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Every QPEN â€"DAY AND NIGHT methods for f field, mine A1 plUuI motor car advice for thos»e ursuits: "There‘s industry and it Forty years ago see all the work Funeral Director ‘Tel: Lories, 1Tarmâ€" and improvâ€" ‘en the outâ€" ntury in tht aods for utiâ€" d, mine and W I Times:» zood advice s1¢6 work off 3 prospet d e@ep. the ilth Ni0Ot Here Ino , LOkK T I M M I N S eSp To Th 1J i K 1t WE SERVE THE NORTH The weekly m 1.0.D.E. Girl Gui on Monday eve called the meeti CGHul Sceout nallin: drillin id call and Company while th flag. pI progress out Am Jil To GIRL GUIDES TIMMINS Head OfMficeâ€"New Liskeard, Ont peril Man Wheeler A shol Befort lne SERVICE T immins, Ont. 1¢ hen TKC ng ‘ompany, Tï¬ 12c of "Taps. in § WH pen 11 ¢ The Misses Joy Wookey, Marianne Cooper and Mary Emma Skavlem, who are students at Varsity, are home for the summer vacation. Trinity United Sunday school intend holding their annual picnic at Poldâ€" man‘s farm on Saturday, June 1l1th. Mr. D. Ferguson <â€" and his mother spent the weekâ€"end visiting in Cobalt. The floral tributes sent to the late Mrs. Barkel were: From the husband, daughters and Russel, a pillow; from 1IL.O.O0O.F. 459, Timmins; Silver Rebekah Lodge No. 107, Cobalt; Gold Nugzet Rebekah Lodge, Timmins; neighbours and friends, Gold Centre; mill and crushing plant employers, Coniaurim Lodge No Rebekah |1 and frien crushing SC@AUII The â€" Adv has colleg suUmIH treatin Jiin New Minister for _ Schumacher Church Branch Stores and Warchouses at Cobalt, New Liskeard, Swasâ€" tika, Kirkland Lake. Cochrane, Timmins, Ont. and Noranda, Que., v. "Mr. Tait Going to To ronto ~Church. Othel Schumacher Notes. old | Do PREHISTORIC BONES FOUND IN ONTARIO nacher, June "Ith.â€"(Spsecia! to Ivance)â€"Mrs. J. Chatson, whou n in Toronto receiving medical nt, returned home Friday. {ellevy, who has been attending in Michigan THE PORCUPINTE ADVANCE, TIMMINB, ONTARIO T the ni pital. Revy. Murray 1all aS D Church. There is get the losing of Mr. Tait. has worked hard for the and has made many 4: wish him and Mrs. T his new charge, Wo Chiurch, Toronto. Reyv. Bornâ€"Sunday, gure 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. Antone Notolina, 71 second aveâ€" nueâ€"a daughter. Mrs. James Dillon is visiting with her brother in Detroit. Miss Bessie Bugera, RN., return=>d last week from a vacation in Mud Lake and at the O‘Brien Mine, Quebec. Mrs. S. Fairbrother is patient in St. Mary‘s hospital, where she underâ€" went an operation last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fisher Grant, of Gold Centre, have sold their grocery busiâ€" ness and intend leaving this week to resid> near Toronto. Mr. H. McCarthy has purchased the business and is moving from town to Gold Centre this Mrs. Bugera His Excellency Bishop Rheaume of Haileybury will pay his official visit to St. Alphonsus Church on Sunday evening, where he will preside at the confirmation service. Mrs. Bagley left Sunday to visit her . Sympathy is extonded to Mr. â€" ker. of the Coniaurum in t death of his youngest child, aged two and eight months chiid had searlet fever and con tions which proved fatal and sh« ed away on Friday. The child‘s er passed away two years ago. is left to mourn: Her father, tw thers Grant and Billy, and one moving week. Stayner Sun:â€"The name road is a variation of raid and is used in the Bible in that sense, referring to a masâ€" sacre. And some of the roads we travel toâ€"day still carry on this massacre idea. was in town last wWweeKk TOr tne Iuneral ocf Mrs. Barkel. Mr. and Mrs. N. McCartney, of Rcouyn, wers guests of Dr. and Myrs. Weston over the weekâ€"end. The Child Welfare Clinic; will be in ‘the public school on Friday afternoon, Jun» 10th. Mrs. H. Kennard, Mrs. Fairbrother, and Mrs. H. Adams of Cobalt were in town last week attending the funcral of the late Mrs. Barkel. mine; â€" Consumers‘ brother and sister Mrs. J. Morton; R Mr. and Mrs. Freq 1y : ~Lucy, Ted: â€"ar Mrs.: L. liams; Mr. and and Mrs. J. Redington staff; Mr. ant Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kennard. ‘I Clinton Barkel, Jones: â€" Russ2l JOnes} â€"â€" J Morton. Mrs. Claude Mal Mary, are visiting Mrs. Webster, 0 and daugzshters, M Ralph, were visitors aghan last wsek. Mrs. L. Hannah Mary‘s hospital, w 1 the late Sympathy arlic and intend le > near Toronto purchased the Claude Manette and daughter are visiting in Peterborough. Webster, of the Frood Mine ushters, Mrs. Lumly and Mrs were visitors of Mrs. John Monâ€" last wsek. L. Hannah is a patient in St. hospital, where she is rece‘vâ€" atment. Joe Amm left Sunday for New Charles residence of St Ted nd Mrs. A. E.. Byron; Mr iur Brown; Mr. and Mrs _ Schumacher Hardware ind Mrs. Ed. Robinson: J. Radske; Mr. and Mrs ‘The pallbearers were:â€" el, Ted, Roy and Reg »s»1 Fairbrother and J Chisholm and daughâ€" nâ€"Cadillac Mine, Queâ€" her parents, Mr. and V € acation stewards of Trinity ive been informed the untsville will suczseed , as pastor of Trinity is general regret at Tait. While her2 h for the past five yvears er, Cobalt; â€" Mr. Reg. and Nellie Jo ‘ed Flowers and £f and Roy; Alice ind Clinton; Mr. Walter Mosely ® sed on Thursday for the King‘s birthday. >, of the Normetal eoljec, visited Miss Ss1Unday keard. 6 child, â€"Joan, ht months. The r and complicaâ€" al and she passâ€" he child‘s mothâ€" )peralve MJ1 Hailey ut the funer in the 1J aff; and es: T and Why the Bears Tear Down Yellow Cards 004060 4 6 000000000000000@ Oldâ€"timer Gives®* Explanaâ€" tion of Bruin‘s Attitude to Posters in the Bush. LEGION BAZAAR CARNIV AL ) it 64 madk« and poste bush. Whi i 5 the in the Sudbury r _ down all the rs that may be to cards are not uched portage. Yellowjackets (bees} build their nests in hollow trees or holes in the trees, and this is why the bears pull down the yellow signs which the fire rangers plut up. Yours truly, nurses asse room of tl the St. M laneous sh« Miscellaneous Shower in Honour of Miss S. Burke (O n [onday evening about fif: sembled in the spacious livin new nurses‘ residence 61 Mary‘s hospital at a miscel hower in honour of Miss Stol OLDâ€"~TIMEFR 13 A Ll, PARKK, TIM MINS str.:amers During th and the ; cipient of as well a friends. At the li¢ 1( Aost Mair a Burke J. Martii 11 MEA 10. 19 N0 1919 L TA * 60 *4 D.O0.0Q.OQ.OO oo‘n'oo.oo'o s**. .“‘ ALL THE ABOVE FULI 12 (1%., BOTTLES ind Mi * > § U of in POOTH PASTE AND S HAA VINCG CRE AM R y2nIng BE st of ho inv lovely PHONE 1700 for 19¢ for 39%¢ whose marria for 29¢ a*ectests ste ouoouo outofloouo P IPIF 00'00 «* _ #@*# .o’ov ‘o n .p’.ofov’t"b'm nlar tlia: utifully decorated i pink and white > wedding «belis. iumes were played, a0ur was the ieâ€" and useflul gifts, wishes of, her s, will take plac , June 20th3 The Cidelis, Mis. Wnn 1 Adam, Veromizca he evening the y _ the student ious lunch. K 6 PACGE FTIVTE 50¢ 39¢ 69¢ $0¢