Porcupine Advance, 25 Jul 1938, 1, p. 4

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Try The Advance Wwant Advertisements Byâ€"Law, and the same are hereby closed and stopped up to vehicularâ€"and pedestrian traffic, namely:â€" (1) All that of Spruce Street (situate in the Settlement of Schumacher in the Township of Tisdale) as shown on Plan Mâ€"34 (Sudbury) now deposited in the Office of Land Titles at Cochrane, lying South of the Southern limit of Second Avenue as shown on the sauid Plan. (2) All that portion of the lane, shown on Plan Mâ€"34 (Sudbury) now deposited in the Office of Land Titles at Cochrane, lying Bouth of the Southern Limit of Second Avenue as shown on the said Plan, and which is abutted on the FEast by Block B as shown on Plan Mâ€"30â€" (Temiskaming) now deposited in the office of Land Titles at Cochrane. . (3) All that portion of the lane, shown on Plan Mâ€"34 (Sudbury) now deposited in the Office of Land Titles at Cochrane, which is abutted on the North by (a) the lane described in subâ€"clause. (2) hereof, (b) Block B as shown on Plan Mâ€"30 (Temiskaming) now deposited in the Office of Iana Titles at Cochrane, (c) Spruce Street, as described in subâ€"clause (1) hereof, and (d) Block C as shown on Plan Mâ€"30 (Temiskaâ€" ming) now deposited in the Office of Land Titles at Cochrane; and which is abutted on the South by the land described as Parcel 1697 in the Register for Whitney and Tisdale. all of which lands,. streets, highways and lanes or parts of streets, highways and lanes are situate in the said Setâ€" tlement of Schumacher in the said Township of Tisdale. ENACTED this . day of Reeve. AND TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that on the 15th day of August, 1938, at the hour of 8 o‘clock in the afterâ€" noon, and before passing the said Byâ€" Law, the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Tisdale will hear in person or by his Counsel, Selicitor or Agent, any person who claims that his land may be prejudicially affected by the carrying out of nm}mns of the Byâ€"Law aboveâ€" and who has, not later than the day and hour above mentioned, applied to be heard. Dated this 8th day of July, 1938. The Corporation of the Township of Tisdale. Pet: m C Evans, Clerk. §5â€"57â€"589â€"61 _ _ | NOW THEREFORE BE IT ENâ€" ACTED BY THE COUNCIL OFP THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNâ€" SHIP OF TISDALE, as a Byâ€"Law thereof, as follows:â€"â€" 1. The following highways, or parts of highways and lanes shall be, as and from the passing and approval of this WHEREAS, Hollinger Consolidated CGold Mines Limited is the owner of the mining rights in the lands hereinafter particularly described, and in all the lands abutting thereon; and is the owner of the surface rights of all lands immediately â€" abutting on the lands, streets and lanes, or parts of streets or lanes hereinafter particularly desâ€" cribed: Dyâ€"LA w INUMDCF.......... Being a Byâ€"LAaw providing for the closing and stopping up of a certain portion of Spruce Street, in the Settleâ€" ment of Schumacher, and of certain lanes or parts of lanes in the said Setâ€" tlement of Schumacher, in the Townâ€" ship of Tisdale, all and as hereinafter described. TAKE NOTICE that it is the intention of the Council of the Corporation of the Townshin of Tisdale to pass, after the expiration of Four Weeks from the date of the first publication or posting of this notice, namely, the lith day of July, 1938, the following Byâ€"Law or a By Law to the similar or like effecot, vis: SALEBMAN WANTED for high quality line drill steel for Northern Ontario and Northern Quebec mining areas. Apply stating selling experience and qualifications to PQ. Box 540. New Liskeard. â€"59â€"60 Township of Tisdale Byâ€"Law Number........ By introducingâ€"a thin layer of darkâ€" ening material on the glass end of a Kinescope, through which the picture must be viewed, Dr. Law has reduged halation in the picture received. A 20 per cent. absorption of light reduced halation to oneâ€"sixth its previous value. gineors by Dr. R, R. Law of the Radio Corporation of America. The art of television has now proâ€" gressed to the stage where some of the images are too bright! Television enâ€" gingers are running into a phenomenon comparable with halation in photograâ€" phy, where too much light produces a poor pictures, says Science Service. How radio engineers are now seeking to cut down the brightness of a teleâ€" vision image, and hence obtain more contrast and a better picture, was deâ€" scribed to the Institute of Radio Enâ€" (From Halifax Herald) With the facts of the situation slowly but surely getting to the public through screen of hysteria and propaganda, the peoples of the Empire are beginâ€" Bing to realize the wisdom and patiente of a government that refuses to plunge Europe and the Empire into a general war "to assist a few war profiteers in the task of increasing their profits." Chamberlain‘s Policy Now Showing Its True Worth Claim Some Images are Too Bright in Television Notice is hereby given pursuant to section 51 of The Trustee Act that all creditors and others having claims or demands against the estate of the said John Bell who died on or about the 25th day of April, 1938, ar> required on or before the 25th day of Augjust, 1938, to send by post prepaid, or deliver, to John Shewfelt, Porcupine, Ontario, or JChn McGregor, 181 Spruce Street North, Timmins, Ontario, the Adminâ€" istrators of the Estate of the said deâ€" ceased, their Christian names and surâ€" names, addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their claims, a stateâ€" ment of their accounts, and the nature of th> securities (if any) held by them. And take notice that after such last mentioned date the said Administrators will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the partics enâ€" titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and that the said Administraâ€" tors will not be liable for the said asâ€" sets or any part thergeof to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received by them at the tim> of such distribution. W. S. GARDNER, Mrs. MacRae and family wish to thank the members of Grace Chapel, the Porcupine Pipe Band, and friends for the kindness and sympathy extendâ€" ed during their recent bereavement. In the Matter of the Estate of John Bell, late of the Township of Tisdale in the District of Cochrane, Miner, Deceased. LOSTâ€"One small grey dog, female. Answer "Yoâ€"Yo." Finder pleé Timmins. Reward guar.mtevd $149 OO A beauty 1 Gilsen 6â€"foot capacity, runs like HOUSES FOR RENTâ€"One 5â€"rooms and one 6â€"rooms. All conveniences. Apply Frank Byck, 86 Spruce South, â€"59â€"60 Telophone 32. Clearance Sale Excellent condi tion. To clear i Frigidaire, used 2 seasons, unit HOUSE TO RENTâ€"All conveniences. FOR RENTâ€"Large front room with Watrr palid. Immediave poa.session.g two beds, nicely furnished. All conâ€" Apply 12 Third Ave. 59-60-81-6'.."i veniences. _ In _ Englishâ€"speaking home. $2.50 per week. â€" Apply 171 HOUSES FOR RENTâ€"Ohe 5â€"room§%| Birch St. South. ~48â€"49tf Terms, 10% down, balance 10 months. â€" No interest. Covered by our special guarantee 39 Third Ave ols $142.00 1 Norge, â€" completely â€" overhauled. Solicitor for the said Administrators. Dated the 22nd day of July, 1938. â€"59â€"60â€"61 Act Quickiy, These Will Go Fast apartment or small house by responâ€" sible party. Rent be reasonable. Apâ€" ply Box XYZ, The Advance, Timâ€" mins. Rebuilt Electric Refrigerators Lynch Electrical Appliance Co. PBE Phone 1870 zrey, longâ€"haired wers to name of please phone 18. offered. â€"59 Timmins â€"~â€"59p (From London Free Press) Experience in the wars which are now going on shows that only through the preparation of an overwhelming suâ€" periority in armaments can any nation hope to conquer another. Yet the proâ€" gress of the armament race shows that no nation or group of nations, particuâ€" larly no potintial aggressors, are likely to achive this superiority. extra dividend of 1%, making 2% in All. have been declared by the Directors on Capital Stock of the Company, payable on the 12th day of August, 1938, to shanrsholders of record at the close of tusiress on the 29th day of July, 1938. Dated the 22nd day of July, 1938. I. McIVOR, 59 Assistantâ€"Treasurer. Notice is heroby gi Leah Sturgeon Scot bed and board, I sh: sible for he>r mainte; of any kind contracte ing agreed to pay het keep me indemnified Hollinger Consolidated Gold Mines Limited Victory May be Expensive for the Victorious Side Dated at i this 22nd da â€"59â€"60, (] PROPERTY FOR SALEâ€" to build? «We have lot easy terms. Houses for ous prices. Sullivan CHILDREN FOR ADOPTIONâ€"Good homes desired four children, boys and girls, Catholic and Protestant, ages 4 to 14 years, Any home desiring to adopt a youngster should have their clergyman write A. G. Carson, SBupt. Children‘s Alid, Timmins, Ont 44t1 1 Claire Jewel Coal and Wood Range,., Like new $31.00 1 Beaver Electric 4â€"burner. A beauty. Installed ... $58.00 1 McClary Range, perfect 4â€"burner $55,.00 3 late Model Beatty Copper Tubs, Model B. Ssold new for $132.50, now selling at £34.50 and $38.50 1 Kribbs Copper Tub. A Dandy Buy §$29.50 DIVIDEND NUMBER 308 EXTRA DIVIDEND NUMBER 46 ous prices. surance and See then toâ€"d Third Ave FOR QUICK SALE Flies Atlantic Solo gular dividend of 1%, and an ividend of 1%, making 2% in all. ‘en declared by the Directors on Lynch Electrical Appliance Co. day. Terms without Interest. h ; given that my wire.‘ cott, having left my | shall not be responâ€" | nteance or any debts‘ icted by her, she havâ€" | her own debts and to ied therefrom: _Porcupine, Ontario, July, 1938. | a) Walter:â€"M. Sceott. | il Phone 1870 Do vou wish for sale on sale at variâ€" Newton, Inâ€" , 21 Pine St. ~49â€"50tf THE PORCUP INE ADVANCE, THVMIHS ONTARtoO Among the social and personal items in The Northern News, of Kirkland Lake, on Friday last was the following of local interest:â€"*‘"Rev. and Mrs, Fred Smith of Station Road spent a few days this week visiting friends in Timmins and Cochrane and returned home on Thursday. (Mr. Smith has been conâ€" ducting services in Trinity Unitea Church in the absence of Rev. J. E. Graham and will conclude his four weeks here on Sunday next. The folâ€" lowing Sunday, he will visit the Larder Lake congrega@tion." Mr. and Mrs. Howard Waddell, of Schumacher, announce the engageâ€" ment of their elder daughter, Beatrice, to Mr. Frederick Beecher Conron, son of Mr. M. B. Conron and the late Mrs. Conron, of Toronto. The wedding will take place on Monday afternoon, Auâ€" gust 22nd, at 3 o‘clock, in Trinity Unitâ€" ed Church, Schumacher. Mrs. A. Ellis and daughter, Bessie, and Mr. and Mrs. Mills, of Orangeville, were the guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. 8. R. McCoy, Spmuce street north. They returned to the South during the weekâ€"end, being accompanied home by Mrs. McCoy and Phyllis, who will visit in Orangeville and other points south. Timmins had its worst rainstorms of recent years some weeks ago, but Kirkâ€" land Lake waited to last week for that honour. Sections of the Lake Shore town were flooded for a short time durâ€" ing last week‘s storm, which was hailed The following birth notice from the Englehart collumn of The New Liskeard Speaker will be of local interest:â€" "Campbeliâ€"At the home of Mrs. E. M. Marsh, on Sunday, July 17th, 1938, to Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Campbell, of Timminsâ€"a daughter." Mr. and Mrs. Lalonde and son, Billy, of King Kirkland Mine, Kirkland Lake, were rececnt visitors to Timmins and South Porcupine. Miss Myrtle Harris, of the Goldfield Drug Store staff, is spending a twoâ€" week vacation in Hamilton and will return on Saturday. The Very Rev. Michael Zarbatany of the Greek Orthodox Church in Monâ€" treal is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Ellies, 24B Third avenue. Mr. Rodgerson, of the Dunlop Tire and Rubber Co., Toronto, was a visitor in town last week, returning on Thursday to Toronto. Miss Winnifred Kerr, RN., of theé Toronto General hospital, ‘is visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. L. Kerr. Misses Claire and Lena Reid spent last week visiting friends at Sault Ste. Marie. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Arnott were visitors at the home of their son Kapuskasing last werek. Miss Pearl Ruddy has been on holiâ€" day at Killaloe, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Dickson, of Hamilton, were visitors to Timinins last wreek. Miss Kas Gravel has returned from visiting friends at Kitchener, Toronto and Hamilton. Mr. D. Brown, of Smooth Rock Falls, has been spending his vacation in Timâ€" mins. Miss N. Fraser is visiting relatives in Kapuskasing. Mr. Jos. McIntyre was a visitor to Kapuskasing last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nixon returned last week from a visit to Cochrane. Mrs. J. Arnott and son, of Timmins are visiting in Kapuskasing. Miss May Henry, of Toronto, is visitâ€" ing friends in town., Mr. and ‘Mrs. Steve Stern have reâ€" turned from a holiday spent in Toronto. Miss Dolly Peel, of Kapuskasing, i: visiting friends in Timmins. Miss Dorothy Neil left on Sunday for Toronto. Miss Gertrude Aho ‘left on Sunday to spend a week visiting friends in New Liskeard. Mrs. A. McGillis and daughter, Jesâ€" sica, were recent visitors to Englehart Mr. H. G. Laidlaw spent a few d in Kirkland Lake last week. Mr. and Mrs. Mappleck spent last week at points south. Mrs. Stenhouse spent a few days in Kapuskasing last week. Miss Vera Porter is spending a two weeks‘ holiday at New Liskeard. . Miss Doris Whaite has returned after a holiday spent at Gravenhurst. Mis$ Margaret Therriault is spend ing a holiday at points south. Mr. and Mrs. Kleiman, and family are holidayving at Crystal Beach. ’4‘“““ d m | | W Kirkland Lake as the worst of the The following is from the Hearst news in The North@rn Tribune, of Kaâ€" puskasing, last week:â€" Everybedy in this vicinity is glad to see the completion of the new bridge over the Mattawishquia river and the abandonment and demolishâ€" ment of the old bridge. The new bridge is a beautiful concrete strucâ€" ture and is architecturally a thing of real beauty. The contractors finished their work on time and certainly made a very satisfactory job of it. Bornâ€"on July 20th, 1938, to Mr. and Mrs. Lucien Forget, of 44 Kent aveniue son. Nn ter Bornâ€"on July 2 Mrs. Osias Lauzol southâ€"a daughter Bornâ€"on July 16th, 1938 Mrs. Harvey St. Amour, of man avenueâ€"a daughter. Bornâ€"on July 23rd, to Mr. and Mrs Isadore Kingsbury of 133 Willow street at St. Mary‘s hospitalâ€"a son. Bornâ€" on June 17th, 1938, to M\ Mrs. Robert Wilson, of 79 Third nue, Schumacherâ€"a son. Bornâ€"on July 21st, 1938, to M Mrs., Victor Keyes of 97 Hollinger nue, at St. Mary‘s hnospitalâ€"a d; People Pleased with New Bridge Over Mattawishquia Six Births Registered During Past Weekâ€"end Mr. and Mrs. Herma family have left for a h ern Ontario. Mrs. Harry Gilham, of sicn, has returned from a in Kirkland Lake. Visitors at the Faymar Gold Mine, D:loro township, are Mr. and Mrs. shoob and Miss Frances Harris, of Buffalo, New York. a Ccapacity crowd WC Dominion â€" semiâ€"final played in the North. To the skirl of the bagpipes and the swish of the tartan, Ulster soccer team 3f Toronto, Ontaric champlions, were introduced to Northern sx«xer fans on Ontario‘s finest footbali fiel4, the Doms athletic park. After a day of murky and threatening skies, the sun in all its splendor came out with two thouâ€" sand other soccer fans to witness the semiâ€"finals for the champilonship of the Dominion. Though the game was called for six o‘clock, at five o‘clock the first enthusiasts had started to pass the turnstiles. Well before starting time the new bleachers to the south of the field were filled and it was evident a capacity crowd would see the first Dominion semiâ€"finals of any sport Usters Welcomed at South Porcupine Visitors to and From South Poreupine and the Dome. irSst he ime he ADMISSION, ADULTS (Men and Women) 50¢ Ulster Football Club (Toronto) VERSUS Dome Mines Football Club Toâ€"Night Mon. July 25 If UlIster Wins toâ€"night, another game will be played Tuesday to decide the best two out of three series. at DOME GROUNDS DOMINION CHAMPIONSHIP July 22nd, 1938 Lauzon, of 255 July 21st, 1938, to Mr. and Keyes of 97 Hollinger aveâ€" Mary‘s hospitalâ€"a daughâ€" s hospitalâ€"a son. June 17th, 1938, to Mr. and Wilson, of 79 Third aveâ€" in this vicinity is glad completion of the new the Mattawishquia river SION, ADULTS (Men and Women) 50¢ > CHILDREN 10c An opportunity not to be missed to see the finest football game ever arranged in this district. Herman Hacke and or a holiday in Eastâ€" am, of Dome Extenâ€" from a holiday spent 138, to Mr. and 255 Elm street to Mr. and 717 Bannerâ€" Sir Francis Drake was playing at lawn bowls when a messenger informed him the Armada had been sighted in the English Channel. The admiral was leading and his answer was: *"There‘s Bowling has been traced to the 12th century when a favorite pastime among London‘s youth was bowling the jack (rolling a lopsided stone at a stationary object). Lawn bowls became so popuâ€" lar that Edward III and Richard II proâ€" hibited it, fearing that it would keep England‘s warriors from their archery practice. In 1511 Henry VIII also isâ€" sued a prohibitory decree in which the word "bowls" was used for the first time. The samse decree also banned indoor alleys, except that at Whitehall where the King frequently bowled. The gamefell under the influence of gambling in Elizabethan England until frequent attacks by reformers restored it to its proper social level. One comâ€" mentator wrote: "Common bowling alâ€" leys privy moths that eat up the credit of many idle citizens whose gains at home are not able to weigh down their losses abroad, whese shops are far from maintaining their play that their wives and children cry out for bread, that they go to bed supperless often in a vear." The majority of America‘s keglers are concentrated in the Middle West, says the Kansas City Star. Chicago is the premier tenâ€"pin city, with the largest number of alleys and bowlers in the world. Honourable mention in those departments goes to Detroit, Milâ€" waukee and Cleveland. (Toronto Telegram) In the United States 10,000,000 annuâ€" ally bowl on 160,000 alleys that retail at $3,000 a pair. It is estimated that in the last 50 years $500,000,000 has been spent on alleys alone. The country‘s bowlers last year paid $299,520,000 in small fees for the privilege of knocking down ten polished pieces of maple lumâ€" ber, that being preferred to the fiveâ€" pin game so popular here. Say Ten Million Persons Bowl Annually in the U.S. These three prominent British aviation authorities will make up along with an air ministry official, the mission which Air Minister Sr Kingsley Wood has announced will leave immediately for Canada to negotiate for manufacture of heavy bombing airplanes in the Dominion The step is taken it was indicated, with concurrence of the Domfinion government and marks Britain‘s most determined effort to bolster her aerial conâ€" struction campaign with overseas assistance. The mission will be headed by Sir Hardman Lever, CIRCLE, former financial secretary to the treasury and will include Sir Edward Ellington, LEFT, commanderâ€"inâ€" chief of the RAF. and Frederick Handleyâ€"Page (lower RIGHT), world famous designer and builder. In the evening, a very delicious dinâ€" ner was served at 7.30 o‘clock at the Ladics‘ Auxiliary hall, following which came a very enjoyable social evening. On the programme were included a song by Mrs. Harris, of Schumacher, and a Scottish reel by Mrs. Harris and Mrs. Jean Smith. FEarly SundAy mornâ€" ing a tired but very happy party left for home, looking forward to soon seeâ€" ing the Kirkland Lake friends again. There will be the usual Thursday afâ€" ternoon tea at the home of Mrs. Robert Hardy this week, and on Monday, Auâ€" gust Ist, there will be a general meetâ€" ing at the Legion hall. gion visited Kirkland Lake on Saturday as special guests of the Kirkland Lake Ladies‘ Auxiliary, and toâ€"day the lucky ladies who were included in the party are all eager in expressing their apâ€" preciation of the wonderful tim»e that they had on Saturday. The bus for the travellers left the Legion hall here at 9.30 a.m. and arrived at Kirkland Lake about 2.30 p.m., where they were greetâ€" ed by members of the Kirkland Lake Auxiliary, and escorted throughout the town, to see "the sights" . and ‘"to shop." time to win this game and tnrashn the Spaniards too."~ His prophecy proved correct on both counts. Bowling was introduced into Colonial America in 1626 by the Dutch settlers and has enjoyed increasing popularity for 300 years. : It was hot until 1895, however, when the American Bowling Congress was organized that standard rules and regulations were adopted. Twoentyâ€"six members of the local Ladies‘ Aluxiliary of the Canadian Leâ€" Kirkland Visited by Ladies‘ Auxihary Ladies of the Legion Enjoy Pleasant Time with Kirkâ€" land Lake Ladies‘ Auxilâ€" lary. MoO®r {DAY JULY 25TH, 1938

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