young as you for goodness : fancy r-eminim date yourself. grin and bear you. Mary have a lette at. gocd old It’s an awful blo that you. Esther K a daughter rmdy fc But there way of comi right when Dormi‘lprics Supply Only Bare Essentialsâ€"The Students Must Take Along Curtains, Spreads, Lamps, Towels and Beddingâ€"Suggestions for Extras. PAGE SIX lv. NORM BAY 8.40 am‘ Ar. IORONIO 4:05 pm. D . . lv. IORONIO 8.15am Ar. NORTH BAY 4.10am UNION BUS TERMINAL - worm an IT TAKES MORE THAN PENNANTS T0 FURNISH A COLLEGE ROOM Wall Dim†Dilm‘ls 0f SDOI‘ling sw'nes make. a very debchair screen for a college roomâ€"to hide any sort of junk in a corner. :«AVI’. \‘Ul'R CREDIT? Consolidate your bothersome debts into one easy account. ,1! your auto payments are too high we can reduce them for you. See us about your Financial Problems. 2) Third Avenue \ wreen in a eollege room may also he used to cut. off a study corner and thereby enable one roommate to hone late at night while the other one gets some deep. 'l‘his sereen has a map design wall paper which is also very suitable for the average college room. MONARCH FINANCE CORP. m ‘dl m 1k )u‘rc HOUSEHOLD Aw “Minnow u 11' N0 ENDORSERS air be an Babies have a l lady like that ing almost as Phone 101-2-3 AUTO Week. 1 > in for : )n't want Just be! 5 helpful )f il‘ 1T 20 16 . than in ‘19. a team But rr any ant to better ,{AND PLEASANT HOMES gainst them if you are looking for something inexpensive. But the fab- rics suggested above are sturdier and make grand couch spreads and cur- tains as well as chair slip covers. Cur- tains on rings and heavy enough to cut off the view when they‘ne pulled together seem better to usâ€"-pongee is good for that purpose if you want something cheap. Then it can be dressed up with a valance to match the spread. For rugs, small strips of broadloom are just 'fine because you can just about take your choice of all sorts of patterns and plains-many of Dormitories usually supply only the grim necessities-«bed. dresser. chair, study table, but that's practically all. Included in a college “trousseau†there must be sheets. blankets. bed cover. curtain-s. towels. rugs. lamps and any other extras a fellow may wish. That many things can make or break Uhe room, decoratively speaking. so it looks VOU your you furnishin nanlts to by Elizabeth MacRea Boykin though a student had better add m when you go shopping with voung sprouts. for college room nings. It. takes more than pen- to furnish the room you know. Timmins A built-in dressing table is often the feature of the more modern dormitory. and when you want to make your college room look more. like a sitting room. what is better than a screen for hiding the personal details of the dressing table. 'MW Aug. p.‘ us about. You know how much junk you seem to volleet around schoolâ€" [an-d how small college closets always are. Well. the answer to that. is a screen for one corner of the roomâ€"a ,screen to be covered with one of the lmore brazen wall papers. Big drama- tic sporting panhls make stunning ;screens for college rooms; so do map designs and some of the slightly ribald .g-ame room designs. them very jaunt-y. Lamps had better be. good reading models with the pro- per height. and the proper tilt of shade. (The I.E.S. tag of scientific construction is your guarantee of that and you’ll find all types of such lamps in most any store). But even within those limits you can get quite gay with your lights . . . with sporting print shades. plaid gingham shades, or cut- outs from Chintz rubber-cemented as medallions on plain parchment shades. Or decorated wi'thautographs of all More Like a Studio There won‘t. be many ruffles in col- lege rooms you may be sure. But there‘s still quite a lot of leeway for variation. In fact the trend is all to- ward making a college room look more like a studio sitting room than like a bedroom. That calls for sporty look- ing materials like tweed. sailclot-h in bright colors. awning duck. rep, plaid serge/corduroy. Practically no flow- ered things. though there's no law a- bit of interior decorating to the-sch dule whether or no. The space behind the screen can be used as a general dumpâ€"although then it‘s apt to get to be too much of a catch-all. For a student who is a fairly-well organized soul it‘s better to use the space for some specific pur- pcse. For sporting equipment if the owner is an ardent athlete and is al- ways overflowing with golf clubs, ten- nis rackets, hockey sticks. skis and the likes of those. After all. such stuff can be so in the way. A Place to Bone Or a study comer can be made be- hind thescreenifthcroomistobe .II' Oll cronie 1 0 re uug 'nr or Junk Collectors 's a clever trick that, some 1g college friends have told You know how much junk to Poll'zot around schoolâ€" mall college closets always the answer to that. is a m PORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMINS. ONTARIO Microscopic investigation has shown that asbestos ï¬bre is probably the finest in existence. a property which. when better understood may lead to valu- able new applications of this material, David Wolochow. research chemist, Na- tional Research Council Laboratories Ottawa, states in his paper on asbestos and its uses, which appears in the Sep- tember issue of the Bulletin. Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Knowledge of the physical nature of fibre aggregate. and thereby of the ef- fects of milling processes on asbestos is being deï¬nitely increased and put on a sound basis by this investigation. he notes. Reviewing asbestos research in Canada. he advises that considerable work has already been carried out in the Council's laboratories with a view Paper Deals With Uses 0f Asbestos As for wall decorations and pictures. you’re safe there in leaving that to the college generationâ€"they‘ll turn up with treasures of their own to cover the walls. But if you want to be helpful you could contribute a few empty pic- ture frames to be filled in with col- lege pictures. But when you go to visit, please don't be shocked at what you see . . . just remember your own under- grad room and how harmless it mally was for all you thought you were be- ing so modern. (Copyright 1938 Rae Boyk'm). Further Uses Expected for Asbestos. M by two students. Then one can all up late and bone without bothering the other. Because a shaded 113m be. Mad 3 good sized screen pretty well cute (1! the scene. Her-e book shelves. dusk. typewriter. lamp and the like can so-better a corner with a window though; so there'll be good light for daytime study. Still another way (for a girl) to use the space behind the screen is to have her dressing table and make-up para- phernalia there. Whether there's a built-in dressing table ms in many (brmitories) or a table-with-a-skirtâ€" it will still want to go behind a screen if there‘s going to be any attempt to make the room look more like a studio- sitting room instead of so bedroomy. For An Ambitions Wardrobe In buying towels and bedding. my advice is to buy things that are de- cisively marked or individual colors. That‘s so they won't get mixed up. And indelible ink isn't the answer. Those woven mme tapes are good. but I think for sheets and pillowcases a col- ored border or a big appliqued mono- gram is better. Or even colored sheets -â€"â€"for a college man biege sheets have a lot of style. Carry one colour thraugh- out the college linen “trousscau†using it for towels as well and you'll save a lot or scrambling in the wash. Blank- ets are better in two weightsâ€"for mild weather and coldmthe light pair can be cotton, and the heavy pair wool. The only “furniture" that will be needed would include perhaps a set The only “furniture" needed would include 1: of hanging book shelves . those closet shoe cabinet. of clrawers-wlth maybe leather hassocks for eer Labour and Contracts Supervised by an Architect Lumber and Supplies Feldman’s are noted throughout the north for their reasonable prices on good quality lumber and build- ing materials. They carry a complete stock of materials for your every building need no matter :what‘ type of construction you prefer. Estimates given without obligation. Feldman’s have engaged the professional services of a registered, graduate architect to design and super- vise the construction of homes according to high standards. His practical and technical knowledge assures you a well-built comfortable house that will require little or no upkeep expense. There are no “extras†in a Feldman-built home. Speciï¬cations and plans are prepared showing every detail and the low price quoted is the exact price you pay. Noth- ing added. Feldman’s have, within their orgal‘lization, skilled building mechanics who will see your home through to completion. Every detail will be taken care of by thoroughly experienced men. Feldman’s Complete Building Service Elizabeth Ma . and one of a closet, set a, couple of seats. -up para- there‘s a in many L-a-skirbâ€" 1 a screen the lpf u] pic- 001- San Francisco was chosen as the 1939 convention city of the Interna- tional Fire Chiefs' Association. Chief R. E. Mottesheard of Dearborn. Mich, former 1st Viceqn'esident of the Asso- ciation. succeeds in the presidency Chief Daniel B. Tierney of Arlington. Mass. Other officers elected for the ensuing year include: Ray Tiller. Water- loo. Iowa. lst Vice-president; William at New Orleans on September 29. where he spoke on the subject “Arson Con- trol.†The Ontario Fire Marshal was the ï¬rst Canadian in a number of years to be on the programme for the Inter- national Fire Chiefs’ Convention and was the only speaker on arson and the only Fire Marshal addressing the New Orleans meeting. to ï¬nding new use: for the mineral. especially for the lower grades. and (or the waste rock. which among other things. is a potential source of magne- sium metal. and magnesium salts. Fire Marshal W. J. Scott was hon- oured by an invitation to address the International Association of Fire Chiefs In the building industry. the public interest in the development of light- weight roofing and siding of very pleas- ing appearance has grown to such an extent that the capacity of existing plants had to be increased. and new plants built to meet the demand. Among molded products. asbestos is used chiefly in the manufacture of molded automobile brake-linings, which have found wide acceptance. Chrysotile is industrially the most im- portant member of the asbestos family. and constitutes about 98 per cent. of all the asbestos used commercially. Canada has long been the chief source of world supply of the mineral. the out- put being obtained almost entirely from the Thetiord district in Quebec. Russia and Rhodesia are the only other im- portant producers. Output of other varieties is very limited. and has come mainly from Austria. Italy and the United States. Ontario Fire Marshal Honoured by Fire Chiefs The Thetford chrysotile deposits were discovered in 1877. and shipments were commenced in the following year. As regular production in other countries did not commence until much. later. the development of the Canadian deposits and the introduction by Canada oper- ators of mechanical means of prepar- ing the ï¬bre may be said to have laid the foundations of the modern asbestos industry. which has seen its greatest development in the United States. the United Kingdom. and. recently, in Rus- sia. "5 Timber Company Limited Head UH ice Schumacher Phone 708 During the long months of our Can- adian winter. it is no exaggeration to state that the health and comfort of every member of the household de- pends on an efficient heating system. says the Canadian Institute of Plumb- ing and Heating. For a complete heat- ing satisfaction. every unit of the sys- tem. including boilers. stoking equip- ment. chimneys. radiators. valves. con- trols and humidifyin'r equipment is equally important. With the advent of automatic heating. particularly with complexity of equipment and controls. the need for quality and one hundred per cent. dependability in the entire heating system has been inc 'eased. In keeping with the trend for home modernization and the appropriation of basement space for recreation pur- poses. manufacturers have made amaz- ing changes in boilers. not only mak- ing them more attractive. but improv- ing their performance. The better types have a fire travel everal times the length of the boiler itself and a thick covering of insulation. surrounded by a complete outer steel jacket, so that every ounce of available heat is trans- Winter Heating Requires Reliable Heating Plant H. Palmer, Charlotte. NC. 2nd Vice- president; James J. Mulcahey. Yonkers. N.Y.. re-eiected secretary-treasurer, and Jay W. Stevens. San Francisco, reap- pointed executive secretary. Health and Comfort of the Household Depends on an Effi- cient Heating Plant. All Units of System Equally Im- portant. Have Your Heating Plant Modern. SECURITY â€" 21 Pine Street North Automobile. Sickness. Accident. Life Insurance Real Estate and Mortgages. Insure your New Building or Improvements. Enquire about our NEW LOW RATES .\ L80 SULLIVAN NEWTON FIRE INSURANCE BUILDING MATERI â€18 GENERAL (TON'I‘RJU'TINU Burns Shoe All hand-mum materials only. Fred Burns Write for Foldt“ and Price List. 'I‘immins quau ficult mg c quaJi units look of an electric pumi turn line. This sh water so that all ra Cd in a very short l, mostau'c control. a may be maintained forced circulaticn. One of the latest. improvements for mating efficiency. and one which has practically revolutionized hot water heating. is forced cirmuation by means of an electric pump inserted in the re- turn line. This speeds up the flow of water so that all radiators may be heat- ed in a very short time. With the ther- mostatic control. an oven temperature may be maintained. Furthermore, with forced circulation. smaller pipes and smaller radiators may also be fused. with no loss of heat. f€ the To have a bone checked over peri' vestment. suggest tube of Plumbing : improvements to been in operation may repay amp! fort. efficiency at Money spent [01' well mvcstcdwmvc: mils of a 00k the LrucLion One of mating e1 practically Huntsville, ()M. rred to the WM Sound chimney Senna] to the « THURSDAY. OCTOBER 61'“. 1938 The Famous -mmlr frnm High (Emm- only. Sold (lirm't from maker 10 wearer. n eating pl chimney. to obtain 1.1 pc in Mill Office SI-IRVH'E Timmins, ()nt. )8 1y household heating system periodically. is a wise in- ;gcsts the Canadian Inti- >ing and Heating. Modern 5 to plants which have {ion for a number of years imple dividends in com- fy and economy. watm' Ling sy .ibiljtie he ch. . when rforma W ey mmtnucuon is also .' (‘fficit‘nt operation of mt. Without an ade- economical heat is dif- An experienced heat.- when checking over the formance of the various 1g system. will not over- .ihties of faulty con- for fire prevent-ion is was property and lives. UH]! Phone 709