was no ultimatum, but that he and Mr. Gallagh»r had vainly urged a perâ€" sonal delegation to Toronto. Yiesteraay Mr. Carter took issue with statements made on Wednesday by Mayor Bartleman of Timmins in the course of an interview in which he mad» controversy with a member of his council, William Wren. One of them was that the request for a larger share of the taxation than eight per cent. was "a proverbial red herring." Replyins to Mr. Bartleman, Reeve Carter briefly recalled that it was Janâ€" uary, 1937, when the province canâ€" celled the miunicipalities‘ right to colâ€" lect the income tax, thus d>priving Tock of $12,000 yearly revenue, that council first decided to take up the battle for redistribution, not increase, C‘ mines taxation. "It was to th> meeting held later that month," said Mr. Carter, "that Mr. Bartleman refers when he speaks of the public and the newspapermen being excluded at the request of the Teck delegates. "‘That was also the time," he conâ€" tinued, ‘"when Mr. Bartleman was very strong for secession, and when we deâ€" clared that Teck would enter no conâ€" ference at which secession was a matâ€" ter of discussion. "We felt that this was a preliminary conference, and not om> for the public 6f Timmins, who would have been the only public to hear it. It was to be one for formation of plans, and the agreement eventuvally was that the only publicity for that particular meetâ€" ing would be a statement or summary to be given out by the secretary of the meeting. "Public of Three "We telephoned Mr. Bartlieman beâ€" fore going to the meeting. He told us In reference to the recent apparent quarrel between Mayor Bartleman and Councillor Wren, The Northern News has the following article in its news columns on Friday last:â€" Teck Reeve Objects to Timmins Making Political Football of Mine Tax Disappointed that what had started as a concerted move for the common good of the T. N. O. gold mining municipalities was apparently: being made a football of municipal or other politics in one of them was voiced yesâ€" terday by Reove Carter, who was reâ€" ferring to latest reports in a Timmins ewspaper on the sequel to the conâ€" ference of Timmins, Tisdale, Whitney and Teck officials on redistribution of the taxation on producing mines. He regretted, he said, that the real issu>s and original purpose were being obsciured in what apparently was a perâ€" sonal political fight. Earlier in the week Mr. Carter found it necessary to refute the statement published in the Timmins daily newsâ€" pap»r to the effect that om Saturday last the conference "delivered an ultiâ€" matum" to Charles V. Gallagher, M.L.A. for the riding, and Premier Hepburn for an answer by July 31 on the proâ€" vince‘s stand on the municipalities‘ demand for a greater share of the mines taxation. He said that there was no ultimatum, but that he and Charges Bartleman Is Playing Politics THURSDAY. JULY 218T 1938 and bscured in teeve of Teck Township Says He Will Not Be a Party to any Such Game 1€ SECURITY â€" 21 Pine Street North When a woman over forty manages to look under thirly sne has a knack of making up the difference. Automobile Insurance ference took place on a Satâ€" the Timmins daily on Monâ€" appeared a lengthy report if I remember correctly, in f an interview with one or e Timmins delegates. ently the Teck delerates, yself, gave The Northern ef summary for pubiication Also FIRE INSURANCE, SICKNESS and ACCIDENT REAL ESTATE and MORTGAGES SALLY S SALLIES All Forms wHy TAlK ABOouUT , OlUR AGES * / 8p as compared with previous years, would indicate that fewer eggs will be laid and therefore fewer caterpillars will plague the district next year. I anm satisfied that the caterpillars are deâ€" clining in numbers from year to year." Mr. Overbury surveyed a district apâ€" proximately 60 miles west, 15 miles east, and as far north as Capreol. H2 is preparing a map charting the ravâ€" ages of the pest, which will be availâ€" able within a few davs, he said. Whien eaterpillars first became noâ€" ticeable this year, a red fungus growth was apparent on them and experts adâ€" vanced the theory that this fungus was nature‘s way of equalizing the cycle to protéct the "The reoccurrence of the caterpillar next season will be in direct relation to the number of eggs laid by these moths," said Romeo Leroux, district representative of the department of agriculture. The small number of moths seen about the streets this year, An gagerial survey, at the request of the Ontario Government, by Pilot Dick Overbury, in charze of the forestry branch here, revealed many sections in the district where the young poplars have been stripped. numbered. With the influx of the fawnâ€"coloun>d moths into Sudbury this year much less than in any previous summer during the present cycle of the pests, forestry cfficials, patrolling the bush in the Sudbury district, have found ample eviâ€" denee that many of the caterpillars will never emerge from their cocoons, as moths, to ecarry on the work of forâ€" est destruction. With many of the cocoons still unâ€" hatched on the trees, it is believed that the red fungus growth develops into a parasite which kills the larvae it emerges. mission showed . "I have no part to take in any disâ€" pute between Mr. Bartleman and Mr. Wren, or with any other members of councils which took part in the conâ€" fere»nce. "But I must emphatically state that Mr. Bartleman is not authorized to reâ€" present the alliance in this manner, and certainly not authorized to repreâ€" sent the Township of Teck as being party to his views or to his or the Timâ€" mins‘ newspaper‘s version of what has happened or may happen." That was stressed through the norâ€" thern boards of trade, the provincial board of trade conference of last year, and the ultimate presentation to the Ontario Government for incorporation in the brief to the Rowell Commission. It was so presented to the Rowell Comâ€" mins newspapermen, As far as the "red herring" part of it is concerned, it was, throughout the 1937 and this year‘s campaign for reâ€" adjustment of taxes always agreed that it was a readjustment and not increase of taxation that this ‘alliance‘ of muâ€" nicipaliies wanted. it would be a public one, and we deâ€" murred. There was a conference first in his office, in which we took the stand acgainst discussing secession, and finally he agreed to inform "the pubâ€" lic" that the meeting would not be open to them. The messenger disâ€" patched for this purpose returned with the information that three people were waitingâ€"two of them, I believe, Timâ€" mins newspapermen." Thinks Parasite May Be Killing Tent Caterpillars The Northern Newsâ€"Height of something other. Being bitten by a mosquito one types this in the office, after >nding a weekâ€"ond at the lake. e days Norther as daily newspaper reports SERVICE Timmins, Ont. S Pom of O Sudbury the tent rtario d y Star) t caterpillar districts may Serious Injury to the Mining Industry FThe amendment, introduced and passed without diseussion, on June 29, added to Section 32B to the Income War Tax Act, is as follows: It is quite inconceivable to us that thepresent Minister, Hon. T. A. Crerar, could have been advissd of, or consentâ€" ed to, this obviously radical change, which in effect amounts to discriminaâ€" tion against the industry that has don»e so much for the Dominion and which may be expected to do far more if fairly treated. His efforts on its behalf up till now have been invaluable, exhibiting understanding of the necessity for Govâ€" ernmental â€" encouragement. If the amendment has received his endorseâ€" ment, the good work he has hitherto done will have been jlargely vitiated. A statement from his direction will be expected. "Where, on the winding up or otherâ€" wise, a company distriblutes any assets to its shareholiders without sale, or at (By Sidney Norman in (ilobe and Mail) In recent issues The Northern Minâ€" +r has done good work in directing public attention to the new and unexâ€" pected threat to the prosperity of the mining industry in the amendment to the Income War Tax Act, by which, for the first time in Canada, an excursion has been made into the realms of capiâ€" tal gains taxation. But for the temâ€" porary illness of the writer, this deâ€" partment of The Globe and Mail would, before now, have added its voice of protest. Apparently the amendment was slipâ€" ped in during the last minutes of session just closed, when discussion of its implications was impossible and perâ€" haps it is not too wild a supposition that it was introduced with malice aforethought, in spite of the oftâ€"repeatâ€" ed assurances of the Administration that nothing would be done to change the status gquo. Reminds us of the manner in which the 10 per cont. gold tax was imposed by the Bennett Adâ€" ministration without the knowledge or consent of the then Minister of Mines. It is quite inconceivable to us that Lastâ€"Minute Legislation at Ottawa Condemned. SPEAKS LOUDER THAN WORDS! EIGHT CYLINDERS. MEAN MORE WORK, IN LESS TIME, AT LOWER COST economy as well as better performance. FORD VS8 TRUCKS Er you want the facts about the Ford Vâ€"8 Truck, your Ford dealer can give them to you. But he offers you more than cold statistics. prove its added efficiency. Load the Ford Vâ€"8 with your reqgular loads. Try it over your routes. The Ford Vâ€"8 puts more pay in every payload because it does more work, in less time, at lower cost. Ford has made eight cylinders mean greater South Porcupine Branch cor. Moore Golden Ave Phone 54 He asks you to make an "onâ€"theâ€"job" test, and sale price substantially below the fair market price, which assets, if sold at the market price, would create incoms for the corporation within the meaning of this Act, the Ministrer shall have the power to determine the fair market price of such assets and the company shall be deemed to have sold such asâ€" sets at the price â€"so determined and thereby to have received income subâ€" ject to tax and the distributable porâ€" tion received by a shareholder or memâ€" ber shall be deemed to be a dividend. "Company‘" includes .associations and the members thereof. _ "Section 7 of this Act shall be appliâ€" cable to the income of the year 1936 and fiscal periods ending therein and all subsequent periods." This is plainly introduction of the principle of capital appreciation and applies with crushing force to syndiâ€" cates and exploration companies, upon which has fallen the greatest part of the job of finding likely properties and supplying the capital to develop thr>m. In the past, such organizations, after certain amount of successful developâ€" *ME S,00P UN/ON oF Bostoxn 6 1o BE T8E ONLY Si0oPâ€" RIGGED SwIP 10 have ATEP "he GLOBe JOHN BOYM, JR,, SALEDp H1S LITTLE 89 â€"Ton S100P ARourD 1AE WNoORLD iN T4E 190 BuULLE AND THUS BECAME US5Ep 1 TRrAIL BLAzER CALEUTTA FoRr 71HE BVG TRADE INPIA ,~ HE oF BosgTon i««.x TRE BuULLET W on.g wHEN rf 5 KNOWN A< â€" coPY -.ox< 19278 KINC SCOTT‘S SCRAP BOOK McDOWELL MOTOKRKS CoPvyEwmt 1918 KinCt FEATUREL SYNIWCATE nc AKHE SoFTâ€" nNosep BuULLET WAS FIR§T USEp in BATTLE NEAR CALCUTTA, «f DUMDUM, INPIA ,~ HENCE , 1xE BuLLET WKHICH SPREApS wHEN iT STRIKES )$ now KNOWN AS HE DUMDLUM ment, have tiurned properties over to other â€"companies or raisers of capital, taking for their interests stock placed in escrow under the rules of Securities Commissioners. The Government has previously recognized the heavy risk asâ€" sumed by the pioneer organization and has refrained from taxation of capital gains so that development of latent reâ€" sources might be encouraged. All that is now changed and, worst of all, the tax is retroactive to 1936. Arbitrary power is placed in the hands of the Minister of National Revenue and from his desision there ean be no appeal. ~Shares distributed since Jan. 1, 1936, will be subject to taxation, both at source and through the inâ€" dividuals who received them. and many a distribution will now be indefinitely held up. Hundreds, perhaps a thousâ€" and or so, companies are directly afâ€" fected and there is not the slightest doubt that a sericlus halt has been callâ€" ed in employment of idle capital in search for new mines. Even now, prospecting is at a very low ebhb in this province, confirming the prophecy we made nearly two years ago AHi$ H * ANTELOPE aF 1HE LlowERr! L j MIOCENE Age Hap Two PAiRS §Q PE NOe ie un Wheelbases range from 112 inches to 157 inches. There is a new line of oneâ€"ton trucks. And you have Vâ€"8 power to suit your needs! The Vâ€"type 8â€"cylinder engine in the Zâ€"ton truck develops 95 horsepower. It develops 85 horsepower in the 1‘/,â€"ton and lâ€"ton trucks. Commercial Cars have an 85â€"horsepower Vâ€"8 engine. There‘s no charge for an "onâ€"theâ€"job" test . . . no obligation to buy. See your Ford dealer today and arrange to make your test as soon as possible. * WEpENS NENY ~ STAMmMPS CELEBRATE, THE FOUNDING oF COLONIES 1+ WHaAt ARE NOW THE STaATES of DELAWARE AND NE.N NOR / or when we said that new and drastic rules and regulations of Securities Commimsioners would have that effect l imevitably. Since then there has some modification of regulations and a more sensible approach to the whole subject, so far as Ontario is concerned, but it will be two or thrme years before the effect will be noticeable. The new mines now coiming into bearing are the result of th» Yig public splurge of three vyears ago, when capital was readily available for new enterprises. We are now in the trough of the depression made by foolish regulations following that splurgn®. And the Federal Governâ€" ment has «driven another nail in the coilin of the speculative spirit that has really sustained the Dominion throughâ€" really sustaimed the lDominion Uhrougniâ€" clut the depression. ‘The situation emphasizes the opinion wo have expressed before in this colâ€" umnâ€"that tm mining industry needs a fightinz unit that will take an interâ€" est on behalf of the industry in matâ€" ters political and which will embrace prospectors, mingrs, tecnical men, proâ€" moters, shareholders, officials and every nm@rchant depending on the industry or, in fact, any one who believes in enâ€" couragement of the industry as a sine qua non to the prosperity of this naâ€" tion. When we are able to present a solid phalanx of VOTES, then will govâ€" ernmentsâ€"Provincial and Federalâ€"pay some attention to the real needs and priimal value of the industry. And not before! Toronto, July 22.â€"New business of Confed:ration Life Association for the first six months of 1938 is 11% greater than for the sinmilar period of 1937, aceording to C. D. Devilin, general superintendent of agencies. The six months are the best of any period since the first half of 1931, he stated, pointâ€" ing out that June production was the best of any month sincte June, 1931. Insurance in foree with Confederaâ€" tion Life at the end of June was $418,â€" 286,726â€"a new high mark. Gains wer> shown in Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Manitoba, Britâ€" ish Columbia and Alberta, as well as in Great Britain, Cuba and Céentral America. Confederation Life Has Increase in New Business The fact that our business shows a Park Rd. Schumacher Highway Phone 415â€"440 Timmins New appearance for all unite. More comfort, more head room. softer sea cushions. For 134â€"inch and 157â€"inch trucks â€"new, larger, quicker stopping brakes with the sgsafety of steel from pedal to wheel â€" easier steering, new worm and roller type, with 18â€"inch wheel â€"new, larger, eifer spindles. New 134â€"inch wheelbase giving 60â€" inch cabâ€"toâ€"axle measurement and im proved load distribution. Entirely new oneâ€"ton truck line with full torqueâ€" tube and radiusâ€"rod drive, rea axle and other timeâ€"proved Ford Truck features. The timeâ€"saving and money saving Ford Engine and Parts Ex change Plan. marked increase in so many countries, seems to indicate that world condiâ€" tions, as well as Canadian business, are definitely on the upgrade," pointed out Mr. Devlin. 444444444044 4448048444 24 ©4646 04444 0446446484446 4644 64 Acton Free Preéess:â€"These fine sumâ€" mer days bring an extra dose of hawkâ€" ers and peddlars, Beware of their offerings. Most folks regret the purâ€" chases they make from them and find they could do better in the stores. These folks should be reported to the police, rather than patronized. 30 Third Ave. Tiummins COMMUNITY PLATE SALE PRICE $19.75 Grosvenor Design Reg. Priceé Half Price 26â€"prece Sservicd for S8ix wen _ Until Saturday Onlyv enuine 10 BV Y our Credit Jeweller