himself, he succumb- ed on Monday. Nov. 5, 1928. Police court ten years ago had a nice variety of cases. The charges ranged from the solitary drunk who paid $10 and costs, to the more serious charg- es of theft. and damage to property. Three for speeding were assessed $10 and cost; Three charged with having liquor without permits were dismissed, the evidence showing that the parties accused were not the owners of the liquor in question. Sullivan The second indoor band concert of the 1928 fall season drew a good Iuiuse. to the Goldfields theatre ten years ago; and the program was much enjoyed. Mr. A. Downie occupied the chair for the evening in a very effective way. His introductory remarks and his an- nouncement of the various numbers was so clear and distinct to all that interest was eaughband held through- out. The selections by the band were well presented, including more than one number that made special appeal to the music lovers present. Band- master Wilford and his men won gen- eral applause for good work done, The whole town of South Porcupine was shocked ten years ago when they heard that Herbert M. Martin had dropped dead after arising and mak- ing the fire in the kitchen, Move, and taking a cup of tea in to Mrs. Martin.' Evidently he had dropped dead as he re-entered the kitchen, the cause of death being heart-failure. The late Mr, Martin was born at Newmarket, Eng- SU1TE.212 SKY BLOCK are extended to BEST WISHES W. "Gene" Gladstone INSURANCE and STEAMSHIP AGENT The Opening of New Offices The Sky Building Molnnis Building Teiephmte 1105 Phone 2135 We Specisliu In Annuities sud Pension Bonds FHRE-AUT0 AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE on the occasion of the opening of B. KAMINKER Barney Sky B. ARCH.. M.R.A.I.C ARCH n'RCT Announces at Try Me Advance Want Advertisement; Well Known Lawyer Now Located Here Mr. Lieberman's family have long been associated with the practice of law, his great-uncle being Judge Yano- witz ot the California Supreme court. A strong believer in the. broadening of- feet ot travel, Mr. Lieberman spent the summer ot 1931 touring abroad and studying systems or the administra- tion of justice in France, 'Germany, Italy and Great Britain. THURSDAY. NOW norm. 1938 'at was urged," he said, "that this programme should be developed in an evolutionary manner over a period of ten years; that in no respect, should it, be “a. tediralized operation of health and medical care; but, that Lhe federal government should use funds through grants-in-aid .to assist. in equalizing the t1hancial burdens, insure minimum standards and give the Incentive to all parts or the country to join in a na- tional ma#etnent." J. -w. Lipherman, BA., who for the past two years has conducted a law practice m Scum Porcupine, is now occupying suite 208 in the new Sky Building on Pine szreet, south. Well known thrtughout the camp and an active flgure in the labour movement, Mr. Lieberman graduated from University of Toronto 4n 1929 and from Osgoode Hall in 1932. where the Federal Government. is now formulating a plan, upon which it, is proposed w expand Federal and State expenditures for health activities tttttil they reach a total of $860,000,000 an- nunny at the end of ten years. This sum would be distributed rough- ly as $000,000,000 for the expansion or public health activities. $166,000,000 tor material and child health work, $150,- Dr. Panan outlined the teeommend- ations in the proposetrprogramme, de- claring that through strengthened lo- cal health organizations in every com- munity a major attack on a national from, would be directed "against those causes of disease and death tor the coniml of which We have .se'tenUtlc weapons ot unquestioned power." The latter, in reviewing some of the aeeomplighmehts of the Social Security Act. pointed out that greater progress had been made in plublic health during the past two years than in any similar period in United States history. Vital services of State health departments had been strengthened try Federal funds. One ot the most important re- sults ot Federal aid to health had been the training ot public health personnel. C 20 Pine Street North Tlmmlns