Rounde 'crlticising the Ontario Buc- ball Association for flagrant laxity and injustice tnat iorced the Creighton team. of Sudbury. to retire from the provincial piaydowns against Peterboru, Jack Maunder, or the Sudbury Star. in a castigatlng editorial. declares that the time is more than ripe for the for- matim MN Northern" Ontario Baseball Association embracing the Nickel and Gold 89).! groups. Idle since September 17 when they met and defeated Toronto Veterans in the ï¬rst round or the playdowns. Creighton failed to arrive at any agree- able arrangements to meet Peterboro and the O.B.A. appeared to take little or no interest in getting things straightened out. Peterboro offered Creighton sixty per cent. of the gate receipts for a series in the Quaker Oats town but would give no rain guarantee. The Petes would carry rain insurance and in the event of wet weather all they would have been out would have been the pre- mium and their advertising. On the other hand Creighton would have been out 3300. Mr. Maunder's editorial con- tinues as follows:â€"â€" “The way is open for the resumption of negotiations with the Gold Belt on the matter of a northem association. Last year. when the Gold Belt regretted that nothing could be done for the 1938 season. it did not shut the door entire- ly. The Temiskaming Baseball League suggested that the matter might be tak- en up again “when the activities of the 1938 season are over." “Peterborough's attitude and that of the O.B.A. makes it plain what the Nickel Belt's next move should be. We have been shoved into a corner this year, and should know enough to call quits. A new deal is prescribed, par- ticularly with all the makings to hand. “It is certainly worth another real try at getting a Northern Ontario Base- ball Association going. in view of this year's fiasco. Last spring an attempt was made to bring together the Nickel and Gold Belts ior baseball. It failed because of an affiliation with the East- ern Ontario Baseball Association. to which the Gold Belt was committed. The E.O.B.A., we recall. made a great to-do over the possibilities of a playoff between their winners and the O.B.A. champions. The O.B.A.’s inability to look after its own teams shows how re- mote that possibility will always be. If a team like Creighton gets the runs around. what would the O.B.A. do to a squad from the Gold Belt? Kirkland Lake is practically in the Arctic Circle, according to the O.B.A. “Events in the Gold Belt recently in- dicate the present time would ï¬nd the north most receptive to the idea of base- ball union. Lake Shore. a good senior Separate Basebali Body For North Urgedgf’by Nickel Belt Time Is More Than Ripe to Seek New Baseball Hook-up, ()therThan 0.A.B.A., Says Jack Maunder in Sudhury Star After (’reighton-Peterboroug'h Series Fiasco. O O 0.0..†O O O. O O â€.00 o O 0 O. N 0' O O O. O O O. O .0 O .0 O. O O N O O N O O O. O. O O .0 O. O O O. O O O. O. 0 O .0 co. 0'... O. O O N o. ““3000. O O 0.“.OO.H.â€.OO.†O... o o o o o o o o o nou.oo.».oo.oo.oo.u.o¢:oo O. O O O. O. £X8§§VAR§IAIYVHxH£8n tuléézn3f¥§§xn§xxu§ THURSDAY. OCTOBER 6TH. 1938 Calvin llones QUALITY SHOES FOR MEN $5$6 GRAHAM BA!“ BY SON 6 Pine St. N. X-Ray Fittings club. won the Temiskaming League title this year. Then they were thrown in against Smiths Falls. Ottawa Valley winner. The Smith Fails squad was made up of a bunch of youngsters who are about two years away. Their pinch- er was a veteran who had slipped from the competitive picture in Kirkland Lake two years before. Bad weather cut the attendance at the series. but in a way that was a fortunate alibi. You can't fool the fans. and there would have been plenty of empty pews even with the best of weather. “The ED.B.A. is no more use to the Gold Belt than the O.B.A. is to the Nickel Belt. in our opinion. At present the eastern loop is being very nice to its northern cousins. But ball is in a bad way in the Ottawa Valmy. Give the eastern section the same kind of ball they had in the days of Jim Deskin et al. of Smiths Falls. and they would play the north at their convenience. With top-notch senior ball in the Qt- tawa Valley. the Gold Belt would cool its heels the same as the Nickel Belt has done. a 3-1 score before a crowd of more than 40,000 fans at Wrigley Field in Chicago. Charley “Red“ Ruffing, whose capable right arm was a big factor in the pennant drive of the Yankee pitch- ing staff, held the Cubs to nine hits to give the New York club a oneâ€"game jump on the series. Lee was taken out in the eighth for a. pinch hitter and the veteran Jack Russell finished the game for Chicago. New York . 020 001 000â€"3 12 1 Chicago 001000 000â€"1 9 1 Ruffing and Dickey; Lee. Russell and Hartnett. “The two mining sections are natur' rivals. A' blazing spirit of completion has been built up through hockey, and that would pay dividends in baseball. Lake Shore against Creighton this year would have really roused the fans. In- stead. Lake Shore played juniors from the Ottawa Valley and Creighton took on Toronto players who had passed their prime. There are some things in the way of baseball union, but none of them amounts to a hill of beans. The two constitutions could be merged. Both districts would go for the same resid- ence rule. A meeting between the two sectors should be arranged to take place while this summer‘s experience is still vivid in the minds of all.†Yanks Win First Game of Series The Golf Pro Shop closes this week for the season. but the club house will remain open as long as the golf weath- er continues. Members of the Golf Club who have clubs in the Golf Pro Shop should take them out at once and place them in their lockers. By looking after this matter while the Golf Pro house is open members will be helping the smooth running of af- fairs. as well as looking to their own Cutting into the offerings of the mighty General Bill Lee for eleven hits in eight innings, New York Yankees won the first game of the World's Series from Chicago Cubs yesterday by Golf Pro. Shep to Close This Week for the Season fairs, as interests Defeated Chicago Cubs in Opene1 at W1igley Field Yeste1day by 3â€"1 Score. Advance Want Advertisements Last year Timmins won a series with Haileybury but lost out by two points to North Bay. While several of last year’s stars are missing from the local team. Coach John Grabb has rounded out a well-oaianced team that with this week‘s regular practices under their belts should give a. winning ac- count of themselves. Both Kirkland teams are practicing daily in preparation for the Timmins invasion and will no doubt provide stout opposition. Timmins High School Rugby Teams in Kirkland Saturday consent of the coaches of both schools. Kirkland Lake will play return fixtures in Timmins the following Saturday. Both local teams have appeared in one exhibition tilt. the senior squad de- feating North Bay 2-0 and the juniors losing to Iroquois Falls 8-2. This year juniors will be playing league fixtures as a chip has been donated for competition. In the sen- ior division the winning team will play the southern group champs. the sur- vivor of that series going into the Northern Ontario finals with North Bay. Rev. Father Dawson. D.D.. of the Church of the Nativity, spoke in glow- ing terms of the advantages of group athletics in the simultaneous deve10p- ment of mind and body. at a father and son banquet held in the'parish hall Tuesday night and attended by members of St. Patrick's Boys’ Club and the local council of the Knights of Columbus. There were over a hun- dred in attendance. Father Dawson thanked the Knights for the interest they had shown in the 0:an and operation of the boys' club and extended the greetings of the Montreal Council. or which he is a member. Partridge Season Declared The season will be divided into two parts, the first period being from Oct. 10 to 15, and the second from Novem- ber 5 to 10. The absolute bag limit is five birds in any one day or a total of 15 for the entire season. No special permit is required for the partridge season but all hunters will be required to carry a regular gun license. Ques- tioned by The Advance regarding the prospects for partridge shooting. Mr. Boudreau remarked. "they are not very plentiful." seer ~ Phil Boudrvearu that the Ontario government has passed an order-in- cou-ncii declaring an open season for partridge in Northern Ontario. Senior and Junior rugby team re- presenting Timmins High and Voca- tional School will make. their initial bow of the season in N.O.S.S.A. com- petition when they journey to Kirk- land Lake on Saturday to tangle with the collegiate representatives of that town. It had been originally planned to hold the games on Thanksgiving Day but the date was advanced with the consent of the coaches of both schools. Kirkland Lake will play return fixtures in Timmins the following Saturday. Open Periods to be October 10 to 15 and November 5 to 10. Ofï¬cial notification has been re- ceived by Game and Fisheries Over- Both Senior and Junior Squads to go Into Action in First N.O.S.S.A. Competitions of Current Season. Play Re- turn Games Here Following Week. Father and Son Banquet Enjoyed St. Patrick’s Boys’ Club of K. of C. at Dinner on Tues- x day. Rev. Father J. R. O'Gorman, parish Fresh from their 2â€"0 win over North Bay in an exhibition game here last week. Timmins High and Vocational School senior and junior teams will play their ï¬rst league games in Kirkland Lake Saturdav. Eric Ormston. lei t. and Leo Bandiero. plunging middles of the senior squad. app-ear ready for the fray n the above shot taken during a practice workout. PROMINENT ()N SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL LINE n. In the sm- ; team will plny lamps. the sur- going into the 115 with North THE PORCU‘PINE ADVANCE. TIMM'INS. ONTARIO Leo P. Lalonde. re of the Knights of Co the chairman for th priest, cautioned the members of the boys’ club not to take too much for granted but to appreciate the assist- ance and guidance given them by the K. of C. 3.3“»: THE Priced from Length . Elbows T-Pipes Chimney StOppcrs l’lpe Collars Pokers Branches at Cobalt. New Liskeard. Swastika. Kirkland Lake. Cochrane. Timmins. Ont. and Noranda, Quebec. ‘ASH SIFTERS Dampers HI'MIDIFIERS priced from Lifters Pipe Enamel 150 and 25c Stove Pipe (1‘ Gal Hods (Adm n GEORGE TAYLOR HARDWARE Photo a! S1.75 60c 45c 17C 256 500 15¢ 100 150 at" T)C Well built and designed for economical efficient heating in this Northern climate. In three sizes. $1 2 5 O 0 mode] No. 13 ......... N14 S“13.50 No.15 S15.50 Folding Fi|j_e_ _ Gyards Bronze Weatherstrip 201/2 ft length - - 800 Let us show you how you can save on your Fuel Costs and enjoy greater comfort with JOHNS-MANVILLE Felt Weatherstrip 12 ft. length - - - 100 Creighton Seniors Drop Out The Creighton Cubs. of Sudbury. have definitely decided to withdraw txcm senior playoffs in the Ontario Baseball Asocialion. The move was made when the Creigm'cn club was in. formed W. J. Snyder. 0.8.9... seen-m, had ordezsd Pct’erbsrough 13p lay in Creigh.:cn officxaiq felt the club had lost enough money now in the $150 deficit incurred when Toronto Veter- ans c-ame there last month. With weather as changeable as it is now. the Cub executive felt they would have to 2.0 into the hole again to meet. the Cl OWdS Early last week Creighton stated that unless they got. competition during the week they would not compete. They 1nd then lmen idle since Sept. 17. W. J. Snyder gave the home-and- home playoff as his only solution of the final impasse to T. J. Birney, Nickel Belt, President. Mr. Snyder stated it was the only way to get on with the playoffs now that, Stratford game was t home-and-r decided it. c with the playoffs now that, Stratford has been returned a winner over Tor- onto Brights. Early last week C unless they got. con week they would 1 had then bum idle $2.00 $2.50 Wen‘iaade 0f Polished Tin ROCK WOOL INSULATION McClary “ Renown †1. Dancing every Andy C Couple 750. ante terday. Th? Wain have been the first HEAD OFFICE-NEW LISKEARD. ONT 1TH We Serve The North first of Creight ï¬nance 13‘ n 8;“an a 011191.031 lead that they earned with a shutout vscm in Kirk- land Late last Saturday. Man-tyre Foctball Club will go into the ï¬nal game for the NORA. championship at McIntyre stadium on Saturday against. Lake Shore with a 511m margin. Shore and the Macmen are two of the most evenly matched soccer elevens in the north. Both clubs .play the kind :J football that. has the fans on their feet 311 the way. Macmen Hold Slight Advantage for Final Championship Game With Powerful Kirkland Lake Team. Locals, with Victory Over Shore in Foster (‘up Series. Favoured to Win. On records of the past season Mc- Intyre are favored to. win the champ- ionship. In the Foster Cup series they defeated Lake Shore by -2 on the round. winning the game here 2-1 and tieing in Kirkland Lake 1-1. Lake Shore are of the opinion that the Macs have them jinxed but it‘s goals that win football games and up to now Mc- Intyre seem to have the happy faculty of m-amtaining a scoring edge. slight though it. may be. McIntyre Hold One-Goal Lead After Shutout in First Game Provided the weather is favorable, Saturday‘s game looms up as one of the outstanding fixtures of the year. Lake Shore are determined to vanquish the Macs while the McIntyre are just as Frosty mornings are here. Soon we’ll have winter in earnest. Prepare now for the long winter months by checking up on your house and the heat- ing. Taylor’s are ready to ï¬ll your every need for greater cold weather comfort. ......... .,. DANCING GIVES YOU BUD-IHEHM “REGULATED†OIL HEAT 0 A new kind of heatâ€"with out the old-time drudgery" )3 yours, WIUI 8 Duo- uncuu oil burning circulating, heater! The heater that brings you ALL of these modern features! PATEITED DUAL-CNRMBER Bumâ€"Greatest clan-hr? range of any burner. Silent, clean. odorless. at all stages ~from pilot light to maxi mum heat. HEAT REGUUTORâ€" Simple: as turning a dial. All the heat yuu wanton Cuid days.) ust enough to take the chill off on mild days. SPECIAL “H.375- STDPPERâ€â€"- Prevents yours, with a Duo-Therm Dancing every Wednesday and Saturday Andy (Tangiann’s Orchestra You’ll Enjoy Phones 300-â€"â€"3()l-â€"-1601 -â€"-1602 at the determined to knack off the title. Do- splte the fact that they were beaten by Dome in the Dominion Cup play~ downs. McIntyre have one of me great- est fastball clubs in the Dominisn. the name thing going for Lake Show. Chicago Pittsburgh New York Cincinnati New York Bmton Cleveland Detroit Washington Chicago St. Louis Philadelphia heat from rushing up chimney, sends more 11:3 to your home. Saves oil! Boston 77 7:3 St. Louis 71 80 Brooklyn 69 80 Philadelphia 45 105 AMERICAN LEM : I Vida-FINA! W ' L. New York 99 5:3 Boston 88 (H HE“! WB£$~Cirrulatc UH hear. evenly. Nu cold spots lazily againzt the sides of thr heater, keeps more heat in the heater. . . circulates more heat into the housc. Duo-Thcrm heaters are SAFE . . . listed as standard by the Underwriters’ Lab- - «stories. HILL FLOATING PLANâ€"Licks Let us show you the new Duo-Therm oi!- burning circulating heaters. There’s a Duo-Therm to {it your heating, Duds. The Final Statulim; NATIONAL LEM†Extra Lady 10¢ LIMITED l’ilu:ll PAGE SEVEN “l W 89 86 86 83 84 ‘Jh Il'l 67 (38 64 83 97 99 70 470 463 .497 .439 .362 .349 651 091 586 573 307 300