Porcupine Advance, 13 Jun 1938, 1, p. 1

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the span of afew years, Jewish enâ€" deavor, energy and capital have chans;â€" ed the whole face of the country. There are now flourishing colonies where once there was desert and desolation. Fruit‘â€" ful fields and fertile forests have reâ€" placed the waste." "We found a waste, derelict counâ€" trvy, with a few small, filthy and povâ€" ertyâ€"stricken towns, Arab villages with mud houses, without doors or windows, where the people live with their live stock." said Mr. Jaffre. "It was desert, eroded land, swamps with breeding zgrounds for malaria and other diseasâ€" Mr. Jaffe told how new and improved methods in agriculture and live stock had wrought marvelous change. The breed of hens lay double the number of egys given by the Arab hen. The new cattle are seven times as productive 2s the old. The fields produce three and four times the crops of former days. Orange growing, grapefruit production, Mr. Leib Jaffe, world noted as an was helped by the Jewish enterpr‘se active leader in the Zionist moveinent,‘ and culture. In 1918 there were 56,000 and connected for many years with the jJews in Palestine, today there are over settlement of Palestine with Jewish ‘ 400,000. Mr. Jaffe said the Jewish people, was in Timmins over the weekâ€" 'population of the world is 16,000,000, Of end on his present tour of Canada to |this number five or six million sadly tell his peopie here what is being done |nee2d a refuge and a home on account towards the construction of the Jewish | of untoward conditions in many lands, National Home. He spoke at a number | particularly Grmany, Austria and Puâ€" of meetings here to the Jewish pecple jland. Palestine could eventually house and on Sunday afternoon made a genâ€" |all these people if it were possible to eral address to the~public over the |get them there and finance them until radio. He was also guest at a banqust |they were established. With the full in his honour during his stay in town.‘ support of the Jewish people and the Interviewed by The Advance toâ€"day, | continued friendship of other races like Mr. Jaffe said that the work being ‘the British, Mr. Jaffe is certain the carrled on in Palestine involves the Palestine plan will be a complete sucâ€" realization Of tha eternallyv historic | cess. Interviewed by The Advance toâ€"day, Mr. Jaffe said that the work being carrled. on in Palestine involves the realization of the, eternally historic aspiration of the Jewish people to have a homeland. Only by understanding this faith can the marvellous achicveâ€" ment of the Jewish people in Palesâ€" tine in a brief time be appreciated. es.. Arab children died like fles, cye disease being a universal plague. In cattle and mixed farming are the specâ€" lalties very successfiully carried on. The Jews have harnessed the Jordan and Garmuk rivers, and the country is flooded with electric lights, while facâ€" tories also flourish. The schools and haspitals also help the Arabs as well as the Jews. Mr. Jaffe said that thie Arabs reaping so much benefit from Jewish enterprise and ideals would be friendly to the Jews were it not for Zionist Leader Tells of Progress in the Work Showers on Thursday, Friday and Saturday accounted for oneâ€"tenth of an inch of rain. Maximum and miniâ€" mum temperatures since last Wedâ€" aesday areâ€"Thursday, 66 above and 43 above; Friday, 75 above and 48 above; Saturday, 70 above and 57 above; Sunâ€" day, 71 above and 43 above; lowest last night, 54 above; eight o‘clock this morning, 56 above. the propaganda and mischiefâ€"making of outside nations. Mr. Jaffe gave Jeâ€" talls of the scores of ways the Arahb With the continuous showers of the past week ending on Saturday, the weekâ€"end saw record crowds out enâ€" joying the bright sunshine. (C,. Wheeler at Hollinger observatory, preâ€" dicted this morning that the weather for the next few days will be mostly fine and warm with the odd possibilityv of a thunderstorm. Timmins Life Underwriters will hold their regular monthly meeting at the Empire hotel at 12.15 toâ€"morrow ATuesâ€" day), the feature of the occasion to be an address by Dominion President J. Irving, of Saskatchewan, who will be accompanied here ‘by F. J. Glabois, Weather To Be Fine and Warm 5, 6 and 7. At the Ottawa gathering a new Conservative leader will be electâ€" ed, to succeed Hon. R. B. Bennett, who announced his retirement from pubiic life some time ago. An open meeting of the Dominion Conservative Association of Nortn Temiskaming has been called by Preâ€" sident G. H. Gauthier and will be hela on Saturday afternoon in the grill room Oof the Empire hotel at three o‘clock, for the purpose of selecting delegates to represent the riding at the national convention in Ottawa on July Dominion President to Address Life Underwriters Mr, Leib Jaffe, Director of the Keren Hayesod, Jerusalem, on Visit to the North, Addresses Meetings Here Showâ€" ing Progress in Building National Home for:« Jewish People and the Need for Further Endeavour. Some Possibility of Thunâ€" derstorms 8. C. Wheeler, Hollinger Observer, Says. North Temiskaming Tories Will Select Delegates to Repreâ€" sent Riding at Convention in Ottawa in July to Name New Leader. Liberals Hold Executive Meeting on Wedâ€" nesday onservatives to Hold Meeting Here Saturday ; Three local department stores wert victimized by a till tapper on Friday evening and so quickly did the interâ€" loper work, that he escaped in each case without being caught. His pracâ€" tice was to enter the store, stand alongâ€" side thetill and suddenly open the cash drawer, srab a fegew bills and deâ€" part. He is said to have gotten awa) with . $13 at Woolworth‘s, $10 â€" at Kresge‘s and $6 at Metropolitan stores. Timmins police are investigating the three robberices. Four delegates will be selected to represent the riding at the Ottawa convention and in addition three deleâ€" gatesâ€"atâ€"large will be named by the Provincial association. In this latter capacity, Dr J. B. McClinton, of Timâ€" mins and Bert Watters, exâ€"M.PP., of Cochrane, have now been chosen. Liberal Gathering On Wednesday afterncon member‘s of the Liberal association will hold ‘a genetal executive meeting in Mathescn, Schumacher Garl Dies From Poson Said by police to have drank a bottle of . lysol in a [fit of despondency, Miss Emma Gillies, 29, of 122 Fourth avenue, Sschumacher, died shortly before four o‘clock _ Sunday morning, Coroner Frankâ€" Evans viewed â€"theâ€"remainsâ€"and decided that an inquest was unnecesâ€" sary. The young woman, who is a naâ€" tive of New Brunswick, had been livâ€" ing in this district 1or some time. Bridal group at the Stevensâ€"Burnett we Mr. and Mrs. Stevens are shown at the each side. Mrs. Stevens was formerl; wedding will be found elsewhere in thi general executive meeting starting at two o‘clock. Miss Emma Gillies, 29, Said to Have Drank Bottle of Lysol Sunday. Department Store Tills Are Tapped Quick Working Thief Makes Successful Getaway with Small Cash Amounts. Published at Timmina, Ont., Canada Every MONDAY and THURSDAY CHURCH WEDDING O N Burnett wedd McClit on Ma WE B1 Timmins Branch of the Legion Arranges Programme for Week. Special Lessons at School. Addresses at Service Moanster l)rumhcdd Service Next Sunday at the Ball Park. as t f British may be in 1 1J 911 Magna Carta Week to be Fittingly Observed Here attrl Miss Mary Burnet Mag: bservd h in ict Above is connectic All publ to th from Lieut 2 malter Neoxt Sut 11 am lyv publ weel 1 M vitho Timet District cles on Magna Carta hia\ye d in The Advance in reâ€" ind further reference to _ mads in this issdue. y, June 19, there will be rumhead service held in at 3 pm. The service is d by the Legion, the Boy rirl Guides, and all other loval organizations, the ns to be specially repreâ€" speakers are to arranged ttending may be able to the stirring addresses to by local ministers. â€" The section of the head table at the banquet in vith the formal presentation of the charter Kiwanis Club at South Porcupine. Reading right: Welbourne G. Atkins, Sault Ste. Marie, Governor; ‘Col. Ivan Moore, K.C., Lindsay, strict No. 1; W. S. Blake, president, of South he Timmins branch of Legion, following the rion throughout the Doâ€" soring the observance of Week in Timmins. ired Week is set aside to vyears in which the ve enjoyed the liberty red:: to them in â€" the ave a spR°C §: ;Club: to: iress the L i1 Thursda;} ie subject throughout CAaurch on Friday little fower girls at t. A report of the ; § on ate school chilâ€" lessons throughâ€" meaninz of the AT ire bein the dis 1 ) 1 peak 2 n nis There have been many comments made on the way the police hand‘l»d the traffic on the Mattagami bridge on Thursday eovening last when the crowds were leaving the cirous grounds after the show. To pedestrians it was a new note that was struck and those who walk felt new hope. Police heid back the hundreds of cars at the bridge for over 20 minuteas to give exclusive use of the bridge to the throngs of people on foot. Schumacher Brothers to Visit Old Country schumacher,. June: 13.â€"(Special to The Advance)â€"â€"Messrs George â€" and Stephen !WTodoravicc <left Schumacher Sunday for New York where they will embark for the Cherbourg, Germany. From there they will travel via rail to Jugoslavia where they will visit their respective families and relatives. Their many friends wish them "Bon Voyage." Since that time Tisdale and provinâ€" cial police, who are working in conâ€" junction with Inspector E. C. Gurnett, of the criminal investigation departâ€" ment of the provincial police, have conâ€" cucted an intensive investigation into the robbery but as yet have failed to unearth any evidence of a definite character. In the meantime the search for the missing gold is being pursued relentlessly. Inspectors D. W. Ross and D. H Craig, of the Ontario Fire Marshal‘s Department are in Timmins for the purpose of investigating a fire at the residence of John Durica, 174 Elm street. Durica is the lowner and ocâ€" cupant of the building. The blaze in question took place on May 30 and is alleged to have been burning at two different points in the upstair portion of the house when the firemen were called to the scene. Damage was not extensive. Timmins Citizens‘ Band and the Porâ€" cupire District Pipe Band will be in attendance. All citizens are cordially invited to attend this outdoor service. Organizations are asked to march with the Legion to this special Magna Caria Fire Marshal‘s Department Inspectors Probe Blaze at Home of John Durica. Investigate Fire Here on May 30th The department of the province of Ontario, announced on Saturday the posting of a $5,000 ieâ€" ward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the parties sponsible for the $41,000 highâ€"grage robbery at the refinery of Dome Minces in South Porcupine, early last Wedâ€" nesday morning. Traffic at Bridge Last Week Handled in Fine Way 3 Reward Offered Attorneyâ€"General‘s Departâ€" ment Make Offer in Dome Mines Robbeéry Last Week ervice pine Porcupine Kiwanis Club; P. T. Mois] diate Past Lieutenantâ€"Governor and the Timmins Kiwanis; Phil Kinkel ‘i{iwanis Club; Ven. Archdeacon W\ cupine. Piftyâ€"three thousand traversed by Red Cross C tal nurses in order to bri 16,000 isolated pionser {; sickness, accident and Northern Ontario Jlast v Commenting on this w Caldwell, <assistant dire Red Cross Socicty, the nlurses used motor ca were available and the ted, or even acroplanes i a great many of these 53, travelled either on foot t forest trails, or by cano ern lakes, or by horse a: bumpy backâ€"country roa« when great banks of drift the roads impassable, doj shoes and skis were con By utilizing any and ev transportation, by answe help at any time of day braving coldâ€"numbing suffocating heat, or any . conditions in their efforts relieve suffering patient districts, Red Cross Ou are creating a standard nursing service, which is most legendary througho 2rn parts of our provincd Holley Tanner, 1 who was reported missing on Saturd the home of his au on Sunday, accord ing here today. T that he had left tc that played here went over the cir there was no trace left Timmins with left the train at at the home of h Liskeard yesterday had. arrived there . Missing Timmins Boyv is Located Red Cross Outpost Hospitals in North Holley Tanner, 1: With: Aunt in keard by Polic Pictures taken 0o ding ceremony a Banning, R.N. at1 to right, the groc hind are Jack D usher THOMPSONâ€"BANNING WEDDING 11 000 m ming he nor mITdS,.= :Or r climatic reach and 1 isolated ts Nurses ourageroqus rd reac:aâ€" t thoughnt the circus «~Police ouyn, out Y T1 s birth in He had but had Inquirites EC ) und les wer h lonel * north that steps last Thursday morming after of the Nativity uniting in marriage ce Thompson. The front row shows ind Mrs. J. Dalton, Jr., matron of ho ier. Miss Gladys Shields, bridesmaid permn. to over )t Y OoveIr wintetr made snowâ€" ntAalIOo houch 321. ns C S "fC New hed at Timmins, Ont., Canada y MONDAY and THURSDA Y event Governor Col. Ivan Moore, Lieutâ€"Gov. Atkin, Past Lieut. Governer P.T. Mnixlcv and Other Distinguished Guests Present. All Kiwanis Clubs in District Represented at Interesting and Successful Event. Mining Men to Hold Their Annual Meeting This Wee!l The annual meeting of the Ontari Mine Managers‘ Association will b held this week at Bigwin Inn. The min ing men from the Porcupine leave Ti mins on Thursday evening by car on the Northland to attend th Charter Night at South Porcupine Kiwanis Club Next weekâ€"end golfers from rane, Kapuskasing and Iroquoi will invade Timmins for a tournament that is usually one most enjoyable of the year. Al bers of the local club desirous ¢( ing are asked to sign a list on t letin board or get in touch w secretary A. W. Pickering. bunat pends pendents. The prize winncrs were 1stâ€"Ford Vâ€"8 Deluxe with equipmentâ€"Ticket Gagnon, Timmins, Ont. 2andâ€"$100â€"Ticket No (Name undistinguishabl« 2r, Ont. The draw for the Ford Vâ€"8 Seda and valuable prizes took place on Sat urday evening mt the ball park, Tim mins, at the close of the Conklin Show which had attracted thousands of, peo ple each afternoon and ovoning at th Canadian Legion carnival. â€"The resul of the prize draw, as well as the carni val, was very satisfactory and will assis the Timmins branch of the Legion t continue its. good work for the less for District Golfers to Visit Timmins Players from _ Cochrank _ Kapuskasing and Iroquol t Falls to Play Here. second Prize Goes to Schumacher Ticket, and Third to D. Mullen, Timmins. â€" Legion Carnival Closed Saturday Night with Presentation of Prizes After Successful Week. List of Winners of Prizes. A. Gagnon Winner of Canadian Legion Car 1e of. th All mem 1 memâ€" | of playâ€" the bulâ€" ith thnl | Chief of Police Leo H. Gagnon has declared war on vagrants who have been going from door to door begging. Sseveral complaints have been made to police by hausewives. Unless their deâ€" | mands for food, clothing or money are Nl(il‘ eccmplied with, the vagrants resort to insolence, it is claimed. Over the weekâ€" W(‘O!\ ‘e®#d 11 men were picked up on drun« and vagrancy charges and will appear Ontai iofm police court here tomorrow. Chief will be j Gagnon is determined that the vagâ€" he minâ€" ix'mcy problem will be solved and solved ve Timâ€" |at once. All members of the force spr:'nl | have been instructed to arrest all vagâ€" nd the | rants that are found begging or annoyâ€" ing the public in any way. is Fall friend] _ 388â€" 8â€"â€"J. Mursjsky, Dome Mines. l 342â€"23â€"H. Pigeon, 418 Pine South. _ 2409â€"23â€"W. Whitehead, 201 Maple. i 151â€"24â€"C. Hanlon, 8 Maple North. The Timmins branch of the Legion |expresses sincere thanks to all who icomributed to the success of the carâ€" nival, and also to those who supported the prize draw in so generous a manâ€" ner. and extended hearty welcome to the visitors.> This was followed by the singing of "God Save the King" and "America." Ven. Archdeacon Woodall gave the invocation. During the dinner there was hearty singing of communâ€" ity songs under the direction of Mat Mulcahey, of the South Porcupine clun, with W. H. Wilson, of the Timminsg club at the piano. P. T. Moisley, immediate past liewâ€" tenantâ€"governor, introduced the nfficâ€" ers and honored guests and extended hearty welcome. Reeve Victor Evans gave an addreoss of welcome, response being made hy Toastmaster W. G. Atkin, Liecutenantâ€" Governor wW. G. Atkin., Presentation of the charter to the new club was made by the governor of division No 1, Col. Ivan Moore, KC., of Lindsay, Ontario, the response betng by President Stan Blake. Col. Moore‘s address was an outstanding one. He stressed the aims and objects of Kiâ€" wanis clubs and outlined the story of squccessful activitiee of Kiwanis for crommunity betterment and human adâ€" vance. Greetings from Timmins Club, sponâ€" soring the new club, were extended by President Phil Kinkel, who presented the South Porcupine club with a bell and a gavel, fitting response being mad» by Viceâ€"president Walter Honer, of the South Porcupine club. On behalf of the Kirkland Lake club there was a presentation of flags to the new club by Kiwanian E. Chase, Kirkâ€" land Lake, with acceptance and ieâ€" by South Porcupine Kiwanian Frank E. Evans. Addresses by presidents of the visi+tâ€" ing clubs were given appropriate reâ€" and ex visitors. singing "Americ Declares War On Vagrants man 388 3rdâ€"$50.00â€"Ticket â€" No. â€"110â€"50â€"â€"1D. Mullen, Maple St. S. 4thâ€"$25.00â€"Ticket No. 63â€"42â€"D. B. McNab, South Porcupine. 5thâ€"$15.00â€"Ticket No. 87â€"8â€"â€"‘M»," No. 1413, Dome Mines. 6th to 10th prizes, amounting to $5.00 cach, were won by the following: 387â€"23â€"Mrs. Lamothe, 50 Bannerâ€" Housewives Complain of Inâ€" solence of Men Begging from Door to Door. A VC E. M. Grant, F. H. Hall, Dr. B, per, G. F. Helimer, W. E; aforest, T. R, Langdon, D, J, ¢, J,. D. McCarthy, Dr. A. Miiâ€" T. Mulcahy, J. C. Myles, 8. W. ~A, E. Puzssley, S. Sky, Max Dr. R. P. Smith, Dr. E. S. Soraâ€" F. Sullivan, R. A. Vary, C. ker, J A. Wilder, Archdeacon 1. Dr. W. G. Woods. Single Copy Five Cents PB BP L A DAAA DPAAA â€"L â€"Aâ€"ALâ€"I L D* AAPA lion selec by Erne the Plu: ‘ musical D1 The Pioneer Paper of the Porcupine. Established 1912. Canto HVADNS J * OQGal Ooultlh irk . Inest Lo Puffaloâ€"A s notabDl( singing member; anis clu @il numb tion 1y nd Lake club {flags to the Chase, Kiriâ€" FLOT Dt ind sele £â€" orch late 1 Awa1l

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