Porcupine Advance, 27 Jun 1938, 1, p. 2

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-IIIW‘.~ - - Raspberries with cream Fridayâ€"Breakfast tirange juice Stay 21! flit ' lteadv-to-eat cereal 11111111,»? STO REGHS H‘OTEL ‘r m 11101151 Luncheon t‘uconlbers tiled sardines on toast WHEN YOU’RE IN TURUNI‘U 2.... with sour cream '1 ea EVERY ROOMiIanouteideroom, high- ceilinged and good size. Each room has its own balcon and tiled bath and shower. Good f . Attentive service. Private hotel garage aervice available. Away from train. and noise; yet only .‘5 mmutee from Eaton’e College Street Dinner trolled bluefish I’utnltn‘s with parsley butter with lemon butter ltadish salad Cherry pie Saturdayâ€"Breakfast ’l‘omato juice -toâ€"c'.1t-c11r1.1al ('.1l'l‘1ii.~. v 1 , 1' lLi1I(1'I Storc which indicates how quickly you ,1“ Hut mun. Com“, can reach stores and theatres. Luncheon 5' [ d bl ' , 1 lungs Mortal}. 2 mg e rooms, on e rooms, sum .1: . '1'1111111- onions ltadishes mall with bath and shower FROM ‘2200 DAILY ll fliIifIRBOURNE ST. Strawberry jam (Ungcr tile 1 llinner ' italic-d tongue lake-d sweet potatoes huttcrcd spinach ltomaine salad 'l‘apioca cream l'opovers l with ilutll‘ . it'it"1[)t)()il still 1 1'1'1' 1 cup tnllk Mix 1111. suit and hour. Beat the egg 11: 11111.. ;1l.(i mix with the milk; add to 'i11' d1". 111gl'cdicnts. Beat. only enough to 1111-. 111-ll and pour into hot buttered "1-111 pans or custard cups. Bake in a 311)! 111.1111 “1.111111111411115 Fahrenheit) thir- II" iII iH-I“. (Just above Carlton) RA. 4135 “W...” .N.-4 ....-. Vegetables Now Forming Great P art of the Menu Great (‘ l1oicc at Present in the Matter oi Vegetables 21nd.i iruits. L xpcrt Recommends that Choice be l)1111d111l Upon 11 ith the idea of Price Kept 1n Mind 21t l’rcscnt Searoh; lo1' 111111: and vegetables? Mondayâ€"Bream“ 21st _ . overlap 111 1 llu.‘.- and they should be Orange 1111112 It llll'llllit's, thcn turn out. the inc 01 chosen tunneling to the lll'ltft‘. taking Ready-toâ€"cat cereal ”W.“ the door, and kg“) m the oven tor 11111 11111111111s. Iron or earthenware l111il1'1‘ than 1111 tor baking popovers. 11"1'1121'111l1t., 1938, by The Bell Syndi- cate. Inc '1 1 into 1'o11-11.11-1.1t1on of course, the tastes Boiled eggs ’loartm'i Roll; (,IUIIrP Luncheon Asparagus soup Lettuce sandwiches Stewed l‘lllliJLlll.’ Dinner gYoung (.irsl Again 312222....1... ’ Pl; 111 F1121 and Sale Buttered beets and greens Lemon p1e , Tea m PORCUPINF. ADVANCE. TERMS. .â€".o .g.» Coflee ' i l i i i i i ONTARIO 13,513.11; PIERCE FAMOUS BEAUTY EXPERT BILLIE Ill’ltKlC is the mother of a young lady in her her-~11“. keeps active. young and attractive. and hair is \1’211'1'1i softly lccn1. but she. Make-up is applied lightly to iiatter and form a youthi'ul l111111v. Signs of N1111lcct and Loss of Interest Woven diet 11" oi Age 'iiimll Tuesdayâ€"Breakfast 1 . iillii-V “PPS (11“?) it.) Devotct I ‘don' I think the truly smart woman knowm: that soil ‘.V‘.l‘.’1',\ 111111 1111,»; ”11.1 ;1 Sliced bananas )1 _ -‘ _ _, oi forty or nitv wants to look twenty .soit. youthiul 112111111 tot ll111 1:21-21 Ready-to-eat (”Mil i 1'111_‘t1t'ti:'~1 it) ( hartty. years younger than she is. She wants} 1(_,‘opy1'1gl1t. 1921:} b~ '1'111' 13111 "11.11111- Poached eggs T211151 mm“. 1 ~~~â€"- to look just :1 httle younger, yes. It cate,Inc.1 Llillt'llt‘ou t A. 1111,11}; HI tuning girls, t‘lt’Vf’ll and ilttiit’l‘b‘. llt‘l' “EU 1“ {H‘l fill? 15} outwittil‘tg N’\O~’””o-r””"”” Macaroni 51112111 i 121.1“. .N't‘i'il'h “111' and younger. with Father T111111 just 21 bit. But, after all. I i Popovers Lettuce with ohve dres>111g i2l11‘2111 l.:1111.1don. as president. have for if 5“" 100k” frankly bl” beautifully her i l H0llsell()](l t Iced tea 1‘hei1‘ies i1o111e _‘2t".ti':~2 past, conducted an active age. what 01' it? i i 2-. I Dinner innd able httle organization known as Take three women. One looks her} i HintQ \ Jellied lamb wtth iiilc' Bur,» ricer, (tirls Club. The. puroâ€" ago but looks ludicrous because she‘ z i I mixed vegetable s‘dizlti i 1'1'115, of all the activities of these youn- tries so very hard to look younger. She i 1 By MRS. MARY Mt)lt'i‘1).\' ‘ Creamed POLatOt‘S Buttered beans ‘Im's go to charitable purposes. For wears fashions that are much too 1 ;,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,_,,,,,_,,MI Caramel custard two or three years past they have con- youthful, she wears gay print; high i Menu Hint Wednesdayâ€"Breakfast ‘;1111ctt-1l little teas and sales of work. colours. uses too much make-up, has! Tomato o1' Ural-1gp “1111,... Qrange .lllit‘r 1211111 the amounts netted from these too much curl in her hair. 3 Griddle. Cakes llam Bv EDITH M. BARBER RPaGY'I-O'W‘ "“1'9'111 1 11'1’1'1115 lmvc bt‘ml donated to charity. Another looks her age or somewhat! Syrup J11111 ‘ Bacon Hot “’1“ (7‘3” {1“l't“=ll 1111 IUIIUS. “19 Children‘s Shelter older and is 21 sorry sight because shei Toast (.‘111I111' 0‘ the “UNIV 51110111; meats we find L””"“"‘“: {£11111 (Illlt‘l' WOI'UIY 01111585 have bee'niseems dull. listless. too definitely reâ€"i Ever serve your Sunday lil't‘ltlliilfi 111: lamb lovvcr 111 price than 1t was earlier. Lilli”) 11215111 3 1‘111lpcd by these generous girls. It is 1 signed. Her (11.2.3595 are all dead black, 1 the porch in sunnnct“? l1 :1 “m, in the searon lfil'ollcl‘s and lryers are _ Wéitl'UT-‘Jé N113” 1111113 it 11'W “196143 1180 that the I-O-D-E- ; she is extremely conservative in her i change. ()1 “MU-M. 11, 51.11.. 221-1212111- DE‘COIlllllg llltil‘t‘ iiit‘lliliiii. Engnbh Ullifilllfi r (“YUM-iii lll‘dl'lil‘diildt } iJItti (';('('Ll.".l()ll [Uilllllk these yOUIlgSICI'S ' CIIUICP 01‘ “up. ('(llUlll'. (.‘iUlIlCS. lliliS and ‘ 'akes Oil tilt.“ pol'cll .VUU illllizi illi\t‘ .‘tUlllt‘ Sundayâ€"Breakfast . F1121 |ior kindly contributions made to amend shc w 1211's \1111'y little make-up. Her 1 way 01‘ cooking tlicm tl11-1'11. W11 1);”), (hintztloupe Ruaiilliiigzkm i112112.12...1111:1121 Lililttéilesy [‘13:]; 23(1):?!112111' Styli“ it it 1.5 any style ”L all, is I pen to have a small :21'1'1111111111-111 porch pm.” [Hummus with bacon Mashed potatoes i-ltntered 11W" 3111111111115 Hot-l uh) ll. 0 .y ' v11y plam sometnnes brushed stra1ght [where we like “Withimmut. m :11-1'1'11 lint roll? Coffee . i " ”Hut“ ‘L “‘1 dud salt 01 WOIk, lOOklllg baCk levcihng “Vi-‘13" bit 01 Wl‘lllklt‘. 0‘ :breakfast 01‘ it‘ll. ttllti illcl‘c 1:) till (-1111;â€" Pil'lt‘i'ilJlfit‘ it't‘ :111111' all the financial and other details Thursdayâ€"~8rcakfast thclnsclvcs. Strawberries 111 btl-z i111; sale with a few hand-made Ready-to-eat cereal Eurticlcs and trinkets to be held at 31 Dinner sardine canapes mint jelly (‘iil’lillllicl‘ .ttiti ltoort 111ml). H“"1‘1'“"“ DUI-um” Scrambled 88113 Toast Coti'cc ‘ 11211111 avenue 1opposite the high schooh A1‘1l’311'1ll'2‘1-‘i "1”“ Iloliandaise I Lum'ht‘ml Juno 3 to 15 p.111. on Saturday of this MIN“ “W“ salad ! Fl‘ltil 51111111 ;\‘.'t‘t'i{. July 2nd, the proceeds to go to it} 1"" ‘7‘“‘11‘1l strawberry 53““ Ginger (‘fikt’s ll‘t'ti l1'21'1-11111'ity. This event should be largely 51".: Slipper Dinner patronized, not only to encourage the ..- (11”....2u2 platter Cold chickcn frirls in thcir good work. but also for Buttcrcd lima 1111:1115 ‘thc sake of the event itself. as it is salad j :111'11 ‘to be most interesting. Potato chips Lettuce t‘abhauc salad Chocolate (fake .. .A.....-Wsâ€"-â€" OUR ICE is manufactured right in 'I‘immins from the pure water you drink. , . THIS ICE IS MADE AT 15 DEGREES BELOW FREEZING, .ASSURING YOU OF A MAXIMI’M til“ lt‘IttlS'l‘ IN ITS MANUFAC'I‘IiltE. it Will Last Twice As Long AS ORDIN .A RY it‘E ORDER TODAY 'i'it ‘K ETS ‘l oi .4111. value as a result 25 LB. BLOCKS This weight guaranteed FOR 25c 2.00 Larger Quantities at 21 Lower Discount Phone 1017 Our service is complete ASHDOWN COAL and ICE l HO MAIN AVE. TIMMINS PHONE 1017 This week [they announce ' sagging. \ itric light fixture thcrc. so we can 211â€" Frankly Lovely and Alive! tach an electric sandwich toastcr or The third woman may look her ag11’griddle and make our toast or 01‘ '21 little younger. Silt" has hobbies. is i there Oi course you (it) not 111'1'd boll) interested in living. She chooses col-i “3351 and 'ak11;.' U“ W“ ours that are neither too blatant no1 imaybe 501119011“ yould “11“ l” 31“ too conservative. She realizes that the meal “”11 «1 (‘H'Wm‘ WW“ "1 ““11“"? there are more and more muted pastels You “W91 (11“ i‘ 11 1m” it i-‘i “Willi" 11“” , l. ,. (.tnt‘.- Quiet but lovely prints. the everâ€"effec- :10 be DICIMI‘HI. The directions tor tive black and blue set [Off with lingerie 1 making apply to both :11'1ddlc cakes and ltouchesw-all puiposely planned by a i waffles. kind late and Fashionists for the ma-i 'I‘o-duy‘s Itcccipcs .ture woman. She knows that there? SOUR CREAM (.,tl’.ll)l)l.l12 CAKES lare smart. simple. dignified styles 3 «One and one-half cups tlour. 111111 11-11- beautiful lines to set off the mature’spoon soda. one cup sour crcznn. one i figure: i i teaspoon salt. two well beaten. This makes 12 medium griddle cakes. SOUR CREAM \K’AF‘FLES 'I‘wo cups flour. one teaspoon baking powder, one teaspoon baking soda. one-hall 11121- that frills and excess trimming 1.1ggs. and fur -belows are pitfalls that only the young can dare. She uses make- -up in a subtle way. She uses perfume. too. She chooses just the right shades of rouge. powder and lipstick She ap- spoon salt. two tablespoons sugar. 111111- plies them properly. keeping the touge half pint sour c1'1am. one-halt" cup high to give the. face a lift. but away 1' milk three eggs. Makes 11151111 walflcs from wrinkles and expression lines toi Sift all thy 111:11'111dl1nts 1111-1111111 add avoid emphasizing them. She alsoithe liquids. then the well 1111111111 cues iavoids excess curl and wave in her hah Mix thoroughly and bake. M..- Hints 011 Fashions by LISBE'I‘H Attractive Celanese Cape Wins Popularity on B121ch :1 More and more ('npcff ore becoming Ian essential part oi the bathing c11- {setnble Besides adding. to 11111 snnlrtâ€" iness oi the beach ontht, 1'21111'f 211'11 the answer ior the girl who (loc'h't 1114 along too well with thc .1111. The cape pictured llt‘l't' 1.2 ‘rayon moirt in 11111111 and '1'l1111'. l l l 1'11lzll1t'sc :111 illâ€" ttacttve colotn 11111111111111 ion it 1» 1.1.11111 by Mrs. Jeanne Macl' \o.‘ 111 thc .2111d:~ at Allahe Beach. Spline 1.:21-.«-. N J. Style “’himsies These are the new you see other wonicn and wish you kncw 1.1.l1:1t to :11: lot iflltilntn't' with 111111- .'.i1'.11'i1'.'. illftl l11:11.'l11« ilUIt‘ ‘2‘2't‘lll ili‘.‘ when you go to 1.111}. : With it rose (1134i. ilnl‘lnolllxt" ed colours and 'berose bright 2111111111: ;.'11111i with blur». white and bright p1'1ht; il‘.'1-i‘. sun tan. for white. pastels. sport". 21 well as town navy and black: lnsoucttc ~21 pale, neutral M11111. 1121' 1111111111 blues. neutrals and black 1'\'1'lllllt.{ 11‘1i21l‘ "Joyful cottons" 1s a 11,211: mi 111‘ 1.121- New York store to denote 1111- 111411111!- ti'ul Character and popnltnitx ot cotton ldresses for warm weather Attractive black crystal bottles, oi fragrant bath on 111111111111 11. she wears are Ltlggt"‘.it‘ti 2122' presents for 1111 bride “I‘m-2' i'appreciated, too. by thc l l l >2}i(’\v‘l.ii v.‘11!llti iu' lltlllli’fiiilbiil ba'h 1,11 oz; A drop of your favourite big room will 12111111 1.1.1- 1'oon1 1:111. 111; and delightfully. The polka dot all k girdle vit’n l'li:l""::- ing bras is anctlnrs1111111mr iz1‘2'otll‘1'e j'r -m u... l ‘ be one of the most popular shades tor Ceiancse Cape woollen sportswear and campus clothes llit'llll. ill” i111. ("Hill-Pill ish oii i Next to black gr2'1_pe1.1.'111c 11, going to. 'llc 1.".111' Lunatic. 1111.1'11111-1 ot (‘onstablc L. John MONDAY .TI'NI“ “Ti". 14 Home Is Offered 3 Abandoned Babe A1. applicanon has been “trench“ 211111; 21 Burl-1.x Falls couple to adopt the 11.1 >-1no:1'lz~old baby girl which was" the doorstep of Mr. and Mrs.’ Callandct'. on the June 9. John Brown. in~ Children's Aid in the Nolth 1111 district. rctxn'ted yesterday. ”1111 applu‘ation. which was sent to K. Evans. Callandcr. was turnd our to Children's Aid Instwctor liaztill Burks Falls. for invcsn- 1111111111. . .\It‘ BIHWIl said Mr and Mrs. Lu? dct'ltit’ti 111.: L1) makc ap- plnatiot: 1111‘ the child Until recently 'lzt 111:1:112 t‘allandcr couple. who have .11'1 ti :o:' 'hc littlc blue-eyed girl smt'c' ..1 =.\'.1~ 11::111d zwo wccks ago. wcrc un- ; A A -. 1 1 ‘1111 .s '2» 1.1'L11'1l11-r t;1cy would kccp AAAAA A: \ 111 .1‘ii \‘il ' IR‘CiUl" HI iilt' Wrigley's Gum helps 1 111] 12111111 lit! Relieves that study tcclmt': nitcl‘ t'tliillfi. (ilt'nns‘t‘s‘ 1‘111'111‘211». Ito-(“111‘ tccth, too. .3l\\lil1'\'\\1 ct E11 v.11 h. A simple aid to union! Buy some no“! 511121” in cost but big in IN‘llt‘ilisI l lli11\ it alter e\cr\ "Nullâ€"Hilltiulh 1/11.’ .iuili‘ ilil'it' .1... ihul11l‘. they have bun investigat- ng: 1‘111- 1111.1 111'sinc11 the thild was d1 1s- SISICI 0‘ 3h. \ R' \t‘“ llill 1'11‘.1'l‘1_i 1:11 the Lavlgnc dooxstep. M1 P353505 .‘\“il.\ ill ( llilllli‘flll ‘1’211111'1. s11z2‘. 11 1:11.11' he nor Constable ' la'ynn». howl '111 able to establish its (‘l111pl11.1tt Jim lilo-.1 :1: .-ol~ 11 :11'2'.\ 111111 mass \\'2t.\ .11. 11' l-:» 11.111111: lintll '1 child 1s adopted. Mr. and 1-211'1'1'111111'21. 111 5.1;; 1: ll 1:' it'tzfl..tll .\l1'> l..1\111nc wlll probably continue Catholic (‘illlliil 'l‘.11.~21-.1'. 111111111 1‘. '111 1 11 le' ilt'l‘. 9 U't‘lvt'ix'. itil‘ lin‘ ..1’.1' .\1!' .\.1 11.11 ""'~ "~ liurtubnc. \k‘i‘lo tilttl '.1' 1'. ; l.1t:1.1 2i;1t. Surprise ’21rty in Honour 1‘31 1‘1“ 111111 *' W111 Wlllhtnl .\i.l1.111i \. l21:~:. 1 . i oi ll» irihdav oi \1irs.buoluttlpmmI -111 w1.1.11 1 A l:11‘1-V11llllllll.11'l‘ of her iricnds guther- “it“: 1“ 1-1111111' "M i H i "i ' Mi :1! [in iltlllli' Ui Ml'b‘. Mary SllUlllU, Pill (HUMIIH 1““ i. “2 HAN-il- '. ”iilst' \tm 12.21:. .1' I’m, .1 :: 1111' .11 1,13 l’.11cl1 strcct north. on 'Ihursduy . 1.1.1 1111113. at :1 surprise party on the oc- 52111»; “g” .HW 11111111111‘. (‘1 111 “it 1111:1111: ot 111-1' sixticth birthday. Games 2:“ mid .MH “Jiwim Ali,” (111 .1111“- -;:11d :1 social evening of fun and 111err1- “‘i' “M" m" ““5 “““H‘ " “’ M’ 1h11tu~ 11111-111 were 1111io_\’11d, 21nd 21 delicious m?“ and il’" m" 11.1-: "31' \1'«1i' i131? ? 11111111 1111:» 2.111'1‘1'd. Mrs. Suomu was 1.1s1d11i "" ( 1‘ ‘1’“ ‘" 17"?” ll" :‘ 1111111â€"« 1112121111211 111111 11 111111111211] 11111, tts 12 “1'1 111' “'11 "11111 111‘ \‘11'11 11 111' Jolt-11 oi 11'11-111lr;l11p and respect. and “1’“ “11"“ "1‘ ”l" ””1"? ”W"? 1.1111111 '111' 1'111'1111'1’11i tl111 best wishes oi i111' 5"11'1'11'11111 4”“ ll‘l' =11 “-1117 ”1"“ 11.11.11'1'1111'~ i'llctltis, who Wished i111‘1 id1u1i1111~ N11“ 3“" 1"- -"'-l'- l‘ “1‘" 11111111. 1.1':1l'.'. oi 1'11llilllln‘ti ll‘llllllllHS illlh i’ll Hi l’t‘ll’m': .\i‘11.2 l l'. i'i.1i» fi‘ylra :5111111111 is 2111 old-timer oi the 11 1' UHHM‘. “111 i T41 1-1 113 ‘1 1111M”; 1':1lli[1. brine 111111 of the first oi the Will! (i 111 111111111211 ‘1-: 91.1: l‘ill- ‘l. 11'111111-11 vettlcrs 111 the district, and Hi (“illJiHHl 1‘11“! ‘l 5 1'! lilll't‘ 1111111; l1111' resniel'nte here she has made brothcrs 111.11 .1 1:11. 1'. "111 it :111111111. 111111 21 very large number of mi 'li111111111.~: N11: 1‘111.: 1.1.1222; 111' i ill1111i li lot 21l tcstdcnts iWn111ipt-g1; Mr: 1. 1.:11. i ol :‘.\1.11t1l:.'.1; Mrs. J. Burch. o! 1‘11.11;;1 lt’omztlnc x1]((1"dneuub~ SIIO‘VCI' Aittl'y ol '11111111111; .1‘\1‘.1.11: .1‘\;:11‘.' oi Stt1r11c..11 11.111.11 :1111l .itt'tllil 21.11. 111 ' o o _ _ ) '- . iii IIUIIUUI 0f 1;! ide i0 I)( 1.;1t'd1'1‘ imkr A111211w 111 .11 1.1.1111 ;1I~ I‘M-7” t tidy-(i lln- lttllt'lhl 2111;11 1111‘. 111 [111111 ' 1 ) .‘1 .11 2. .1 2. \ ' ._I .\h .i... 1111111114 and Mis. (. W1llow 'w11'e: Mu lt I.“\."ttll 1.1 L- 1' ”,1 ,1 'V t.1.' 2 i‘ ‘ ago 1' 1 1; " l 1‘... . §l," ...11 11.11111 l111st1.,..1s at 21 unsttl Mrs 1., 1.21211 m 511.11 ..l~.;1. Mr .11111 “111211,.1: :1111w1-1 .011 Tnutsday eye‘nmg .Mrs. }‘ l2.1.11111~:.c11. o! 112-11'1111‘. .\‘l1‘~ iti. I ’l ‘i A .‘s. i )‘ I ‘ 1‘~ 2 ii) I . - ' i - ‘ ‘H “M” g” ““5 Albtltl it Fifi“ ‘ i'.2ti1)l1. oi IJtIlnin: Ml \\ H111! tithe. ;1.1: 11 1111: ' . . 2 ., .. 1111 4 illtltis of tilt gucst oi 101101 01 London 111111 Mr. R 1‘ A111. 1.1 ".111. 1.1111 at the home of Mrs. R. . . ‘ _ lUIUIliU 111.111'111111'. 411 Second Ava. to w1sh her _ 111111'11 happincss, Miss LaSulic will be 1111- bl'ldt- oi Mr. John Raubergc. of 'Ihc Hamilton 511111.2“11' 111111211- out 11111111., on July 4, and this popular that 111111 11111211 ll1;11 1211.11111' tin-111’ nitrouch 1.111 :1 lit/111,11 - .1.i1'11i1" :1111«i 11 pri'illlln" aheated electric llg ht bulb 111 11111 111w; i i l i i 1 1111 mb 1' ol tht community is receiving 11. 1 1.x 111-w \1'1111-111 ol-l 1'1l':. thc bot her numeious friends zown and district. 151112..) 1111:! other games were played 1111111111 thw cvcning. and 21 dainty and 311 til: innâ€"W i lunch was served by the hostess- } l Stop Puzzhng Over-laundry Starch! :..11\1ti111\". io lnniw up iitt' 1'11111'1'i .‘\l.‘tlt‘illl1,‘..L s11i11111111 11H \:1'i1 1i:1_\‘. H11; '1 11:11'i\~ :1111' oi ll11' 1:1:11' 1s. 'l‘hc bride-to-be was asked to walk archway that had been with a crissâ€"cross 3111'1112111‘1111 of strcamets. and a shower fell on her from an tunâ€" '111 1111. as. a preview of the wedding. She presented with a large num- suitably i ”any 1i-2'ol‘211xd was then attt'activc gifts. and .11-1' oi 1122111211 her friends for their kindness _ ' Among those who attended were iiiiiiti-iil-iIbi-‘liiii Mrs. A. Pcllctier. Mrs. J. Pelletier. Mrs. i \' 1,‘ it y M. (il'ntton. Mrs. Paul Fiche. Mrs. 0.11;. .1 ,. .1 Ur S t :1 1 1' i1 . \111 ii llllti tilii ct 11111.15 11l‘ll111'1i on 3 ll" i.1i11‘i. Not gcncr: ll dir'cttiotw '1111t 1iift-t'ilHIlH ior 51iiii11'11nt sol 1111.1.s '.1.;!i1:2 11st of ittlll'lts‘ 1; 11h soltttnh 1~ toast liol‘. ii. Votn gt"111111' hasn't \11 1.11111‘1'1i Inory IlillllltilV \itll‘v 'il 511 1nd Its in h: 111111 :1l11i atitilcss and \111 1111] s-w that 1.1.11 :111- supplied. 'i‘llt’ St. i.:11.1.11111'1- Match mm Co. Limited, I’olt ('1'11i1t,il12t'111o. 1 Mrs. Fournier and Mrs. Wil- low‘ny. 1thc hostessest the guest of honor. Miss Albertine LaSalle; and the .\'Iis1'1‘-s Lou lrcnc Milcttc. l)11sj21rdins:. Jeanne Hawkins. Belle Baker. Claire Elliott. Annette (.iildlll. Rose Marie Martin. Itcnc Lcroux. Leona Lavallee. Georgina Rochct'orte. Marie Rocheforte. Emmeâ€" linc Fournicr. Yvette Fournier .\I2n'_t.:r1c Carricre. Stt'wal't. Vaillancourt. Sonja Shaw iilbei'te Poulin, Blanche Plouffe. Ruby Eng-i lie-i .\\\VIII.\\\\VIU $1.: out 1\ A Vign |||/ ACROSS 1â€"â€"Frozen dew 21â€"thtle girl 5â€"â€"A brass wind 22-â€"Celestial ' \‘ IIIIWQHII' . . \ IS“...- 24 ------ Letter N reus (abbr) 25 '“I30‘IHII'iI Baccalau- 16â€"â€"Large Web- 26 Stories of instrument 27~Ironworka footed birds atlventuze 8--To make city in 18-Storage crib 29~~Sec111e amends for Prussia 19*A Child 30 -- Rhib‘t.‘ 10â€" 1A cipher 28â€"A blockhead 32"'V‘1'111”1 11"” 11~Exposgd 31â€"~A plexus ZOmThe Sunday of 1111- :1 12b: lidâ€"Habitual tanat.) following {'34 Near drunkard 33wUnc0nn’non (J‘OOG Friday :55 iiylllifl'll i‘II‘ 15 ~~Travel by 34-Buitdmgg 9.: ~~Letter V radmo automobile for hay and 17-â€"A member livestock of a lobby 311â€"4311111131 and (U. S. pol. bluff term) 37â€"A fall flower iii-Letter C DOWN 1~~Discrjncert Qâ€"Negative 2 ~Rowlng lm- reply plemente 11â€"--A youth 3--~A bench for 12v-â€"A substance the tcct used on via- 4‘--â€"To.-xard tin bow. 5â€"â€" mm 14â€"-Sign of the 6â€"»Freely infinitive " ~ I’uti forth mode energy 16-Mcdicmae

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