Porcupine Advance, 6 Oct 1938, 3, p. 3

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Startling Loss of Life And Property from. Fire Proclamation by Dominion Details the Loss in Canada Through Fire. Co-operation of All Sought to Reduce This Loss. Fire Prevention Week Proclaimed. CANADA GEORGE THE SIXTH. by the Grace of God of Great Britain. Ireland and the British Dominions beyond the Seas KING. Defender of the Faith. Emperor of India. '10 All to Whom these Prese nus shall come. or whom the same may in To All to Whom these Presents shall come. or whom the same may in anywise concern. Greeting: A PROCLAMA'I‘ION «C. P. Plaxton Acting Deputy Min- ister of Justice. Canada; â€"â€" Whereas authoritative statistics compiled and published by the Dsminion Fire Com- nussloner show that during the past seventeen years. seven hundred and twenty-seven thousand fires in Canada have destroyed insurable property valu- ed at more than six hundred and sev- enty-seven million dollars and Uhat during the same period. seven thou- sand two hundred persons have lost their lives and over twenty-two thou- sand others have been seriously injur- ed as the result of fire; And Whereas the waste thus oc- casioned. represented in terms of hu- man life, money. labour. time and In earnest «text to Home the who 11:: to the and loss in property and lives from fire. and to urge greater thought and care to avoid destructive tires. each year there is proclaimed in Canada a week known as "Fire Prevention Week." nus year this week. during which dif- ferent methcds are used to direct pub- lic attention to the tire menace, is to be observed next week. The plans and purposes or the week are clearly and empmucany set forth in the Dominion proclamation. given herewith in full as published in The Canadian Gazette this week»â€" 16 Bruce Ave. FIRE! The Great, Leveller Fire, like death, is no respecler of personsâ€"it falls alike on the homes and buildings of the rich as well as the humble. Escape the aftermath of tireâ€"h)‘ insuring against financial loss. Those who are so well-to-do that the loss of propertv by fire will not bother them. are the only ones who can aflord to he with- out insuranee. The. less money you have the greater is your need for insuranceâ€"YOU CAN‘T AF- FORD 'i‘() m: WITHOUT IN- SllRANCE. Call in let m show you how little lire pl‘ntCCtmll really costs. L. SAUDER 11mm”. ocroam cm. 1933 Proclamation Duff. Administrator ONLY THE 'I‘HUI I(1} ll'l‘FU l, Insurance of All Kinds ruce A ve. Box 99 SUl'Tll PORCUPINI‘I PHONE 130 F. C. Evans, Nearly half the fires are preventable. Ordinary caution will greatly reduce this township’s annual fire loss. We have an etTir eient courageous fire department but they need your support. Let us do our part. Keep chimneys and flues clean. Don’t allow inflammable rubbish to accumulate. Be careful with gasoline and matches. Carefuluess can stop the fire toll. ( lcrk Treasurer. natural readiness. cannot be re-created but is an absolute and irrevocable loss largely distributed over the entire population through the agency of fire insurance which imposes an inescap- able, and burcbnsame tax upon indus- try and thrift and substantially adds to the cost of living; And Whereas it is shown by reliable statistics that at least eight per cent. of the tires which occur originate eith- er directly or indirectly through inex- cusable ignorance and neglect and are therefore preventable and that the ex- ercise of reasonable prudence and proper carefulness on the part of re- sponsible idividuals wcmld substantially reduce the losses occasioned by fire; And Whereas economic and humani- tarian considerations imperatively de- mand that human life and material re- sources in Canada be so far as possible conserved in order that the general welfare of the people may be measur- ably incerascd: And Whereas it is desirable that the attention of the public be directed to the extent and underlying causes of the preventable loss of life and property by fire and to the best and most prac- ticable means for its control and that a specific period of the year be set apart and properly designated for the dissemination of such information: Now Know Ye that We. by and with the advice of Our Privy Council (or Canada, have thought {it to appoint and do appoint the week commencing Sunday. the ninth of October. and end~ ing on Saturday. the fifteenth of Oct- ober. in this present year as The Preâ€" vention Week," and we do recommend to all our loving subjects that some time during that week as may be found most practicable.â€" 1. All‘ dwellings ings be carefully occupants and all cause or promote removed. 2. All public buildings. stores, ware- houses and factories be inspected and cleaned of rubbish in order to reduce fire hazards and maintain health and mfety. 3. All hotels. theatres. asylums. hos- pitals and other. institutional buildings be inspected and provision made for all changes necessary to protect the oc- cupants from danger in the event of fire. 4. Fire drills be held for the chil- dren in all schools. for the inmates of institutions and for the employees in all large stores and factories in order that a greater degree of safety may be ensured by acquainting the occupants with the best and most expedient made of exit in time of danger. . 5 Special instruction on the sub- ject of fire prevention be given by the teachers and by municipal officials in the schools and that such appropriate literature as may be made available be distributed to the pupils. 6 Boy Scout leaders give instructions to the troops under their control as to the best means of co-operating with municipal fire departments in the pre- vention and extinguishment of fires and especially as to the desirability of qualifying for the Fireman's Badge. 7. All legislation and regulations en- acted or issued by Dominion. provincial or municipal authorities dealing with fire prevention be given publicity by the municipal officials and that by public meetings 0: otherwise as may to them seem most fit they endeavour to impress upon the citizens the na- tional importance of safeguarding life nad property from loss by fire. and their surround- inspected- by their conditions likely to the spread of fires P . gUrge More Action to Prevent, Fll’OS 0t :11 of which om loving subject end I.“ omen whom these present may concern are hereby required t Luke nature and to govern themselve mummy. e1 «From Ontario Fire Marshal‘s ()ilicev Association of Canadian Fire Mar- shalsâ€"At the annual convention held in Ottawa on July 18. 1938. the follow- ing were elected the of flcers of the Fire Marshals Association for the ensuing year: Immediate Past Presidentâ€"Ernest Lavigne. C.E.. Fire Commissioner of Quebec; Presidentâ€"*W. J. Scott. K.C.. Fire Marshal of Ontario; Vice-presid- ent.â€"F. X. Ahern. Deputy Fire Com- missioner. Quebec: Secretary-treasurer â€"J. E. Ritchie. Fire Prevention En- gineer. Ontario. The programme at tho meeting,r in- cluded the followinn papers and ad- dresses: “Problems of Air Conditioning" by E. W. Fomler. Engineer with The National Board of Fire Underwriters. New York; “International Relationships among Fire Marshals" by Sherman V. Coultas. Fire Marshal. Illinois; “Finger- prints in Arson Investigation" by W. H. Stringer, Deputy Fire Marshal of On- tario; “Criminal Investigation“ by In- spector R. Armitage. Royal Canadian Mounted Police; “Fire Insurance Com- panies and the Fire Marshals" by A. Leslie Ham, Canadian Underwriters’ Association. Montreal; "Recent Crimin- al Code Amendments re Arson" by W. J. Scott, K.C.. Fire Marshal of Ontario; “Statistical Report of Fire Losses" by J. Grove Smith. Dominion Fire Com- missioner, Ottawa. Resolutions Passml at ()tta- wa Conventlons. By Command. E. H. COLEMAN. Under-Secretary or Statc V. Evans, REEVC m ponmpm ADVAHCE. 7mg, owning I l (‘hairman of Committee Fire Cost 246 Lives in Canada Last Year In kieping with Fire Prevention Week the members of the. "B.E.SL." troop of Boy Scouts heard a Very in- teresting talk on “Fire Prevention" on Monday last in the Swut hall. Capt. J. Morton. of the Timmins Fire Dept. was the speaker and it is expected that some of the lads will take up Fire Pre- vention Work in the future. Nearly Half of These Tragic Victims Were Children. lmziun Buy Scouts Hear About Fire Prevention Observe Fire Prevention Week next. week, and this week and every week do everything you can to avoid danger of fires. Fire Prevention Week may be all right in its way, but fire prevention should be preached and taught for 52 weeks in the year. as the fire losses in the past have proven such an econ- omical waste not only in Canada but throughout. the North American contin- ent. We have a. Fire Prevention As- sociation. which is supposed to function the year around. but little or no infor- mation is given from it for the other fifty-one weeks of the yearâ€"at least it does not reach the public in the manner which we think it should. To our way of thinking there is only one means of teaching fire prevention especially in the homes. and that is beginning with the children. Let us have fire prevention methods intro- duced into our public schools; let it be made compulsory by the Boards of Education. Once you instil into the minds of children a matter such as fire prevention and the hazards con- nected with it. they ane liable to carry it through life. and as they grow older. so will their ideas of fire prevention and accident prevention grow with them. It is hard to “teach old dogs new tricks." and it is equally hard to instil into the minds of adults and show them the cost of carelessness, especial- 1y with respect to fire and accidents. is ll'L You may not be able to do much to banish the humans of war. but you cer- tainly can do a lot to eliminate the avoid being “out" your neighbor “out should matchc reach Instructions will be given to school children, to business men and factory workers. etc. and particular attention will be paid to Boy Scout groups. ser- vice clubs and municipal authorities. Radio programmes have been arranged and vérious individuals will help to tell the public throughout the Domin- ion how to guard against fire hazards. parents can bitter ang which mu Child peris or anothe Instruct «From Insurance Financial Review) Fire Prevention Week in Canada is tel for the period from October 9th to the 15th and during this time all classes Cf the public will be instiuc ted in fir: prevention methods in one foxm when Councillor Wm. Roberts. chairman of the Fire and Light Committee on the town council. He is an enthusi- ast for fire protection and fire pre- vent-ion. Fire Prevention Should Start with the Children i! ry .pzn'en ; duty to )165 of fire prevention. They not be allowed Lo play with fire. es should be kept out of their and the playing with celluloid 1 uld be discouraged. By a stlict 31102 to the use of common sense. 5 can thus save themselves the anguish and lifeâ€"long regret, must be ever meant when a perishes by their neglect. ire 1' should realize that it Leach his children the fire prevention. They match t1 is out. and thus ourself, or putting Fire Prevention for the Settlers A Fire Prevention Week issue would isolated r not be canplete without a reference worth wh to the recent action of the provincial,"“3"“0n 1 govrnment in making all fire rangersl also deputy fire marshals and extend- ‘ ing'their authority to the inspection of M580" homes as well as premises for fire 1‘“ risks. Every year for a sad number of years there have been precious lives An edit lost in the North through fires at week say: Settlers’ homes. Children have been ”Hailey. the especial victims of fires at settlers' look one homes. Stovepipes running through 3 reach on fliinsy partitions. improper position of I 1922. the stoves. unsafe chimneys. have made the I worst cat risk of fire in many settlers‘ homes a lany comr. very serious one, while lack of a-tten- . years an tion to the placing of doors and win- from the dows reduces the chance of escape from to dim 01 the burning homes. These facts came would be to the attention of Chief Coroner E. R. ! just a lit Recent Action by the On- ‘ tario Government a Good Move. TIMMINS PHONE 112 If this should happen to you Are You Protected? Simms, Hooker 8L Drew CHANGE of ADDRESS H ROHRING BLAZE . . . 21 blackened, ruined lgmilding. At, such tune. your pnlicy. 1110119, stands lflwtween you and lumvy loss! By insuringr your property with us you obtain a protection that has been time and liretested for years . . . a protection that is shared by thousands of property owners throughout the Porcu- pine Camp . . . a protection that has been proved by the prompt and equitable payment of thousands of dollars in tire losses. .. Simms, Hooker 8: Drew OSTROSSER BLDG. INSURE WITH US AND SAFEGUARD YOUR PROPERTY AGAINST FIRE INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE INSURANCE IN ALL BRANCHES to our new location gin the question and curried on - nuptial: tor "Jib mum of fire {resection for the settlers. Recently. the Ontnrio Government took the action referred to and this will no doubt malt in the saving of precious lives. With the fire rangers inspecting the ham of net- tlere no doubt the necessary changes will be made to mute a greater meas- ure of safety from fire danger in these isolated homes. It Ls something well worth while. and deserving of special mention for Fire Prevention Week. lesson of Haileybury Fire of 1922 Mentioned little time off somewhere around the anniversary and see what, might be done .in the way of fire prevention." announcing the An editor 1a in The Haflcyburian last. Careless Smokers (‘ause Many Fires One of the Chief Causes of Fires in Canada. {By Dominicn Fine Commissiomr) In 12,963 instances last year. 82.- 700.000 worth of property went up in smoke due to careless smelters. Fins from this cause are top ranking in the list of causes. as reported to the Dom- inion Fire Commissioner for 1937. Ten years ago this type of tire numbered slightly less than 3.000 for the whole of Canada. But with a steady increase in the number of smokers. principally among the fair sex. there appears also to have developed an indifference to the hazards of fire from carelessly dis- posed cigarettes. tobacco and matches that is hardly imaginable. With an increase of 430 per cent in the num- ber of tires from this cause. "smokers‘ carelessness" can now be classed as Public Enemy No. 1 as far as fires are concerned. The question arises. are women more careless than men in the matter of smoking? Unfortunately there are no statistics to enlighten us on this score. but the fact remains that far too many fires are started through thec arelessness of smokers and only a. careful dis-position of cigarettes. matches and tobacco can stop it. Per- haps if these nearly 13.000 people re- sponsible for this loss could be gath- ered together in one place and could witness nearly two and three-quarter millions of dollars worth of property go up in smoke with the cries of several entrapped persons mingling with the crackling of the flames. more care ‘would be exercised in their smoking ‘ habits. SOUTH PORCUPIN E PHONE 30 PAGE

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