Porcupine Advance, 16 Jun 1938, 1, p. 4

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POR RENTâ€"Modern 3â€"roomed apartâ€" ' POR "RENTâ€"Nicely furnished front . WANTED ment. 3â€"piece private bath, heated,| â€" room. Apply 156 Mountjoy St. So..| Readyâ€"t hot water year round, hardwood' or Phone 1670. â€"48â€"49tf | â€" French . private entrance, Apply 36 | with ex rl\lrlol(:l':let,gn p.48-49p FOR RENT Larg,c front room wuhl Set Dr CE esw T.i lc c K Ns is s A %% se FPOR â€"RENTâ€"Furnished house, five rooms, for July and August. Ele=â€" tric range and refrigerator, rent reasonable. Apply 110 Maple St. S. POR SALEâ€"Two good Durham milk cows. Apply A. Caufield, Monteith, ~48p POR SALEâ€"1937 Oldsmobile Sedanâ€" $900.00. Carefully driven and in exâ€" cellent condition. Will take cheaper car for any make as tradeâ€"in. Phone CGeorgey 419. 48â€"49â€"50p FOR SALEâ€"Rugs, stock of late imâ€" porter, includes Wiltons, Broadlooms and Orientals, extremely low prices while stock lasts, will ship mail orâ€" ders promptly; write for price list. Traders and Importers, 54 Wellingâ€" ton St. West, Toronto. 37t167 PAE FOUR i o e Ee OR Members of the Coâ€" aperative Union of Canada. A nonâ€"political association of genuine coâ€"operatives. and Rox JEWEL SHORTENING 4 lIbs. 43c FRY‘S COCOA â€" 4 Ib. tin 19c DENTAL CREAM _ @%TZ 29c FRUIT PUNCH â€" 23c¢ SWEET GHERKINS #"®Y.. 25c Wanted :â€" Experienced ladies‘ readyâ€"toâ€" wear saleslady. Apply Box No. DB. The Advance, in own hand writing. stating fully: qualificaâ€" titons. / Wanted â€" Stenographer cT l]R n 1 A 98 Ib. bag 4.10 SALMON 24 lb. bag 1.09 | 1 Ib. tin 32¢ McLAREN‘S PEANUT BUTTER . GARTH GRAPEFRUIT JUICE ... CALIFORNL A GOoOn x17F Grapefruit Lemons Leave your order for STRABERRIES with the clerk hbest next week.. Lowest Market Prices. OPENS Willing to do both steno work d selling in ladies‘ store. Apply x No. GT, care of The Advance. Timmins Birch and Fourth Central Order Department Tiurmins Townsite MODERNIZED White shoe "will not rubh off" CcONSUMERS COâ€"OPERATIVE SOCIETY LTD. bottle 25¢ DEFOREST RADIOS and APEX WASHERS FOR SA L M eaches, Cherries SPECIAL OFFER 15 p.c. OFF BUY ON EAsY MONTHLY TERMS on all floor models of FRASER GOLD RED SOCKEYE per dor may be had at any of our stores. ALL THESE 105, 106 FOR RENTâ€"Large front room with two beds, nicely furnished. All conâ€" veniences. In Englishâ€"speaking home. $2.50 per week. Apply 171 Birch St. South. ~48â€"49tf Thie family of tlhe late Mr. Aio: Munro, of Kirkland Lake, wisn to all their frienas in [iinnmins and lund Lake for their kindagss the beautiful floral vributes recel the recent deuth of Mr. Munro. NOTICE OF REGISTRATION OF BYâ€"LAW NUMBER 471 Notice is hereby given that Byâ€"Law No. 471 was passed by the Township of Tisdale on the 23rd day of May, 1938, providing for the issue of Debentures to the amount of $75,000.00 for the purâ€" pose ot building, equipping and furâ€" nishing an addition to the Public Sschool at South Porcupine in the Township of Tisdale, improving the School Grounds and assisting in moyvâ€" ing the Rink of the Porcupine Skeating Rink Company, Limited, from the School Grounds to a new site, and that such Byâ€"Law was registered as No. 569 in the Registry Office of the Registry Division of the District of Cochrane on the 28th day of May, 1938. Any motion to quash or set aside the same,or any part thereof must be made within three months after the first publication of this notice, and cannot be made thereafter. Dated at South Porcupine, this lst day of June, 1938. 44â€"46â€"48â€"50 FRANK C. EVANS, Clerk, Township of Tisdale. Blairmore Enterprise: A Pernie girl, whose face is her fortune, is about to eco on relief. and other Fresh Fruits GOLD BUCKLLE Oranges GREEN Onions : â€" â€" â€" Do you recall the variety of goods strewn all about . . . . the general yet somehow friendly confusion? Well that‘s just what our good friends at the Dome have been experiencing during the remodelling of the old building. Today, we are closed at Dome while we move in, but TOMORROW we open with our big valueâ€"giving sale. Be prepared for a big surâ€" prise. You won‘t know the old place. It is completely redecorated inside and out and will be every bit as attractive as our other modern food stores. _ New counters, new show windows, new lighting, new shelving, new displays, new fixtures, new waterâ€"washed air fruit and vegetable display, new equipment of all kinds. You‘ll be thrilled with your new store and thrilled, too, with the exceptionally low prices for the opening, Friday and Saturday. REMEMBER THE OLD COUNTRY STORE? WITH THESE SPECIALS 1 Ib. tin . / lb. tin Both for Expected to be i.OsTTLE 2 3C %‘:#TLE 255C SA NIâ€" W HITE TODDY SPECIA L 650 sSHEET»S TO A ROLL ©228 size rolls 21¢ oz. pail 44¢ ~2 tinsg 239C Feoples of many races, religions and political creeds are members of this trulycoâ€"operative soci¢ty. at their sSchumackhes south Poreupine Dome â€" Mines at 48p @ink 6 lbs .30¢ .Ole AOc doz wWANTED TO BUYâ€"30 to 160 acres of farm land wanted,. sandy soil preâ€" fered. Must be within 3 to 4 miles of Timmins. Will pay cash. Apply to R. E. Buell, New Ontario Machine Works, 7 First Ave. ~48 Kincardine News: Why does a Gerâ€" man agent want to buy Anticosti Isâ€" land with an area of 2,600 square miles, in the Gulf of St. Lawrence? Why are the Russians ftying to the Arctic Circle above Canada? Why are the Japs insidiously working their way into British Columbia? We yet have to fight to retain our native land. Used Boilersâ€"Prices F.0.B. T Pease Round Sectional Hot Water rating 3750 Spencer Square Sectional Hot Water rating 10, 3750 ° Steel Type R hewanee steam or H-n;.'\‘)‘vfator rating 2,4000 _ 350.00 Royal Square Sectional Steam rating 6,9500 800.00 Let us have your inquiries for radiaâ€" tion, piping, also plumbing fixtures, steel sash, steel beams and angles. Steel tanks and high pressure boilers. INSURANCE â€" _ REAL ESTATE MORTGAGES LIST YOUR PROPERTY REED BLOCK TELEPHONE 7 PINE ST. S 2250 ANTED â€" Sales girl for Ladies® Readyâ€"toâ€"Wear; must speak both French and English. Only those with experience need apply. Smart Set Dress Shoppe, Empire Block, Timmins. Wickett Wreckingâ€"Co. 156 Front East, Toronto BUTTER Ib. â€" â€" 228C Maple Leaf Granulated wWANTED TO BUY 10 ». 588C â€" _ Coâ€"Op â€" BRISKET and STEW BEEEF PORK BUTTS 25¢ lhb. â€" _ Coâ€"Op â€" CHUCK ROAST OF VEAL CHOPS 26¢ Ib. â€" Coâ€"Op â€" 2 Ibs. 17¢ STE ; lb. BEEF 19¢«lb. â€" _ Coâ€"Op ROUND 4 £ A Cnaâ€"Op LOLIN Toronto THE FORCUPINE ADVANCE, TIMMIN®, ONTARIO 101, $ 65.00 900.00 7112 111 Messrs.. Howard McGregor and Je MciIntyre left on Wednesday to spend a few days in Cochrane. Mr. and Mrs. Acrt Stewart and family were visitors this week to friends in Cobalt. « end Miss Merrie, of Englchart, was the guest of friends in Timmins this week Bornâ€"To Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dally (nee Ruth DuFeu)» of 27 Windsor aveâ€" nue, on Wednesday, June 8th â€" A daughter (Jane Elizabeth). Mr. 8. 0. Dunfield, of St. Catharines was a visitor to Timmins this week. Mrs. G. A. Macdonald returned on Monday after a two weeks‘ visit to her daughter, Mrs. T. M. White, at Kirkâ€" land Lake. Mr. E. Ma®orne, of the Timmins Now Method Laundry, left on Wednesday for Toronto. Miss Aliceo Rosene, of Sudbury visiting her mo‘her in Timmins. Mrs. Dr. Minthorn has returned from Toronto and points west. In Toronto she attended the graduation ceremonâ€" ies of her nephew, Bradford Bowley, who with his brother, Robert, accomâ€" panied Mrs. Minthorn to Timmins, and will holiday here. j Visiting at different points throughâ€" out the North, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Simms, and Mrs. Stevens, all of . .Engleâ€" hart, are spending a few days in Timâ€" mins. Mr. Simms is now one of the T. N. O. train despatchers at Engleâ€" hart, but was some years telegrapher at the station here, Mr. and Mrs. Simms having many oldâ€"time friends in town. Bornâ€"on June 4, 1938, to Mr. and Mrs. Laurier Larocque, of 23 Way Ave., at St. Mary‘s Hospital, a son. Bornâ€"on June 13, 1938, to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Leroux, of 110 Poplar St., a daughter. Bornâ€"om June 15, 1938, to Mr. ;md Mrs. Arthur Laporte, of 263 Balsam St., N., a daughter. Bornâ€"on June 14, 1938, to Mr. and Mrs. Aime Corrier, of 4 Roland Ave., a f The 106th 1.0.D.E. Company held their weekly meeting at 7 p.m. on Monâ€" day evening. The company was called to crder, and the roll was called, folâ€" loawed by inspection. The Guides then went to their patrol corners and did badge work.. Camp fire was formed, and new songs were learned, after which the merting was closed. with "taps." ‘The new fire pumper purchased early this year for Timimins fire departâ€" ment, arrived in town this morning and was given its first test in a demon> stration at Mattagami River this afterâ€" noon. Four Births Registered in Timmins This Week New Timmins Fire Pump Delivered The new piece of fire fighting equipâ€" ment, massive in design and modern in every deiail, cost $15,000. It has a capacity of pumping 1,000 gallons per minute and is equipped with a 240â€"horsepower, 12 cylinder engine. The pump will accommodate four lines of hose using nozzles 1‘4 of an inch in diameter, or six lines using oneâ€"inch nozzles, Two thousand feet of hose are carried on the pumper at all times. New Piece of Equipment Tested Out This Afterâ€" noon at Mattagami River. Included in the equipment of the pumper, is an 80â€"gallon water tank, which will be used in attending to fires of small proportions. Pressure is supâ€" plied by an independent pump. To the right of the windshield is a 10â€" inch spotlight, finished in chromium and on the top of the gasoline hood is an electric flashing siren. Secured to the bumper in front is a large bell that is used to give additional warmâ€" ing to traffisc in the event of a fire call. GIRL GUIDES The truck is painted the traditional color of red, with the many. fittings being finished in chromium plate. Waiting 13 Months for Decision in Case Cobalt, June 16.â€"(Special to The Advance)â€"Although evidence in the, case was heard at Temiskaming Su-i preme Ccourt sittings a year ago last | St. Luke‘s Evangelical month. judgment still pends in the| Lutheran Church action brought ‘against the Town of south Porcupine, Ont. obait by George Mitchell, K.C.,. and ; (Missouri Synod) efforts on the part of the municipal | Rev, W, H. Heinze, Pastor council to obtain fromâ€" Mr. Justice Services every Sunday at 8.30 p.m. in Jeffrey his findings in theâ€"$10,000 damâ€" | the Anglican Church, corner of Main Prior to Christmas. when ruling was and Commercial. ‘obalt Still Inquiring About Judge in Case . J. Grosskruth spent the week visiting friends in Toronto. ate action are still without definite result. Monday night, council heard read copy of a letter from Chief Jusâ€" tice Rose to 1. A. Legris, K.C.. soliciâ€" tor for the town, as follows.â€"â€" "I have read your letter of the 6th instant with reference to the case of Mitchell v Cobalt. I spoke to Mr. Jusâ€" tice Jeffrey, who is under the improesâ€" sion that he had given judgment, or that if he had not actually delivered the judgment he had written it and that he would be in a position immeâ€" diately to deliver it. I have spoken to him again "toâ€"day. MHe tells me that be has not been able to put his hands upon what he has written, but that he will be in Osgoode Hall toâ€"morrow (toâ€" morrow being a holiday and he being free of his work at the Assizes) and that he hopes then to dispose of the case." This lettor is dated June 8. After hearing evidence at Haileybury 13 month ago, Mr. Justice Jeffrey reserved judgment and counsel in the case were to submit written argument to him. Rector: Rev. Canon Casning, B.A., L Th 10.00 a.m.â€"Adult Bible Class 11.00 a.m.â€"Morning Prayer 3.00 p.m.â€"Sunday School 4.15 p.m.â€"Baptisms 7.00 p m.â€"Evening Prayer Holy Communion on ist Sunday of month, at 11 a.m.; on 3rd Sunday, at 7 p.m.; and on 5th Sunday, at 8.30 a.m The United Church, Timmins Revy. W. M. Mustard, M.A., B.D. (Corner Fourth Ave. and Cedar Street) Sunday School under 12 meets at 9.45 a.m. 10.45 a.m.â€"Morning Worship. 1215 p.m.â€"Sunday School, 12 and over 7.00 pm.â€"Evening Worship. Sunday Sunday Sunday Sundayâ€"11.00 a.m..â€"â€"Holiness Meeting Sunday â€"2.30 p.m.â€"Sunday School. Sundayâ€"7.00 _ pm.â€"Great _ Salvation Meeting. Mondayâ€"7.00 p.m.â€"Corps Cadets. Tuesdayâ€"7.00 p.m.â€"Young _ Peoples‘ Corner Elm and Sixth Avenue Rev. A. I. Heinonen, Minister Res. 20 Eim St. North â€" Phone 1982â€"W 11.00 a.m.â€"Sunday School, Bible Class and Communicants‘ Class. 2â€"5 p.m.â€"Formal opening of Church Camp at McDonald Lake. Short program at 3.30 p.m. 8 p.m.â€"Public Worship in Finnish language. Subject: "The Kingdom of God in Canada." Friday, 7 p.m.â€"Y.P.S. A Cordial Invitation to All Rev. A. 1. Heinonen, Minister fRes, 20 Eim St. North Phone 1982â€" W 2 pm. Every Sundayâ€"Piublic Worship in Finnish language in South Porâ€" cupine United Church, Bloor Aveâ€" nuUue2. Strangers Welcome, Come and Worship. _â€"Schumacher Rev. Murray C. Tait, M.A., B.D, Minister Res. 83 Ist Ave. Phone 1094 SERVICES SUNDAY, JUNE 19TH 10 a.m.â€"Sunday School. 11 a.m.â€"â€"Morning Worship. 7 p.m.â€"Evening Worship. You are cordially invited to attend these services. § Meeting. Tuesdayâ€"8.00 p.m.â€"Solders and Adâ€" herents. Thursdayâ€"8.00 p.m.â€"Public Meeting. Sunday Services 10.00 a.m.â€"Sunday School 10.15 a.m.â€"Junior Bible Class 11.00 a.m.â€"Morning Prayer 7 pm.â€"Evening Prayer Holy Communion on ist Sunday at 11 Ind and 4th Sunday at 8 a.m. 3rd and 5th Sunday at 7 p.m. Baptisms and Marriages by arrangeâ€" ment. Dr. Fraser 11 a.m.â€"Morning Service, 2.30 pm.â€"Sunday School. 2.15 p.m.â€"Dome Sunday School. 7.00 p.m.â€"Evening Worship. Mondayâ€"4 pm.â€"Explorer‘s Group Wednesdayâ€"8 pm.â€"Y.P.S. .30 p.m.â€"The South Porcupine conâ€" gregation will unite with the Timâ€" mins congregation at formal openâ€" ing of Church Camp at McDonald Lake. 8 p.m.â€"United service with the Timâ€" mins congregation in Timmins Finâ€" nish United Church. A Cordial Invitation to All Ven. J. E. Woodall, D.D. Minister Church Directory Finnish United Church Timmins South Porcupine Finnish United Church St. Matthew‘s Church Trinity United Church Adjt. and Mrs. J. Cornthwaite Officers in Charge. United Church South Porcupine, Ont. The Salvation Army A Welcome Awaits You St. Paul‘s Church South Porcupine, Ont. still delayed, enguiry his Lordship told M ter‘s atgumont neve ceived. A . claimed to i We will loan absolutely free for the weekâ€" end a regular size camera with the purâ€" chase of 3 rolls of film. Get a camera today and take those pictures you‘ve been wanting. Cameras Loaned FREE Rexall Foot Powder Tops White Shoe Cleaner Tooth Paste Makes white shoes whiter Cress Corn Salve Thermos Bottles ... Elkav‘s Moth Crystals For Indigestion and For tired and swolloen feet Briteoen Blue J ; l ' C ( / 4 l‘ ( ( " Ol l A certificate will he delivered to your door (or ask for one at the store) when preâ€" sented to us it will entitle you to a $3.00 Vacuum Filler Sackless Fountain GQC *# TVs u«s f.‘r ;le" pencil for just Antiâ€"soggyâ€"with special antiâ€"soggy holder PC n f or J1 1 * Bisinmnaâ€"Rex Babhy Powder Dr. West‘s Toot Brush Also a $1.00 matching The new 3â€"Way Fortune Teller with every 50¢ jar of BUCKLEY‘S stainless WHITE RUB. Instantly soothes sunburn _ and kitchen hands. Johnson Buckley‘s Throat Aids 10c and 25¢ Buckley‘s Mixture 10c and 75c¢ Buckley‘s Annamated Capsules For headaches, neuralgia, cold, grippe, rheumatics and periodic pains. SPECIAL FOR Friday and Saturday Buckley‘s Remedies FREE WISHING WHEEL . engquiry was made, and ) told Mr. Legris the latâ€" ont never had been reâ€" copy of what Mr. Legris have forwarded within the If you get home and discover you‘ve forgotten tooth paste, cigarettes or perâ€" haps candies for the children don‘t fret, just phone the Goldfields Drug Store and they will gladly send the things you need, without delay. QPPOSsIEPE THE PALACEK THEATHRE Drug Store GOLDFIELDS DRUG STORE Johnson Corn Pads FAST DELIVERY NOORDERTOOSMALL Sourt stomach 20¢, 2 for bac¢ 25¢ and 50c¢ stipulated Aime of ten days warded by registered mall, a then the matter has bsen han despite attempts of the tow to got a judgment. â€" §$1.5( THURSDAY. JUNE 16TH, 1938 JUST 98câ€"â€"$1.38â€"§1 Sun Glass 20¢ 50c Bathing Caps assorted _ eolours and sizes. Wide selection of bathâ€" ing shoes a n d sandals. 15¢, 25¢, 39¢, 49¢ 69c and $1.00 7 oz ‘bottle with eye cup. Collyriuimn a â€" scientific prc partion for tire and swollen eye for burn ions and and prespiration correcâ€" tive, instant or regula: New GILLETTE £ Razor and 2 $1,.00 Drene Shampoo gives lustre to your hair. 5c 65B¢ _ $1.10 QDOâ€"ROâ€"NO DEODOR A NT for Summeo P DRUCG NEEDS CIGARETTE GIN PILLS® + mM for the kidney 5e and 65¢ DRINKS 1CBE ind sunburn AOce anâ€"tC CR E A M C ~© blatt

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